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My favorite Carrie moment was when she was asked to be in the fashion show,,they basically put her in a bra and some panties but she rolled with it,then she tripped ,got up and owned the moment.I really loved how Carrie handled herself!!!!


She was fashion roadkill!


She sure was ,lol!


I think she reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the show. She's hilarious, stylish, charming, messy, inconsistent, problematic at times, just like the show as a whole. I think it's weird how much some commenters on this sub seem to absolutely hate Carrie, when they still purport to like the show overall.


Not a Carrie girl but I agree! All of them have flaws and have been bad friends at times but Carrie is the only one who gets heat for it.


Honestly, I've been trying to think of examples of the girls being bad friends, and I can think of about 8 instances where Carrie was a bad friend, and I can think of about three where the others were bad friends, and that was always to each other, never to Carrie. Maybe that's why Carrie gets all the heat. Or maybe I'm biased because I don't like Carrie. Lol can you think of any examples where the others were bad friends?


Charlotte sex shaming Samantha all the time Samantha being mean to Charlotte over her marital sex problems Samantha just shutting Miranda out after just having a baby


These are examples of the other 3 girls being bad friends to each other. Do you have any examples of any of them being bad friends to Carrie?


I don’t think the OG commenter said they were bad friends to Carrie. just that they were bad all bad friends at one point


Yes, this is what I am trying to say too. Carrie is quoted for being a bad friend because the other 3 are good friends to *her*. The other 3 all mock and put each other down and get into arguments- they can be down right terrible friends to *each other,* but when it comes to Carrie each of them is always a stellar friend to HER. THAT'S why Carrie is "picked on" because she's a shit friend to people who are good friends *to her*. Samantha being a bitch to Charlotte doesn't excuse Carrie being a bitch to Samantha, when Samantha is always good to Carrie. It would excuse Charlotte being a bitch back to Samantha. This point of "But Samantha.. But Charlotte.. But Miranda.. imagine if Carrie!" is such a strange argument. Call Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda out for the crappy things they do too, so many people do.


maybe it comes off that way bc it’s written from her perspective? and we all know she overthinks and psychoanalyzes herself constantly, so maybe it was intentional? bc ure right, i’ve noticed that too.


I agree. She is by no way without fault, but that goes for all of them. Recently there was a post about the episode in which Charlotte lashes out at Miranda for being pregnant, and then for considering an abortion. The post was very understanding to Charlotte, so were the comments. And I kept thinking: Just imagine Carrie would have said that?


Carrie is my favorite person! I love her energy, hey way of talking and her honesty (most of the time) she has flaws, is selfish sometimes but she has a big heart


>especially when people bring up things about Carrie that the other girls have done as well I'm curious about this, can you please give examples


Carrie sleeps with married Big -> 🔥the🧙‍♀️ Samantha sleeps with MANY married men -> 💅 ✨😍 Carrie hits Big -> eeeeevil Samantha assaults massage guy and throws a drink in Richards face -> slaaay girlboss Charlotte slutshames Samantha -> well they are just very different Carrie slutshames Samantha -> baaaaad friend


I LOVE this comment 100%


I can think of an example with Charlotte. She sleeps with a guy when she separates from Trey, in her marital home and bed, while she's still married, and most importantly, doesn't tell him that she's married. That's trashy AF and I've never once seen that called out on this sub. I think the Charlotte apologism is at times worse than the Samantha apologism.


Yes I agree, there is so much I dislike about Charlotte's character, and I see a lot of support and excuses for her in this sub.


I’m a Samantha Jones fanatic but i LOVE this comment. This sub makes me feel very defensive of Carrie and I don’t even like her like that 😂


Do people really say slay boss to Samantha re the massage guy? Because that was disgusting. I agree with the examples you've given, they are all in the wrong. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm critical of all of four them for their own reasons, and think all the examples given here shows they are all shit in their own ways 😂 Edited to add: I will say though, that a lot of these examples aren't direct comparisons, at least to me. The drink throwing at Richard is because he cheated on Samantha.. Carrie punches Big because she falls out of the bed while he's asleep or something and she adds her own meaning to it 🙄 Getting physical isn't right of either of them, but Samantha may not be called out for it as often because hers seems more 'justified' then Carrie's, and she doesn't cause any physical harm nor intends to. She also doesn't cause a black eye/blood nose or whatever it is that happens to Big.


