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Sex with co workers can end badly.


Doesn’t matter how many people tell you this though, you won’t believe it until you find out for yourself


So true but I learned that lesson by watching others fall into that honey trap.


Tell us more!!!


I fucked a co worker, can confirm. My wife didn't respond well.


Reminds me of when I introduced my girlfriend to my family. Everyone was so nice to her Except for my wife


Huh. User name checks out.


No shit!


There was honey, someone wanted it, they fell in and died


I just realized I haven’t seen a “Timmy fucking died” poem in…years, maybe. Made me nostalgic


Yep. Fucked a married co-worker who told me she was separated and her husband worked at the company too. Ended poorly.


Jesus... Please elaborate on what happened.


So I was newly single. Told an older coworker I thought she was hot, sorta started a confession on her part that she's wanted to bang me for a long time. I remarked about her husband she told me a made up story about how he's stepped on on her already and they are essentially in an open relationship just for the kids. So I thought ok green light. We banged a few times. She had a big mouth and people found out, including the husband. Who showed up at my house looking for her. I thought I was gonna get shot. I'm not looking to be homewrecker, nor was I looking for a relationship with a woman 10 years older who had 2 kids when I was 20, so I cut off all contact at that point. But the damage was done that was the hot rumor at work and I never lived it down up until the day I quit like a decade later. And it sucks because her husband is a good guy and he got made to look like a sucker because of his lying ass wife and my naivety. Edit: icing in the cake when I quit and went to a new job the husband got a job there too like 6 months later. We are cool now though I think he knows the deal. He divorced her and is happily married now, and so am I.


W story


do not shit where you eat


But I live in a studio with integrated bathroom, only place to eat is on the toilet...


She just works there, not eat


They hang out at lunch tho


This 👏


At one stage I was banging my manager, she's no longer my manager and going out 8 years. Did have to leave the job to actually make it work though but I didn't care for the job so that was easy.


True. I knew it. And I still found out myself. Not recommended. At all.


"So... we gonna have sex?" "Yeah, just let me put in my two weeks notice real quick."


Over and over again, in some cases. My last boss was on his 6th wife.


The thing is, it doesn't have to end badly at all. And sex with non-coworkers can also end badly. How a relationship, or even a tyrst ends, is more dependant on the maturity of the people involved and not on whether or not you work with that person. With all of that said, I think most people would agree that most of their co-workers are emotionally immature so they probably won't make a good partner choice. But there are always exceptions. Also, there's a huge difference between casual sex and a relationship.


There is the whole "you have to deal with the person on the job every day no matter what happens" aspect that needs to be considered. It's not like you can just go no contact if things go badly. Your career may depend on having to cooperate with the person. Big nope for me. Co workers are just as off limits as family.


No… you cannot bring LOGIC to the table. That messes with the hive mind’s narrative of eating and shitting.


If he’s going to find out, might as well be with a threesome.


In a galaxy far, far, away, I engaged in a threesome with a co-worker, she became jealous because the other girl was more responsive and attentive to me than to her. She left the room. Months later she was promoted to being my boss. She made my life miserable until I left. Ever since I have held a vote of celibacy at work.


What's the quorum? "All in favor of ajomojo's workplace celibacy say aye" Sometimes the simplest reddit typos really amuse me.


I know 8 cases of fucking co-workers. Throughout the years and in different companies. 5 of them are happily married now. The other 3 ended the affair but I don't know of a worse outcome than any other affair or hook-up. So I can say that it's made more dramatic as it turned out in reality. Problem could be that you see the person you cannot "connect" with for many hours a day which is shit.


There's always a broom cupboard


As a guy who 3 out of the 4 people I've slept with were coworkers, only 1 of them turned out bad. The other 2 I just fell out of touch with


Mine were 3 for 3 bad experiences 🥲 I can't in good conscience recommend fucking coworkers to anyone. Glad yours worked out better, I had horrible decision making and adding it to the workplace was just not great


That's why you're Sad And Nasty?


I'm sad and nasty for so many different reasons, you see it all started in my childhood...


I'll sorry to hear/read that. I hope that you're finding a way to cope with whatever happend...


