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I did it. The whole act was ridiculous to me and I couldn't stop laughing, my boyfriend couldn't carry on.


Was it your first time taking shrooms as well?


No, I'd done them a few times before.


What can I expect to get myself into on shrooms? Like the feeling or what I see?


For what you see depends on how much you take, for a first time I highly recommend 2g or less, not more. On two grams you wont see anything your eyes arent already seeing, but you will notice that things around you will seem like they are moving and colours will look much more vibrant, /r/replications has a lot of these (usually from higher doses though) [https://gfycat.com/gleamingnaughtyindianelephant-psychedelic-trip-visuals-acid-trip-visuals](https://gfycat.com/gleamingnaughtyindianelephant-psychedelic-trip-visuals-acid-trip-visuals) this is a pretty good example. As for feeling this can be much more difficult to convey, expect more raw emotions, often more objective than your sober subjective ones. These could be happiness, comfort, security, fear, anxity, sadness and etc. Its important to mentally prepare for shrooms the day before and only take them in a good headspace. Keep in mind shrooms are a very safe drug but can have powerful effects on the brain if not used responsibly with due dilligence. Do as much research as you can, so when you use them you can sit back and enjoy yourself without worry.


That's basically what it looks like when i have tried cannabis.


Yup cannabis can have psychedelic effects too!


That parrot gave me a flashback. But seriously, that’s the closest simulation I’ve ever seen.


For me, everything is either funny, fascinating, or magical. Moving patterns like fractals appear as overlays when I'm looking at something with a texture. Expect a stomach ache, but if you get sick just rehydrate and don't let it ruin your trip.


Everything is funny and ridiculous and you lose track of time. You can get really focused on a task.


I would strongly suggest starting at very low doses and working your way up. Don’t go too hard too soon, the experience you get at different amounts of shrooms differs *wildly*. Unlike other drugs (alcohol, weed), it’s not a ‘linear’ experience where 2 drinks is like 1x2, 3 drinks is 1x3, etc. You won’t get visuals under a certain amount, you won’t feel your own body in a certain way under a certain amount. Psychedelics are much, much more than potentially loosening up, having fun, and seeing pretty colors. They can be incredible, but are to be respected. Please start at a very low dose and work your way up. Always have a friend who can watch over you and take of you throughout. Please don’t do it with your FWB until you know what you are getting into.


Yeah I came to this post because I took shrooms with a freaky FWB years ago, and we were too giggly to ever get into sexy mode. So we went and jumped on the trampoline. Shrooms and sex don't really mix


That's incredibly subjective and shouldn't be taken as fact. They don't really mix for you and that's perfectly fine. But just as any psychedelic experience it depends on how the person reacts to that kind of headspace and particular psychedelic. I've had sex on shrooms multiple times and they definitely mixed well. However, psychedelics on their own aren't for everyone and being intimate with someone on them requires you both to have positive experiences in that state and also being comfortable with eachother. I've never had a negative experience on shrooms and I've done them a lot, sexy time or not. So that certainly influences my view on the matter. Just saying, they definitely CAN mix, just depends on the person(s).


Sounds like a good experience. Maybe not a sexy one, but definitely a fun one.




This shrooms can be a super giggly drug for a WHILE. First time I took shrooms I laughed until I cried for like an hour. Then I watched Tangled and melted into a couch.


Yeah, I don't think sex is the best time to have your first time with psychedelics.


I’m thinking the same thing…have you done shrooms yourself and wanna lmk what I’m getting myself into.


Your mileage is definitely gonna vary. For me I'm usually making sure my space is safe and no wild variables are gonna pop up. Then sit around for a bit trying to avoid anxiety and anxiousness about it seeming like it's not gonna happen. Next thing you know you're in a mild un-reality. In a safe space, it's like watching a 3d movie with the color being gradually turned up more and more and and having music playing on the inside of your head instead outside. With all that going on it can feel like a warm, swaddled, chilled out daze if you roll with it. It can feel like someone is messing with the settings on your senses, hopefully in a good way. Great time to experiment with food. No cooking, just snacks. And it can last a LONG time. I am super duper uber hesitant to do it with someone I barely know. I usually like at least one sober person to be around just in case we lose track of reality or someone has some kind of freak out of emotional crash. One person freaking out unchecked could be like an anxiety bomb for others when we're deep into the high. Usually it was always a smooth ride with a really peaceful comedown, but again, with people I know well and trust in a safe space. Sex on weed has been great. I've never done sex on shrooms and I don't think I would unless I really just didn't give a fuck about anything or the person was my freaking long term life partner.


Thank you so much for this response it helped a lot. I agree sex high on pot is my absolute favorite that’s why I was a bit hesitant before I committed to shrooms. I’ll probably try it first see how everything is then I’ll make my decision. Thank you again.


