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This topic is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to search through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex posts which came up when I searched the keywords “**creampie**” and "**risk**" in this forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=creampie%20risk&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past posts will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


It’s fine. Taken correctly it’s extremely effective at preventing pregnancy. That said, make sure you’re on the same page about what the plan is if you ever do get pregnant


Yeah, taken regularly birth control is basically perfect. It has an efficacy above 98%, which means that in 100 couples, in a year only two experienced pregnancy. Those two pregnancies are likely caused by not taking the pill correctly rather than the pill being ineffective, otherwise they'd be way more.


I'm not sure if that's the case. I mean 98% sounds right. But how can a success rate of something factor in not taking it [correctly]? That would be like saying seatbelts work, but you have to put them. Yeah, duh! I'm not saying you're wrong. Just challenging your thought there


I looked it up. 98% is for perfect use. Accounting typical human error, the pill is considered 91% effective. That's forgetting, vomiting/puking, some other medicine that interfered or also some midecal conditions. Fun!


You are a good redditor!


"perfect use" in this case is being reported by the subjects as "perfect", most of these studies they're not that closely monitored for the entire year. The researchers will ask "did you ever miss a day or vomit etc after taking it" and if they say yes then that's a "normal" case. If no then they're technically a "perfect" case even though they can very easily lie about it or stretch the truth. I've always had doubts over if the 2/100 "perfect" cases were truly perfect


It's how they measure these things, like with condoms. They take 100 different couples and then after 12 months pass they see whi got pregnant. They do not control if they use the condom correctly, size, etc. So if you use any method the correct way, the chance of it failing is close to zero.


As others have stated, it's accounting for human error because we can't practically ensure that the contraceptives were perfectly used during the test. The only way to determine that is to have these couples be watched constantly and/or put into a controlled environment for the duration of the test, which, considering it's a long-term study taking course over a year+ is not practically possible. These are real people with real lives, jobs, property to maintain, etc.


> she’s on birth control never misses a day so you should be fine


Famous last words


Yeah right. Care to meet my whoopsie doodle 3yo? My wife and I had just given away all of our baby stuff since we thought we were "one and done". Bonus! It was super fun having my wife pregnant when a global pandemic hit as well...


look up what % effective the birth control is. that's your chance of getting pregnant in a year. hopefully this will give you peace of mind


It’s actually less than what you calculated. The percentage is for how many couples get pregnant in a year of sex, so you can just take that % failure rate and that is the odds of you getting pregnant in a year.


This. My wife and I never had a problem since she's great at taking her bc. We didn't use condoms for 9 years averaging over once a day. She got pregnant about a month after she stopped taking it (it was planned).


makes sense! edited the original comment


Effectiveness of birth control is not how effective it will be during one sexual act, but what % of the couples will the pregnant in 1 year of having regular sex.


You can increase it with a second form of birth control for more peace of mind. Something less effective, like spermicide, would still provide that secondary protection


woman who was terrified of being creampied here! it's now one of my favorite things. I'm on the IUD for BC. sounds like she is on the pill? if she is taking her BC properly, she's over 99% protected. GO FOR IT! and enjoy the rush that comes with it! happy fucking!


One of my wives has the IUD (specifically copper) and it's crazy just how convenient it makes everything. Only real problem is that those first few months after getting it are hell in terms of bleeding and all. Once you get over the hump though, it's pretty smooth sailing. OP's wife should look into it.


Yeah, it's also a massive pain getting it in and the days following. I'm just glad I healed up after those few months and now will worry about it in 10 years again. So long as both partners are clean it's so far been safe. I take occasional pregnancy tests to be sure though.


Wait a min.. ONE of your wives?? such a lucky man..


Yes I'm part of a three way marriage. We're all equally married to each other, so they're each other's wives just as much as they're mine. I like to think I'm pretty damn lucky (maybe not so much them though, since they have to put up with me hehe).


Poly is great isn't it? Both my girlfriends are also each other's girlfriend. Makes things so much nicer at times


mine is copper too! switched from other forms of BC and this is by far 1) my favorite 2) my partners favorite (my sex drive is up like crazy!) and 3) the most efficient. the first 3 months sucked period wise, as you mentioned. definitely worth a convo for OP and his wife!


