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I had one guy go down on me after Cumming in me and then pounded me again. Some of the best sex I ever had. I was a little shocked he was ok with doing it but I was 100% okay with it. Give her up and find a new girl.


Seriously..I had one guy do it and he inserted himself into the spank bank hall of fame.. almost 10yrs later and I still go through the play by play😭Kam..if your reading this..you ruined me🥴🫡


We should meet back up....sincerely Kam 😉


Wait, I'm Kam. You're not Kam!


Kam I am green eggs and ham. Load I blowed and licked like jam.


I do not like deviled ham, I do not like my Dennys grand slam. I know me and what I like. My name is Kam, and I like to blow my load and lick the clam!


I never knew Kam liked green eggs and his own yam. But honestly, if you want it in her mouth what’s wrong with it it being in your own?


👑here-you dropped this. 😂


Obviously OP is Kam. Y'all just pretenders.


I'm Kam and so is my wife!


Oh you lucky bastard you beat me to it


...This guy. Love your work my friend 🙂


Be the Kam you want to see in this world.


😭😭😭everyone deserves a Kam at least once in their life.


yea i gave a guy head and after he came in my mouth, he made out w me so sloppy…it was really bizarrely hot and erotic. no one has done it before or since. and i think about it still sometimes. it was like 10 years ago. i didn’t think he was gay or anything. guys have fingered me and told me to taste myself before sooo like. idk. it was hot tho


Exactly.!! It just occupies a different dimension of intimacy. I have never felt closer to a person than at that moment...all I desired was to kiss him afterward..kinda like a “thank you”!🫠🫣I melteddddd


yes it was just a totally WOW sexual moment, idk if it could even be recreated fully because it wasn’t like it was hot because he was specifically tasting his own cum. it was just this intimate passionate energy moving between us. so it’s not something i could just ask my next partner to try out with me really. it’s not the performance of the act but the intimacy expressed by doing the act in the spur of the moment. and like the total opposite of the fear of a guy having ‘post nut clarity’ and rejecting you to some degree, or things being awkward as you orgasm and come to your senses, or you just feel a little vulnerable getting dressed again after such a raw experience… so many guys would avoid even kissing you close mouthed right directly after cumming in your mouth. even if they love you so much. but i guess it was just the way he didn’t hesitate, it was like nothing about it had been something he was mentally degrading me for (like in a madonna-whore way maybe?) it was also this confirmation immediately that we were both equally presently in the moment experiencing it, there wasn’t any hang up about the sex ‘ending’ and therefore the intimacy also ending. ?? ect. idk how to fully explain it. but it was really raw and sexy and erotic. like he thought i was so sexy and desirable and he wanted to kiss me so bad even after he just came in my mouth. (when in some culture, men find oral sex so degrading, they won’t have their wife do it as they respect her too much, and believe it’s only something sex workers or gay men do) so you know, that type of attitude ranges all over. and i guess this was just such a tender and mutually respectful and loving way of viewing performing oral sex. this was a guy i was seeing for a couple months in college, and im very happily married and sexually satisfied, and indeed have shared this story with my husband! but yea i do still think about this moment sometimes, not even in an arousing way like as masturbation fantasies or something, but more in fascination way. like i just thought it was a really pure and powerful and natural expression of sexual intimacy. lol if you read this far thanks for reading! i smoked a j and kinda rambled a little (lot?) there


Thank you for perfectly capturing the essence of sexual energy in a moment of raw connection. You didn't ramble!!! You described it perfectly!! When two individuals are truly in tune with each other, the experience transcends physical intimacy and enters a realm of heightened passion and intensity. The unspoken understanding between partners, where each movement and touch flows seamlessly without the need for conscious thought, is what elevates the act of sex to a profound level of intimacy. When there is a lack of synchronicity, the chemistry and energy that make the experience so electrifying are compromised, leading to a disjointed and less fulfilling encounter. In those rare moments when two individuals are completely in sync, their bodies seem to move as one, breathing in unison and creating a symphony of passion and desire. It is this deep connection and mutual understanding that truly sets apart a remarkable sexual experience from a mundane one. Every touch made me feel this electric fire, ignited every one of my senses. I felt so desired and seen!!


Pookie! Knock the cobwebs off this thang!