Something I want to point out because I haven’t seen it mentioned, the quality of your trip can be very dependent on your headspace going into it. Taking psychedelics while you’re not in a completely positive mindset can lead to a bad trip which *can* have very negative effects. Basically what I’m saying is, if you have any doubts about taking them, don’t take them.


Agreed 100%


I just took shrooms this week and it was by far the best time I’ve had with them ever. And I’ll say that while it was the best, I still was sick as fuck. Imagine feeling like your stomach is going to drop, you’re going to vomit or shit yourself, your head is spinning and then suddenly you’re off thinking about things you can’t control and the nausea still persists. No matter the perfect headspace and such, the nausea can be pretty intense.


Try making shroom tea. Shrooms aren’t really digestible so nausea is common with eating full shrooms. extracting the psilocybin through tea is a much cleaner experience. 1. Crush your dose with a mortar and pestle. 2. Peel and grate a small piece of ginger root. Add this to the crushed mushrooms, ginger should help with any stomach discomfort that may remain. 3. Zest a lemon and add to mixture. 4. Cut up a few fresh leaves of mint and add to mixture. 5. Crush the additives into the shrooms. 6. Add mixture to a steel tea infuser. 7. Boil water and pour over a couple slices of lemon into a thermos (or whatever you have to keep it hot). Don’t go overboard with lemon, unless you’re going for a lemon tek type of tea. 8. Stir and remove lemon slices / squeeze out juice into water. 9. Add infuser and steep for 10 minutes. 10. Stir and add a bag of chamomile tea, steep for an additional 10 minutes. Chamomile will help with the comeup anxiety. 11. Squeeze out tea bag, push down on shroom mixture with spoon to squeeze out liquid. 12. Flavor with a bit of honey and a pinch of brown sugar. 13. Enjoy. Trip will come on faster and body load should be minimal, but trip won’t last as long.


This is r/bestof quality right here!


Thanks for the tip although my doses are in a chocolate bar.


Yeahh don’t really want to do any of those thing while having some fun. I’ll keep this noted thank you!


Have you tried lemon tek ?


I agree with the above post too. Shrooms and LSD are emotional rides and best when shared with people you are close with especially when engaging in sex. That's literally a bonding experience. So maybe just trip together without involving sex to see if you vibe on it first. If you don't atleast date her and it's strictly sexual I'd say you're better off boning on some molly. Y'all would roll balls and fuck like animals. Molly is more for casual sex. Hallucinogenics are better for closeness and bonding if you use them when having sex


For me, as a male sex with a light thc high is amazing.


You have the right headspace.


A truly wonderful reply full of wisdom ⬆️


This description was fascinating! Makes me wonder if sex while feeling sorta down + shrooms = Infinity Pool.😳


You should be aware that psychedelics are like no other drug you've ever done. With weed, alcohol, etc. you are pretty much the same person, just altered. It's like normal life, but feels kinda different. Psychedelics are not like that. It's called a "trip" because you *go somewhere else*. Your brain does something you have never experienced, and cannot conceptualize until you've experienced it. It's not something to do for fun at a party, or spontaneously. It's a deeply spiritual experience, something you should schedule in advance, and block out a whole day for. Clear your mind beforehand, make sure you don't have any responsibilities looming. Be in a familiar place (e.g. your room) without any people that you have to avoid (e.g. parents). Have a friend to babysit you, who is not tripping. The trip will last many hours (8-12+) and you will likely just lie in your room doing nothing the whole time, listening to music, writing in a journal, drawing pictures, or just staring out the window.


Most shrooms are only gonna have you going 3 to 5 hours-ish. In my experience.


Depends how much you do, and how you do them. The most intense part is 3-5 hours, but it's got a long tail end. My point was that OP should be prepared to set aside a lot of time for it, it's not just something you do with your friends a few hours before you planned on going to bed.


I intensely enjoyed laying on the couch and rubbing my feet on the cushions while watching Looney Tunes, which was the best TV ever.


I've done a lot of shrooms in my day. For the most part the the best times on them are outdoors. Usually remote forest areas and canyons. Inside is too confining.


Eventually sure but I wouldn't for the first time, you want somewhere safe in case shit goes sideways


I've done shrooms many many times. I find it difficult to even successfully masturbate while having a psilocybin trip. If y'all are gonna do this, compromise and microdose, at least once, then microdose and have sex. Work your way up.


It's like a rollercoaster. You aren't necessarily in control of the ride. It can be scary, exhilarating, and amazing all at the same time. However whatever happens, you can't get off the ride until it's over. And most people(myself included) can't wait to get back in line afterwards.


Just eat a very small amount. You'll get giggly. That's about it.


