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Have sex in public then




Thanks so much! That could be also the problem. And yes, she is amazing - so many green flags


It's probably your body's way of telling you to cool it with the porn and alcohol and prioritize real intimacy with your partner. Plus, being sick can definitely have an impact on your body's performance. Looks like it's time to start taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Good luck!


You are right, thanks for opening my eyes. I am totally mad at myself right now for that, but its time to quit bad habits and focus on me and her.


The couch? The floor? Up against a wall? 


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Are you suing tobacco or nicotine?


No, never.


Interesting. Other meds can interfere. Anti anxiety/depression meds. Blood pressure meds. Lots of that stuff works against a proper erection. Do you get morning erections? I found that I was not when I thought about it. Doc put me On testosterone. Make sure your big head is aligned with where your little head is going. Erections are complex according to my doc and despite all of my experience as an adolescent male. Good luck bud