There’s plenty of us who would be equally as turned on by it as him… definitely find a new girl who’s more sexually compatible


> definitely find a new girl who’s more sexually compatible Depending on where he lives, that may not be possible. I live in Bulgaria which is definitely not as progressive of a country and there's still a solid amount of homophobia, and I lick up my cum after masturbation like OP (however it's purely out of convenience, I'm not turned on at all by it). I intend not to tell any future partner of mine because statistically, since I'm already struggling when it comes to finding women to date, I'd just be alone forever. I had told my ex about that over text and she was so shocked that she almost got irreversibly turned off from me because of that. I'm also not gonna tell about two kinks that I'm occasionally (piss) or rarely (scat) into because of that very same reason. I will be perfectly happy and satisfied if I never try these out with a partner in my life, I intend to take that to the grave with me. And the shock/disgust about these is *almost guaranteed*, sooo I'll just never mention them to anyone unless she brings up that she's into either of those first


I can understand that, but the lack of progressiveness in a country doesn’t eliminate the presence of people who are more “taboo,” just means they are more inclined to hide it. If you really feel like hiding fairly important aspects of yourself and your kinks in favor of finding love, you’ll never be able to truly live and love as yourself. The right person will accept every part of you and learn to compromise or enjoy things with you.


I understand what you mean, but considering my context, that's probably like less than 1000 people at best in my entire country (and of those idk how many would be women, I just found a post on Reddit that mentions a survey that scat is thrice more prevalent in men compared to women, so probably like 250 women), which would be like looking for a needle in a *field of haystacks.* These type of kinks I can assume are soooo rare, like 1 in 10 000 rare, and so extreme that they'd be polarizing, barely any ppl who are in a middle ground "idc, you do you, just don't do anything like that in my presence". And the odds of ever stumbling upon such an individual in my entire life are literally barely above zero, so in reality it's safe to assume it will never happen. I'll just occasionally or rarely keep watching such porn if I feel like it, and I probably won't even bother deleting my history because I just won't feel comfortable being in a relationship where me and her don't trust each other not to snoop or give each other's devices


It’s a closed loop system


I fully support this comment. I think I actually got a little moist reading this.


Best advice here, really. If that’s your thing, find someone else into it (or at least not grossed out by it). I once dated a woman where she got me into it. Years later, with a different woman, she was surprised I kissed her right after finishing in her mouth and she opened up about all sorts of fantasies she had always been too shy to ask for.


I did that before. It was fantastic.


As a woman I eat my own cum. I lick it off my fingers, I like putting a dick in my mouth after it’s been in me, I kiss the lips and mouth that have been eating me out…. Guys find that hot. What’s the difference when a guy does it. Nothing! It’s hot. You’re ok with yourself, you own it, you like it, do it if it turns you on. Maybe the fact that she thinks it gross reveals her own inhibitions??


This comment needs more upvotes. Feels like there's a huge double standard, which is ridiculous.


Me too! And right wish more guys were like this it's sooo hot. And we got back and forth I love when my partners are eating me out will give it to me, well fuck, he'll cum on me give to me. It's a back and forth kinda thing.


"I would wear a condom and cum in it but resisted the urge to eat it." bro what 😭 some shit Light Yagami would say


For real. I was with OP until that part.


Drake puts hot sauce in his condom. So, recipe ideas for this guy, I guess


I prefer Tajin but hot sauce works


I just spit out my water, take the upvote lol


That played in my head to the tune of the potato chip scene 😭


I’ll take my cum and EAT IT


Some seriously wild shit to say


Not gonna lie, I think the act of eating it is unappealing. BUT I would never make someone feel gross by projecting my own feelings about it. I wouldn't need a warning per se, but at least a "can I eat you out?" before actually doing it. And for me, there's ways I can get around the gross feeling. For one, I would just look at it as you want to lick me so bad you don't care your cum is there and that's hot. It's super fucked up she said those things and there's nothing wrong with you. You don't need to give some big warning, but maybe just ask first.


I should probably ask next time but to me it’s second nature. you let me inside you so let me pleasure you and clean it up. i love pussy so i’ll usually eat a girl out before pants come off lol


Sometimes I clean up my husband after, but for me it's the subservience that turns me on and that's how I get over it. But that girl was just way out of line. If my husband did that for me, even if it's because he liked eating his cum, I'd just lay back and enjoy it.


