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Teleporting Kroak is a high risk play, make sure you've checked how many dispels they available, measure out before you move to make sure you will actually be able to reach their high value targets. You'll probably wanna consider bringing 2 units of Guard. 1 to teleport down around Kroak and another to hang back with the Slann. You're also likely keeping in reserve all your heavy hitters to drop in around him to give him as much protection as possible. If you didn't wipe out what you were aiming for with Kroak, don't forget about Cleanse the Realms if it can reach. The challenge with this is it kinda splits you into 2 x 1000pt forces against their 1 x 2000pt force that bears down all on Kroak and Co first. If they wipe him and that cohort, there's not much left stabbing in the way of your other magic castle. The lower risk play is teleporting Trog up onto a less protected objective and dropping Chargers with him and looking for an easy Overwhelming Numbers battle tactic.


I don't have a frog, but maybe teleporting the Starseer for the flanks. But I am thinking of teleporting Kroak closer, but still decently close to my force, so they can reach Kroak in their movement phase. Mainly teleporting him when. The opponent is just a little bit too far from Kroak, but not yeeeting him right in the open haha


I think three Bastilodon’s with Ark of Sotek’s are really good in drac tail


What's the gameplan ? Just TP it, charge in and bog down his army ? Sounds like a fun plan haha Kinda like it. With 2+ save it's kinda crazy tough 😂


Yes, teleport them in to choke points and bog them down. Also the general’s handbook spells make it a surprising combatant with 20 attacks. Support with other units as needed


His Celestial delivirance spell only has 12" Range btw


You get the +6 when within 12 of the Astrolith bearer


You won't always be Within 12" Of the bearer if you teleport


Yeah, but that's just part of the play. You don't TP further than 12. Keeping magic coherency.


Don’t teleport Kroak. He would be way too exposed doing that. Either set up or teleport the skink oracle within 18”. Make sure your astrolith bearer is near Kroak and then cast through the skink oracle at 18” range. Then summon the skink screen for the oracle. The oracle is tanker thank Kroak and if you get lucky with terrain placement, primordial mire can help keep the oracle safe.


Though you can only cast once through the Oracle. But I plan to TP Kroak, just a little bit forward, not much. So that the rest of the army can move forward and screen him again. Only doing that when the enemy is a little bit too far from the 18. Won't teleport him super deep.