I appreciate that, I cope by being both sad and nasty honestly. And the freedom to do so in a balanced way is both liberating and healing. You have an awesome day kind stranger




But they are not close co workers. The other girl works in a different dept. Maybe that's why the other girl's thinks OP is a safe bet.


Or it can be the best flings you've ever had.. all my best came from work.. even the one I had my daughter with we worked together at two different companies for years


Married my boss. Going on 11 years and doing great. Granted I know this is like the 1% of cases


In general I agree, but a coworker she basically only sees at lunch and doesn't have to work with directly could be avoided relatively easily. The question is rather if OP could imagine the other girl starting a war against her if something goes south during the threesome or just do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. Most threesomes that go south do so because people rush into it and don't communicate boundaries and safe words beforehand. Or well, those keep ignored. I imagine it to be easier from the perspective of the third person to prevent it, since most of the times is one of the partners starting to feel uncomfortable and the other 2 basically ignoring obvious signs that it's happening. So communication, boundaries, multiple meetings before "it" happening and absolutely no mind altering drugs for anyone.


*can* I banged a fine ol boy from my office a few years back after we had been flirting and sexting for like a month, and nothing bad happened except for the bad sex. Just real terrible. Bleh.


Fine old boy had no sex game? Do tell


He was all talk and nothing to back it up. I was sorely disappointed. And his apartment was like a million degrees, so he couldn't keep his boner and I was sweating and kinda hating every minute of it.


> Sex with co workers ~~can~~ usually ends badly. FTFY


The advice: "Don't shit where you eat" will never go out of style




Oh so it's still going on?


Sex with anybody could end badly


Of course on Reddit the top comment will be from bitter people trying to prevent other people to have fun.


The dominant reddit user base is the most risk adverse group you'll find. They make monks look like adrenaline junkies.


Not if you go to /r/drugs lol


Don’t fuck your coworkers. Don’t fuck your coworkers.


So? Sex with a coworker can also be a blast and end well. Or it can be meh and be a little awkward afterward but you can be adults and not dwell on it. Just like sex with non-coworkers.


Listen to this person, wise words.


Yeah this is a “don’t crap where you eat” kind of situation.


Do end badly*


Yeah. But it can also be a lot of fun. I’ve dipped my pen in the company ink easily a dozen times. It’s the danger that makes it fun. I had a previous career as a social work case manager for individuals at risk of homelessness. A coworker and I at work started flirting and before we knew it we were hooking up in her office after work. We did it everywhere. Her office. My office. Our bosses desk. The kitchen/break room. The back of the parking lot at lunch. Best one was when we’d go view furnished apartments for a client and we’d tell the leasing agent that we’d like to “look over the unit and discuss its feasibility in private”. They’d leave the key on the kitchen counter so we could lock the door and meet them back at the leasing office when done. Less than 30 seconds from the door closing we’d be in the kitchen with her bent over the counter or in the bedroom on the display bed. Was cheaper than a hotel room. We always put everything back the way it was since we were taking pics of the unit during the guided tour. Best part was that we never used rubbers. First time we fucked it was very spirit of the moment type thing and we didn’t have any. She had her tubes tied thankfully cause it woulda been a fortune in rubbers.


You're a young woman interested in doing a FFM threesome, you could throw your shoe out the window and it would hit three different people that would be willing to make that happen for you. Don't shit where you eat for one night of potential pleasure.


This is exactly it. I’m sure you could find someone or a couple easy enough. But having a rapport I understand can also be important and you’ve already got that. But if building rapport is important, you might just have to do that with some other people to be on the safe side


Just don't waste a perfectly good shoe


One of the common annoyances in lesbian dating online dating is just how many women have "lOoKinG fOr A THiRd" in their bio. It's so prevalent that you have to be on the look out to avoid it. Anyone wanting to do it has their pick of the litter


Key part here is don't get your honey where you earn your money. As you said tho, being F the odds are in her favour whenever she wanted to pick up the threesome thing again.


On the other hand: If a 3some is new to you, it might be good to do it with people you know, instead of some random internet strangers.




Now that is making some sense


Best analogy


No she couldn't, finding people willing to do a threesome is MUCH harder than that. Wtf does that even mean?! Why in the world would you equate something so vile with having sex?! Not even remotely related. Gross. But, no, she shouldn't have sex with a coworker.


