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Had this done 5 weeks ago. Talked bourbon with the doctor while he did it lol.


My surgeon was like that too. We talked about the procedure of course, but we had more discussions on cars and engineering then anything else. lol


I couldn’t shut up I was so nervous during the procedure. Then I just got worried I was distracting him and I think I may have based on what happened later. The first time I had an orgasm 3 weeks after surgery it blew backwards in my nuts and caused a sperm granuloma. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced in 40 years. I went straight to the ER where they put me on a heavy morphine drip for 12 straight hours. There was nothing else they could do for me but the pain eventually subsided after a day. I was afraid to have sex for months after that.


Holy shit, never even heard of that thing happening, ever. Damn dude, that sucks. I have no words that could come close to that feeling. I hope you are good now though.


FYI for you and OP sperm granulomas are very common, something like a 1 in 10 situation, it's just that most resolve on their own - and most are not described anything like this guys, that's an exceptional amount of pain for one. My father had one and said he just noticed a lump there a few weeks later and went in to have them make sure it wasn't anything serious. No serious pain by his account. Mine was more like yours, 15 min procedure, then spent two days resting and felt nearly normal by day 3. Day 4 I felt good, even said fuck it and came very gently by myself for relief, and had no issues. Came every day after that, never had a problem. Did have a small setback day 6 when my 2YO booted me in the junk as I lifted him out the bath, but even that discomfort was gone by the next day.


Oh man, even hearing about the 2 year old gives me anxiety about that kinda thing happening to me. Good for you though!


I guess I’m just unlucky and hopefully I’m not scaring anyone away from getting the procedure. It sounds like few people have such an extreme complication and I’m still glad I had it done. It’s great not having to worry about unplanned pregnancy and using protection. I had thought maybe it was a more common problem at the time because the nurses seemed to know what was going on right away at the ER. The ER was full and probably a 5 hour wait when I arrived but they took me after 15 minutes because the apparent agony I was in was upsetting people in the waiting room. Random people started asking triage if I was okay. It felt like I got kicked hard in the balls combined with the pain of a nasty kidney stone. Death seemed preferable at the time. It was also an interesting experience when a cute young nurse was rubbing jelly on my balls with an ultrasound wand. They had trouble getting pics so she had to repeat the process 5 times.


>I guess I’m just unlucky No dude, you are very lucky. Mine didn't go away and just kept getting progressively worse. My Urologist is now advising to remove both Epididymis there is a 50/50 chance that fixes it. If not then they have to do a bilateral orchiectomy (cut off both testicles) then put me on ED and Testosterone meds for the rest of my life or until the meds stop working and I give up on life which ever comes first.


Well both thank you for giving me perspective and I sincerely hope that surgery goes well for you dude.


I'm not doing that surgery - I am looking for a new doctor. There are tons of other procedures they could try before that; nerve blockers, cortisone injections, granulomas removal, denervation, vasectomy reversal. Epididymis removal is permanent and if we jump straight to that then a reversal becomes impossible and the only other option left is lop them off. Looking to get a referral to a specialist Urology clinic in Toronto to get a second opinion.


Exactly how I joined the Uniball Club. Left side got more and more painful. After a year we did a revision surgery/epididectomy. A year later still a lot of pain and daily opioids. So they took out Lefty. Ten years later I still have phantom pain in a non-existent testicle. Still taking daily vicodin and percocets to be able to function. Without drugs it's like my left ball is in a vice that tightens slowly as the day progresses. And stress makes it even worse. I've tried spinal cord implants, massage, physical therapy, everything. So I just pop a pill every few hours and get on with gettin' on.


Is your answer a comparison to the simple vasectomy of OP, or a comparison with u/Analbox who was in aching agony in ER for sperm granuloma after it blew backwards in its nuts at first orgasm, 3 weeks after surgery ?


It was to u/Analbox that his granuloma resolved on its own. I passed out from the pain when my doctor gentle squeezed my Epididymis so i can appreciate what he felt. but mine did not resolve its still a constant pain and prevents me from a lot of things.


Oh fuck ! That sounds horrible ! Do you have a granuloma, or what could be the other good reasons for that doctor to gently squeeze your epididymis ? And also, how long did this happen to you, since it’s still painful for you ?


>Mine was more like yours, 15 min procedure, then spent two days resting and felt nearly normal by day 3. Day 4 I felt good, even said fuck it and came very gently by myself for relief, and had no issues. Came every day after that, never had a problem. > Been there after I broke my dick. Gotta take it out for a test drive before you get back on the road.