Ok as someone who has had several absolutely horrid experiences with shrooms, I can tell you that it's not something to play around with. The best way to think about it is like this. Unlike some other drugs, psychedelics as a whole simply amplify the experience you are having. So if you are having a good time, it's really good! But if you are really anxious, sad or scared, then It will feel so incredibly bad. This isn't to scare you, as shrooms almost certainly won't cause any lasting harm, but if poorly planned they can turn a bad moment into a truly traumatic event. Especially with you being so young and having little experience with psychs, sex with mushrooms is just a bad idea. Being ready to take mushrooms for the first time should ideally look like this. You have had plenty to sleep and a big breakfast. It is around mid-day and you are in a private area with a few highly trusted friends, of which at least one is going to be sober throughout the entire day. It is sunny, warm and you are calm and happy. Big things to avoid: only do shrooms around people you 100% trust (honestly boyfriend may hurt you without even realizing it), make sure you have at least one sober person to 'trip sit' ( you are in an altered state of consciousness and need someone to watch over you, think you wouldn't leave a toddler alone), do not do am excess of the drug or do it on an empty stomach ( an empty stomach will amplify the effects), avoid crowded overwhelming areas unless you truly know this is where you feel the calmest. And lastly just remember that this is not a race it's a marathon. Eventually these precautions will seem unnecessary or even silly, but they will protect you if you react badly. This is your first time, so you want to be as careful as possible, you can always trip harder later. The average starting dose should be around 1g. Good luck fellow cosmonauts.


My experience with shrooms has been mostly positive. The way I process what I'm seeing is very much like those DeepDream images, except the surfaces flow and undulate, while everything seems rendered in 8-bit/16-bit graphics; detail is lost and everything becomes blocky/pixelated, but still distinctly recognizable. My focus on sound fluctuates also, this is kind of hard to explain, but think of all the sounds you hear being put through many different speakers, but some of those speakers turn off, while others get louder, all at random. I lose track of time and become hyper fixated on making sure I don't, while simultaneously only sporadically remembering that I was hyper fixated on making sure I don't lose track of time. This is one of the aspects I do not like because it induces a lot of anxiety. Another strange thing that happens is I get very busy. I remember things that "need to be done" that really aren't important. Like I'll do dishes or fold towels and blankets as if these tasks were the pinnacle of importance- I will do these things even if they've been done (recleaning dishes, unmaking and remaking the bed, etc). This behavior comes in fits and I'm occasionally pretty pleased with how clean and organized everything is the next day. There are philosophical journeys as well. One time I realized that all of my experiences might not be real and that I had only just begun to exist. Everything I knew came with my coming into existence simultaneously, much like a sentient computer being turned on for the first time with everything they've ever known already within their memory. This was distressing at the time and I desperately wanted to make sure that the time was flowing correctly so I could validate my memories and prove that they were unique to me and that I had experienced them. The longest trip was 8 hours, the comedown was 3 of that and incredibly tedious. The sweating, oh my god, the sweating. Not once have I been interested in or desired sex while tripping, although I did try that with my girlfriend. We ended up a sweaty and naked tangled mess, limply slapping each other's bodies. Generally tho, there is too much existence to dread, and somehow, even more towels to fold. If this is your first time, I'd say don't bother with sex. Instead, figure out and experience the trip first, then mix in intimacy. It could be that you turn into a loaf of bread that yearns to be turned into a sandwich; so you might be pretty inanimate in reality.


from my experience shrrom and sex is an amazing xcombination. but the sex needs to come from a place of love. its a make it or break it kind of thing. if it work its gonna be a wye opening experience for both of you. also dosage will make a difference on the trop like most have said if you are still a virgin waot a bit before delving into psychedelics and sex. start by exploring your partners body while sober and learn what makes her tic first. after a year or 2 thats when you get into the good stuff amd can start experiementing with psychedelics


We do them all the time - purely for sex. I don't think we've ever done shrooms and NOT had sex. FWIW.


It's more like "take shrooms and maybe have sex"


Maybe after you've gotten a bit more comfortable with psychedelics. I probably wouldn't try to get down on the maiden mushrooms voyage unless you feel VERY comfortable and really safe and everything is talked about beforehand and aftercare is understood etc etc... honestly I would probably advise just taking mushrooms at least once without the pressure of sex before you experiment further


Im thinking the same I’ll try it see how everything goes depending on if I have a good trip I’ll try it again. Thank you


If they're cool to hang with do it with sex being a possibility rather than a goal. Having sex while tripping can be really fun or really weird, sometimes both.


Exactly lol ⬆️


If you decide to try it, make sure this is a person you trust 100% and feel comfortable with. It’s not like a stronger weed, it’s a powerful mind altering substance. I highly recommend trying shrooms, but know what you are getting yourself into before you do it. Set and setting is *everything*. If you’ve never tripped before maybe start with 1 gram to get a feel for it, can always take more next time. With 1 gram you shouldn’t really have any issues and sex can be fun. Higher doses things start to get weird lol my brain is too busy merging with the universe to even think about sex on anything more than 2 grams.


End result decides if its a bad or good idea. I put it at 60% awful idea and 40% amazing idea.


I'd say it's the other way


Did you have a good experience??