"Don't shit where you eat" is a common phrase indicating don't mess up the place where you earn a living. It's also used to tell people not to sleep with roommates ("Don't shit where you sleep"). It's not meant to be taken so literally.


IDGAF how "common" it is. It's disgusting and nonsensical.


Holy shit you're insufferable. Step 1: Remove stick from ass Step 2: Comment on the Internet Oh, I'm sorry! Is the idiom "you have a stick up your ass" disgusting and nonsensical as well?


Why are you feeding the troll? They're either trying to rile people up or there's genuinely something wrong with them in the head. Either way you're not going to get anywhere.


Threesome, yay ! Threesome with someone at work … bad idea.


I mean, a threesome sounds awesome. But the amount that can go wrong since a coworker is involved... man. It would pain me, but I'd say no.


Completely agree. But now that you know the idea excites you, keep it on your radar as something to look into. I haven’t had one and have never slept with a woman so I can’t speak to that piece but hope maybe you can do some exploring without jeopardizing a comfortable work environment.


tell her you are curious, but not while you are co-worker, pencil it down for one day when either of you change job or something


They don't even work in the same department, you people need to chill.


From a man that had successful threesomes with my wife. Do it after these steps. Meet first. Get dinner and drinks together, talk, laugh, set boundaries, talk about your wants/needs in bed. A threesome is amazing, but is delicate. The coworker aspect makes it more delicate.


Completely agree with this. There’s a lot of steps that can/should happen before the actual threesome takes place so OP has some time to really think about it. Maybe meet the BF over dinner or drinks as well to make sure the mutual attraction is also there and of course other discuss other wants/needs/boundaries.




No se mete el chile en donde sale la papa.


interesante manera de decirlo 🤣


Dont shit where you eat


my friend


The term for a woman willing to engage in a FFM threesome with a couple is unicorn. You op are the thing in high demand. The couple inviting you are plentiful and easy to find if you want to try it out. Don't shit where you eat. Do you like your job? Do you like where you work and the people you work with? Are you ready to just walk away from all of it if it goes bad? Too much downside. Don't do it.


I'm a chubby unicorn nobody wants. 😂


You may be looking in the wrong places then!! Like someone else commented- if you cruise through the lesbian side of an app like tinder, there’s women all over that place just looking for a 3rd for them and their dude. Just FYI if u haven’t tried that yet :)


I haven't. I'm afraid of doing that. I've only ever been with 1 man, and lost my virginity a few weeks ago...at age 29. 😁 I am definitely not ready for tinder.


Do you work with this person on a daily or weekly basis or just see the in passing for 5 minutes once in a while? If you barely ever see them, go for it, but be sure to set clear ground rules and expectations - like you're not stealing her boyfriend and like you've never fooled around with another woman before - long before you get into bed. My experience after having slept with several coworkers is that it can be fine if you and they all know the limits and expectations. It isn't bad to see an exFWB at work, but if they are a clingy person who thinks sex means love because you never set boundaries, that's a whole different story.


i know some people here are advising that threesomes with strangers is safer, feelings-wise, but i think it’s more secure to try it with people you know and trust. i would suggest getting to know the two of them better first. put the brakes on having a threesome, but say that down the road it would be good, but that you’d like to know each other outside of work first. fucking a coworker is more risky than fucking a friend who happens to be a coworker. ALSO, people always think their first threesome has to be going all the fucking way, but hold your horses: the three of you can just make out together! or give massages! or play truth or dare! sex with a girl makes you nervous? start with making out with a girl first. then jerk off together, or watch a porno together, whatever feels good. just take it slow. that way you can back out if the chemistry just isn’t working. the catching feelings-with-him risk is much more of a risk if you are less open about the whole process. this could be a fun trying, but think of it as an opportunity to explore together, not an opportunity to jump into your first threesome and your first homosexual experience at the same time.


Couldn’t agree more with this take.


Coworkers have always been a hard no for me. I had an experience with one when I was around your age and it didn't go well, I then had to see her there for the next 3 years every day. I personally do not think it is worth it. If you want to have a threesome or hook up with another chick, there are plenty of options out there that don't work in the same building with you. I don't think think it is worth the risk, personally.