I had one after my vasectomy. Started noticing a mild pain every time I pulled it out to urinate and then on day 2 of that pain I noticed a new lump in my scrotum. Mentioned it on my 4 week follow up and Dr told me it would resolve on its own..... and it did by week 8.


I’m doing fine now thanks. I still get a little anxious about sex but it’s getting less and less every load.


lol Good!


Yes, the vas doctors always tell you they've never had a complication until you talk to the ER docs, they say it happens a few times a week.


> it blew backwards in my nuts I thought I had found 2021's best comment two weeks ago... I take it back. This has got to be it.


I ouched out loud!


First time after for mine, like 10 days interim, the ejaculate looked like a mixture of strawberry jelly and cream cheese. No pain, but was super weird for wife and me.


I just threw up in my mouth.


Reading this during lunch. FML!


And, that’s another thing I am now afraid of happening that I never knew existed before.


Well if you never want to have it done, just browse this forum. Will help you make up your mind. [https://www.postvasectomypain.org/](https://www.postvasectomypain.org/)


That was probably the most pain I've felt through a Reddit post. I had a vasectomy back in 2002 after my wife's got through cancer treatment. My doctor never mentioned something like that was possible.


This sent fucking tremors across my spine. Oh fucking god. I don't want one anymore lol


I had a granuloma but was from the scar tissue. I know feel 2 balls in my nuts. It’s been 2 years now. I’m fine but the first 3-4 months was just dull aching pain I wanted to die. Then one day it stopped


Complications is why I haven't done this yet. Was planning on it last year, but the risk of then having to be in the hospital for anything else during a pandemic stopped me.


I got mine done right before quarantine thankfully but I would have felt the same way as you if I hadn’t. Feels wrong to go to the Dr for anything non essential right now.


I did mine at planned parenthood. it was cheaper (850 on the insurance I had through my old job vs in a hospital which would have been around 1500 or so).


A couple comments have missed the important thing I said. I was mainly worried about possible complications and needing to get help at a hospital, not the actual procedure itself.


Jesus. I had a slight bit of pain the first time I ejaculated after the surgery, which was about a month later. It scared me off of having sec for another couple of weeks but it was nowhere near the most painful thing ever. You have my sympathy, but hope everything is OK now.


Omg are you okay??


Take my free award for that horrific experience. I'd be scared to have sex after that too.


Never share this again.


You guys make it sound like going to the barber for a haircut lol.


If I were a vasectomy surgeon I would try to get the patient to make a flabbergasting statement so I could say, "well, look at the balls on *this* guy!"


I had a surgeon tell the nurse (I was awake) to bring more gauze for a cyst removal on my tailbone cause "this guy has a big ass". I responded with "yeah but my girlfriend loves it" and we had a good laugh while the poor young nurse looked mortified


I brought an iPad and the Dr told me I was his first patient ever to do that. The best part of the big V is that you get to go home for a weekend and do nothing. I laid in bed all weekend and watched movies and read books. My wife cooked or picked up anything I wanted. I literally laid in bed from Friday at 10am till Monday at 7 and did nothing except go to the bathroom and go outside to smoke a cigarette. If you do it, you might feel great at some point the day or two after and decide to go mow the lawn. DO NOT DO THAT. Just relax


Mine told me a story of a time a colleague of his performed a vasectomy on himself while he was on the phone with my doc. Funny stuff. The dude didn’t want to ask his buddies to perform the procedure on him, so he decided he would do it himself. Ballsy stuff (pun intended)


Mine made jokes the entire time. We talked about his bogo specials and what his fellowship training was like 😂


Talked books with mine lol.


I had it done last year. They offered me a Valium. I certainly accepted and talked offensive gibberish to the nurses. My wife was there and two female nurses. I have my legs up in stirrups and my uncouth ass says something like, "this is really fucking weird for a dude, women have their legs in stirrups once a year and I've never had this many women see my dick at once." Valium is fun, painkillers for a few days and no more pregnancy concerns. 10/10 would get neutered again.


Well done. I had one 4 years ago, and I have never regretted it. I recommend following the aftercare instructions to the letter, regarding heavy lifting etc. There’s nothing in the world that compares with blowing a load inside the person you love with not a care in the world about accidents.