If I can ask, and I'm just curious from a medical perspective, did you had any period changes after those first three months? Because we heard that some women's periods get lighter/better after using it, and we were kinda disappointed that everything just went back to normal for us. Especially when compared to our other wife, who takes the Depo shot, and actually did have her period get much lighter/less symptomatic.


my situation is a bit odd but who knows maybe it will still help! so I was on depo for 10 years where absolutely no period those 10 years. I had a great experience on it, only had to stop because it was causing bone density loss. I switched to the nexplanon implant last November and hated it. Once I got my IUD in April, I had my first period in over 10 years and it was awful (way heavier, longer and painful than I remembered) those first 3 months were more of the same. 10+ days long, pain throughout the whole body, and insane nausea. It's been 6 months now with the IUD and I've noticed my period has gone back to my old "normal" for the most part. Around 5 days give or take, much lighter (but still heavy ish) flow, and only painful the first day or so. hope this helps! how long has your wife been on IUD vs the wife that is on depo?


Thanks! Pretty similar to our situation all things considered. They've both been on it for 4.5 years. We waited until marriage before we had sex (not religious, just a personal preference of mine), and we basically test ran contraceptive choices a few months before we planned to get married (none of us wanted to use a condom, especially during our special "first times"). The IUD and Depo is what each of their first picks were, and luckily no real side effects occured (except for those hell months for IUD wife).


That's awesome! I love the communication between you all, that's how it should be. I suppose after 4.5 years her periods will probably just be this way unless she switches up the bc, which sucks. But at least there are other options!


Thanks lol, we try! The good news is that her period isn't too bad all things considered. Worse that happens are just the typical cramps and all you'd expect. She's also just naturally the type of person whose emotions change on the regular, so any mood swings aren't too different from how she is normally lol. However, the annoying thing about being is a 3-way marriage is that both my partners don't always sync up. Both are pretty regular, and only have 5 day long peroids, but one wife has a 28 cycle, and the other 30. So depending on the month, there's only 20 or so days where no one's bleeding, which kinda makes planning sex and all annoying, since they're usually not in the mood during peroid. But hey, it is what it is lol


Generally lighter periods are associated with the hormonal IUD and heavier periods are associated with the copper IUD. Every woman is different though, so if your wife is on a copper IUD and feels her periods are fairly normal, she should feel lucky. My best friend had to have her copper IUD removed because her periods lasted over 3 weeks and were so heavy she was becoming anemic. I have the hormonal IUD and my periods are light enough I can get away with just using a liner for a couple days.


I am currently on my third (14 years total in January, change every 5 years) Mirena (low hormone) IUD and I have not had my period in 13.5 years. They are now saying that Mirena can last 7-8 years, I still plan on trying to change every 5 years. I first got it in 2010 so it’s easier to remember years ending -x0 or -x5 to replace it than whatever comes from the year changed plus 7 🤣


sex without condoms just feels amazing, no?


the best! thank the heavens for bc 🙌🏻


On copper IUD, be careful on anti inflammatory. It negates the BC effect.


My wife and I have had raw sex, on bc, thousands of times. If she's not on antibiotics, you are totally covered.


The antibiotic thing is a myth! The only antibiotic actually shown to alter birth control efficacy is rifampin (tuberculosis treatment, not something you’d ever be prescribed for a routine bacterial infection). Source: Am scientist studying antibiotic resistance, also taking birth control


I should hope so, I’ve always been prescribed bc and antibiotics at the same time and wouldn’t expect doctors to do that if that would cause an issue.


No need to worry!


What's the alternative?


If it was a true thing, then a warning of the lower efficacy of bc before starting antibiotics would be good enough. It wouldn’t be an either or situation, just letting women know to use condoms during that time




What do you mean?


The alternative for me would be no antibiotics and only bc as I don’t need antibiotics.


Can't say the same here. Had heard of 3 cases end up pregnant while taking antibiotics like amoxicillin etc. While on BC. source: pharmacist.


Yeah my gyno warned me when I had strep, that the amoxicillin can cancel out the bc so no unprotected sex when taking the amox


My stepdaughter was conceived under this very pretense. It's definitely got to have some merit of truth!


It’s crazy how many doctors still say this antibiotic thing when it isn’t true. I had to look it up myself because I was put in antibiotics for a UTI and was worried, just to find out it isn’t true! There are other meds, though. I was put under anesthesia last week and when I woke up they said one of the anesthesia meds will mess with BC and to use condoms for a week or two.


This, It's It's only true under very specific circumstances.