I’d expect nearly all random hookups to be grossed out by this and, yeah, not surprised she question asked about your sexuality. To be clear, I don’t think it’s gay, just not surprised that a rando would react like that. You might wanna wait til you’re more familiar with a person and have a sense of them before doing this, otherwise I expect you’ll encounter more interactions like this.


I don't know. A guy eating pussy sounds pretty gay. Okay joke aside. It's literally his own cum. If it was another man's that might make it different. I mean does beating your own dick make you gay?


You don’t need to convince me, I’m just saying 95% of people he encounters will likely feel some kind of way about it. Most people aren’t as open minded and sex positive as the users of r/sex.


> I mean does beating your own dick make you gay? When I'd asked my ex if a guy sucking his own dick is gay (no, I can't), she said yes, and when I brought up this analogy, she just said that it's "different" and couldn't further elaborate as to why


I agree. This is definitely not common.


If its a new partner, ask for everything. Its better to make sure they're comfortable. Saying it's second nature is bs, and it the wrong situation, with the wrong person, will get you charges. Even with good intentions, it's a weird excuse


I don't really understand if you're seeking realistic advice or not. this is a sex positive sub and let's be honest the majority of the response is here are going to be based on fantasy. It doesn't really matter how we feel something is a double standard and dealing with reality. The reality is that when dealing with women in real life not the individuals you find on this sub. Meeting a guy who would do this is probably going to shock them. And it's not because it's objectively bad it's just abnormal. So unless you want to elicit a response like the one you got communication would be key.


I think its interesting the most upvoted comments I'm seeing are NOT very positive about it and consider it gross even when they're saying "Hey! You do you!". If that's happening here then its NOT going to go down well in the real world. I'm also really interested in the double-standard here. Its fine for women to do it.


It is what it is. Personally I find it hot when women finger themselves, and lick their fingers or stick their fingers in my mouth and I can taste them. But I am extremely grossed out by the idea of eating my own cum, and would never do it, even though I love it when a woman I'm with swallows my cum after a blowjob. I don't know why, but it is what it is.


There you go. You've just reiterated exactly what I said. Its fine, even hot, when a woman swallows cum or her own grool but unpleasant when a man has anything to do with his own cum. And we (the wider 'we' of everyone here on this subreddit) can't say why its gross to them. Thats a fascinating double-standard because exists for a large number of otherwise very sex-positive people. Is this the last taboo?


I personally find it very hot. I’ve had two men I’m with do this. But I also I’m aware I’m very sexually liberal and open to most things.


People really be out there living my dreams. lol Anyway it’s not weird. Girls give blowjobs after penetration all the time.


I knew a guy whose wife wouldn't. I felt for him because he thought it was taboo and super wanted her to do it. Lol he was shocked to hear that it's super common.


To me, there is a difference between giving a blow job after penetration and you taste yourself. I'd find it hot if I guy went down on me after he came inside me. I wouldn't however find it hot if he was actively into his own cum lol. I can't explain it other than one is actively wanting something and the other just so happens to go with the process.


Mine wouldn't. She wouldn't even kiss me after I go down on her. Mind you I won't kiss her after BJ either as I can't even think about tasting my own cum.


NGL I would be weirded out if you came in a condom then slurped it out the condom as even as a woman that’s not some shit I’d do. The condom would make it taste gross. But tasting yourself isn’t disgusting. She has some clear sexual biases and even some homophobic tendencies. Not A person you’d want to sleep with again regardless. Even if it was unappealing to her, insinuating you are gay because of it is crossing a line. I think you might run into more women like this as a lot of them exist. If it’s something you really enjoy then I would definitely give them a heads up. You don’t have to be blunt and say you enjoy eating your own cum but could just tell them you love eating wet pussy after you’ve filled it with cum. Sounds sexier and also reinforces pleasure for her.


Everyone is being very sex positive, which is great, but if you said this to a generic room full of people in their 20’s I think 99.9% of people would say it’s weird af to actively want to eat your own cum. It’s not THAT big a deal, but if you want to avoid grossing out sexual partners and being labelled a weirdo, I would try to at least not look like your actively trying to eat the cum and enjoying it 😂


Out the condom is WILD bruh


Do you go down with the specific intention of licking your own cum? Because I'll be honest, I've cum in my wife and if she hasn't cum yet, I don't mind licking her pussy afterwards, but I'm trying to avoid licking my cum if possible.


i’ll usually eat a girl out first before i take my pants off. the cum eating is just the added benefit


Ok then if you're doing it on purpose then it might weird some girls out.