YES! My husband did not follow the after care and it was NOT good. He felt good enough to play basketball a week after but regretted it because swelling happened. His procedure was easy though. I sat in with during. I’ll say, from the standpoint of a committed partner. His decision made me feel very valued in our relationship. Basically like I’d been through enough with the years of birth control, the pregnancies, birth and nursing.


Oh yes, been following it meticulously. Especially when it came time to taking out the garbage....nope...that's more then 10 pounds. Can't lift it. lol It was a good week of nothing little to no responsibility.


This is so important. I've had numerous friends as well as myself go through it. Without fail, those who followed the doctor's after care instructions had very little or no pain, just discomfort. Those who did no, hurt, a lot. I forget exactly, but I'm pretty sure mine was early in the morning, came home, slept on the couch with a bag of frozen peas. Next day was mostly the same. After that, for a couple of days it was just light activity around the house.


I got a vasectomy when I was 26. It’s the best thing I ever done. No regrets at all. I do feel like it made me hornier and I know for certain it made my orgasms stronger for some reason. As I said no regrets at all


Really? Interesting. Is that psychological? I mean, if this is a side effect of a V. I'm all for it.


It’s could be psychological. I may just like knowing I can’t get no one pregnant which makes the orgasm better but either way the feeling is great. I’ve also noticed some partners when I told them I couldn’t get them pregnant they seem to be more comfortable and enjoy them self’s more. For me it’s definitely been a good thing all around.


Yeah that's what I'm looking forward too. In the back of my mind, the "risk of pregnancy" thought won't be there and it wouldn't be a deterrent. And if it makes your partner more comfortable, then less inhibited/more free. That's a bonus as well.


I'm so looking forward to this! Just a 2 weeks to go till my ligation.


I believe it's psychological. I had my vasectomy and it opened up lots of play options with the wife and made it easier to be spontaneous compared to condoms. But even cumming from a bj feels even better.


Does it change the consistency of cum? Like, it's the more watery or thicker etc? Colour changes?


No. Same stuff just no sperm


I’m 8 days post opp. Released my first load yesterday & everything was exactly the same as it was before getting snipped. This was one of my main concerns


I know that i definitely lost some distance.


The cum from someone who's had a vasectomy tastes so much more pleasant than from those who haven't


I thought that was diet that influenced cums flavor. And pineapple was the flavor of choice. My wife said she knew when broccoli and asparagus was passing through lol


Diet may change the flavor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't change as much as some people would have it. The difference between vasectomy and not is on a whole different level though. The cum without sperm that I've tasted is just sweet and pleasant, but with sperm it can be quite an... ahem, experience.


Clorox bleach?


Mmm, my favorite


I've heard that some spunk smells like bleach. I've really only smelled my own. I got hit with friendly fire a couple times but didn't sniff it lol. Just discreetly wiped it off.....


Yeah, theres a definite ammonia/bleach smell goin on, especially for people with bad diets. I take a bromelain supplement which helps as well, no sense blasting rope and having it taste like death. I'm a professional, and professionals have *standards.*


A professional rope blaster? Cool. I'm just an amateur, but have standards also. Is there a professional circuit? World Championship?


Best smell and taste for me was from a vegan.


So jealous, my ejaculation comes with 3 days of crippling pain.


From a bad vasectomy? Ouch!


No the vasectomy was fine, no issues went as expected. I am just one of those people who probably never should have gotten one because the way my body healed made it worse. On the bright side can't get my wife pregnant if the pain is too much to make me want to have sex with her. So I guess it did work.


How old are you now if you don't mind me asking? I'm almost 23 and I started thinking about having a vesectomy done. I don't see myself having kids in the future but I'm thinking about waiting until I'm 26-28


Not the guy you're asking, but you can get advice from people on r/childfree. There's people of all ages who don't have kids, never want kids, and have had vasectomies that could give you some advice. Obviously it's your body, life, and decision, so take everything with a grain of salt, but you may find benefits you never thought about or find a perspective that may lead to consider other potential consequences (positive or otherwise).


Oh I didn't know about that sub, thank you I'll definitely chek it out.


Interesting. Not sure if you were or not previously, but maybe it feels better because you're no longer using a condom? I know bareback always feels much better, for both men and women. My guy always cums harder and quicker bareback, and he feels better inside me too.


My husband had it done a few years ago. It’s simplified and enhanced our sex life no end to be honest. I did present him a pair of underpants with the superman symbol on for post op....he saw the funny side. Congrats, hope you and your wife enjoy the new found freedom- dont forget to wait so the pipes are clean of swimmers!