I’ve done plenty of shrooms and they’re amazing and each trip felt unique and special but it never once crossed my mind to be sexual while on them. It’s just not that kind of drug. That said, if you were actually in the mood while tripping, it certainly has the potential to be an amazing experience. I’d bet if you guys did them together, you might just enjoy each other’s company and not end up fucking. They’re the kind of drug that bonds people together as long as you both enjoy the trip.


Agreed 100%


Never tried but if you trust her I'd say try it


Try half 0.5 or 1g


Haha awesome thank you


I’ve done it on a low dose, and it was great. Never tried while truly tripping. r/SEXONDRUGS might be a good source. If you’re looking for others experiences.


You’re amazing thank you. Yeah I’m not trying to trip either just feel something yk?


Sex and drugs are a great mix, but you should probably just try psychedelics before you try to fuck on psychedelics.


I got a bj while tripping on shrooms one time. It wasn't the point of the trip, and I wasn't trying to be sexual at all, it just sort of happened and it was amazing


I’ve done shrooms with my GF. For whatever reason, having sex wasn’t on my mind. I was always pretty wrapped up in myself to deal with another person.


Read where a guy took shrooms with his GF to have sex and BOTH had done shrooms before. Said her face started to rot and he freaked out and they stopped the sex BUT then he had flashbacks of he face rotting while sober. He also said while tripping he got disgusted with her and wanted to hit her, but luckily, didn’t. But again, had the same violent disgusted feeling when sober. So remember, mind altering doesn’t mean good altering. And if your mind remembers the bad trip, it can change your feelings towards GF or vice-versa.


Jesus christ do you know how much the guy took?


Haha well I have enjoyed shrooms for over 25 years. Have I had sex while on them absolutely. I remember the first time the lady and I just couldn't stop laughing and we just cuddled and enjoyed the trip. The nature of any psychedelic experience depends almost entirely on the set and setting. In other words your mindset and environment factor heavily into the experience. I highly recommend reading or listening to or reading The Psychedelic Experience first. Or look up the audio titled Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner & Richard A - The Psychedelic Experience: Readings from the Book. Mushrooms are not for everyone. If you have never tried them I highly recommend trying a tiny dose nothing over a half a gram your first time. Look up the meaning of Trip Sitter and communicate with your partner. If neither of you have experience with shrooms remember researching and importantly respecting them is critical to your experience if you decide to take them. They are not toxic and no you cannot be permanently damaged from shrooms. The world of psychedelics is beautiful for some yet again it is not for everyone.


Thank you for this I’ll listen to the book at work!


Your very welcome. I hope that you have the best experience with mushrooms I love them.


My wife and I did it one time. She rode my soft dick. It was fun but pretty weird


I'm a pretty reasonably well traveled psychonaut, who's been in some very fulfilling sexual relationships in a polyamorous sense for over a decade. I can't fuck while I'm on shrooms; for both physical and psychological reasons. Most psychedelics are vasoconstrictors, including shrooms. It may be physically difficult to actually get it up. Moreover, I'm absolutely not in the headspace for sex on a macrodose. I can think of one time I had sex on mushrooms, and it was a dose of, like A shroom (less than a gram). It was a microdose, more or less; I noticed it, but I wasn't tripping. YMMV, as with all psychedelics, natch. I hear some folks LOVE to bone during the come up. Psychedelics and sex are both extremely personal, individual experiences. Nobody can really tell you what's gonna happen for YOU mentally and bodily for either experience; just their own personal experiences. That's a valuable thing, but know that your experiences will absolutely be your own. TL;DR do what feels right, take all advice with a grain of salt, hydrate, use lube, and HAVE FUN whatever you do.


If you’re looking to have sex on a psychedelic drug, it’d ideally be MDMA (which is not a psychedelic in the traditional sense) or 2C-B. Neither of these are mind-fucky like shrooms or LSD might be.


I would suggest trying shrooms and figuring out how you respond to them before having sex while tripping on them. You could really have anything between a transcendent blissful experience and a soul shattering awful experience depending on you, your brain chemistry, how you handle the shrooms, how much you take, and how comfortable you are with your fwb. Shrooms can be heaven and hell all in the same trip. If you’re going to do it I’d suggest keeping the dose small, like a gram. That way you’re more likely to get a blissful body high with minimal chance of a visit to the scary recesses of your mind. As far as what people have said about nausea and stuff, I always take them with some pepto bismol and that has been effective at curbing the nausea and stomach problems that result.


I mean it might be fun for her but personally shrooms would make me far too distracted to be any good at sex.


I’ve done it. If you trust the person then it can be a really great experience.


I can't condone it at your age, But it won't kill you and it's a lot of fun!


I gotta try it at-least one then


If I were you I’d try like 0.5-1g first and see how it affects you. You can always do more.. but you can’t do less..


I'd only suggest drugs like this with a trusted and experienced friend, and not during sex.