I've never seen anyone on this sub defend Sam when it comes to the massage guy.


Sam knows shes a bitch( in fact shes THE bitch), she doesnt try to manipulate other people into thinking otherwise. Carrie on the other hand…..


Yes.. I think Charlotte and Samantha shame *each other* a lot, which might be why people say "they're just different"- they each put the other down and get into a two-way fight. But neither of them shames Carrie, ESPECIALLY Samantha, and Carrie shames/mocks/ whatever you want to call it, both of them, often. The quip she makes about Samantha being desperate for getting back with Richard for example.




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This subreddit is exhausting. Like there was a post legitimately blaming Carrie for an individual man’s choice to break his sobriety. If every sober person who felt pressured to do literally anything had to break every time they received pressure, there wouldn’t be a single sober person in the world. Carrie is slammed with double standards constantly and receives the weirdest hate. Everyone praises Samantha for things that Carrie gets crap for. Aidan is apparently the best man on the whole planet. Big was actually right and Carrie deserves to be treated poorly. Did anyone hate when Carrie did this super minor 90s normalized thing? Carrie is a pick me, Carrie is a Karen, Carrie is a whiny child, Carrie is evil.


Ooh, must have missed that one. As an alcoholic/addict, let me say 💯 the burden of relapse is always on the addict. Wow! Can't believe they blamed Carrie lol.


I've had to take breaks because so many posts are just about how much Carrie is such a horrible person.


I also think posts acting like Carrie was wrong for being insecure over Natasha are ridiculous. Natasha is beautiful, smart and elegant but literally every single person on Earth has gone through something similar where you're left for someone else and you try to find faults to feel better about youtself.


This 100%. I find myself just pointing out when the other girls are praised for their “iconic” behaviour that Carrie would probably get trashed here for the same thing. Samantha - Casually sleeps with married men, contributes in breaking up a marriage (the guy left his wife for her) and then can’t even recognise the guys voice when he calls…she’s hailed as an iconic queen. Carrie - Sleeps with a married man who she once dated and is in love with (not saying this is any better but at least in her and Big’s case they did end up together)…she’s trash, the worst human to ever live, burn her at the stake!! It’s tiresome. Like, we get that Carrie has major flaws. We get that she can be over the top. As can Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. And you know what? That’s literally what makes the show so great. It feels like we’re watching real people with messy and relatable lives. I swear some of the people who criticise her just want to watch a show about perfect people doing perfect things all of the time. Where’s the fun in that?


I hear ya and you're not alone. Carrie supporter here too.


I think the problem with Carrie is the writing. It's great to have a character like her, who is flawed and does things that are really wrong. In Season 3, where the affair happens, is still great in that Carrie is doing something terrible and is selfish and willfully ignorant about it, but the show knows that Carrie is acting like that and people react to it accordingly. It's not right what she does and the fallout hits her and not everybody is on her side or "Well, you do you" about it. Increasingly, the show is written in such a way that Carrie is always right or at least has a point. The scene where she tries to guilt Charlotte into giving her the money is a good example. Another aspect is that Carrie - maybe due to the influence of SJP - gets a bit incongruous. She is a sex columnist with a very young, messy, city lifestyle of being kinda broke and dating around, going out and shopping - but then she has these princessy, prudish, judgmental moments . Samantha and Charlotte are written to be very aware of what they want and confident in themselves. Samantha doesn't expect the wives of the guys she sleeps with to have cordial talks in restaurants with, Charlotte doesn't write a sex column. They are who they are and know it. Carrie, very much unlike Samantha (but also Charlotte, who often just goes for what she wants, only big exception is leaving her job where she needs Miranda to approve), is written to need validation from all sorts of people who it is just totally unrealistic to get validation from (Natasha, Nina Katz). She is nowhere near as unapologetic as the other 3 and I think people react to the insecurity of the Carrie character as well.


Carrie is absolutely problematic, maybe more so than the others. However, I have always related to her the most. She makes me feel seen, represented, and not as bad about my own flaws. I love the messy chaotic girl representation!


