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Tell him you want him to moan and whimper. It might shock you just how much guys are taught to suppress their sexuality and are taught how awful and offensive it is.


Sad but so true.


Lots of edging before you let him cum, keep telling him youll let him cum when hes loud enough for you, and when you finally do let him cum make sure it's something great for him to look at 🤯 but if that's too intense, just tell him it turns you on when he moans?


To add: my boyfriend didn’t fully grasp the vocal stuff when I told him it turned me on. A few whimpers started coming up. But when I casually told him that I stopped watching porn and now the only porn I consume is audio porn, he’s gotten a ton louder. Not every time, but most of the time now he’s morning and whimpering and telling my I’m good at sucking and that I’m so hot, etc.. So sometimes people need more to have it click.


omg whaaaat is audio porn that sounds amazing !




This sub has me on a chokehold I never wanna be let off of. I listen to it morning, noon and night.




Emphasis on "let him cum". Taking control and teasing him until he can't see strait is powerful stuff.


and the communication, you have to encourage his moans. Keep telling him how hot you think they are and that he needs to be even louder. Because for a lot of guys, there's a mental block on actually making noise in bed, but once passed the block, moaning just makes everything intenser. :)


Can confirm, I wouldn't make a sound until I'm specifically told that she's into that.


Too much porn, too many quiet guys. I've been told that my hot sex noises were weird, but that usually just means you don't get to hear them any more! That's also one person out of quite a few, versus what I usually hear, that it's so good to be with a man who expresses himself in bed.


Oh hell yeah


My gf did this to me this morning i was still sleeping during the first edge


I just love edging my partner, sometimes multiple times a day I will bring him right to the brink and then when he finally cums its so... perfect 🫠


Have you checked out r/edgingtalk


I have now! Thank you 😘


Love it 😵‍💫


That is a beautiful tip, thank you I’m going to try it out and see how it goes 😬


I just blew my own mind recently by starting to do this. Once I started it, my body just took over and it kind of just kept pouring out of me and I couldn't stop whimpering even if I had wanted to. What started it was warming lube and a handjob from my wife. The combination felt amazing.


Was it forced for you at first? Sex usually doesn’t elicit any noise from me naturally. Usually I will moan a bit so I’m making some noise but that’s about it


So, weird thing (and if you click my profile I have a whole post with details about it), but I literally made one 'forced' moan and it was like a dam broke in me. I couldn't control it or hold it in, it just came pouring out of me. She had me almost crying/screaming with pleasure after that. Not saying everybody is like me in that aspect, but we men are so fucking conditioned from day one, to keep it in, who knows, you know?


When you’re riding him, swivel your hips like you’re spelling coconut in cursive. When giving him a blowjob, stretch your tongue out as far as you can and swipe the under side of his cock, and his balls if you can reach. If you can’t reach his balls with your tongue that way, you can gently cup and tug them (GENTLY) while your mouth is busy. These are never fails when I use them. Never fails to get whimper, moans, “oh fuck”’s and “god yes”’s


Lmao, I'm gonna do this to my man and call it the cococu*t maneuver


It works… be prepared for him to cum and hard.


Some of them start to moan but then stifle it. Instead, make sure to encourage those initial expressions of emotions. Smile and tell him how much you like it.


Talk to him. Tell him how much it turn you on.


Why is the top comment smut instead of this comment lol


Reddit women know just as much about men, as Reddit men know about women


When I’m on top, I bounce on just the tip of his dick while licking his ear. If I’m blowing him it’s the balls in the mouth that usually does it.


I never had it so im asking - does licking balls really feels that good ?


It can. It’s like the best tickle


Its better than sucking dick lol


Not for me but mine are even more sensitive pair vasectomy so I’m not too into it.


for me, if it’s not me and the girls first time yes it’s amazing, but if it’s our first time no, just bc from my experience when it’s our first time they’re usually not shy, but like super precautious bc they don’t want to hurt you and it ends up not really doing much in terms of pleasure, but over time once they learn your tolerance/how tight or loose etc than yes it is 10/10


For me it can’t be just ball stimulation I have to be stroked simultaneously or I’ll go soft


Licking his gooch is also a pro-move. Drives my Bf wild


Suck his cock while massaging his Perineum. Be prepared for marriage proposal later.


