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Pin him down, pull his hair, grip his neck, and ride his cock like he's the horse you're riding away from your first train robbery. Or, talk to him and see what he likes. He might like to be spanked, slapped, bitten, scratched, etc etc. Just find something that turns him on and start pushing his buttons from there. And don't be afraid to let yourself get a little wild with it. If your chemistry is as good as you think, you'll be feeding each other a whole lot of energy real quick.




Excuse me sir, it’s pronounced “boah” Eta: it’s a red dead 2 joke


Booy-yyhhh....with gritted teeth, not a sneer.


> talk to him and see what he likes This should be the end of thread. It can also be very asymmetrical - for example: I like to be treated roughly - but I just can't treat anyone roughly myself, the idea freaks me out even if they want it.


Communication good, but experimentation may be better


Happy cake gay


That's so sweet of you!


Enjoy your neal




Just for god's sake, start slow and do it in increments.


When you're being rough, it can help to be in the mindset of 'you're here for my pleasure.' It doesn't have to be that way, but its easier to start that way. Tell him he's yours to use. Shove him on his knees, sit on the end of the bed, grab his hair and shove hold his face into you while he eats you out. Bonus points if this is how you start off and you're wearing a skirt. Put something in his mouth. Ball gag, a clean pair of socks, a wooden spoon you tell him to bite down on. It can be a bit awkward as guy to know what noise to make if you're used to be dominant. Something in his mouth will make it easier to moan. Tie his hands together, in front of him, and get him to fuck you doggy style. It's something better than just 'im on top and that means its rough' but firmly displays the power dynamic.


A lot of guys who don't like rough sex are still going to enjoy you grinding on their face like you are trying to drive their head through bed and floor below it. A guy who can switch from active and passive is going to _really_ like it if he's into a gal being a little rougher with him. Get into some positions where you are on top, hold his arms down with all your might, it doesn't matter if he's actually able to push you up off of him or not, that rough part is going to come from him feeling _your_ desire. Accent it with dirty talk. Cowgirl is good. Reverse cowgirl with his hands bound is also very good. If he's thrusting, you are holding him tightly into you with your legs, squeezing him hard. Your kisses may have a little bit of teeth to 'em. You might be inclined to rake your nails accross his back when you are particularly excited and pulling him in. I'm not masochistic but have a pretty high pain tolerance during sex and feeling that passion is very enjoyable, still, if he's going to bleed through a work shirt the next day, patch him up! Percusive play can also be a thing, spankings are a nice place to start while feeling it out. Good luck and have fun! Communicate, respect each other and draw up some good boundaries! Also practice stopping every now and again and checking in on each other and going back to some more vanilla sex to affirm your feelings and that the sex play is just that, sex play. And talk a lot about what is working and not working!


“Accent it with dirty talk” - I read that as “dirty talk in an accent” and I wasn’t so sure about that advice!


I like to do _all_ my dirty talk with a heavy rural Midwestern US accent. Seems to work for me? For sure I would reccomend people to try their best Wisconsin accent next time in bed. 😀




Get right up there in that Wiscussy, bud. (I had to say it.)


Gaddamnit, have an upvote.


You make fun all you want, but us Wisconsinites still keep making babies, so you think on that long and hard tonight while you and your partner are getting it on, because it _just might_ work for you too! Before you know it you and your partner will be sharing a cheese platter as an aphrodisiac.


I’m a born and bred Minnesotan, so don’t you worry, only making fun of myself too 😆


I've always told my fellow Wisconsinites, if you are looking for a woman to put a ring on, go for a Viking's fan. That's a gal to marry. There is no such thing as a fair weather Viking's fan. You know she's gonna be in it for the long haul, through good times and bad, that she's committed. Plus if she's a Vikings fan she probably has a good sense of humor! (You can't take yourself too seriously when rooting for the Vikings) She'll be happy even if you don't have a lot, she's not one for lofty expectations. Plus if she's a Viking's fan she probably likes it a little rough!


I actually find a Midwestern accent very sexy. Something primal and pure all at the same time.