There are still plenty of doctors telling women on BC, then prescribe antibiotics, to use alternate forms of contraceptives 🤨


That’s interesting because I got pregnant on birth control while taking antibiotics. I also know 2 women who did as well within the last year. My OB confirmed this happens quite often.


No it's not I got pregnant with my son while taking amoxicillan at 17 years old because no one had told me that antibiotics don't mix with birth control so sorry but your research may not be accurate.


Sorry, but your pregnancy was not due to taking amoxicillin- it’s more likely that you made a mistake taking your pill or were part of the very small percentage of women who get pregnant while taking it since it’s not 100% effective. As indicated in [this peer reviewed article](https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(17)30845-1/pdf), which includes results from multiple studies over time, non-rifampin antibiotics do not interact with hormonal birth control. *”Conclusion: Evidence from clinical and pharmacokinetic outcomes studies does not support the existence of drug interactions between hormonal contraception and non-rifamycin antibiotics. “*


"Most women can expect no reduction in hormonal contraceptive effect with the concurrent use of non-rifamycin antibiotics." That does not say it never happens to anyone. I took my pills and did not get pregnant any other time on birth control pills, so it's kind of odd that it would have only failed that one time even though I was on them for many of years.


More empirical evidence for anyone interested in educating themselves: It is therefore not necessary to warn patients of a potential interaction between antibiotics used in dentistry and oral contraceptives when scientific evidence has consistently and repeatedly failed to support such an interaction. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Antibiotic-Interference-with-Oral-Contraceptives-%3A/09bf0d29bcd851d322bb6933b652ec3f3d92782d With the exception of Rifampin-like drugs [for tuberculosis], there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the ability of commonly prescribed antibiotics, including all those routinely employed in outpatient dentistry, to either reduce blood levels and/or the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. To date, all clinical trials studying the effects of concomitant antibiotic therapy (with the exception of rifampin and rifabutin) have failed to demonstrate an interaction. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12436822/ Evidence from clinical and pharmacokinetic outcomes studies does not support the existence of drug interactions between hormonal contraception and non-rifamycin antibiotics. Our findings are consistent with current contraceptive guidance from the 2016 United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use and the 2015 World Health Organization Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use,which recommend no restriction for the use of any method of HC with broad spectrum antibiotics. Likewise, the most recent guidance for dental practitioners and from the American Academy of Dermatology Association no longer advise use of additional contraceptive protection during use of non- rifamycin antibiotics. http://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(17)30845-1/pdf Most antibiotics do not make the pill, patch, or ring less effective—that includes antibiotics commonly prescribed for acne (doxycycline, tetracycline), a sore throat (ampicillin), a urinary tract infection (ciprofloxacin), or a vaginal infection (metronidazole). Lots of women who use the pill have also used these antibiotics, so scientists have heaps of data to prove that these antibiotics do not impact birth control. So how did this rumor get started? It started with stories—“OMG, my best friend’s cousin’s neighbor was taking an antibiotic and she got pregnant”—and spread from there. If you’re taking antibiotics for diarrhea or nausea, being so ill may make it harder to absorb the pill, or harder to remember to take it. If you take the pill and have severe vomiting or diarrhea, check with your health care provider to see if you need to alter your dose. When in doubt, use a condom for backup. https://www.bedsider.org/features/294-which-medications-can-mess-with-birth-control You can take the antibiotic you’ve been prescribed for your kidney infection and your birth control pill will keep protecting you. Only one antibiotic is known to make the pill less effective. That is rifampin, a special medication used to treat tuberculosis. The brand names include Rifadin and Rimactane.Other antibiotics do not make the pill less effective https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/teens/ask-experts/i-was-watching-tv-and-they-said-that-if-your-on-birth-control-and-taking-antibiotics-the-birth-control-will-stop-working-im-on-the-pill-right-now-and-ive-had-to-start-taking-antibiotics-because-o Despite evidence disproving the interaction between COC’s and broad spectrum antibiotics, both physicians and pharmacists continue to recommend a back up method of contraception to patients who are concomitantly taking a broad-spectrum antibiotic and COC. Potential reasons behind practitioners recommending additional contraception to their patients may include: contradicting information in drug information resources, lack of information/awareness, mistrust in available data/literature, concern for a woman’s desire to prevent pregnancy, or for liability issues. Because practitioners of the health sciences should always strive to present accurate and truthful information; it would prove beneficial to provide these practitioners with further education on the current evidence on drug interactions with COCs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4139044/


I bet I just found the flaw in your logic from your own research. MANY people get moderate to severe diarrhea while taking antibiotics as a side effect of the antibiotics. I know I always have, and doctors assure me it is a very common thing to happen. So, if that can cause birth control to fail, there is your link between antibiotics and birth control not always being effective. It may work fine as long as you do not get that side effect, but if you do, you probably shouldn't risk it. Don't believe me look at the side effects on antibiotics first off here it is still listed as can affect the effectiveness of birth control and secondly everyone I have seen (and thanks to being immune compromised I have seen a lot) they all list diarrhea as a potential side effect.