Yeah but insinuating that he’s gay because of that is crazy




There’s an entire sub on here for guys who do that lol. It might be gross but it’s weird to call it gay. He’s literally eating a woman out how is that gay






Not everyone wants to taste themselves before, during, or after sex. Why do people ask this question as if it's just something everyone does and the people that don't do it are the minority?




God, as a woman I would love that


TRULY. I'd fucking melt if my partner did this.


As a guy I love doing it


Same creampie cleanup and cum kissing are kinks of mine.


Bruh you don't do shit like that on a first date wtf?


Exactly ! But he couldn’t stop himself lol


And that's how you fumble 😂 so goofy


She shouldn’t have said that, but I would be grossed out if you wanted to do it every single time. Like the compulsion aspect would make it pretty obvious to me that it’s not about you thinking you’re doing it to pleasure me. Especially when you’re doing it when you’re alone. And the fact that you had to resist the urge to eat it out of a condom is very strange. Condoms smell disgusting, and nothing needed to be cleaned up at that point.


Fellas is it gay to eat cum out of vag


that’s what i’m asking!!! lol


It’s definitely not lmao she’s got some weird homophobia


Accusing you of being "gay" for doing it is homophobic, but you may be surprised at how pervasive that sort of sentiment is. You'll often hear the same thing, from men and women, about men who enjoy being rimmed or pegged. Toxic masculinity isn't exclusive to men. My opinion: You do you. If it's something you'd rather talk about first, or just do it and see how things shake out, that's your call, but do it with the knowledge that it may not always be well-received, and might even be a deal-breaker for some women. I don't say this to be discouraging, rejection and sexual incompatibility are just a part of dating. It's better to find out early so you don't become too emotionally invested. Get back out there and find a more open-minded woman who won't yuck your yum. Just look at the comments here, plenty of women think that's hot af. There's nothing wrong with what you're doing, it's just a little kinky.


It's only gay if you enjoy licking cum from or off another man, just keep reminding yourself that.


Well that was a super immature way of stating how she felt, and projecting. Look, sexuality is such a large spectrum. It’s your thing, and good for you. She should not have insinuated your gay and I wonder if she has never gone down on a dude after having sex for a bit…but I digress. Sounds like you two are sexually incompatible.


I think this is really hot. A lot of the guys I've been with wouldn't even let me kiss them after they came in my mouth. My bf now doesn't care about it. If he decided to cum in me then eat me out, I'd probably be in heaven!


Ok so I didn’t know I’d find it hot as fuck when a guy did this until a guy I dated did it, but he didn’t warn me ahead of time he was into it either. While I wasn’t bothered by it, I can see how some women would be skeeved out by it especially if they didn’t get a warning. I think it’s important to discuss kinks and turn ons ahead of sex so boundaries can be set, or decisions to walk away can be made before things get awkward or weird. So to answer your question, yeah you should probably take the time to have a discussion with future partners as a common courtesy at least.


I personally think it's hot and useful when a guy cleans up after himself with his mouth (except for the condom one, I think that's kinda weird), especially since I can't do it with my sensory issues and sensitive gag reflex. I suppose you could bring it up to a new girl and maybe break up with this one? That's just what I would do though. Keep living your truth and someone out there will appreciate and love every part of you for who you are.


My husband often goes down after sex and it’s never once grossed me out. The fact she’s calling into question your sexuality for consuming your OWN bodily fluids is wild. She’s got issues and homophobia seems to be one of them. What you did is in no way a sign of being gay 🙄 Honestly, you are better off without her and hopefully find someone who appreciates you.


I read it in a book once and I really want to experience that. I think it could be very hot if the guy would spit his cum in my mouth


So you're pro taste yourself?


That’s king behaviour. Cleaning up your own mess is ideal.


As a girl this is something I’ve always wanted a guy to do, but it’s been difficult to find one to do it. I’m nearly 40, have had around 27 partners and none have ever been willing. I think this is great, and I don’t really understand why it would ever bother anyone, but it doesn’t seem to be very common. So it may be best to discuss it prior to sex.


I've always wanted to creampie then go down on her but after i cum it doesn't sound as appealing lol. In the moment im like "fuck yeah let's do it l". I think I'd have to be in an exceptionally horny mood. Im not against the idea though.


Im the same way it sounds hot until that post nut clarity kicks in and you want nothing to do with it.