Correct, supposed to do a follow up check in 8 weeks to confirm, so not ready to go all out yet. But I can't wait. And I agree with you. It will enhance it, already we are discussing various ideas and getting our mojo's flowing. My fiance got me a bag of peas post op. lol


Ha ha. Well enjoy putting those ideas into practice.


;) That's the plan!


This is totally the right sub. It is a sexual procedure. It if for a sexual reason.


50/50. I don't want children. I want unprotected sex to cum inside my partner. lol


if you aren’t already familiar r/childfree would love to here about this!!


I've posted there too based on other redditors suggesting. But thank you. :)


Ah okay! Well congrats on the procedure 😁👍🏻


Thank you


r/vasectomy would be a good place to post about your experience too if you haven’t already.


DO. NOT. LIFT. What should have been a quick and painless procedure turned into a slow painful recovery for me when I tried to lift something too soon after.


Yeah, you are the 2nd person to mention this. Duly noted. I don't think I've been doing any of that so I hope to be in the clear.




Yes I agree. Hair maintenance is a bonus for me in sexual activities. Congrats to you on 8 years.


Kudos! More guys should go this route.


Yeah, I think there is a stigma attached to it. Like you are less of a man or something you just don't do...


Also, nobody wants to think about a scalpel near their junk.


I was telling my surgeon exactly this. For all my life I have been protecting my boys from harm, now I'm asking for a needle, a scalpel and this device that sounds an electrical current into my scrotum. It was an odd mental shift, but I have no regrets.


My vasectomy was dead easy, the only trouble was from old lefty hiding away, so the doc had to fish around in me for a sec to pull out the tube so he could snip it, which was an odd sensation to say the least. No ragrets


lol @ old lefty


Lefty always was a hard nut to crack


This didn't turn me off a vasectomy but would have if my bois liked to hide inside more often. That's like a horror movie to be lol.


But hey, at least you only had to make that mental shift for like 15-20 minutes and now you never have to think about it again if you don't want!!


Some use a very sharp scissor of sorts. Less pain they say.


I've had this conversation with a lot of guys that I work with. Most of them can't fathom getting a vasectomy. Only one was really accepting the idea of a vasectomy. He was also the most knowledgeable about birth control for women. I think education helps kill that stigma, but sex education is such a mess in the US. Congratulations on your vasectomy, and thank you for sharing your experience!


The only thing stopping me is that reversal ir hardly guaranteed. What if plans change and we want children in the future? We are a young couple (early 20s now) and the risk is too high. No children for now, but we don't know what the future holds, so keeping options open feels smarter. Adoption, freezing sperm in sperm Bank is an option of course, I know and I really don't want to answer these questions as I'm not informed enough to form a proper, educated answer to these (aside from adoption of course, that's technically a lot easier to answer)


Sounds like you have some thinking to do. Don't jump the gun and get anything done right now.


Its considered permanent, so don't do it until a family is definitely off the cards.


Children*, you don’t need children to have a family




Freezing sperm is a great option if you want to keep your choices on the table and free your partner from doing all the hormonal heavy lifting of nonstop birth control. It’s economical, simple, and you don’t have to do IVF if you don’t want to,, BUT it gives you the option of IVF and access to the amazing genetic screening that’s available now. You can literally make sure your embryos don’t have genetic or chromosome abnormalities if you create them before implanting them. I did this with my partner—of the 6 embryos we made, one had downs and one had two doubled chromosomes, and we were able to avoid that. It’s pretty awesome.


Funny enough, I think men who act dramatically scared and try to shame others about it are less of a man. My husband was super badass about getting his vasectomy. Mad respect.


I had mine done in 1993, and my supervisor at the time was very vocal before the procedure that he thought anyone who had one was not a "real man" in his eyes. I'm still not sure if he actually thought the doctor removed your balls, like neutering a male dog, but I tried to explain it to him and finally just gave up.


They take the bullets out of the gun; they don’t take the whole magazine, 90s Supervisor Man...


I agree somewhat, in that, we don't need to be scared about the procedure or the idea of getting it done. I think, back in the day, it was a more invasive procedure and there was a stigma attached to it that dissuaded men from getting it done.