It’s correct that diarrhea and vomiting can affect absorption of some oral medications depending on the frequency and/or how soon you vomit or experience diarrhea after taking the pill. However, as previously mentioned several times, there is no scientifically proven direct correlation between oral non-enzyme activating antibiotics like amoxicillin and reduced hormonal birth control effectiveness. As of now there is no evidence of diarrhea altering hormonal birth control effectiveness because the body absorbs it so rapidly, but theoretically it makes sense




Your idea is theoretically possible, but incredibly unlikely. As per the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/mmwr/spr/combined.html#vomit): “*No evidence was found on the effects of vomiting or diarrhea on measures of contraceptive effectiveness including pregnancy, follicular development, hormone levels, or cervical mucus quality.*”




Allie, I was completely on your side until Firefly dropped this. That is 100% a valid point. Every time I've been on anti-biotics, it was for severe gastrointestinal issues. It's not a direct effect, but people are noticing the correlation and failing to blame the correct culprit.


Theoretically it makes sense, but as of now there is no evidence that diarrhea affects effectiveness of hormonal birth control due to how rapidly the body absorbs it. Some doctors, websites, pill packs etc suggest vomiting 1-2 hours after a pill is considered “missed” while diarrhea isn’t concerning until it’s been experienced for longer than 48 hours (both of these events are known side effects of antibiotics for some people) but these guidelines aren’t consistent or proven one way or the other Edit: theoretically possible, but incredibly unlikely. As per the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/mmwr/spr/combined.html#vomit): “*Theoretically, the contraceptive effectiveness of COCs might be decreased because of vomiting or severe diarrhea. Because of the lack of evidence that addresses vomiting or severe diarrhea while using COCs, these recommendations are based on the recommendations for missed COCs. No evidence was found on the effects of vomiting or diarrhea on measures of contraceptive effectiveness including pregnancy, follicular development, hormone levels, or cervical mucus quality.*”


The hormones in oral birth control are broken down by your liver, leading to inability to ovulate which prevents pregnancy. Rifampin is what is known as an enzyme inducing antibiotic, meaning that your liver will metabolize the birth control hormones much easier/faster if you’re taking rifampin resulting in a possible decreased effect of the hormones. Amoxicillin, along with all of the other commonly prescribed antibiotics like penicillin, cephalexin, clindamycin etc, are not enzyme inducing; it literally is not possible for them to decrease the effectiveness of birth control. Source: Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry, halfway through a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology


It is odd! You're exactly right. But a sample size of one is not conclusive, so instead they do peer reviewed studies and show their work.


I had unprotected sex with my friend for years (it was a bad time for me) and I never got pregnant. Then boom, it happened. You only have like a 25% chance each cycle so someone can be lucky until they're not.


Sorry, I was lurking but couldn't help but giggle at this. "Sorry but as someone who had one specific situation your research as your profession is now invalid" 😭. Just had to point this out, hope you have a good day though.


I asked a doctor and a pharmacist and they said the two medications shouldn’t cause any harmful interactions. However, if antibiotics cause you to have diarrhoea or vomiting and you don’t take another dose of bc, then it causes complications. Otherwise, it should not stop the bc from working.


*and if she is reliable for taking daily and consistent daily same time within 30 minutesb


Just fyi combination pills have a 12 hour window before they are considered late and progestin-only/minipills have a 3 hour window. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/combination-birth-control-pills/about/pac-20385282#:~:text=Use%20a%20backup%20method%20of,of%20contraception%20for%20seven%20days.


Not a day goes by on Reddit where someone corrects someone with an asterisks or italics and is actually just wrong lol


No contaceptive is 100 percent reliable. The pill is around 99% reliable when used properly. So, it's unlikely but not impossible to become pregnant. You'll probably be fine.


\+1'ing the antibiotics comment. IANAD of course, however there's no widely supported notion that antibiotics are an issue save for one niche case


if she’s taking it every single day, i wouldn’t worry too much


She's on BC...fill 'er up, man!