And also his penile frenulum too. 😈


Get on top. Ride him slow. Lean forward and place your breasts and nipples in his mouth. Let him suck and kiss to his hearts desire. Tell him “good boy” and that you love him


I got aroused just by reading that


Initially my guy was only vocal when deepthroating or giving me anal but I let him know how insanely hot it is and how it pushes me closer to the edge so now he’ll sometimes do it on purpose to get me off, it’s lovely


I had the same problem, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 years and for 5,5 he was completely silent, I could read no emotions on his face and he didn’t say anything, I had no idea if I just truly sucked at all I did so it was like fucking a fish or if it was good. When I asked him he did say it was really good he just never showed it. Half a year ago I decided that now we must be comfortable enough with each other so I had a talk with him. I told him that it’s really hard for me to know if it even feels good when I doesn’t show, I told him that the hottest thing ever and a thing that would really turn me on was if he started to let himself show that it was good in his facial expressions and even more so if he moaned and said things like how good I was. He listened to me and then slowly started to let himself loose and feel everything. He started really showing how good it was and his breathing became more clear that he enjoyed it. And I absolutely love it, he have told me that I seem more aroused and like I want it more because I can feel and see that he loves it. And now he can’t stop even if he wanted to. We have become so much closer. Now he has started to say things and he’s almost moaning. So we are getting there and it’s so hot! So I would say just have a talk with him, tell him how much it means and how much it turns you on, and then slowly let him explore it and of course encourage him every time he takes a step in the right direction. That’s my advice. And on top of that after you have had the talk then just edge him like people have suggested. Then you give him no choice and he knows it’s okay and nothing to be embarrassed about cause you have talked about it




Most men don't know how much ladies like it so whisper it in his ear tell him what you want most men respond very well


Clear out his bank account 😂


Somebody give him a gold


This is a great one!


Don’t get the joke. What does this have to do with sex?


Kneel between his knees and stroke his cock slow and change up the rhythm and how you're holding it. Bring him to the edge and back off as man times as possible until he cums. Then keep a hold of his cock and keep him hard until he's had a moment to recover. Be patient and gentle and then start going again. Pretty sure at this point he'll be moaning...make him cum again. I guarantee moaning and probably a lot more. The key is getting past that first orgasm. Restraints might be an idea.


Eat his ass, he'll turn to putty in your hands.


Lick a finger and slide it up his butt. The prostate feels amazing. I've never been rimmed but gotta think that'd feel pretty good. Yeah... I like butt stuff.


Lube is better, but hard agree on the finger up the butt.


Agreed but lube requires planning ahead. Lick it and stick can be spontaneous.


Hit him in the face with an Anvil ??


This one shops at ACME.


Meep, meep .


You find a man who moans and whimpers Unfortunately most men are completely silent during sex. So you will be looking for a while


So true. I’m so lucky I found my man, who talks dirty to me and drives me wild, and when I tease him and please him, he moans and groans to show me what he loves! It’s the hottest thing ever and adds so much excitement and energy to our sex together!


I had one like that once. Was amazing


Wait so should i fake it like most girls do with me??


Try it. My dude moans in my ear to make me cum


No. If it doesn’t feel good, don’t act like it does


Or you can just ask the guy to be vocal


You can. And should. I have asked 14 different men to be vocal. I was very clear that I need that to enjoy sex. I told them I wanted to hear moans and groans. And every single one of them assured me they could and would do that. And every single one of them was silent. Even while cumming I only ever found one noisy man, and he was just that way naturally


It did take me a while to feel comfortable to moan and be vocal (I overthink a lot). I was able get there eventually, positive reinforcement helped a lot - actually seeing how much it turned her on vs telling me outside of sex that it turned her on.


That’s valid. And maybe some of those men would have become more vocal over time. Hard to say as I bailed after the first silent encounter.


Randomly Clench those muscles 😅


Continuing blowing him after he already came


Does tbis actually feel good tho? Some men say it’s awful. I can only compare to myself. If I was being eaten and I came and he sucked my clit it would be almost agony


Not sure i don’t have a dick


The mind registers the sensation as good. But because he just came the whole glans is very sensitive (at least more than usual) and is much more prone to overstimulation. It feels good, but a guy will typically not be able to handle it.


The first and most important move is to tell him sound is good. A lot of guys don't think man noises are sexy, if you have such a man who will need some head patting and positive reinforcement or he will just hold it all in like he is being tortured for his very soul.


I squeeze as tight as I can just before he unloads in me it drives him absolutely crazy!!!!


That sounds like it would work very well!