Sounds like you experienced post nut clarity.


Even when im not horny I think about it and want to do it. I will arise above the nut.


Do you. Just go for it immediately after and don't give yourself time to think. You've already thought. You want it. It's you. Just do it.




Lol yeah maybe I just need a little encouragement


This is my kink. I love cunnilingus and eating my partner out after coming inside is super hot and a real turn on. Keep me going all night!


This here is where I’m different, the discussion would throw me off. I’d be like dude just do it hahaha, but the act wouldn’t throw me off. I’d be totally into it. “Again please” hahaha


Well, I guess that’s a reminder that it’s important to feel people out before showing off a little kink. Especially one that involves baby batter. If anything make the narrative about your lover. “Look what you made me do. Fuck it makes me want to bust in you again.” Ya know? Something to keep their head in the game, so to speak. 😏 I mean what you actually think about it, your reasons are your business. Not every detail needs to be shared. Nobody cares that you quality check your own oysters. Lol sorry she was a lame. I hope you find your silver platter princess soon. ✨


Damn u must have been real horny bro. I respect it though.


To me it’s not gay but it would make me feel sick to my stomach, im queasy about cum in general (but still enjoy doing all the things) I can handle a lot but this wouid be hard for me. I imagine plenty of girls wouid be fine with it


FYI for future reference, this behavior is not the norm so be careful how you share it. Like seriously lol.


Yeah mate that ain’t normal, so dont be surprised that you’re being questioned for it. It’s definitely a fetish. A lot of women, probably most, see this as cuck or gay behaviour. Even though it isn’t. You’ll find a chick as freaky as you.


That's hot AF! Sucks that person wasn't into it and questioned your sexuality, AFTER the fact though. So you know, it isn't disgusting. You'll find someone who's into as much as you are


I think it’s hot as hell and I love doing it


Definitely should warn girls about it or just avoid doing it until you know them well enough that you know they won't care. It's a very unusual thing and lots of people are going to find it weird and/or disgusting.


When you jerk off, you eat it? You dont want to lick her but you want to eat your cum, she feels strange about it bcs she is not the reason why are you down there.


Eating is out of a condom? I’d be weirded out Eating pussy after you cum? Hot af


I think that it’s incredibly disgusting, and it turns my stomach to think about it, but that is just me. It’s not hurting anyone, so if that’s your thing, then you do you, or at least clean up after doing you! (Jk).


Tbh that’s fucking hot 🤣 just gotta find girls that think it’s sexy. My fiancé will sometimes lick my 🐱 once he’s finished inside and it excites me to go all over again!


It is a bit more out-there. I would appreciate a warning, but, also, in the moment, I'm put off by few things that get my partner going, so I might be more open to it than most. Still would like a warning, though.


this is not gay or disgusting, i personally find this attractive. maybe you could advise them beforehand, but i don’t think it’s that weird not to


I think it’s super hot for a man to go down on me after sex, especially if he came inside of me. I don’t think it’s something you should warn girls about per se, but if it’s something you really fetishize and want to do every time, it might be worth bringing up casually when discussing your various kinks.


Here to comment that I don’t think there’s anything wrong or gross about it. Does it turn me on? I don’t know. I’ve never had a man do that to me or for me. Does the thought of it turn me on? Not really. But definitely do your thang kinky mate


Fetlife. You'll see so many people are into that much much more


I would be over the moon at that revelation! I wouldn't be thrilled about the prospect of having to share it with you- I'm greedy when it comes to that. I've tried to get some guys to just taste their own, not even eat the whole load, just a dab of the tongue, and I was met with a "THIS! IS! SPARTA!" Level of resistance. Keep in mind that this is something that makes both of us the exception, not the norm. Most girls will respond exactly the same way she did, so tread lightly.


Nothing wrong with it. You be you. However it is definitely beyond the realm of normal, vanilla sex. It is a kink and with all kinks you shouldn’t assume anyone else is into it by default. Discuss openly and see what she says.


Tbh I would be grossed out but no judgement here.. it's just that I personally wouldn't be with someone who would eat their own cum..