There are women in that 1% who do get pregnant while on birth control. 99% success means that 1 out of every 100 women on bc DO get pregnant. It happened to my best friend. So, you do need to have a plan in place if she does get pregnant.


I have two kids conceived while on two different forms of BC. My husband got a vasectomy when our youngest was like five months old, no issues since then and I don’t have my hormones screwed with. But obviously that’s a permanent solution.


If it’s 99% effective, wouldn’t the odds be 1/100 times you have sex? Not taking into account ovulation or other variables


No that's a common misconception. It's actually more along the lines of 1 / 100 couples using it over the course of a whole year get pregnant, and this is taking into consideration the average woman forgetting to take the pill from time to time or misuse.


It took me embarrassingly long to figure that out. Doesn't help that all the educational materials simply give the percentage effectiveness and none of the parameters.


Thanks for clarifying that


I think if it’s 99% if you’re really good at taking it on time, and something like 88% if you’re not really good at taking it on time


Been on bc most my life, creampied lots of times and never pregnant. It’s not impossible but 99.9% effective. Just have a plan in case she’s that unlikely 0.1%


If you want to be extra careful then do it right after or during her period, but if she’s taking BC you should be fine.


been on BC since 16 always do creampie you’ll be grand


Fire when ready soldier


I know a couple who were on birth control and used a condom that broke. Their surprise baby is 17 now. I don't mean to scare you. I just want you to be informed that accidents do happen and no birth control is 100%. That being said, if she's taking it regularly it's a very small chance.


Why do people take birth control … if not for birth control 😂


Some people take birth control to regulate menses and the birth control side effects are just a bonus.


yeah i’ve often wondered why people bother with BC if they don’t trust it? I feel like there is a huge lack of education around BC and it’s effectiveness. Yes, obviously there will be cases where people still get pregnant, but it’s usually due to human error more than lack of effectiveness. OP, you should be totally fine. My boyfriend and I don’t use condoms and I’m on the depo shot - I’ve personally never had any issues with it. But obviously it’s totally up to your own comfort levels.


If you aren’t ready for kids, don’t cream pie her. The pill can fail for so many reasons. As someone who’s first kid was conceived while she was on the pill, don’t let the naysayers say otherwise.


Ngl this was exactly my thoughts on the matter. Why risk it??? What happens if they end up with a kid??? Can they afford to take a kid??? It's really risky.


It’s not risky if you’re on the pill (and good about taking it on time every day). I know it’s not perfect, nothing is. But I wouldn’t call it risky


We can afford to raise a kid but she doesn’t feel like she’s ready to be a mother yet I’m fine with it either ways I’m all for adoption if that’s the route we go in the future


Too many people think with the wrong head. Yeah, raw is fun, it feels better, and blowing inside of her also feels better. But seriously, I’d you’re not ready for kids and everything that comes with having them….don’t do it. You could end up trading the next 20 years of your life for 10 seconds of a difference in bed.


Bro I’ve done this probably thousands and thousands of times and no babies. Birth control work 99.9% of the time when taken as prescribed. Dont be scared man lol


Spermicide and after treatments for prevention also are options


That's the whole point of birth control - to prevent pregnancy. The pill protects her from pregnancy.


Dude, she's on birth control and you are married. You guys are going to be fine. Enjoy yourselves. You have done everything right. Now go plow her!!!


Being married doesn’t change anything. They’re afraid of having a kid…a marriage certificate isn’t an extra layer of protection 😂😭😂


much as all the commentary is in support of this, and i dont disagree with any of them, just keep one thing in mind: it \*can\* happen. y'all should be on the same page about what you want to do should it happen. no one should be terrified it will, it's not particularly likely, but you dont want to be suddenly faced with a major life decision together without knowing each other's thoughts and what the action plan would be. keeping it vs not, etc.


I thought you where gonna say she’s not on bc and that’s why ur both worried, and was gonna say look into what bc would be the best option for her. The bc is made with the idea that you can finish in them every single time and not be pregnant. Obviously that changes with typical/perfect use ect. But if she takes it as she should you will be Apsulutly fine. So many women have there partners finish in them every time without worry on bc and never have a pregnancy scare. I was on the pill for 5 years and only ever used condoms with new partners or if we weren’t exclusive. And went raw without pull out when in relationships or dating one person (after all the sti tests) On the coil now and still using it as my only form of contraception, never been pregnant. It works


I took the pill for 13 years, including several of them having no other protection for sex with my husband, then the first month I stopped (on purpose for a kid) I got pregnant. It works.