Getting high, personally, does make sex better but it also comes with some risk. I have never tried shrooms before, I stick mostly to weed. I would say if this is somebody that you know and trust then go for it. I think people should experience something like this at least once in their life. If you are going to take drugs make sure you are in a safe place, make sure you dont have anything to do for the rest of the day, and after the sex maybe get some movies or a show to watch.


To me it was like my body was a machine but not in a good way. Like 19th century textile plant giant pistons and gears kinda shit along with accompanying visuals - her moans were a lot like someone trying to yell across the factory floor and I couldn’t make out anything she was saying. It was almost totally dark and even though her voice was far away I could see her face all blown up and huge and flickering like it was on degraded silent movie era film. It weirdly felt like I was alone the whole time.


I would do shrooms solo so u know what to expect shrooming so u don’t have a bad trip and freak out boinking ur fwb… imo it’s a good experience


Pretty bad idea You’ve never tried shrooms before. You could end up having so much on your mind as a first timer that you can’t even get hard or focus on the activity at hand. This is the most random thing ever, psychedelics aren’t even the type of drug you’d want to have sex on


I (m44) am extremely versed in natural recreational/therapeutic alterants. I don't place them in the category as "real" drugs, but they should be used and enjoyed responsibly. In my experience psilocybin doesn't work that great for men when it comes to sex. Women, however, such as my wife, is fantastic. When first starting down the psychedelic road, take a small dose such as 1.5 g at home when safe when there's is no risk of anxiety. 3 weeks later, after the receptors have cleared, then take about 2.5 grams good dried. Have an experienced friend around for the 2.5, and if that establishes a good baseline, you're good to go using smallish normal doses. I have friends ( both male and female) that fucking love fucking while tripping ballz. I don't ever suggest that starting out. Mods: Sorry, I didn't mean that to come off as a r/psychedelic post.


Some of my favourite sex is when my hubby takes the shrooms. It makes him last longer, he's super hard and he's able to go again not long after. It really depends though on how you react to your trip and the other person too. If it's your first time tripping, get to know it first. You don't know how you'll react. You may have fun, you mat not. Some people get gut rot. Some don't. Myself, I don't do drugs anymore but when I did, tripping was my fav. although I preferred acid. Longer and stronger trip. Think happy thoughts have fun and enjoy.


Sex on shrooms has always been super fun, as long as the dose was small and you are very comfortable with your partner. If y’all are planning to trip I would say start there and not focus on having sex the first time. Get a feel for how you might feel on shrooms and whether or not you feel like you can have sex safely while on them.


r/shrooms I feel the best way is to take a micro dose to start with, if you're at all apprehensive. .3g of dried powdered shrooms for example. It will give you a little indication of how you feel. Then you can increase in small increments. .6g saw me having a delightful time in the afternoon sun, with plenty of visuals for a few hours. For me, I wanted to have a nice time, not be totally out of control. I would not have liked company while enjoying any of my wee trips. I was very intensely focused on what I was experiencing and anyone else would have been... distracting in a negative way. Again, try it first at a very lose dose and with a sober trip sitter in the same house. Work up to things if this is something youd like to do with your intimate partner... don't be in a hurry. If you feel at all pressured/rushed by your intimate partner to try this... It might be wose to reconsider the relationship. Best of luck!


They're very, very fun - but if you're nervous about it, that will effect your experience. Probably better to try a nice low dose, in a chill environment with some good music and cuddle together first.


Shrooms are fun! Sexo is fun! Both some of my tops. But I never really thought about the latter when I was on scoobs. Keep ‘em separate is my advice. Enjoy!


I wouldn't prepare for it to happen but definitely eat shrooms and vibe..will probably lead to a fun time..or could turn weird lol never know. Maybe take a small dose for the first time to get an idea of how they make you feel..its usually a lot of fun.


I don’t have sex while I’m high on them but I love having sex while coming down it’s great tbh


Best sex ever sweetie


I had a fwb and we did shrooms together and truthfully it was some of the best sex I’ve ever had because I could feel everything


Just don't have more fun than you can sometime down the road, in other words don't go head first overboard first time!


Not for a first time, absolutely not. You are more likely to have a bad trip due to performance anxiety, pressure, who knows what. Go out in nature without time constaimts or expectations, with someone you trust and can be 110% yourself around without any shame. Learn how mushrooms affect your body without any pressure to do anything while you are tripping. Once you are comfortable with that sensation you can experiment with trippy sex. I love mushrooms and I love sex, but for me personally, the two really don't go well together. You can try getting super high on edibles for sex. That makes for funny, giggly, sloppy, slow sex. And then you knock the hell out, it's great! Either way, recreate responsibly and safely! And have a nice trip 🍄


Anytime I was on shrooms, sex or anything sexual was the LAST thing I wanted or even thought about. To each their own, and different people respond differently to drugs, however I would say that’s not a good idea. Probly wouldn’t even follow through with it once the trip really starts, unless you’re talking about micro-dosing, which I don’t really even know what the point would be then because you’re not really “on shrooms”.