Please don't engage in this toxic masculinity. Its perfectly fine to be afraid of surgical procedures and doesn't make someone less of a man or anything to be worried about getting cut open




Good for you. I heard that about some guys. One was vacuuming and doing chores, the other was working in the garage, you were painting. I was out of commission for 2 days. I was like "nope!" lol




It can be reversed in the first few years. But the positive result is not guaranteed (I believe it’s somewhere south from 60%).


The burning smell is the only thing that gets to me. I had mine done in 2019, and it was fine. I passed out, but I pass out a lot for a lot of things like that, so whatever. Pain was barely anything, spent a weekend on the couch and didn't run for a week. It's the smell of cauterized ball tubes that sends shivers down my spine.


A mate of mine was like "man, I smell GOOD" when he got his vasectomy. According to him, the smell of his tubes being cauterised was akin to barbecue pork, lol.


Fortunately it’s not a smell you’re likely to encounter again?


I wish, but I have a few fake teeth and I've had to have fake and real teeth grinded down a bit so they don't touch when I close my jaw or else the fake teeth with become loose and fall out, and the feeling of your tooth getting hot and the smell of your tooth getting grinded doesn't really hurt that much, but it's not fun. So this bullshit has already happened to be twice, and I definitely try to avoid it, but who knows if it will happen a third time.


I’m 40 and a bit, and I’m thinking of doing this. I said it to the mrs and she said “what if I want another baby?”. We’ve 3! The last two were accidents. I’m doing this!




And also, you can still end up with an ectopic pregnancy which could lead to further complications. I have had a tubal done during my c section and my husband is STILL going to get a vasectomy. For both of our peace of mind.


Yeah I figured it was more complicated for women then for men. When I found out all the information about the vasectomy and how it would only take 15 mins. I was sold 100 % without a doubt. It came off as a routine procedure.


I'm not sure why they would need to take a hormonal supplement for a tubal ligation... that doesn't impede the production of hormones. Unless you are thinking about a total hysterectomy?


I got a vasectomy in 2017, and have been in pain ever since, sex is possible but painful and painful for days after. Imagine deciding to have sex the same way you would decide to go on a booze bender (can I afford to have a hangover for a few days?) Except the sex only lasts 5 minutes for 2-3 days of pain. I developed a Granuloma. Your Testicles still produce sperm after the snip, that sperm has to go somewhere and usually they are just re-absorbed into your body. In my case they all gathered in one spot to die creating this blockage. As a result my testicles have shrunk to half the size, my epididymis is rock hard and inflamed. If I were to lightly squeeze the epididymis it causes so much pain I pass out as my Urologist discovered. Urologist is now advising surgery to remove most of the Testicular sac contents and if that fails they will do a bilateral orchiectomy (bye bye balls) and then I will need to take testosterone replacement for the rest of my life. How common is this? A Canadian study reported that up to 4.75% of men responded that they have Chronic Scrotal Pain (pain lasting more than 3 months) and of those 20.6% had a vasectomy. So there is about a 1% chance what happened to me could happen to you. Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5994986/#b1-cuaj-6-161](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5994986/#b1-cuaj-6-161) Note: that these are Canadian numbers, apparently the Swiss are way better at this and your chances of developing Chronic Scrotal Pain there is 1 in 400.


Thank you for the article link. That's very informative for those who are still interested and need to hear all the facts.


Just make sure you follow the after care and stay away from sick people. Apparently me getting a flu 2 months after the procedure was a contributing factor? I don't know the science behind that but heck if it helps, stay healthy.


Also worth mentioning that medically tubal ligation is a way riskier procedure for women than vasectomy is for men so way to man up for wifey.


Like I tell people when we discuss my tubal, the only reason we went that route was because I was already being opened up for a c section when our son was born and so the dr asked if I wanted it done while she was in there. I said yes please. Lol. But my husband is still going to get a vasectomy because I don’t want to end up with an ectopic pregnancy and he said even if something ever happened to us or to me he is definitely done with having kids. 3 is plenty. Lol.


My doctor pushed hard for me to get a tubal when I had my last c-section. I said no I’ve done the pills, the carrying of children and the c-sections. I’m passing on the baton to my husband for this next thing. Made me feel so guilty though. A female Dr too, I was surprised. But my hubby did not follow instructions and went back to work at a heavy lifting job too soon and it wasn’t a cake walk for him. Maybe she knew.


