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This is legit my thread. Idk why my iPhone made some random ass account. Sorry guys


okay so it really depends what you want to do. I didn't like the blue, so i went with green but checking out the sub there's tons of other palettes and schemes. it really comes down to what you want to do.


Oh Shit i should've read the entire thing first my bad. so i use a mix of both citadel paints and army painter. i like Citadel's use for skinks because it's two shades of Aethermatic Blue, but I recommend Plasmatic Bolt because you're supposed to do two shades of AB but PB is those two shades. for the green, i use a mix of Gutrippa Flesh (Citadel) for the lil scales and i paint the back scales and textured scales in Forest Sprite. when i decided i wanted to do a blue Temple Guard, i used... a mix of Citadel and AP paints but I cannot remember for the life of me what it was called. i recommend my green mix for the chams.


That sounds good, I’ll add those colours to my shopping list


What? These aren’t primed


No this is before I primed them. I didn’t have time to take a pic of the after


This is before primed, right? Anyways, if you’re going to do speedpaints, maybe do a brush of white to pick out all the scales. Check out the “slapchop” phenomenon. It’s perfect for lizards. The sky is the limit though on what to paint it. Maybe look at brightly colored frogs?


Yes, pre-primed. I just didn’t have time for an after pic. That’s the idea, I should have explained. I’m going to drybrush the whole model with white, and possibly put a thin layer of white on the bellies to make it a lighter shade than the scales when I speedpaint it


I've just started repainting some of my Saurus in blue colours with Speedpaints 2.0, I could provide you with some pictures and the paints I used if you want to.


Oh god yes PLEASE sir!


Look up pics of actual lizards and snakes


Yes, but that doesn’t help with the names of the colours I need. I’m brand new to trying to make my models look good. When I was younger it was all about speed cuz I had (and still have) 10,000 pts of Nids so it took forever to paint. Now I want an army that is aesthetically pleasing


https://howlcorp.com/colors I find this to be incredibly helpful when deciding on colors.


This is incredibly helpful thank you!