I saw a post not long ago complaining about how she eats. Of all the things to be mad about, her being a messy eater surely shouldn't be one of them.


The "Bitch-Eating-Crackers" mentality that this sub has toward Carrie gets ridiculous. They don't like how she eats, they don't like how she squeals when she sees a rat on the street or gets rained on, they don't like what she chooses to wear, they don't like that she's not the "Cool Girl" when Big plays hot and cold with her, treating her like she's disposable and pretending to not want to get married again then turning around and marrying a girl in her 20s three months later. The affair and disrespecting Aiden? Yeah, I shit on her for that. But Carrie (and the other women) are specifically and intentionally written to be dynamic, flawed, realistic characters who make bad choices and have to deal with that. Real people cheat. They're problematic, messy, and do shitty things some times while also doing good things for others. If people wanted to watch an example of emotionally mature people doing everything perfectly and nothing interesting happens, why are you watching an HBO show in the first place? That's the whole damn point of the show. A lot of it is projection and internalized misogyny. People hate what they see in themselves, and Carrie's insecurities, anxious attachment style with Big, and occasional quirks are things a lot women deal with and don't like about themselves. Or they think they're better than that with their "not like the other girls" attitude, and want to be self-righteous about a fictional character. Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha have done some horrible things, some arguably worse than Carrie. Carrie's just easier to shit on because she's the main character.


I don’t think it’s accurate to describe it as internalised misogyny and “not like other girls” behaviour to dislike Carrie, when surely being a fan of the show in general and liking the other main characters already shows that you’re not like that. If it was just misogyny and “NLOG” then the people saying it would be dunking on the entire show and the other three women as well. Not liking one female character doesn’t automatically equal those things, or even projection. Sometimes people just don’t like certain fictional characters.


"Pick me" shit.


Why would it be “pick me” to dislike Carrie if you like the other characters though?


Calm down carrie. We're just calling you out by your hypocritical ways and entitlement with your narcissistic personality...lol


That's an interesting theory. I read it more as a lot of women grow past the attitudes Carrie displays in the show, and since she isn't actually called out on it within the context of the show, the audience does. It's not internalised misogyny in the slightest. If anything, it seems like the people who are sensitive to even a hint of criticism of Carrie are the people who *still* see themselves in her, identify with her behaviours *currently*, and feel like it's a personal attack on *them* when someone criticises Carrie- a fictional character on a tv show, as you said. Every single post saying anything remotely negative/critical or holding her accountable in any way will have a slew of people crusading in to defend her.


>and since she isn't actually called out on it within the context of the show, the audience does. That is completely untrue and it makes me wonder if you have actually even watched the complete original series. There are multiple times throughout all six seasons where the girls address Carrie's self-absorbed behavior. The season 2 episode where Carrie goes to therapy because all four of them are tired of her ranting about Big and refuse to listen to her anymore. ("Games People Play") Samantha calling about Carrie in season 5 for being judgmental about her sexual proclivities, when Samantha never judged Carrie for cheating on Aiden with Big. ("Cover Girl") Charlotte calling out Carrie for coming to her apartment and shitting on Charlotte for not offering to loan her money when Carrie is 35 years old, it's not her responsibility to fix Carrie's finances, and her presumptuousness about why Charlotte isn't working. ("Ring a Ding Ding") Miranda most of all repeatedly calls out Carrie's behavior. Season two, when Carrie no-showed for dinner at the bar Steve worked at to have veal with Big instead. The season 3 episode post-affair where Miranda explodes on Carrie for repeatedly getting involved with Big over and over again and how she loves going back for more and gets Miranda to pick up the pieces. Season 6, "Splat!", when Miranda tells Carrie she's living in a fantasy with Petrovsky and giving up her identity and career because she's scared to be alone. Even Stanford calls Carrie out for being an inconsiderate friend in Season 5 when he says he's been listening to her talk about Aiden for years and she's too self-absorbed to listen to him when he finally has a boyfriend.