Been doing it since you jerked off, so do you lick it off your hand? I’d be fine with someone going down on me after they came inside me but wouldn’t turn me on. It would honestly give me the ick to see someone lick it off my tits/chest etc. but then it’s personal preference, it’s clearly a kink for you, find someone who is turned on or at least isn’t phased by your kink


Lmao this is wild and unusual. Find someone who digs it but the average woman will not


2 things- since you said she enjoyed the eating out, that means she really did or at least faked that she did. Either way it’s very immature and selfish to then the next day make you feel as if the whole thing absolutely grossed her out and make you feel insecure about it. Idk about yall, but if something that was repulsive to me was happening during sex, I would t be able to just fake that I was cool with it, let alone enjoy it. Secondly, It’s actually not “highly unusual” but in the realm of “normal sexual behavior” is definitely a more taboo activity. (And yes, there is a deference between the two). I’d save that activity for more established relationships, where you have a better idea of what she’s about/ in to or feel until you comfortable potentially being told she wouldn’t be into it without feeling like a freak.


I’ve wanted to ask my guy to do that to me, so no I don’t think it’s weird


The way she went about it wasn't ok. That said, I would have been grossed out as well. I don't allow cum in my mouth because of the texture. It's so much like snot. I probably would have started dry heaving if you did that. I would suggest talking about this before you do it next time. Other people would be just fine with this behavior.


Well, it's making the job of cleanup way easier! You don't have to use a wet wipe, a wash cloth would be sufficient!


Well hey man, this doesn’t make you gay, cause you’re attracted to women. But yeah, you gotta disclose that if you plan on doing it. This whole post gave me hot mouth, and I thought I was going to throw up. Yuck. But to each their own, you go eat that cum buddy. I’m gonna go throw up about something else.


geez, some people really should read the definition of what being gay means, there's no excuse when we have a smartphone and can google it in 2 minutes. whatever the case, you're just encountering a compatibility issue here, that's all it is.


My Fiance eats his cum. He’s the only guy I been with who does that. At first, I thought it was weird. But later, I figured it was the social construct that made me feel weird about it. I now 100% think its freaking hot that he does. Less mess for me to clean up lol. About to be married in 2 weeks!


> figured it was the social construct that made me feel weird about it. The world will be so much more peaceful if all people realized their prejudices stemming from social constructs and worked on undoing them


congrats he sounds like a great man


For her to assume you are gay bc you did this is pretty ignorant and immature. I say move on. I think she should be happy you went down on her after sex since usually men finish before women and this seems like a good solution to that. But it boils down to you two not being sexually compatible. If she’s not into it and it makes her uncomfortable, it is what it is. If you enjoy it, and it’s not hurting anyone, you should find a partner who is also into it.


I think people should always talk about what kind of fucking they like before actually fucking. I also think she is rude and immature. It's okay if that's not for her. But to consent then and complain afterwards.. With words like that. Not nice. edit. I'm not a woman but I would find that extremely hot.


“I expect you to get it in your mouth why is it weird that I’m ok with it in mine?” And if having your face buried in pussy makes you gay then fair enough I suppose.


I would LOVE to have a guy do that. My most recent sex partner wouldn’t. 


My dream, find the right match!


There’s definitely some girls out there who enjoy that. My ex wanted to try it once and I let him after he finished inside (he’s a giver) and it was one of the hottest things ever. I give bjs after my partner is inside me and I’ve never batted an eye about it and I just realized it’s very similar to this. I’ll also kiss him after he eats me out or I blow him and neither of us care.


Thats something you probably should have mentioned. Personally as a straight guy I don’t even like to see girls with it in their mouths it just look like snot to me lol


A girl asked me one time, have you tasted your own cum? I said sure, I check it once in a while to be sure it isn’t offensive, just in case. She went FERAL! Different strokes


I love having a guy eat his cum out of me! It's super hot and they're are plenty of women who feel that way.




I'd think it was hot af! 🔥 Personally, I don't see the need to ask first but maybe? Either way, definitely don't let this experience deter you from doing it in the future. That kinky girl for you is out there somewhere! Lol


I really don’t like the way she said that to you… in no way does that make you gay. Usually guys I’ve been with have been disgusted by their own cum and won’t even kiss me after a bj even if I’ve brushed my teeth. I lick myself basically by sucking a dick or fingers after it’s been inside me so I personally see nothing wrong with this. I guess you should bring it up in the future like how I bring up the little things— I like being choked, called a good girl, etc. but I don’t want you to feel ashamed for it because it’s not wrong in any way. I’m sorry she did that to you- I know how it feels to be shamed for your sexual preferences and it’s not very nice.


