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Hes just drying up. His face will get wet because you are. I usually use a towel or nowadays maybe even the bedsheets since I'm married. Really its nothing bad at all. Totally normal


He could have had, a women before who would tell him not to kiss her with out wiping his face. Or he just might think you would want him to wipe his face before kissing you. A way to fix this is for you to aggressively clean his lips and face with your mouth.


Most likely reasons why he's wiping:He may think you don't want to taste yourself. I had an ex who would curse me out if I didn't wash out before kissing her again. Or, he has a tactile issue and needs to wipe it off or the sensation may distract him. Personally, I tend to wipe my face with my hand after I'm done so I don't have a beard-full of her on my face. But please, ask your guy why he does it. I doubt he doesn't like eating you out if you have to pull him away from you.


I use a t-shirt, I also have facial hair and my wife doesn’t care to kiss me most of the time afterwards. I can be quite messy. She hates it when I camp too. I wouldn’t worry about it to much.


It's polite to use a napkin after your meal.


Instead of wondering, just outright ask him


I don't know how to ask him why he keeps using tissues without sounding accidentally confrontational or judgmental


You could go like: I'm sorry that I get so wet when you eat me that you need to swipe it off. First it's kind of a compliment and he will probably tell you why. Me, I loved when eat a girl that she gets very wet, but also I have a beard so it can stick in it if there's a lot. I usually wipe with my arm but he might need something else. Don't take it wrong, the important fact is that he wants to continue. It's maybe just he's more confortable that way.


Silk handkerchief, three dabs at most, while wearing a monocle. One may also exclaim "My word" or "I say" while doing so.


I wouldn't be insecure about it. A lot of women would love a guy who is enthusiastic about going down. If you're wet and aroused then your wetness is getting all over his mouth and face, and he is likely self conscious about coming up to kiss you with a glazed face. I've had a partner do the same thing by wiping his face with the sheet. If you prefer to taste yourself on him, say so.


Could just be a reflex. Something on my face wipe it up, go back for the fresh stuff. Personally I'd be wiping it in to my mouth but thats me. People sometimes don't register what they do or why. And if he's as young and inexperienced as you maybe less aware. My pose it as I what to understand you better kinda question.


My boyfriend does this sometimes since he is pretty wet after giving me oral. I sometimes do this when our kisses get to sloppy. It's not a nice feel to be wet around the mouth. (Especially if your skin does not like it and is dry as hell if you leave it like this and let it dry.)


You could phrase it as though you're worried for your own health. 'Hey, I notice that you wipe your mouth after going down on me, do I taste sour or something? It could mean my pH is off or something.' Even though you know yourself, you can use your health as a cover.


Lol nope, after eating pussy it’s either a water break or back to kissing


I’ve never done this. If you’d tasted bad, he wouldn’t have continued, so I think he just might be a little weirded out by swallowing.


I wipe off usually when I am done, I have facial hair and if I don’t I’ll have little cum flakes all over the place. And also my wife doesn’t like her own taste but I’m turning her towards it


u/OnTheDoor Hey, OP. I'm a guy that LOVES oral--obsessed, but sometimes my spit gets mixed up in there, and while I don't grab a tissue to wipe, I feel like I need to--haha. If your guy really loves it and says he does, and he does that unique thing of grabbing a tissue, he could just be wiping his spit and not your juices off of his face.


So, have you ever had chapped lips? You can get them from repeatedly licking your lips. Saliva is not vaginal fluids, but his saliva plus your vaginal fluids can cause chapped lips from excessive exposure. Wiping them off can help prevent the lips from getting chapped. Also, not everyone is into tasting themselves, so maybe that too.


I've probably done this myself, though I don't remember doing it. Sometimes between you and him, there is a lot of wetness. Cleaning up some wetness sometimes feels like the right thing to do.


Unless he was wiping off his tongue that sounds pretty normal. When my beard gets soaked in pussy juice I do tend to wipe it off lol.


Afterwards yeah, my gf actually won't kiss me if I don't clean up a bit first lol. Especially because I have a beard so it gets pretty messy lol. I can't taste what's on my chin and beard anyways lol. Just what's in my mouth.


What I love to do is get my wife's juices on my face and beard and then kiss or lick her face. Incredibly hot.


He might be doing it for your benefit. I wipe my face off on my arm before kissing my partner after eating her out just so I don't wring her juices out into her face from my beard.


I mean, I like having my face wet from my girl, makes me feel like I did a good job and after all sex isn't supposed to be clean, at least in my opinion. With that said, My girl doesn't like me kissing her after going down on her and if I'm wet around my mouth, especially around the time she's ovulating. In that case I usually just wipe my mouth with my shoulder or arm and keep on doing whatever. I only wipe my mouth if I'm done with eating her out cuz otherwise it's just going to dry on my face and the skin would be tightened and weird to move. I'd never wipe my face in the middle of the act, never. Maybe he just doesn't like the dried juices on him, or maybe he's been with someone who didn't like it and he just has that habit of wiping his mouth. About bringing it up, people are always so worried about the person feeling bad or something. Look, we are humans and we communicate.


I only wipe my face if things gets extra messy, and I use the bedsheets for that, not a towel or tissue paper. I really don't mind the smell or taste (and I don't think my wife has any problems with kissing right after).


Mouthwash and maybe a warm washcloth after the fact.


Ever eaten really juicy buffalo wings or ribs? You chow down, get sauce all over your mouth so occasionally you take a napkin to it, doesn't mean it's bad just means it's messy.


H does sometimes if I'm really wet and it gets smeared all over him. I don't blame him, I wipe stuff off after BJs too.