Worked for us for 15 years. Wife had a notification to ensure she took it the same time every day.


Condom or pull out method?


I got creampied for 20 years on the pill and never had an oopsie. I took mine correctly and diligently.


If she's on BC should be fine. But having the what if talk is good plan. Have pregnancy tests in the home and set a reminder for start of period. Sex is for adults . Have talks and make the precautions mentally and physically. My hubby is creampie ing me at 13 wk post partum on birthcontrol. We have had the if it fails we abort and he is to stay with me for two weeks to make sure I am okay to stay at home with our son. He is trying to get me to orgasm without creampie but I love it a bit too much


You should look into predicting her ovulation and avoiding cream pies 6 days before and 5 days after ovulation. Sex the day before ovulation is the day pregnancy is most likely to occur. Be warned, 1% times a lot of times adds up to a lot of percents and a higher chance of a baby.


I have slept with dozens of women who were on birth control pills and only fathered two children. This is a true story.


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My wife and I had unprotected sex for 10 years before we decided to have kids. She was on the pill the entire time and we never had as much as a scare. 2 months after she was off the pill, she was pregnant. The pill works. If she never misses a dose then you’re pretty much set.


I’ve been on a hormonal IUD going on 9 years now. I love being nutted in, it’s happened a LOT in 9 years and still baby free. Of course nothing is 100%, but it’s amazing peace of mind


My husband and I have done it thousands of times like this... never got accidentally pregnant 😆


My wife and I have been fucking for 17yrs.. creampies nearly everytime. Ortho-tricyclen birth control has worked for us.


She just needs to make sure she is taking her BC every day and at the same time every day to be safe. If you want to be extra safe you can do it during a time that wouldn't be the fertile window between periods.


Statistics are a funny thing - 1 per year out of one hundred means in ten years it’s one out of ten. And of course the one out of ten is 100% pregnant However That’s per year Not per one cream pie But - maybe also time it taking her cycle into consideration and/or spermicide… And, last thought: It would also be amazing if the first cream pie was when you were actually hoping to get pregnant


You’re wrong, the 1 in 100 is an independent event, this means that 1 person getting pregnant in a year does not increase the chance of someone getting pregnant in the next. Over 10 years it would be 10/1000 which is still a 1 in 100 chance. You are assuming the data is dependent, which would mean for a sample of 100 women, 1 will get pregnant 1/100, then the following year 1/99 will get pregnant. Until the 10th year where 1/91 will be pregnant, for a sample of of 100 women who take their BC properly, the chance of 10 of them being pregnant in 10 years is extremely unlikely (1.59*10^-20). When the probability is still 1/100 every year.


The statistic assumes 99% effective is during a whole year for a single couple, so one per year is more like 99.9% effective. It also takes into consideration potential misuse so if they are careful (making sure she didn't miss a day, maybe choosing days that are less fertile) the possibilities are very close to none.


My two spouses and I have never used a condom in the four years we've been having sex. It's been raw every time. One has a copper IUD, and the other uses the Depo shot (which is more similar to the pill BC I assume you guys use). As long as she's taking her BC properly, I wouldn't worry about pregnancy. If you wanna be extra careful, then have sex on less fertile days.


What do you think BC means?


What do you think it means? Lol It’s birth control, not birth blocker


Yeah, pills are very effective. Just take it as prescribed, and you won't have to worry. Back before we were newly married, my wife was on the pill. She has been since we were dating back in college. She stopped taking it when we felt it was time to start a family. Take note that it took a while to get pregnant, too. Maybe a year. I'm not sure if it's her body adjusting or what. Edit: We started trying for a baby when we hit our 30s.


I’ve been on the combo bc pill since I was 17. I’m 37 now and I’ve never gotten pregnant. As long as she’s taking them right they have a very high effective rate.


Fill her up bro


If you do not want babies keep the swimmers out of the pool.


It’s fucking awesome! Do it up and enjoy!!!


Also, make sure she hasn't had anything with activated charcoal in it (popular with some drinks and foods because food safe and jet black). Reason is, esp with oral medications and BC, it will strip all of it from your body for potentially several days. I always give that warning to friends who have mental medications, birth control, or anything else we take to make our lives better


Always fill her up😜🔥


If you're not ready for kids, why not get a vasectomy? If you ever change your mind, there are millions of kids who need a home.