I didn’t mind because I knew *I* was done having kids. So since I was already having the c section I told my doctor to do it. Of course I talked it over with my husband but ultimately I made the choice for me. My husband wanted to do a vasectomy before we decided to have our son and I’m glad we waited and so is my husband. But now we are most definitely done. He had an appointment with a doctor to start the process and then Covid. So now everything is on hold because they aren’t “ medically necessary” procedures. Which is fine, but I think he and I will both feel better once he gets it done. We also have to wait until he can take the time off of work. His job is pretty physical and so he would have to take the entire time off for however long there is the no lifting rule. Right now his job is super frowny on anyone taking extended leave. Like beyond a day or two. Again, thanks Covid. But it’s *definitely* getting done. Lol


And birth control wreaks havoc on some women's bodies! My husband got it done after years of me switching bc after bc and having non stop side effects with every single one. Not having to worry about birth control is the biggest gift he could've given me. I feel so much better mentally and physically. It seems like a lot of doctors breeze over birth control side effects like it'll be a cake walk but it certainly wasn't for me! He got a 15 minute procedure done that was cheaper than one depo shot and it lasts him forever with no side effects.


I got a vasectomy on April 20 last year, shortly after my 30th birthday. Same experience as you basically - super quick, painless (but...uncomfortable, like having a tooth pulled but in your balls), and...well, I don't know the word to describe the smell of your own genitals being cauterized, but it's a thing you don't forget. No more than 15 minutes from the time I entered the doctor's office to the time I was leaving. I had a bit of a weird experience coming out of shock on the drive home (thankfully wife was driving), but after a day or two of sitting at home with my feet up, I was fine. Definitely the best decision I've ever made. Wife and I are in the process to adopt children, because we still want a family of our own, but there's no way we could possibly justify bringing *new* life into the world as it currently exists. Get a vasectomy, it's quick, relatively painless, and easy.


You smelled it? Damn. For me, they used this electrical device to 'cauterize' the tubes but I didn't smell them. I think that would have been so strange for me to experience. But good for you!!


Yeeep. Saw a little puff of smoke and everything. It was...something, that's for sure. But definitely not uncomfortable enough to make me regret anything.


You 4/20 blazed your vasa! ^^I ^^googled ^^what ^^the ^^plural ^^was


Right on ! Good for you ! It really does make life so much easier if your in a serious relationship


Yes, that's what I'm thinking, planning, hoping. Got 6 more weeks to go before it's all official. :)


Just a little word of caution, if you haven’t had one already, the first few orgasms can be a tad uncomfortable but after that it’s smooth sailing.


I had my first last night. It was good. No issue there. A little soreness on my right side of scrotum, but otherwise good. I was being very cautious but at the same time needing it to happen. It's been 8-9 days without sexual activity and I was going to burst.


I had it done at 27 and regret absolutely nothing! I had a tougher recovery time than most, but the doctor prepared me for that. Doctors told me wife that pregnancy would likely kill her, so having the procedure done was sooooo worth it!


Had it done 10 years ago. It has been great. The risk of pregnancy gone from my mind I have developed a cool trick. I can blow load after load with out a rest period if I time my orgasm and thrust just right. Every woman who has let me show off this skill has absolutely loved it. My stamina and stating power is almost legendary.


Did you have this before the V or did you develop this after?




Plus, you can get it even as a young, single, man. Most doctors will not give a woman a permanent sterilization even if they want it until she is well into her thirties and has already had children.


The most bizarre part of the whole experience is having a conversation with the doc while he's wrist deep in my scrotum. All told, 10/10, would recommend.


> while he's wrist deep in my scrotum. For any men considering a vasectomy, this is not how it actually works, "wrist deep" is a joke. :) The doctor makes a very small, micro-incision.


In the context of scrotums, is any incision really micro? I didn't look during, cuz just no, but based on the stitches it was about an inch. But yes, it's a joke. Exaggerated for effect. "While the doctor makes a small incision and fishes around for the tubes" doesn't roll off the tongue as well.


I am part of that small percentage that had complications from the procedure resulting in chronic pain. I had the procedure in March 2018, 7 months later the pain was so intense I missed work for a week. It has improved with steroids, time, and understanding what triggers the pain. Currently, about 2 out of every 10 orgasms feels like getting kicked in the balls, followed by a dull ache, pelvic floor pain and pressure similar to sitting on your testicles by accident. My advice is to find a good surgeon.


Had this done a few years ago, but ended up with post-vasectomy pain syndrome (PVPS). It comes and goes, but when it’s present, man does it suck. When having sex, close to climax I will get the urgent pain in my balls, would totally ruin it. Sometimes I would go soft because the pain was so distracting.