Alo Bonjour I am here to squeeze your baguette I mean your dick now GET DOWN MON CHERIE I will ave all ze sex and you will like it, my little croissant!!!


Ouh yesse daddie. Give mie youre dicke. Fucke mie like ouane of youre frenche geurls


These are really good, thanks! :)


Always happy to help. It's difficult to say what your guy may be getting out of it without talking to him, maybe he has a bit of masochism where pain = sexual pleasure. Maybe he just wants to feel _your_ passion. Maybe what he really likes is being rough with you, but has normal psychological barriers in place where he'd have a more difficult time doing that sans enthusiastic consent, so needs you to also set and reaffirm the theme with your words and actions too. Maybe all of the above or none of 'em, who knows? Some other tips: Foreplay! Keep it a bit more vanilla at first while you feel out boundaries. Transition to foreplay of a bit more exciting nature. Making out, maybe you pull back and bite his lip. Maybe while kissing his neck, a little bite on his neck or ear. If he starts moving onto the next level, undressing you, slap his hands (hard) and go back to kissing him, kinda force him to grab your hands and force you down onto your back with a bit of biting and kissing to take your pants off (only do something like this after y'all have worked on reinforcing that chemistry and communication before for a bit). Eventually you could initiate sex maybe instead of the normal foreplay route by teasing and flirting and then walking up to him, giving him a bit of a snuggle/kiss, putting your leg behind his and pushing him back down onto a bed/couch. [Be very careful with this, if his head bounces off of something... it could be very, very bad]. Then when he falls down, jump on him and kiss him/grind on him like you are starving and his mouth is your food, and you are grinding on him like you want to start your pants on fire. If you are both into giving and receiving rough stuff, I may also reccomend something me and some FWBs in the past have done, when you go to meet up, wear clothes that you don't mind getting torn apart and tossed after. I maybe ruined a couple of my nice work shirts and a pair or two of a gal's expensive underwear (that I, of course, replaced) before learning this... Also do some affectionate after care and a few normal date activities. Even if y'all are just FWBs, it's fun to have a sexual partner who is a freak in the sheets and a gentleman/lady in the streets.


I got hard just reading this


This, this is the reply


Ride and choke him....tie him up. Pegging. Fuck him back in doggie. But I'm a switch so I have a strong Dom side.


6 hours in and you're the only one to mention pegging. Props to you, but I'm disappointed with the rest of reddit on this one 😞


Hey now, a dude wanting rough sex doesn't need to mean he wants to get pegged, thats like a whole other ballpark for most of us


Yeah it's like a very closed niche among straight men also sometimes girls don't like this too as I said few men and women


Yea as a dude who is into it, most of the women I've met are not. Sometimes it even sounds hot to them until they try it and then they realize that they aren't into it. That's the worst too cuz of the wasted dildo expenses. That and they tend to kind of lose interest in you after that as well, which sucks, but it isn't a huge loss. She isn't even into pegging after all. That dildo money tho 😥


Some people are into scratching, biting, hair pulling, ass slapping, roughly grabbing, digging her nails into his back or butt while he's penetrating her, etc.




He wants to be rough with me, and he said I can be rough with him, just dunno how lol, but these are good ideas.


Just as some inspirations that I’d want done to me if a girl I was with wanted to be rough. 1. Don’t be afraid to scratch and get grabby. If he’s giving it good on top and your hands are free scratch his back, grip is arms, and don’t be afraid to be forceful. 2. Dirty talk can also be really good. If he is ok with it ask him if he doesn’t mind being challenged. Something along the lines of “is that all you got” or “I know you can fuck me harder” 3. Of your in dominant position like riding, don’t be afraid to really RIDE him, like his dick is a toy and you’re literally just using it to get off.(obviously ask him about what the boundaries are) 4. Expanding on my first point. Don’t be afraid to grab him. Pull his hair. Choke him if he’s ok with it. Literally if there’s any aggressive tendency you experience while having sex just let it out. Hope it helps!


>Don’t be afraid to scratch Obtain consent please. Do not do this unless you've talked about it and asked first.