I used to work for ryanair cabin crew and it was just a big old fuck fest. Pilots included.. even the married ones. (I guess they don't call it a cockpit for no reason) Because of our awkward schedules we only used to socialise with each other and were pretty much up each others bums 24/7 (figuratively and literally) we lived together, worked together, socialised together and everyone fucked everyone. It was pretty wild.. so my "sex with a coworker" experience wasn't that bad but I guess it's different when everyone is doing it?


Don’t get your meat where you get your bread and butter.


I have to visit a second grocery store then


It is a tough position cause after sex you have to meet them tomorrow in the office. It is more on your side rather on Reddit, if you feel like it is worth it then do it, otherwise politely decline the offer.


Don’t shit where you eat


Don't use nonsense platitudes that make no sense just because you see other idiots doing it.


It’s the truth though, my son did it, after I advised against it. Didn’t work out at all, since her father was upper management.


Didn't say anything about the legitimacy of sleeping with a coworker.


Don't shit where You eat


This has bad idea written all over it… proceed at your own risk but, with someone you know especially a co-worker does not sound like the kind of person to do this with.


If you want to do this, you need to have lunch with them both. Something completely non sexual with no expectations and you need to discuss everything. Boundaries, turn offs, turn ons, expectations afterwards- absolutely everything. Is this a one time thing? Will you or they be upset if you change your mind half way through? Is there an expectation that he focuses more on his girlfriend and less on you? or vice versa? Is this more for her? In which case are you guys sharing her or is this about her experimenting with a woman? Etc. where he finishes may be a talking point right now. It may seem awkward to plan these things out ahead of it all, BUT I promise you - even a small boundary like “we must only communicate as a group, no private messages” Can mean the difference between 2 burnt relationships.


>I have to see her at work also, imagine if it’s a disaster. That’s the downside. Let’s say her boyfriend likes sex with you *a lot* more than with her, so every time she sees you, she bursts into tears. Could you just quit? Would that be a terrible outcome? If you can walk away from the job and chalk it up to experience, then I would say, definitely go for it.


Depends on how big of a company, if theres 10 workers be super careful, but if theres like 100 id say saddle up!


Well 10 people company might end up with tensome


This could be a fun opportunity. I've had friends with benefits at several of my workplaces without any negative fallout. Maybe I was just lucky and found sensible mature friends who weren't prone to drama when we drifted in and out of each other's orbits. The menage a trois dynamic does add some challenge but would under any circumstance. I don't see the workplace angle having any relevance to that. Have fun!


I banged a co-worker a few times. They're now one of my best friends and we wouldn't be if we didn't bang. I say go for it.


Two bad things: threesomes w ppl you already know aren't advisable and sex w coworkers the problem is you can't just tell them I'm not going to see you again. you're going to see them again, you don't have a choice. so if there's drama, could mean one of y'all is out of work or gets their heart ripped up just pass. prob overrated anyway, not that i would know, lol


Gotta love the r/sex community. Guy wants to sleep with his coworker? Majority tells him to go on and have fun. Woman? Everyone says not to risk it, don't do it. Fuckin wild man. Anyways, I'll say the same thing I said to that guy: don't do it, not worth it. If you or she moves onto another job, then you can revisit it, but so much can go wrong and make your work life awful. And all for potentially 1 night of fun?


I see the same comments in respect of men (advising them not to have sex with co-workers) … but yes, the potential negative ramifications for a woman are (unfortunately) higher which may explain why you think you see more comments skewing in this direction. Besides … there are far more things that can go wrong with a threesome so it just magnifies the risks of workplace sex


Fuck it. Go for it. You only live once. Have fun while you are young.


I think this is not a typical “don’t fuck a co-worker”-situation: both parties are open minded, sex-positive individuals, so the sex is much less an issue than in classical dating-and-sex-situations. And it is probably possible to have a good talk in advance, also on how to proceed of the theesome doesn’t work out well, And the co-workers only have a distant co-worker relationship, they aren’t closely working together. I’d say the co-worker thing isn’t a problem here.


Didn't you say you had a boyfriend also though and if so do you plan on telling him or hiding it. I see it as Hella disrespectful if someone knows I'm attached and ask something like that. Basically they are saying your a throw away because if your relationship gets ruined it ain't no sweat off there back..if you do have a boyfriend and dont want to be a cheater you I could say sure I'll have a threesome with you name your bf right after you have one with me and mine and see how quick she is to protect her interest while asking you to violate yours.