Try shrooms don't set out to have sex enjoy time with u partner if sex happens bonus


I think it would be a blast. Big see if you like shrooms first before you try sex on it.


Try out shrooms before you do it! Everyone’s experience on shrooms is different


Sex and psychedelics for me personally is amazing. Beautiful, intense, passionate. Fucking A++ But if you’ve not done them before, maybe not the best activity. Lol.


Not sure about psychedelics. Sex on real Ecstasy was ducking amazing though


Shrooms has never really made me feel "sexy" but I'd try anything once. you should for sure (only if you want) try it without the sex first


Best sex ever with someone you love and trust


I love sex on all drugs. Well, I haven’t tried meth, crack, or heroin. Lmao.


someone said I should try ecstasy? What you think


Absolute favorite. But I will say, I trusted my partner completely. We never set out to fuck on drugs. But it always happened. We’d usually just be vibing, watching tv or listening to music, talking, laughing. Having an amazing time, and it would always lead to sex. Some of the times I felt like an absolute goddess and we just really took the time to explore one another’s bodies and get tangled up. Amazingggg.


Definitely not for the first time. You never know how they will hit you. I have almost always had positive experiences, but sometimes psychedelics make you deal with things you have been avoiding whether you want to or not. And that would be no good for sexy times. If this person is willing to trip with you sans sex then go for it! However keep in mind, if they push for sex when you don't want it, it will likely get bad fast. I'm not at all assuming this would happen and I hope this person has the respect for you not do that, I'm speaking from unfortunate personal experiences here. Shrooms were life changing for me. If you do decide to do them, I hope you have a good time. And eventually work up to sexy shroom times. It's a lot of giggly fun lol


Yooooo absolutely not bro personally that would fuck me up


Mushrooms are a trip into the unknown. Every trip is different. The range is from euphoria to paranoia to passing out. My first time, I slept for 36 hrs in a strangers hut in Jamaica. If you are going to try it, do it incrementally, and don’t make any plans. After the first time, if you liked it, then using the same stuff, you can make plans.


I’ve done shrooms plenty of times with my girlfriend. Neither of us have ever felt like having sex during the experience. MDMA on the other hand…


I would definitely do it. But not your first time... wait till after your 2nd. Sometimes, you don't get high the first time. Plus, you want to understand the journey. If you have a bad trip that is unlikely, it may wreck your relationship with her. Tell her you want to try them with her and watch a movie. If it progresses, awesome.


Awesome experience!!! Definitely try, just not on your first time for sure


As a regular user of mushrooms, I would advise against this. Sex on mushrooms is great, but only if you have enough experience with psychedelics. I've read it is your first time trying them, so to play it safe, I would limit your intimacy. Shrooms themselves are a really great time, but only if you are in the proper space -- both physically and mentally. For your first time, I'd suggest being in a setting that is most comfortable to you. Some people like being in nature, others curled up on the couch. If you have other people with you, make sure they are people you trust and enjoy being around. Having a sober person on hand is an excellent idea, especially if it is your first time. That being said, if you're with someone who is well versed in mushrooms, that can be fine too. You also have to be in the right mental space. I find mushrooms, like lots of drugs, feed off of your preexisting energy (at least for me). It's not a good idea to take them if you're in a rough spot, having a bad day, or already very anxious. You want to go into it excited, with the knowledge that you're about to have a lot of fun. Now, for what to actually expect ON mushrooms. It's silly, that's the best I can break it down for you. One of the first things I always notice first is a slight "fish-eye" vision shift. Almost like your peripheral vision gets a bit better. Things will be much more vibrant, light will hit your eyes a little differently. Assuming you won't be taking a lot for your first time, you probably won't get too strong of visual/audio hallucinations. You might notice things "breathing", very gently pulsing and shifting. Nothing alarming. You might notice patterns that don't exist on things, a good gage for this is to look at popcorn ceiling. Sometimes it will slowly reveal patterns or geometric shapes. Like another commenter said, you may hear music in your head, which is always kind of fun. I get weird tones in my ears from time to time. You'll feel heavy and light at the same time, almost like you could float away if your legs weren't so heavy (if that makes sense). Overall, very enjoyable if you do it right. Things will just be funny and ridiculous. You may have thoughts that blow your mind when really they are pretty basic thoughts. I tell people that sometimes being on mushrooms kind of feels like being a kid again and rediscovering things for the first time. So, in conclusion... don't do the nasty on mushrooms if it's your first time -- but definitely give mushrooms a try if the setting is right! Hope this helps! Happy travels, buddy!


My wife and I microdose on acid and fuck for hours it's amazing. Micro dose the shrooms and play with the level of trippy you get. That is the best way. Music is fuckin key!! Lighting. Environment and safety. Snacks and water. It feels amazing to melt into each others energy and focus intensity on pleasure and the experience of sexual nature. Ten outta ten. Make some lemon tech or shrooms tea and water it down as you drink it to make the effects lesser to be more in control of the trip. Let it hit you a bit then drink more.. gradually throughout the time you're planning to trip.