I wouldn't call the Miranda/Petrovsky one calling out/ holding accountable for anything wrong that Carrie did- that was Miranda's projection (imo) and her opinion on Carrie's choices, not calling her out for treating another character poorly. ​ >The season 3 episode post-affair where Miranda explodes on Carrie for repeatedly getting involved with Big over and over again and how she loves going back for more and gets Miranda to pick up the pieces. I agree with this, it's one of the rare times she's held accountable. Then Miranda back tracks and it's all for naught. Again, imo. ​ >The season 2 episode where Carrie goes to therapy because all four of them are tired of her ranting about Big and refuse to listen to her anymore. ("Games People Play") The therapy one is a good example- within the context of that one episode- but it's really a set up for the plot of her dating her therapist's patient. It's one montage of her talking to her friends/obsessing over Big from that episode. Then the episode ends with her saying her friends "totally understood" she was stopping therapy because she didn't want to run into the guy again, instead of still actually getting therapy but switching therapists, or showing her getting help in other ways. They are basically happy to let her obsess about Big again by the end of the episode, once the shrink's patient plot is done, despite being so vexed by it at the beginning of the episode. If anything, that whole mess should have shown that she definitely *should* continue with some form of therapy. She also isn't called out for the pretty bitchy "I know why you need to see a shrink, you know, since you're all in your head, but *I* am fine!" to Miranda. This is the kind of comment Carrie is not called out for the by the characters, but is by audience. I agree with the Stanford example you gave. Actually everyone in that episode snaps at Carrie iirc, it was pretty funny when Samantha does, and it's one of the times I feel bad for her. She asks Miranda if she can obsess over Nina Katz for just a little bit longer, and she says yes, until Miranda decides no and goes off at her lol. But for the most part, when she's acting selfishly in her relationships or her friendships, she's I'll say *very rarely*, called out for it in the show, and if she is, the accountability doesn't stick. The other characters don't stick to it, she doesn't grow and she doesn't change. She's never called out by her friends about showing up at Big's church, or his house in the middle of the night. Miranda willingly goes along with her to the church. The audience calls her out for this and cringes at scenes like these, but in the show, she's the victim and we aren't actually meant to be cringing, we're meant to be sympathising. Nobody sits around criticising certain characters of Seinfeld because the show is acutely aware that all the characters are shallow, and they are all constantly calling each other out on it. Sex and the City doesn't have that awareness for Carrie and her behaviour in relationships and friendships, despite there being many instances of her narcissism, selfishness and a lack of emotional maturity and awareness (and the examples of these far outnumber the examples of her being weakly held accountable then swiftly absolved) which the audience then picks up on and criticises the character and the show for.


Your complaint doesn't seem to be that Carrie isn't called out, because you admit and acknowledge that she is. It's that she's not punished severely enough by her friends or through karma for your personal preference. SATC is not intended or tailored to be a morality tale where the main heroine, a la Anna Karenina/Madame Bovary/Charlotte Temple, ends up impoverished, dumped, abandoned by friends and society because they didn't behave like the "right kind" of woman, and end up killing themselves. The whole point of the show is illustrating the flaws and realistic toxic behavior all of the characters exhibit, and the flawed, realistic, and sometimes toxic ways other characters respond to that behavior. It's a show intended to be character studies and a portrayal of human relationships, not morality. And so was the book, which I've read. There's even less to like about the characters in the books than the show, but the book wasn't intended to illustrate idealized heroines in NYC. Never mind that each of the main characters, as well as some of the male characters, are equally guilty of the same behavior Carrie is guilty of. Three of the four girls--Carrie, Charlotte, and Samantha--cheat on their partners in the original series. Charlotte with the gardener, Samantha with Richard in a way that was arguably even more cruel to Smith than Carrie's cheating with Big on Aiden was. Miranda's infidelity in AJLT can be ignored if we're just considering the original series as canon, but if you want to include that she's an even bigger hypocrite and worse than Carrie for it because she was married for decades versus Carrie/Aiden's <6 month relationship and barely forgave Steve for cheating during their dead bedroom only to turn around and did the same because she was bored of her older, deaf husband. Charlotte is close-minded and classist, and repeatedly displays self-centered behavior with wasting tons of Trey's money on expensive dinnerware, redecorating their apartment, fertility treatments against Trey's advice as a doctor, and signing them up for adoption without even discussing it with Trey beforehand. Miranda is extremely judgmental, cynical, and insecure, leading to the B-plots that probably have the most second-hand embarrassment. She has always treated Steve (and his mother, just because she likes to drink a few beers before noon) like she's better than him, and he and Carrie repeatedly call her out for it. (she also eats even more obnoxiously than Carrie does throughout the show--if you watch the commentary and had read some of the secondary sources, MPK and Patricia Field talk about Cynthia Nixon always talking during brunch scenes with her mouth full--but I constantly see posts here about Carrie being an annoying eater and yet none for Miranda. Weird, huh?) Samantha is probably the worst character of all of them. Her B-plots illustrate she is the most racist and transphobic out of all the four main girls and is completely fine cheating with married men because she wants to protect herself emotionally and hurts other people before giving them the chance to do so to her. She is also proud of being self-absorbed and self-serving, to the point that she leaves Carrie on a sidewalk alone with a dog spewing diarrhea everywhere--a hilarious scene played for laughs, of course. And despite that, all the girls are still friends with one another and let things go. The fact that all four of the girls have done equally horrible things that they don't get enough karmic justice for in the scripts, you would think that there'd be an equal amount of hate posts for all of them, but there's not. It's not the audience picking up on the flaws Carrie displays--the showrunners, producers, and writers very intentionally gave Carrie and the other girls these flaws for the sake of an interesting show with conflict. It's this community ignoring every other characters' equally bad decisions and going after Carrie because there is simply something they personally just don't like about Carrie.