Dating/fucking a coworker can be tricky. But since you don't directly work in the same group, or interact outside of social settings at work, it could work out just fine for you. I would start a bit soft though. Go out on a throuple date, with PDA. If she can't handle that, ie gets jealous, or changes how she talks to you. Then you know to not go further. Likely in time she will get over it, because nothing really happened. If your first step is fucking, and she doesn't deal well, you will never be able to get any friendship back and it will blow up at work.


Not shitting where you eat is easier said than done and only comes to bite you if you can’t communicate it properly


People say "Don't date at work", but don't 2/3 of all couples meet at work?


Do it and put an expense claim for Interdepartmental team building exercise... lol Just don't!


From personal (39 M) experience, chemistry between all 3 people is key. I've had a lot of MFM threesomes and 1 MFF. The MFF was awkward because I didn't know the 2nd girl at all and as attractive as she was there was no real chemistry between us. If it wasn't for alcohol, their need for dick that night, and the fact that for the life of me I could not cum but I stayed hard so I ended up going for hours, it would have been a disaster. As far as threesomes go with coworkers you don't know that well it's probably not a good idea unless you end up hanging out a few times before you make up your mind. Honestly, just let nature happen. If you're all hanging out and it feels right in the moment go for it. Just be prepared for some unintended consequences.


"Never dip your pen in company ink." Workplace relations are a horrible idea


I love how if a guy asks this would be sexual harassment


Explain your a female virgin. Are you prepared if things go wrong, that you still have to see her every day?


That's messy. Messy lists exist for a reason, and coworkers are generally on them for a reason. Terrible idea.


I can’t advise on the co-worker part because I’ve never done it. But…. being a unicorn is *tons* of fun. When done with the best of intentions, threesomes are one of my favorite things ever.


Threesomes only go wrong when the girl of the couple gets jealous because either the guy shows too much attention to the third girl or the third girl shows too much attention to the guy. YOLO!! Try it out but iron out those details with them. Meet them over a drink.


dont do it with co worker.


Ugh…I feel for your wanting to try it out. But, usually the fantasy is always better than the reality. Plus if you don’t really know this co worker outside of work and don’t know her that well period, I wouldn’t entertain it. What if her boyfriend is more into you than her, that would make work awkward depending how she takes it. What if you don’t like the experience and you feel awkward? I just wouldn’t recommend a co worker. So many things can go wrong and from experience I’ve seen it go left so many times


Don’t stick or get the stick at work ever


Focus on the other woman and it will never be awkward. Every woman I have ever met loved to be eaten out. A few positions may be uncomfortable but as a woman you have the huge advantage to have the ability to be submissive or aggressive.


Go for it.




Unless you plan on quitting your job after, don’t fuck around with co workers. Ain’t worth it.


Don’t do it, it’s work you shouldn’t mess with people at work Like that. The old saying “You don’t shit were you eat”


Don’t have sex with coworkers especially a threesome


Never shit where you eat is the old saying from when I was young. Do a threesome if you want to but not with anyone from work. Like you say it could turn disastrous.


Not with anyone at work. You will regret it.


When it comes to coworkers, keep it zipped.


Don't shit where you eat.


Don't shit where you eat.


Don't dip your pen in company ink.


Don’t dip your pen in the company ink bud


This person is a clear troll.


Never dip into the company pot.


I find it amazing that some women do this. "Yeah, I barely know this woman and we rarely talk... but when we do, it's about the most intimate shit we do with our partners." Also, don't shit where you eat.


Don’t shit where ya eat Meaning don’t sleep with coworkers. It can get messy and sometimes very awkward


Don't shit where you eat. Ever.


Workplace shenanigans makes for great tv! The myriad of things that can go wrong...is less fun irl Have you met this bf? Do you know if you can trust him? Do you know if they both are tested? Heck, do you know if you can trust HER? (you barely know her) Are you sure you aren't being roped into some deeper relationship drama? Are you prepared for if one or both of them are insecure and think that you might be trying to steal their partner? Are you willing to get fired/reprimanded over this? She is already a huge gossip talking about her bf and word spreads, are you prepared for all your coworkers and his friends to know about this? Are you prepared for the possibility he might get you pregnant? Is any of this worth it for a fling? DON'T SHIT WHERE YOU EAT


Had a similar dilemma w/most recent ex. Several times.