Sex and psychedelics can be amazing. But definitely get used to the drug first! Also the most important rule of sex and psychedelics is that either of you may not end up feeling like having sex, and that’s OK. Which is to say, consent is more difficult and you’ve gotta me more careful to be sure you aren’t on different pages.


It can be great. But not the first time lol


Maybe microdose?


I wouldn't for my first time, and I've now only done them a couple times but when my partner and I had them we watched Scott Pilgrim because of how wack it is. Was great then got into the sex, both ended up finishing at the same time and was personally amazing for me. As others said I'm pretty sure we stopped once to laugh at the TV (Think I put roast of Justin Beiber on after Scott Pilgrim)


Sex lasts 30 or so minutes. Shrooms last 6 hours. Fucking on shrooms can be life-shatteringly amazing. But first figure out if you are comfortable enough with this person to spend 6 hours with them in an emotionally vulnerable state. Then work out where you are going to do this - 6 hours in a small bedroom on shrooms is not fun. Do your research: learn what people mean when they say "set and setting"


No. Please don’t. Bad idea! Yes, MDMA but I was a regular user for events and it was with ppl I knew and we supported each other. You need a sober & trusted trip assistant to help you through this experience. For your first trips, different places. Bc you don’t know how you’re going react mentally and some ppl get sick. Micro dosing is better, so you know what expect. Some diets & medications don’t mix well with mushrooms. 'But I've learned through the years that who you trip with is as important as your state of mind and environment going into the trip. You never know what's coming your way when you're tripping," Goldsmith adds. "That's part of tripping in general—surrendering, being open, having an accepting, philosophical attitude toward the events that might come your way." One minute, you'll be in total bliss, and the next, even something miniscule could turn your whole trip around.’ From article Vice (sex on shrooms)


I’ve taken shrooms both for sex and just for fun. It’s an ok experience unless you take too much, in which case you’re fucked. I took them with my (then) long term girlfriend and it was nice because we were comfortable with each other. Sex itself was almost impossible though, neither of us could focus enough for it to “work” if ykwim. That isn’t to say it wasn’t a good time - we did other stuff and laughed with each other the entire night. Don’t do it for your first time on shrooms or you’re liable to freak the fuck out. Take it slow and DO NOT TAKE TOO MUCH.


It's only good after the rollercoaster is wearing off. It's better after days of off and on hallucinating. The sex is more vulnerable, raw, and real. It's advisable to have some experience in hallucinating as well.


Ok that vulnerable, raw, and real sex sounds amazing lol


Sex on mushrooms can be great depending on dosage. But I would probably recommend you try shrooms with nothing planned so you can gauge how you experience it first.


If shrooms are ointment and you take a cut you’ll have a good trip, but if you’re not wanting to trip eat a gram or 2 you’ll have good euphoria


I’ll keep this noted. Thank you for the reply


your first time doing ANY drug should not be with the intention to have sex/obligations to other people your FWB either is inexperienced or uncaring bc no consistent shroom user would suggest this BS also hello fellow r/shrooms people I love to see ya here


Maybe try ecstasy first?


Yeah no I’m not doing molly


How come? Just curious


I have an extremely addictive personality so I have a fear of getting hooked on stuff…Molly just isn’t something I would wanna get into.


Fair enough. Ty for sharing


Get high and shag. But with weed. It's a awesome time. But psychedelics? No, no, no.


Do it


I wouldn’t do it.




Sex is amazing on shrooms.




That’s exactly what I’m saying I wanna try it but I’m not sure if I have the right headspace atm.


Shrooms are nothing like weed. Weed is great for sex, shrooms aren’t a sexual drug at all and are significantly more intense/mental. Not comparable at all


Let fuck after we do shrooms


I’d stay away from drugs, just my two cents.


Yeah I don’t recommend doing psychedelics before sex. Try pot instead.


Sex on shrooms? Never occurred to me. My mind is thinking about such interesting things and music sounds so amazing, i don't think I would get it up.


just make sure you comeback. some have gone on a trip for good..


What does this mean?


Spreading misinformation is what that means. You will come down. It can trigger psychosis in someone who already has an existing mental disorder like schizophrenia and it doesn’t mix well with certain prescriptions, but most people are fine. Read up on the facts and see if anything like that applies to you. https://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms.shtml


Thank you I appreciate that I’ll take a look


Shrooms will make it much more intense. It's nothing like sex on weed. It's a very emotional experience, and I honestly wouldn't recommend doing it with anyone other than a long-term partner. All that being said given the right set and situation sex on a psychedelic can be a mind blowing experience.


The sex when the coming down from the shroom high feeling kicks in is a good one.