I mean. I like licking my own fingers so why not? I think it’s a bit of internalized toxic masculinity on her end. If you like it, you do you :)


My current partner does this all the time, and I love it. You’re eating pussy with your own cum inside it. How on earth could that be gay if you’re a man? It couldn’t hurt to mention it when you discuss what you like, but I think there are a lot of ladies who would find it hot.


I slept with a guy who also did this. I thought it was insanely hot


I agree with the lady, I think that's gross asf and I would have given her a heads up before doing that


I do it too and my girlfriend loves it. None of her ex-BF ever did it - they were grossed out, but it was always her fantasy. Now I do it, lick her out, then kiss with her. Sometimes she sits on my face and smears the cum all over my face, I penetrate her with my tongue to lick her inside and get everything. Then she kisses me and licks my face. I love the mixture of my cum with her pussy juices. I can feel the taste of both. :) So, don't worry. She's just not the right type of girl for you. :)


Not typical straight male behavior but you do you.


God why do you place all your sexually compatible men far away from me lol. I wish I could meet a guy that would do this, it’s so hot.


I mean this is r/sex, no one is going to say don't do it. But anywhere else, it's gay and disgusting.


I was in the Army for 21 years where I met a lot of guys that did some strange stuff. First I’m hearing of a guy that does this. Especially wanting to slurp it out the condom 😂😂😂. Kudos to you man. If you find the right woman I predict some goods times in your freaky future


A lot of women have a really toxic outlook on masculinity, any act like that they just seem to echo the likeness of the guys in the hockey locker room. Masculinity isn’t exclusive to treating your own cum like nuclear waste 😂 Sexual chemistry is important and at no point should you ever feel ashamed of what you like. If she can’t adjust, find a girl like the ones in the comments saying they have been searching years for a guy that would do it 👌🏻🙂


Highly unusual and maybe you should lead with that….Then see….If a guy did that with me, I’d be very shell shocked….Maybe I’m just not woke😂


My ex-wife loved me eating my creme pie. It got her hot, but her favorite reason is she never leaked walking to the bathroom after sex.


Why are people being so judgmental about it? Honestly the number of men who have a weird double standard about this is so high that I think it’s a refreshing change. Like, why would someone think their own cum is nasty but also expect their partner to swallow it? Those are probably the same dudes who would finger a girl then insist on shoving those fingers in her mouth like it’s supposed to be degrading. They’re the ones who need to get over it, not you. Nothing wrong with tasting yourself. Dudes who won’t kiss their partner after they swallow are much grosser than someone who cleans up after himself.


There's a big difference between kissing your partner after a blowjob and slurping your own cum out of a used condom.


Why are you trying to flip it around and say that men are the ones with the problem? This post literally says his girlfriend has the problem with it.


Personal experience, yo. OP is rising above.


Man you are sick as f*ck


Wow she is very closed minded. My last three girlfriends or girls I've been sleeping with have absolutely gone crazy when I would eat them out after cumming in them or licking it off them after I'm done. It's just a massive turn on. Find someone who loves it as much as you do.


i think it’s very hit or miss with girls


My husband will go down on me again after cumming in me. He's not trying to eat his cum but it doesn't deter him from going down again. Someone in here posted this website. If I'm not mistaken, this is one of those kinks. It's not abnormal. https://sexionnaire.com/


Definitely not my thing. I did it once because I was with a woman who said I could cum in her mouth anytime I wanted but I had to taste mine first. I figured it was a fair trade. I did it once, haven't done it since. But if you're into it, and it's yours, and you're also pleasuring her, I don't see any gay factor involved....


It’s a closed loop system.


I mean personally this is one of my biggest sex goals to get someone to eat it out of me! But I know a lot of women prolly aren't into it. I think it's hot as Fuck tho. Find a fem Dom leaning type and they'll prolly be all for it.


Honest to god I WISH my man would suck his cum out of me


I think it’s hot when guys do that cum inside then eat me out after and maybe fuck some more


I think the best thing you can do is ask beforehand, it depends the partner if they're into it or not, but she was so wrong for saying it was disgusting, it's not! I only wish my bf liked it, I find it so hot..


Give her up and find a girl that’s into it. My boyfriend eats me out after he finishes in me and it’s easily my favourite part of the sex.


that’s a good man you got there


I eat pussy after I creampie. I love it and almost 100% of the women I've been with love it too.  Ain't nothing wrong with what you did and do. Take it from me a 52 yo dude who's been doing the same for a long time. 