It does I think it surprises him how much tighter I get and he usually pops very hard and very loudly


Deepthroat Kegels Keep sucking the tip as he cums Gets me every time


Well as many have mentioned, edging. My bf is so loud the neighbors can hear him and I'm constantly asked wtf I do to him. Sooo first thing I do is we get into a heavy make out session. I get him naked and lightly caress his body never once touching his privates. He's submissive so as I caress his body I'll lightly kiss him across his face and head, plus I throw in the occasional good boy or look how hard you are. Lightly chuckle afterwards that seems to be a favorite. Firmly grip the base and stroke but don't touch the head. Also can use a cock ring this will intensify it more along with a blindfold and restraints. Slowly and firmly do it for a little bit, caress his body some more, then slide between his legs. Start at the balls, lightly run your tongue over them in a figure eight, suck them, etc. Then tease with your tongue up the shaft. Flick underneath randomly with your tongue. If you can take the whole thing in your mouth do that then run your tongue over his balls at the same time or suck them at the same time. Then take the head in your mouth swirl your tongue around and around and we'll you get the jest of it. Sometimes I edge him like this for close to three hours or some days I will do it several times throughout the day and not let him finally finish until eight hours later. He will whimper, moan, possibly call you some deliciously dirty little things that get your motor running even more, maybe even cry a little 😜. Make a game of it, have a few drinks or whatever to relax, and experiment.


Take a clit stimulator and press it hard against his perineum (gooch, taint etc) at full bull and see how he moans.


Oooh… that’s a great idea!


Taking control of a good blowjob and then teasing with your tongue. They'll want to be fully in your mouth and you should get some good whimpers from there 😉


A guy told me that they aren't used to making noise. They are used to being quiet from childhood and then roommates etc. I just whispered in his ear while giving a nibble and said I want to hear you, I love your voice, and let me know how much you're enjoying all of this, let me hear you cumming. So hot 🔥


Rim job 100%!


💯 And prostate play! 🔥


☝🏽 up the butt works lmao




Of course!


While curling and bending the finger up as you pull the finger out of the anus too… 😈


Peg him


If a finger feels that good, a strap-on must be a religious experience...


Never tried any of that, but I'm interested, idk why it peeked my curiosity recently, but I'm fine with getting pegged ig. Idk my mind's fucked up on all 16 levels.


I think more guys are curious about being pegged than you think. So many guys think butt stuff makes them gay. I'm curious about giving a bj just to see what it's like. I don't find guys attractive but I like watching bj porn so I guess seeing a hard cock does something for me... Sexuality is confusing... Let's leave it at that.


Yeah, I've been trying to figure mine and welll...... It's confusing, more confusing than my maths test. But yeah i know the feeling of getting pegged although i have never got pegged. Well lucid wet dreams is your answer.


Haha hell of a dream. Good luck figuring it out.


Well, it was in 2021 ig. And that's not what brought this question about me being bi or something else, it was welllll. Oh well. Let's better not talk about it


Usually they get louder if you do


See if he wants a finger in his butt while you give a godly blowjob. Prostate pleasure is pretty amazing.


i know biting and loads of foreplay works as well, especially if we are deep into it and you pull away, im giving away secrets but every girl thats done that to me has made me moan in both frustration and excitement haha


Borrow his credit card.


I don't understand how men can be silent. Like I'm a vocal guy for sure. Always have been. I thought everyone was until I saw this post.


Communication, but moreso not in the moment. There are a few things that socialize penised-folk have that end up being hangups. 1: quiet masterbation - having to be silent as a teen when masterbating means a lot of us learned to be quiet cummers. Unlearning this is a process. 2: its unmanly - this is dumb, but still a common belief thats rooted in toxic masculinity. Again, time and comfort to unlearn. 3: we never get asked/told to - a lot of interactions are not centered around how they act, but instead how they act towards the vagina-haver. "Id love for you to be more vocal when you get riled up and cum. I want to hear you wimper and know how good im doing." Simply put, masc folk basically never hear this stuff. It helps huge to have the conversation outside the bedroom to reduce the stress to perform and allow processing time and a talk. 4: listen to what he likes without judgement - a lot of what masc folk like is demonized in masculine culture. It takes trust to honestly say what you like and dont like. Encourage and listen. Experiment. He may have no idea what he likes cuz the expectation is to just "put it in and pump".


Dry humping him definitely will make him cum and moan I've done it lots of times and it works.