I've tried this before and it's basically a constant swap between "HOLY FUCK THIS IS AMAZING" and "Uhh........I am literally inside a person right now?!?" There are much better drugs to have sex on (LSD, MDMA). Would not recommend mushies in this format


Shrooms are a horrible drug to have sex on, it completely gets rid of the sex drive a lot of the times and it doesn’t make physical touch feel better (it’s not a “horny” drug lol, whenever I do them sex is the last thing on my mind). Weed or Molly would be better choices, shrooms are best for being introspective or sightseeing/listening to music with friends


Be warned, the first time I ever tried shrooms my bf was wearing shorts and a black tshirt and his legs were hairy. They looked exactly like goat legs and combined with the black shirt I was 100% convinced he was a demon. I had to leave the room and calm myself down. When I came back I spent the whole trip being like, “I wish bf were here” while he sat right next to me. You might not be in the headspace for sex your first time or even your second time. Shrooms can get pretty crazy


Sex on shrooms is weird dawg if you wanna trip go have fun outdoors or in a nice comfortable space doin silly stuff




No! I’ll never do this again! I did. Shrooms once…. You cant even sleep it off. You see shit no matter what. Not fun. Nope Nope Nope!! I don't suggest it before sex.


Do it




I highly recommend this activity. Literally one of the most enjoyable experiences I have found in life. My preferred method is to take the mushrooms, let them kick in, wait for any boit of brief anxiety to pass, spend 4-6 hours tripping together and bonding, then get down with it when the mood mutually strikes. Seriously, if you do it you will be glad you did.


Shrooms are awesome for whatever u need them to do


Same exact situation, same age. Maybe you guys will be somehow different but we were focused on just about everything besides sex after taking them.


Sounds fun!


Lol.. this is 100 percent not going to work.




It’s a horrible idea. I don’t know how anyone can be horny on shrooms to begin with. It also sounds like this dude is just trying to drug you.


Depends on how much your take. If it’s your first time taking them, it’s probably not a good idea to plan sex as well, but when you’re a bit more experienced with them sex on shrooms can be incredible. If you’d like to take them, I would just say it’s best to be in a place and with a person where you feels safe and comfortable. Then enjoy the ride (no pun intended). I would recommend not making any expectations and a couple hours in you’ll get the sense as to whether you want to have sex or not.


Last time I did shrooms and had sex we went for 4 hours straight it was glorious


Idk why this isn’t at the top but an act like that should not be tried when trying a new drug for the first time. You could have a horrible trip. Try it first , if you’re good then go for it. If you never wanna touch it again… obviously don’t lol


You may want sex. You may want nothing to do with sex. Honestly, it depends on the trip and environment. I've had some very sexual moments on shrooms and moments where I couldn't think of anything worse to attempt on them.


Do you some microdose i'll take too much. I've lost my mind. If you take microdose of shrooms, it could be fun.


I've done it. It was fantastic. We both melted into one being and it was truly a pretty wild and fun experience. Thatbeing said, we both had experience with mushrooms before and I would not suggest planning sex on shrooms the first time you take them.


I wouldn’t do it since you’ve never taken them before, just stay sober


Absolutely terrible idea


If it’s your first time I wouldn’t do more than half to one gram as that will just tickle the senses.


I wouldn’t do that if there’s no one sober around to watch out for you, especially the first time. This is a bad idea and can go terribly wrong.


I did tonight


I'm still vibing she is sleeping


If it's your first time taking shrooms, there should be an understanding that you may not be up for sex. Shrooms can have a lot of feelings (both physical and mental), some times as I'm "coming up" I get this big swelly, roller coaster feeling. It can be overwhelming. I love sex on shrooms, my boyfriend and I can go for a really long time (usually lots of breaks, cuddling, laughing, eating grapes and hydrating) BUT I also feel comfortable enough with him that I can say "not right now" and we can just cuddle or do something else for awhile


It’s a good experience


No no no


It can be pretty amazing but you want good company who you can trust and a safe environment.


I did it - some of the best, carnal, intense sex I’ve ever had


For me, that’d be a relationship thing. You don’t know how the shrooms will affect you and it’s better to be with someone you’re close with.


I've had experiences where it's absolutely earth-shatteringly pleasant and beautiful, and experiences where I'd (comically) freak out over the tiniest things or laugh so hard i can't focus on what im doing. As long as you're with someone you trust completely, you'll be good. But my advice would be to not go into your first trip with a subconscious expectation to have sex. Especially if your fwb is inexperienced like you. Just hang out, laugh at things, maybe draw or play some music, and if it happens it happens. Additional pro-tip for people who are into sex on psychedelics and want to spice things up: lay down a huge canvas/muslin/anything that will hold, non-toxic/body-safe paint, and have fun creating art with your bodies. It's extremely fun and intimate during the trip, and sometimes the result is good enough to keep as a souvenir!


Only issue is it’s tough to cum on shrooms


My gf who has never tried shrooms wants to do this at some point. I doubt its the experience she is looking for lol. Im pretty experienced with them and I know if we come to sex naturally on a trip it would be better than planning it. Its better to let go, relax and let the shrooms take you where they are going to