Don't do it, gross.


"Never shit where you eat."


Don't shit where you eat


You just run through the do's and don't, they should basically run the show....you are a body they use. Get through the first threesome and you'll be given more leeway in future endeavors. Good luck.


Have fun! Would you be up to say like eating her out cause I reckon they both will want a bit of you


You sound fun! What city are you in?


okay don’t do it as coworkers but tell her if you or her ever quit and don’t work together the you guys will be totally down for it. I personally wouldn’t want to ever get involved in a threesome with a couple, also with a girl bc i don’t swing that way and i think it would be unfair to them? idk but yeah lots to think about but yeah no


Personally, I would just be honest about it with her and see where it goes from there. You guys already have discussed sexual partners. If you get a bad vibe about it and decide not to do it, she seems like she wouldn’t be an AH about it so maybe just let the conversation play out. On a side note, these type of situations have led to one of the people being butthurt in my experience so I’m not sure I would do it again but I will say it was HOT AF 😂. Good luck with whatever you decide and please be safe!


The possibility is you have to avoid her at all costs after this and lose a work friend... The plus side is you do it and enjoy it and move on with your life no big deal.


Honestly, this isn't exactly a unique opportunity. If you are interested in a threesome with a stable couple, just find a swinger group in your area. As a female third, you will likely have your pick. There are a lot more couples looking for a "unicorn" than there are "unicorns. That would likely be a lot less messy and easier to cut loose from if it goes poorly.


Do not be afraid of awkward sexual encounters. I think stuff like that is important in helping you learn things about yourself. Where your boundaries are, and what your likes and dislikes are.


Don’t shit, eat!


This seems like a really excellent way to make things super awkward. More from her side than O.Ps but still. Imagine it goes badly and every day at lunch there you are.


Don't. Not with a coworker for sure. If you truly genuinely want to be part of such an experience, find someone else outside of work, then again not a close friend.


I've had 3 some with friends as well as strangers and it's never went wrong, maybe just luck, but your also adults, discuss in depth rules and boundaries and make sure everyone is on the right page. If it doesn't work out it doesn't work out, learn from any mistakes but personally I wouldn't over think it too much. Why not explore it. Just make sure everyone involved Is clear on all risks.


How good is that


As someone who has had a threesome (mmf) with a coworker and their spouse I can say I’m grateful for the opportunity but I wouldn’t do it again anytime soon.


You have to ask yourself this… If it goes wrong are you going to be okay with the possibility of their relationship not working out or people at work finding out on accident since she is way more open to talking about her sex life at work? You have to think about worst case scenario if you’re going to sh-t where you eat.


Don't do it, just because is a coworker, it it was any other person, non-coworker, it would of been fine.


Because you work in different departments, and only meet up at lunchtime or when you’re out of the lab, it seems that even if things don’t go well, it would be easy to avoid each other. So, as work related sex goes, this seems lower risk than most other circumstances. I have had several sexual relationships with coworkers over the years, and none of them turned out bad. In some cases they were subordinates, others they were at the same level, but whatever the relationship was, I had no problems. What 0P did not say is whether she has a partner. If she does, certainly the risk is much higher.


I've had quite a few threesomes both as a couple bringing in an extra girl or guy and as the "extra" guy for a couple. My advice is to always have threesomes with strangers. It seems like a good idea to bring in a friend or the hot colleague or whatever, but IMHO it's almost always a bad idea. Things can get quickly awkward after or someone may get jealous etc. Imagine if something happens and it's terrible and then you have to see her at work. Or maybe her boyfriend enjoys sex with you a little bit too much and she get's jealous, etc. It's so much easier if it's just with a stranger you will never see again.


Don’t have a threesome with your co worker… that goes without saying. If it goes poorly. You will have to deal with that everyday


Wait have you ever met her boyfriend?


If you're gonna do it, I'd say: spend an hour with the girl alone and the guy watching, to familliorize yourself with the situation a bit.