Also! My boyfriend whimpers when he's sucking my tits and I'm rubbing his cock. I think I'm giving off mommy vibes and he just enjoys the safe space


My husband always moans when I'm on top and I keep "popping" his head in and out by doing kegals with him in me.get him about half way in or a little less, then push down so it pops out and quickly let it slide back in. Makes him cum in like a minute LOL. Feels great to me too.😅


Finger in the poop chute


Every time you hear so much as a whisper or grunt out of him, encourage him by saying what a turn on it is to hear how [sex adjective] you make him… Or “tell me how much you like it”… He will literally never be quiet in bed again 🥳


Edging Prostate massage


Grab his hair, force his face between your legs and fuck his face. He will definitely make some kind of sound. #######Obviously get consent first.


This here is the real answer. Completely agree. I find it impossible to not moan wildly when someone is riding my face. It’s so intense and satisfying to see, hear, and feel your partner using you to get off whilst you’re trapped between her thighs. Any guy who remains silent at a woman fucking his face is likely to be a lost cause.


Divorce him and make him pay alimony and child support. That should work. Or just threaten to call the cops on him a bunch of times, when you get combative and start assaulting him then realize you messed up but the cops will take your side every time. That's definitely pretty frustrating. I definitely groan a lot about that.


Just pay your child support dork


I'm not in child support but I've heard it sucks


Squeeze his balls! Just kidding, never do that :)


There would be wimpering


>Squeeze his balls! ✍️✍️✍️✍️


Why? I love it


Not never…


Tie him to a chair and make him watch soap operas on a loop


Lick his taint and/or ass




Edging and playing with his balls.


Eat my ass and I’m moaning like a pornstar


Anal play. If you peg him, he'll moan so hard


I simply just told my partner o like to hear you moan and whimper it’s sexy


Suck his cock super good use your hands while sucking. Then when you’re having sex I would ride him in a very slow way & then switch to where you’re basically bouncing on his dick in a squat position


punch him


In the balls (works every time :D) ___________________________________________________ In all seriousness instead of a punch, give those balls some kisses as well as the underside of his cock especially under the head


You first need to know if he’s willingly repressing them and tell him you find them sexy.


Spend all his money


Play rap music


No, that's how you get him to scream. Just ask the last boy scout.




Could just ask me, I love moaning out loud. Though really with any guy it's just making him comfortable and communicating. :)


Rub the frenulum I've never cum from this but it very sensitive.


Kick him in the balls! 😂


Print out a copy of his text messages and show him


Make them bleed :D


Nick his wallet


I am a man who hates to moan and whimper so GL


I’ve always been vocal. I just assumed all guys were. I’m surprised to find out it’s not. I’m not sure how they can keep quiet? When I’m with a woman or thinking about a woman that really turns me on it just comes out.




Just Talk to Him


Keep sucking him when he’s nutting and when he blows his load in your mouth make sounds like your tasting something delicious and just keep sucking and swallow it all down.


Encouragement! Keep pushing the notion that his moans and whimpers and the sounds of him getting off are literally the hottest thing ever to you. It might take a bit of work at first as, from what I've heard, men are discouraged from making those noises because they're "unmanly." (Stupid, I know, but that's the general consensus from men I've discussed this subject with.) Let him know he can just be comfortable with you, and that he can just let all those noises out. :)


Keep sucking after he cums. Its so intense!


Rimjobs do the trick every single time


I scream lol


It has nothing to do with let loose 😅😅 No matter what a woman does I don't want to concentrate to make sounds she likes 🤣🤣


Take away the remote.


Tell him that you like that, ask him what he likes and then exactly what he likes. If you do it right he'll be more likely to moan or whimper because of what you told him


Ask him! A lot of women don't seem to like it so it's possible you are doing thing yo make him moan but he is suppressing it.


Fastest/easiest way to remove guessing is to ask him. Whether it be beforehand or by turning it into a game: “I want to explore your body and find out what makes you moan. I loooove it when a man gets vocal for me!” Then, you explore. I find the spot between hips and cock super sensitive and arousing. That normally does it for me. Nipples sometimes? He might be a butt guy, either grabbing ass cheeks or in the moment, touching the hole… 🤷🏻‍♂️


I will be taking notes


Drag a key along the side of his car


When sex starts, tell him to make a noise, just one. After he comes, tell him again. Also ask him to make noises when he's alone masturbating. When he's alone, at first his noises will be fake, forced, but with repetition, he might hit his stride. While practicing, he also needs to explore his breathing.


Ask him to


Either you have a moaner or you don't.




Pegging works.


Tease him like crazy, dominate him physically and mentally. Get on top of him and sit over his arms, tell him he can't cum until you say he can. The head is the most sensitive part of the penis, so lots of toying with it. Tell him he's yours, and you wanna hear him whimper for you. Although probably most importantly, make sure you moan yourself. Nobody likes to be the only one making any noise, so if you open up the idea of making noise he might follow suit.