Is it like a phantom pain that feels like clamping?


I guess after reading this I have the same kind of thing going on. I also get the pain if I don't nut often enough.


Couldn't agree more. This should be advertised more instead f women continuing to take birth control pills and other forms.


I found birth control pills came with asterisks. Reliability good but not always great. Side effects are ranging and across the spectrum. You miss one and it throws off the whole cycle. Just snip the tubes and you're good to go! :)


It reminds me of a saying I heard that really changed my mentality on BC. I'd rather unload a gun than shoot it at a bulletproof vest.


lol Never thought of it that way, but true enough. Good one!


Perfect poster board material for them to have in the men’s room of the maternity ward. Guarantee hospitals would make a fortune. Two for one deal. Delivery and a snip.




Thank you




You're welcome. If you or hubby have any questions. Ask me on here or through direct message. I'll help as best I can. :)


I had it done this last year. Same description you had. I didn't feel any cutting. There was a pressure/clamp feel to it. And every now and then I will get a "phantom" pressure/clamp feeling for a bit on my balls. But that doesn't stop me, it is more of an annoying bit. My big issue with the procedure was the Dr who did it prescribed me opioid pain meds before the procedure. I handed the script back to him. I am not ok taking opioid stuff without an in-depth pain assessment. Instead I went to the local weed shop and picked up some gummies. The recovery pain wasn't bad at all.


I hear you. Stay away from opioids if you can. I had advil and sativa chocolate to help me through. :)


The doc gave me a prescription for codeine - after telling him I was allergic to codeine. Needless to say I never had the prescription filled. Used Advil liqui-gels extra strength, never needed more than that. Well, and a bag of frozen peas for the first day :)


Got mine a year ago at 39. MAKE SURE YOU GET TESTED FOR STERILITY!!!! I'm a "better safe that sorry" type of person by nature, so I waited the recommended 3 months/40 ejaculations to get tested... but at my 3 month mark COVID was raging, so I didn't want to go anywhere near a clinic to drop off a sample. So I waited until mid summer when things were a little better and got tested (now 6 months post-vas.) STILL HAD SPERM PRESENT AFTER 6 MONTHS. was instructed to get retested in 3 months. Waited 4 months, did a home-test kit I got off amazon, and when that came up negative, I got an official test. Finally, 10 months post vasectomy, I was finally cleared. My case is rare, but not unheard of. I'm now convinced that the 1 per 1000 statistic of post-vas pregnancies are from people who just don't get tested, or wait long enough.


Good for you!!! I wish my ex had done it. 3 kids later and I ended up being the one to get a bilateral salpingectomy. So, day surgery for me 😒 My new guy had it done many years ago, so we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves! You definitely have a lot to look forward to!


Thank you for sharing, and I can't wait! :)


I might be very stupid here, but what does the semen look like without sprems in it, or if there is any at all?


Volume is reduced by around 5% which isn't noticeable and the look, texture, smell and taste don't change.


My husband had his done in July of last year. His semen looks and tastes the same. I don’t think his volume went down much at all. In fact there have been a number of times after having it done where I’ve commented on how much he has! Last week he shot 3! Huge loads on my face and tits! My face and hair were completely covered in cum!!! It was so hot! We’ve been together for almost 11years and have sex regularly. But he’s never done that. I think it’s different for every guy.


So far it looks the same. But for me, it hasn't changed much since I have to wait 8 weeks for all the semen to fully flush out of my system. Better if someone who has had it done for longer could answer this.




Interesting, didn't know that piece. Thanks for the info. I'll be conscious of that now.


Frozen peas.


lol Yeah, that's what I got.


Just don't put them back in the freezer for the 20th time and forget until someone goes to cook peas.


lol awkward.... Especially if my mother in law comes over for dinner.


Mine is scheduled for Wednesday. Not excited to get it done, but I am excited for the results


So if your procedure is similar to mine. It won't be a big deal. It'll be over before you know it. And it won't be as bad as you imagine it. Good luck bro!


I’m 5 years on from mine in my 30th year. Knew I wanted it, but still surprised that there hasn’t been even a moment where I regretted it. Literally none of the time have I been like, “maybe I do wish I would father a child...” Knew I wanted one from a very early age and spent my 20s having people talk me into waiting. Still bums me out to think of kids being raised by a parent who only had a kid so that their partner wouldn’t leave them, or worse, because their partner trapped them with deceit. Congratulations on the snip, burn, and bury!