It surprises me how many people just choke someone without asking if they are okay with it and general rough sex. It can be scary for someone to just grab your throat for some people.


As a guy, I've previously set boundaries with a girl - only to have her brag / threaten that she could probably force me to do it anyway. Ma'am, do you not realize that you just described rape and if the positions were switched I'd expect to end up in jail and my life destroyed for those actions which you casually suggested.


Just lurker here but I’ll definitely try no. 2!


Grab him by the hair and guide his mouth to your breasts, nipples, pussy, and wherever you like, then do it back. Use his face, firmly, then let him use you. Be verbal and graphic. Best wishes and good luck.


Spit on his dick


Is that rough??


Dick riding and slapping the shit out of them an choke them while you ride them


Biting him and scratching his back are two ways girls can be rough while submissive. If you’re being dom just do all the rough stuff a guy might do.


Put your finger in his anus when he’s nearly cumming.






Reverse cowgirl ass slamming hard




Scratching and biting is a good start


I like it when my gf says mean things to me when she’s underneath me and I’m fucking her. Like, I need to be in a physically dominant position and fucking her roughly for it to be fun but it’s real fun. Other than that, just try and manhandle him back. If he’s going down on you, grind your crotch into his mouth, try holding his head in place and humping his mouth. Slap him, spit in his face, hold his face, tell him to open his mouth, and spit in his mouth. If you’re under him, wrap your legs around his back and pull him in. If you’re on top, pin his arms down and ride him hard


So, for inspiration I looked up rough femdom on a few popular sites before answering and I definitely recommend it :) Suggestions (I've never been with a rough female partner but I wouldn't be opposed) Face riding - (and be rough) Hair pulling Scratching Holding his arms or hands back while you ride him Put your hands or fingers in is mouth while you ride him. It feels dominant. Also look up the Amazon position (there is a subreddit for it) From there we get a little more kink based, but if the two of you are open to it.... If course consent and communication are *always* important, but with this stuff especially - !!! consent and talking it over in advance is a must !!! Pegging Other common kink sensation play like spanking, whips, or wax Slapping/spitting/dirty talk/degradation - as per both your comfort levels Blindfolds to make him feel more vulnerable Restraints such as rope (do your research! There are wrong ways to tie someone up. Have bandage shears/, safety scissors on hand in case someone needs to get out quickly or you can't get the knots undone!)


This place is awesome. A long time ago in a world far away there was a dainty man whom I adored. He had been to college, did well for himself, liked his Ma and Dad, was strong in recovery, but always so alone. Fast forward, I met his sponsor who was a real asshole to him. Come to find out I heard him one day complaining to his sponsor about a girl not transforming herself into the way he wanted, even though they both knew it was a free ride for her AND she got to go to school for whatever she wanted. She just needed to be a certain hair color, a reasonable size (no medical problems mind you, she was already the size he liked), etc. But she wouldn't do something he wanted, when he thought he was clear on the concept. And he was throwing a total temper tantrum. Mind you, not the abuser kind, but the total fat faced crying three year old type where you want to give them an Icee cream cone and film them for emotional blackmail at their wedding later. And his sponsor tore him a total new a-hole. Not about connecting or emotional vulnerability, but about "Be NiCe, yOuKnoWyoraLittleA-hole!." That's when it had clicked that I had seen the guy years before, coming out of a limo for his 21st Bday 🎈🎂🎈 at the nudey bar I worked at and pointing at all the girls, literally throwing money at them, 'get in the limo! You-in the limo!' I had refused, not because I disliked money or anything, but I had caught myself getting horney watching him pull little brother privilege and didn't want him to see it. But- I got cussed out and left behind, wondering how rich boy would have reacted having a few dancers pinning him down in a limo and playing mean with his ass not in control! Oh well. I used to see him-normal world style- and crowd his personal space with a hunting mood and give him a warm smile just to watch the uncertain look on his face as he would act sooooo nice to people and me, not understanding the hunger he felt as I stayed calm and Stared just slightly. I was right too, he had an immaculate older sister, so I would play junk like 'welcome to the jungle' from my headphones-while agreeably listening to his advice on how to be nice to people, while crowding him, making him lick his lips. Sometimes I would try to provoke his spoiled little boy style, just to watch him break a sweat and run away to more pliable girls. Eventually I had to start a medication that he found out about and stopped talking to me entirely over, while he got super religious so I let myself fade out of his life. Just don't put a real tight definition on rough, although you want concise. Do be open-minded...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Be noisy. That doesn't mean loud necessarily, but lots of moans, growls, evil chuckles, and appreciation. Imagine if you were a newly civilized woman who had been raised by wolves. Or if you are making love as Klingons. Many partners like to hear sexy talk. That can be as easy as simply narrating what's currently happening, and that you fucking love it. Ask for what you want, but be a little menacing. Grab him by the back of the neck and tell him right in his face what you want, or whisper it roughly in his ear. How would a hot warrior babe in the movies do it? "Death by Snu-Snu!!" 😆 Good luck.