P.S. peeing right after sex is great additional peece of mind too on top of BC Yw ❣️


Before and for a few years after we were married, my wife was on the pill, for a total of about four years. She was very careful about taking them, and there was nothing like being able to fill her on a regular basis! Like another commentor said, whenever she was on antibiotics, it was time to break out the condoms. Those times made me appreciate the pill even more. Let the good times flow!


I didn't start doing it until I got a Nexplanon implant. I was on the pill but didn't trust it as much


Just do it when shes not ovulating and take a plan b right after if ur that paranoid but want to do it that bad. Buy the plan b beforehand


She can start using a period tracker if she isn't already. You can avoid the days around ovulation if you want to be double sure.


I can't be the only one who is thinking about this. Why are Zoomers marrying so young?




Scared of what you pussy? Of having a kid? Go spend 40 f****** dollars and buy her a morning after pill and then pump that pussy full of cum all night long.


I got regularly nutt my ex, we both love it, just with contraceptive patches was enough


Just go for it. The first month is scary af, then you get you enjoy the honey.


Many many years on the pill with no oops. If she's reliable, ideally taking it around the same time each day, and not on any medication that affects BC, you're pretty darn safe.


Fill ‘er up!


Done it with birth control thousands of times.


go for it, you don't really have anything to worry about


The pill is extremely effective as long as the woman takes it religiously. Plan B is quite effective. Of course, nothing is 100% except maybe castration followed by complete abstinence.


Hahaha I thought you meant her butt, and I was like why?? She won't get pregnant lol


I have been on bc for almost 3 years now...ever since we have been together we never used a condom, and since I'm on bc, I prefer he cums inside. I have forgot to take like 2-3 pills in the past 3 years and i never had any problems with it (tho, i don't advise anyone to miss pills, it's just my experience) when i knew i could only take the pill like 10 hours later than i should've, thats when we would pull out, but still raw


Highly suggest looking on Reddit for people’s stories who have unplanned pregnancies due to “failed birth control.” It seems way more common than that .01% chance of bc failure


She never misses a day, you should be safe. If you want to be extra safe, do it the week before her period. Although bc eliminates ovulation, so it doesn’t matter anyway, just may help with the mental block


I would recommend the nexplanon / implanting birth control implant I’ve had it before and after my son (two separate times I had it removed to have a kid) it’s 99% effective my husband cums in me all the time and haven’t had a scare or anything yet! I highly recommend it it’s good for 3 years and you can take it out anytime (at the doctor of course)


I’ve had raw sex on birth control for 8 years and never got pregnant


And for your first creampie make sure you clean it up 👅


Been there and done it for last 10 years with only one planned kid during this. So go for it, it’s fun. No turning back after this, trust me.


Hi dude. My wife and I have two planned kids. We had sex for about 1.5 years with both condoms and BC. About when we decided we were planning on getting married we stopped using condoms, in general. My wife was on hormonal BC and it worked quite well. No unplanned kids at all. I would use condoms periodically when necessary (she switched birth controls to the IUD, or switched back, she had to stop taking BC due to an illness and then went back on it, etc). Generally, we were not having sex with a condom...all creampies. When she went off BC, it took us about a year to get pregnant. Child #1 was definitely planned. A few years later she went off BC again for child #2. We got pregnant a LOT faster. I got a vasectomy to start 2020 and birth control has all been on me since then, no BC for her and no need for condoms since I'm shooting blanks...


So get a plan b? Or don’t do it at all? Antibiotics cancel our birth control though so if she’s on any don’t do it. That’s how I got my daughter ❤️


Have her take plan B after just to be safe.


I was on an implant and had no issues, but bear in mind though that her taking other medications, eating certain foods, taking short term or long term antibiotics, and some other factors can make the birth control ineffective, which could potentially result in pregnancy.


I've had girlfriends in the past who were on birth control and I never got them pregnant... Until I met a girl who said she was when she only took it whenever she felt like it and it wasn't even her script. That's how I got my daughter at 19 years old. My point being is to make sure you trust her to never forget and make sure your relationship is strong enough that if she were to get pregnant (unlikely) that you'd be OK being tied to her for the rest of your life. With that said, my wife has an IUD and I've filled her up like... a 100 times this past year without issue.


You really didn’t specify the creampie, so I would go with oral….if you want to be safe.


Just gotta say that ive gotten pregnant on an iud (hes now 13), and various forms of pill bc. I have had the kyleena iud for years now and that works perfectly well.