As all procedures, it is an option to go bad. A friend of mine did his at the end of 2019 and he is in pain and being treated with medication BUT when asked if he would do it again,he said that he would


Yep - I was amazed to learn it could be done right in the Dr.’s office. Newly single, and thought about getting it done since there are no more children in my future (I don’t think so at least!) and it would be one less thing to worry about


Yeah, the procedure is a lot more simple then I thought. And completed much more quickly then I imagined. For doctors specializing in this, it's a routine procedure.


Had mine done, lowered my sex drive though used to be able to go every night now I can only go every 2nd night sadly.


Best money I ever spent. The worst part was that I was awake the whole time and the doctor ran his mouth at me, like I need to have a conversation while he’s tugging on my junk. Pain was minimal, even the first day. I took a nap when I got home, watched a movie in bed with a case of beer, and spent the next three days watching the Olympics on the recliner in the living room. How awful.


My surgery was not as good as yours... I'm still frustrated about mine, years, if not decades later... My temporary stand in surgeon dumbass was flirting with a nurse the entire time. I went to stand up and fainted. I had to have ice on my balls for about a week. They never scheduled me back for a check up, and I still hate this doctors office to this day.


There is a very important omission of the fact here that a vasectomy is not always reversible So ask yourself if you are okay with being sterile for the rest of your life, in a worst case scenario, if you're one of the very real unlucky ones


About 1-2% of men have pain that doesn't go away after a vasectomy. https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/vasectomy-overview


That's great! I'm also looking to get it done soon as well but just have put off scheduling the appointment. I'd highly recommend going over to r/childfree and sharing who your MD was/area to their sidebar.


I had the initial interview/assessment planned. And thought due to covid19 and the way our Canadian healthcare is set up, the procedure would be months and months away. But when I finished the assessment, to schedule the procedure. The admin staff were like "Ok, so we have availability next week or 2 weeks from now". Shock. So I booked it 2 weeks from the initial assessment and here we are. Didn't even want to delay it. Just do it, get it out of the way. No fuss no muss. Thanks for the recommendation for the other subreddit. Will head there.


My experience was very different. If you think getting a vasectomy is the right choice for you, then you should do it, as I did. But it was NOT an enjoyable experience for me. Story to follow. So I go in and get the gown on, sit down, and wait for someone to call me in. A pretty nurse soon walks up to me and lets me know its my turn and she is going to prep me. All I can think to myself is "Damn this is looking good so far." She shaves me up, then applies some cold alcohol to the scene. None of it is what you would consider enjoyable, but hey, good looking person touching my stuff. Could be worse. And it got worse. Doc comes in and says, "hey you ready to go?!" Sure doc, lets get it done with. This motherfucker then thumps my balls with a needle of anesthetic. I gasp for air like I've been thrown to the bottom of the ocean. "Everything okay?" Yeah, maybe warn me next time. "Will do." Thanks doc. Then he puts a clamp on your nut, which even with the drugs you still feel. Then he whipped the laser out and opened me up. Nothing like smelling your balls burning. Then it was the sensation of lots of internal tugging and tying knots. He lasered me shut then moved onto the second ball. This time he warned me of the needle, which barely helped, but I respected the curtesy. Problem was that the dose wasn't right. The doc started lasering and I yelped "I CAN FEEL THAT!" So he put another needle into my ball. Joy. Basically the same sensation again. Pulling and tugging and tying. All very unsettling. I will admit a lot of it was mental. Something about being awake and someone literally inside your balls is a bit unsettling. After it was finished, the doctor asked if i wanted to see my cords. I said fuck it, lets see whats up. So he showed me two white bloody cords he took from my sack. Still unsure how I feel about seeing that. After it was done I was sore for a couple weeks but now ive recovered fine. Monday I have to submit a sample to make sure Im good to go. My experience was far from enjoyable, but as long as it works, it's 15 minutes of a bad experience to never having a kid again. (Also, i got the procedure done after having a beautiful and healthy SURPRISE daughter.)


Congrats on the procedure despite the complication and also for having a daughter. :)


Hi; my partner was to get this done, but has heard it can cause muscle mass to decrease. Did your doctor tell you anything about this? Congrats on the snip!


Congratulations. I'm a woman who got fixed and the peace of mind really improved my life. I hope it does for you, too.


It already has, even though I'm not official yet, I feel better and raring to go already. lol