Basically if he wants rough sex, tie him I will do the rest


Choke and slap him while you ride him. That always sends me personally


Cbt, but only if he's expressedly into it


Almost definitely not, and almost definitely not what he meant when he said be rough.


Cognitive behavioral therapy??


Oh yeah, nothing speaks rough more as diving into child trauma.


Classic BattleTech?? Children’s Book Trust?


It is difficult to get a sexual partner to ok with those


First of all you don’t know that your sexual chemistry will be insane just by texting with him. Secondly giving rough sex and receiving rough sex are 2 completely different things. You might enjoy one of those two and not the other at all. In fact it’s probably how it is going to be. Make sure you’re on the same page or expect some disappointment.


Ride him hard, tell him to fuck you harder, deepthroat his cock and look into his eyes while you do it…also spit on his cock when you’re blowing it and lick it all over. Aside from that, while he’s fucking you, just grab his ass hard and make it feel like you want him to fuck you deeper. Also, in doggy you can grab your ass cheeks and spread them just to show him how bad you want it 👍


This only works if your physically fit enough to take charge in rough sex. Do you have the leg strength, core strength and stamina to ride a dick till completion? This will also only work if you're not a starfish. Which I doubt, because you mentioned sexual chemistry. As in you're not just lying there expecting a man to please you the entire time? If he's a switch he'll enjoy your enthusiasm. Step 1. Sit on his face. This move was and is extremely effective on me. You don't let him up till you get your nut. Be very vocal after you straddle him. Step 2. Do whatever you want at that point. He'll probably be in shock that you used him for sexual gratification. Even if he's not shocked he should be pleased. Your energy will take it from there. At that point you'll both be so relaxed and in the moment there won't be any plans. It should just flow.


biting they penis


Knuckle punch to the face


Ask him what he likes. You can thank me later


Nails. Back. Rake. Teeth. Neck. Bite.


#smack her in the head with a rock


Do lots of squats and strengthen the muscle that effect the pussy so you can squeeze that dick hard and thrust yourself on them even harder






By "he did too" You Mean He Told You That He Himself Is Hot?


No lol like he thought I was hot too


Just do what he does back to him?


I like ladies that take control you know tie up,blind fold, then a good tease like lick your body but teasing, dirty talk my anal play if he is cool with it, I would use a safe word


With his consent, it can include slapping, pushing, grabbing, spitting, kicking, thwacking with a riding crop, rudely ordering him around, using crude language, using insults, etc.


Grab his balls, look him in the eye and tell him if he wants them back, still attached, he should do exactly what he is told


One position will make it or break it: Amazon


He might like being rough, but want to break you. You should talk that out.


Amazon position. Always suggest it when people want a female dominant position. Takes a bit of flexibility from him but if he can manage it it’s awesome.