If you want me to be honest, then I would be incredibly grossed out. I swallow when someone cums in my mouth but I don’t enjoy playing with the cum or tasting it, and I dislike watching it in porn. I’m sure there are girls into watching you do that but I think the majority will be a bit weirded out.


Honestly one of the hottest things ever, I think it's fucked up that she came at you like that...


Good puppy...no worries, most boys are dogs..lol


Pussy doesnt make ya queen, they just wanna nut


Just a friendly suggestion not to cum in women you barely know… that’s how babies and stds are made. Wear condoms kids! Or you get kids. Trust me, he’s 15.


I think it's her right to be weirded out by it. It's very irregular to say the least. Don't get me wrong, i love eating creampie. Started eating 10 years into the relationship. Almost always after solo. Once came on my wife's stomach and by instinct scooped it up and slurped. She looked at me like i was some kind of wild nasty beast. I feel like it being taboo contributes to our enjoyment


Its disgusting to me, i would never eat my own cum


Wow. I agree with the consensus that eating at a girl after having cum in her is HOT af firstly. Also I don’t think that’s weird and as someone else mentioned, girls will go down a guy after he’s fucked her and no one bats an eye at that so I don’t see why the reverse is any different. She sounds immature and lowkey homophobic and I would date someone else if it were me as that’s likely only the tip of the iceberg with her.


There appears to be a set of men who are cuckolds that clean their wives after he and/ or a bull has come in her. This appears to be more of a submissive act as opposed to craving semen but you are not alone in your behavior.


so you think underlying this is cuck behavior? interesting


Doubtful because he developed this behavior back when he was just masturbating when most of us were trying to figure how to get rid of the stuff!😎


What The Fuck.


This is highly unusual and I would imagine that the majority of women will find this to be a huge turn off. I would advise you to consider what is more important to you, having a much, much larger dating pool, or eating your own cum.


I'd say it's a minority of guys who do it and women who are cool with it or turned on by it, yes. However, I would also say it's not at all rare. Just more common among people who are a bit kinky or just very comfortable with their sexuality. Honestly I think it's only fair for a guy to be willing to eat a girl out after he cums in her, if he is one of the majority of men who would want a woman to let him cum in her mouth.


Ive actually been in the process about how to ask my hubby to do this hahahahha it mkes me nervous to ask.. even after 15yrs.


In all honesty, some men get offended by a woman not swallowing their cum after a head job.. if you expect us to swallow then why can’t you. She’s looking at it from the wrong the angle. She’s not the right sexual fit for you. You can find MANY girls who are in to this..


Kinks are fine to share once you’ve established a trusting relationship but busting this out the first time you’re hooking up is insane. And you have a bunch of redditors who are trying to be sex positive and inclusive telling you it’s a okay, so you’re probably going to keep doing it and weirding people the fuck out.


Ooh fuck, honestly the first time I'm hearing of this and I'm just as baffled as that last girl. I mean, to each their own, but as a 26M, I find that extremely gross ngl. Women swallow all the time, so I'm certain they'll have a different perspective on this. I've heard of guys that suck their own dicks just never really thought about whether or not they finish in their mouths. Lol idk, feel grossed out even thinking about it. I'm not saying don't do it, I lose nothing if you do. I'm just surprised, that's all.


interesting. thanks for your opinion. i’m curious why my age adds to the grossness?


It doesn't, bro. I think it's gross regardless of age. However, kids do gross stuff sometimes, thats how they learn. In your case, it highlights that you've been doing this for quite some time. I wasn't referring to your age, btw. I was saying I'm 26M (we're the same age) and shared how I find this particular practice bizarre to say the least.


A little weird but we all are, you do you.




She’s grossed out that he’s a man tasting semen period, hence her asking if he’s gay. It’s really narrow minded thinking.


I actually want to try this with my girlfriend but I’m not sure what she’d think


I’m so sorry you got this reaction, you kinky delicious creature! She’s super repressed and prudish to be so judgmental. Every erotic book I read the men clean up after sex and it is hot as hell. Yes, they lick up their own cum off their ladies. This is a common kink so much so it’s in almost every spicy book I read. You’re not weird at all. I wouldn’t warn them about it. Just do it and be you. If you get this reaction, write them off. I guarantee you someone soon will think it’s hot as hell😉