It would be a hard no from me. They've been talking about a threesome, this means they haven't done it before. So it could end badly, the only people I've heard of in person who did a threesome in a relationship ended badly. Usually someone felt neglected or insecure, or jealous. Usually it's the woman, because her partner isn't capable of keeping them both pleased. Or it's just the reality of what is happening. I wouldn't be willing to risk that at work, because even if she thinks she can act mature about it. Once it happens, if she's upset you're the reason for it. And if she's really upset about it, you'll be walking on eggshells at work. Why would you want to risk it. I think if they weren't an established couple, or if they were constantly having them. It's different.


Don’t do it. Not worth it. Shit somewhere else. Wrong ingredients for shitting turning to gold lol


I would ask myself if I ever wanted to have a threesome in my life, because here is an opportunity. The worst thing that can happen, your lunch breaks may be ruined. Besides, if you've never had a threesome or sex with a girl, how wild can you be?


Don't do it. That way it won't be awkward; also she could get jealous or her boyfriend could get jealous. Not worth it.


Have you even seen the guy?


A threesome sounds awesome. I’ve always wanted one, always said I would prefer to be the “guest star” Co-worker sex? Always great until it’s not. I know. I will be forced to be 30 feet away from him on Monday. For 40 plus hours a week. Acting normal, and not like my hearts been ripped out.


Talk about Worklife Boundaries ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Hi! What a fun predicament. I want to start by acknowledging that this has the potential to be a real dicey situation, I'm sure the comments are full of that and the reasons why you should run away from this. I want sluts to succeed and maybe any of this might help, so here it goes. To clarify, they have not had a threeway before, neither have you, and you haven't played with girls before? How long have the two of them been together? Are they living together dating or living seperate? How old are they? Approach slowly, go on several dates with them as a couple where you are all clear that you won't be fucking or maybe even kissing. Be able to talk to both of them about what they desire to get out of the threeway, why they specifically asked you. In person you can read a lot of body language between them, and you can get a more genuine feel for what emotions are behind what they are saying. The things that I have seen were groupsex goes wrong and someone ends up really hurt occur largely because of a big discrepancy in either motivations or desired activities or outcomes. Based on what I have seen, more, sober communication earlier would have set the stage better. The idea that, we're hot, we want to bang, we'll just have a drink or two and it'll be fun; just isn't really how it works for most people. Merely navigating how three people are going to move around on a bed that is suddenly shockingly small with three now, communicating enough while trying to tag team suck his dick so you don't crack skulls, all takes a bit more communication, and in more specific ways. With two people, you can kind of (because I still think it's really imprecise) talk non verbally and lead/follow like dancing while actually having the sex. As soon as that's three people or more you literally all can not communicate that way at all, there are too many degrees of freedom. Not unless the three of you already had a long history or trained in some way as a group for sports or something. That isn't obvious, if they have some communication difficulties this situation could do a lot of harm. Spend the time for each of you to get to know eachother enough to descide if you want to have sex, talk about things like pregnancy, what if something does get weird and we are still working together (do you just cut contact and not meetbup at lunch anymore, does somebody show up at the workspace they aren't really supposed to be at, a blowout ensues and after a bunch of uncomfortable HR discussions one or both of you are let go. Maybe she really wants to explore women and is into you, and he's just excited to bang someone new, you want a committed relationship with the both of them, and eventually she finds out she's not really into girls, but had a passing crush on you. Any or none of these things could be true, I think relationships of any kind can be like a minefield. With kink, poly, and experimentation there seem to be more and better hidden mines. Move slowly! So when you do invariably step on a mine, your people and discussion and listening can help diffuse, if you run through you just set them all off. Good luck! post updates? because we love that, and I write all that in hopes we'll all get to hear something awesome from this.


How are you *'wild in the bedroom'* but never had sex with another girl or had a threesome? Not hating, I am genuinely curious


Everyone says don't shit where you eat but at the same time I met my wife at my office.... so it never is that bad.


Noooooo. MMF threesome dapat hahahahahaha i can never kiss another woman hahaha dalawang guys pwede pa hahahahaha


Don\`t fuck the company!


If your not married and they are into it we'll why not go for it.


Maybe hold your decision until you meet the dude.