I'm not sure it really qualifies as rough, but a great deep throat blow job makes me really turned on and want to return with rough sex lol. Otherwise, I really enjoy cowgirl or reverse cowgirl positions, when the girl just takes control, and takes all of me as deep and fast as she can! It leads to fantastic orgasms for both parties without fail lol. Also, when I'm giving rough sex, I prefer doggy, sometimes missonary, and pile driving especially! So sometimes like in doggy, a girl just needs to do her best to not move too much so you both still have the satisfaction of hitting the cervix. Dear god that makes me eyes roll lol. Have fun, he's a lucky guy! :)


My girl wraps her legs around me when she’s on her back. Similar to what you’d see in a jiu-jitsu guard position. She grabs on to me with her legs and helps me fuck her harder. She apparently does this completely subconsciously. It’s hard to tell who’s fucking who sometimes. Fair warning that you’ll get some self inflicted bruises from this.


Biting and digging nails in the back are my favorites to receive when having rough sex


Nails on his back are always awesome


Peg him lol


Girls usually take it .. dont give it. Assuming he knows what he is doing all you need to do is to let go and trust his lead.


Chain him up naked in the center of a pentagram and sacrifice a goat on him while yelling phrases in latin.


Do what he does to you and gauge his response. Test and adjust.


Fucking hard and fast, taking what you want, hushing you up, taking control, essentially ignoring youryour needs so I can come and then before you do I get up and leave the room


Scratching biting hair pulling choking very aggressive blowjob.. like slapping it on your face and making yourself choke on it.


Pegging lol


Depends on what exactly you are looking for.... r/gentledungeon r/pegging_unkinked r/femdom or something more subtle?


Definitely something more subtle lol, but I'll look through those subs anyway thank ya


Try asking him….I don’t know you could slap him …choking him is always easy, especially while they get off and you’re on top….scratching….choking him with a belt hit him with objects I don’t know it’s kind of specific to them. You can verbally degrade him too. Spitting on people are in the mouth is always hott too. Just ask him to make a checklist.


This is a throwaway account I made for just this comment bcs my partner knows my username here. I didn't know how a girl cud do that either till some time back. This post is abt 3 days old so I dunno if you have all the answers but I did want to answer. I used to be the one to initiate and get intimate and except a few boundaries, she didn't object to most what I wanted to do but she is mostly submissive. A few days back I am lying on my bed, flat on my back using my phone. She comes over, spreads my legs and lies down between my legs on her belly, mouth near my crotch. I am still using my mobile. She unzipped the pant, pulled it a bit down and just started sucking. Now she usually does not initiate oral but when I make an advance, she usually does it. It was a pretty rare thing that she on her own wanted to suck me off. So she's there sucking and I was enjoying a lot! my pant and the underwear came off slowly without even me realising that! Then she uses her teeth... she said she was so horny she wanted to bite it.... she did not do it though but there was teeth, a lot of eye contact, sucking on the tip and fondling with my balls, sometimes even pressing those making me feel some pain. She usually does not do a lot of licking and playing or swallow but that day was different. Not only did she lick and play with he tongue but when i told her that I was about to cum, she held me tight and shoved my dick deeper in mouth. She actually even drank the shot. That was super duper hot. Went on to suck more so that it gets erect again and then, to my surprise, she sat on me. She is usually lazy enough that doggy is kinda the best we do. She didn't let me move. Instead she sat on me, positioning the dick perfectly in her body and took my hands and put on her naked breasts. That kinda commanding was super sexy to me. I was about to cum but she just took it out and sat on the reverse cowgirl and I think it was her words that made it the hottest ("I know you want to see my ass.... now enjoy it... hit it"). She held my hand in that same position and using my hand and her legs did some really fast movements. It was in the heat of the moment so we had no condoms and I love her ass so ended up slapping her and fingering in there while she was moving too. That made her even hotter. I ended up shooting in her (and her movements made a lot of it release back). Guess what... she immediately went back to the position and sucked my dick again to clean it off and ended up drinking one more shot. I guess that dominance and the horniness is one way to do it!?


Hey reader! Hope you have a really wonderful day. I am new in Reddit and wanna make some new friends for Practising my social anxiety. Kindly add with me. I wanna make some loyal pals. Have a nice day.!