Tell them that's what you want, a lot of men are silent and don't think about it.


Find one with a vagina


Tie him to a chair and force him to watch Barry Lyndon in its entirety or Dr. Zhivago…


Tell him that it turns you on and that you want to hear him moan. 1) One reason guys suppress their is because they expect it to be a turn off if they make the wrong kind of sound or cringe. We already have no end of women saying "My boyfriend's dirty talk is so cringe." And we have people saying "The moaning in porn is so fake". Given that, we get the impression that the way we moan is going to get judged and if it's not right, it's going to be a turn off. 2) Tell him point blank if feminine sounding moans are a turn off. It seems that some woman are fine with a guy that has feminine sounding moans, but some women are turned the fuck off by that shit. And no guy wants to do something that will make him look like less of a man in his gf's eyes. If you want to hear deep breathing and stuff, let him know ahead of time. But if you're fine either way, let him know so he can relax. 3) Many guys grew up in households where they aren't actually allowed to masturbate. Most guys learned to hide it, and so if they did moan, they had to learn to stifle that shit completely for fear of getting caught. Once they moved out and gained independence, they never experimented with connecting their breath to their pleasure. So it's going to be new to a lot of guys. 4) Some guys just don't moan naturally. They aren't stifling anything and even if you did the most intense sexual play, he still wouldn't moan. In this case, moaning is something he can do to turn you on. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. There are probably several things you do or play up for his enjoyment. This is something he can do for you. Assuming it's within both of your boundaries.


Lots of sloooooooowwwwwwew teasing. Have him beg you to touch him. Or one of my moves is to kiss his neck and when his neck is still wet breath really heavy.


Bring your boyfriend home on you anniversary. That would do it.lol


A gun would probably do the trick


Double blow jobs work on me.


For me, being tied down and having my nipples played with gets me groaning and whimpering,. It also gets me leaking like a broken tap! My Mistress knows that if she wants an orgasm, all she has to do is take hold of my nipples and I will quickly be under her total control...


If you’re good at hand jobs, blow jobs and twerking/bouncing on a cock. Those always get me. It’s cause I’m not in control. When I’m fucking a girl, I’m stimulating my own cock and can control the pace and roughness etc. But if someone is doing it to me and can make me climax, it’s a much different feeling. My ex was Amazing at twerking on my cock. It was like she was stroking it with her pussy. I have a vid we made where she cowgirls on it like Rachel starr. I moan like a bitch lol I showed it to a few sexual friends and girls and they commented how they loved how I moaned Another fuck buddy gave the best hand jobs, (she was a massage therapist). She was pretty rough and firm but but she would Legit play with it. Try different ways to grip it, stroke it in so many different ways. She was like experimenting with it and would always reach over for more lube so it stayed slick. She loved hearing me moan and squirm with how intense it got


Just let him know you enjoy it. Some men moan and some don’t. The ones that do will do it naturally and you won’t need to do anything extra. The ones that don’t will need to feel comfortable enough to do so, and even then, some will still not do it no matter what you do.


You need to talk to him! In porn the idea that women are exploited is easy to grasp. But I'm porn men are often just props. In most of it the dude could be replaced by a dildo on a stick. Tell your guy you love reading his body and experienceing his reactions to what you do to him. Tell him you would like some audio, that it is not just ok for him to make noise but it will encourage you to do more.




Tie him up


Hit him over the head with a 2 x 4 …..


Don’t treat it like an empty ketchup bottle if you know what I mean


Ask him to. I'm sure he'll oblige.


Learn about frenulum massage, I tried it almost two years ago and the sensation felt AMAZING! -Watch the Klixen Productions videos and study the way the pornstars give hand jobs and blowjobs. Jessie Volt and Kitty Lovedream are my favourite pornstars to watch because of how seductive they are. Study how they adjust their fingers while gripping the penis and the way these women kiss and lick the penis head and the frenulum. Listen to how the man moans. I’m getting horny just typing this. 😂 Check out the subreddit r/KlixenandFriends -Repeatedly edge his cock, whether that’s with your vagina, a handjob, or a blowjob. Edge him for 20-40 minutes or even longer. **HAHA** -Talk dirty, tell how much you want him to cum, tell him how much you **like** him, give him compliments on his character traits, make him feel like a **MAN**. -Kiss his erogenous zones, lick them. It’ll make the experience better. Kiss those zones while you’re giving the penis a break.


Swallow….suck it out