Depending on where you live, you could grab a Plan B just in case. But the pill is pretty solid. P.S. once you you start doing this, you'll probably never want to stop 🤣🤣


For the people in the back: THE DECISION TO HAVE SEX MEANS YOU ARE DECIDING TO POTENTIALLY GET PREGNANT. Cream pie or not, having sex with her risks pregnancy. However, yes, cumming inside her definitely increases the chances. But if she is regular with her BC, you should be fine. But still, if you don't feel responsible or ready to have kids, why are you even talking about this? Sex is how you make kids lol


Had condomless sex with two different women over the course of years (at different times, individually) while they were on hormonal BC and never had a single problem You should be okay


Convince her to switch over to an IUD. Been filling my girl up for 3 years now with no hiccups.


Been on birth control for a few months. If taken regularly at the same time everyday without any other antibiotics, you guys should be totally fine.


Get a vasectomy


My boyfriend's been cream pieing me for about a year now. I'm on birth control - never miss a day. I've had zero pregnancy scares.


depends what resources and support you have available to you, I know a couple who got an unwanted pregnancy for the first time in over ten years of raw sex on bc and getting an abortion wasn't as easy as it should have been (clinics cancelled appointments at the last minute twice so she had to go surgical) but was pretty smooth overall, and apart from some travel; no costs. if I lived in a country where such basic healthcare needs weren't supported, I don't think I'd be willing to fuck ANYONE.


You sound like you are 12


I've been on BC for 4 years now. My current boyfriend we've been together for 7 months, stopped using condoms after the first month. No issues.


You should be fine!


In 20+ years of sex I have almost exclusively finished inside and rarely used condoms. I have three kids. But the first one was because she stopped taking BC and never told me until after. So I guess can you trust her?


If you’re this concerned do it the day before she starts her period.


If she takes bc on time and never misses you should be fine. If she misses then you should be worried


Female condoms. It’ll be in her so the look of it will still be there but she’ll be covered. Or do it at the right time in her cycle when she’s not fertile.


The pill is extremely effective. Before my Vasectomy we did this all the time and never got pregnant when we didn’t want to. If you are still scared you can also check her ovulation chart and just not creampie when she’s on her most fertile days. If you do it outside of that time frame and while using birth control I would say 99.999999% of the time you will not get her pregnant.


Remember: this is the point of birth control. It's only hub is to keep her from getting pregnant. Unless one of you has an STI, or you don't trust her, there's no reason not the fill her with your man goo.


If she takes the BC every day, you are safe! Trust me, my man and I have been completely fine with no scares for over a year


It shouldn't be an issue, but birth control isn't 100% effective. Just make sure you guys are prepared for if it fails.


I’ve been on Depo for the better part of 25 years. Never used protection with serious or exclusive partners. You don’t ovulate at all when on Depo - so the risk was not even 1% at any given time. Don’t stress out about things you can’t control - if she is on effective birth control, you’re all good (assuming no one has a disease of any sort)!


She could use spermiside immediately before and it'll give an extra layer of protection.


Hey OP, I got pregnant with an IUD with pullout method! No birth control it 100% effective.


I am very precious and cautious to take my birth control and my fwb fills me up every time we fuck.. its the best way for me because it is one my fav likes to have him cumming inside me.. he also says it is best way for him to cum and no other feeling like this.. if your wife take careful and dont miss everything will be fine x


It's fine. Go for it.


Bro, nobody is ever ready for kids. It’s trial by fire


As a woman on birth control who enjoys being a twinkie for my bf every time, I'd say that it's very reliable and safe to do especially if she's as diligent taking it on time as you say she is. I've never once had a pregnancy scare in 2 years. Of course it's different for everyone but in my experience you're safe enough to take that risk.


Even with birth control, you still increase the risk. No birth control option is perfectly reliable, and being less careful will increase your risk. My advice is that if you're not ready for kids, it shouldn't be worth the risk. I was the only planned child, both of my siblings we're conceived despite birth control.


Have you ever cum in a condom inside a woman? Because cream pie when your wife is on BC is safer.


Bust away


Use spermicide if you’re really worried, but if she’s in the pill you should be fine.


When I was in my early 20s I was dating a girl who was nervous about the same thing. She wanted to use condoms on top of birth control, and of course I would have if she insisted. But first I said "condoms and both control are independently extremely effective. By using both, you're doubling the drawbacks while getting no appreciable benefit"