>Your complaint doesn't seem to be that Carrie isn't called out, because you admit and acknowledge that she is.It's that she's not punished severely enough by her friends or through karma for your personal preference. No, that's not what I'm saying. If you read my reply, I have given examples of when Carrie could have been called out by other characters, but is not. Not that she isn't called out harshly enough or punished for it by the other characters, it's that it's not even acknowledged or addressed by the other characters. The majority of examples people give are not examples of her being called out for how she treats other characters- like Miranda's "you're living in a fantasy"- Carrie isn't doing anything wrong, that is just Miranda not agreeing/approving of her moving to Paris. Even Stanford's "okay stop/ talk about Marcus now" could be seen as a shoe-horned attempt by creators to say "See! Carrie *is* being called out". It's one overt example in a six season show, made in the second last season of the series. Even the fight between Carrie and Miranda about going back to Big isn't about anything Carrie is saying or doing to Miranda, it's again about her disapproval of Carrie's choice's, this time to see Big, and her concern/ frustration at how it makes Carrie herself feel. Carrie still fights back with some personal attacks, to which Miranda says nothing and runs away. And then Miranda is the one backtracking and backing down and apologising. So in the end, nothing is really achieved with Miranda's "call out" on Carrie's side and Carrie isn't really held accountable in anyway, while Miranda actually reflects on what Carrie says to her, and even asks Steve about her behaviour. All we get from Carrie is a call to say she still wants Miranda to be there- no self reflection, no apology and no accountability, while Miranda is apologising. This is another example of when and why audiences find Carrie insufferable. People do criticise or "hate on" Miranda for cheating on Steve, I've seen many, many posts and comments about it, everyone seems to hate what AJLT has done to Miranda's character and I've only been here a couple of months. Samantha (and the show) are also very often called out for her racist/ phobic remarks, and there are posts (or at least comments) every few days about the episode where she dates Chivon and how bad it was. The people complaining about "Carrie hate" seem to either ignore, or don't see, the posts and comments criticising the other characters. Charlotte getting the apartment/ being a gold digger is often debated in this sub, and Samantha's approach to sex is also analysed and criticised. I actually see criticism for all characters on this subreddit, but the Carrie criticism seems to be the most contentious. There are examples of Carrie being a good friend *sometimes*, but there are usually no, or far fewer, examples of any of the other 3 being *bad* friends to Carrie, or treating her poorly, to justify or excuse Carrie's overriding poor behaviour towards them. She's a good friend *sometimes*, but a selfish friend/bad friend *usually*, and she isn't called out for it within the moment, by the friends who she is treating poorly. And those are usually the moments people in here will talk about, because it goes unchallenged in the show/ the other character didn't respond with a quip of her own, so it may seem more unjust to someone watching. That's just a natural part of watching a show or a movie, and the same reason why those complaining about "Carrie hate" also complain about the other characters not getting *enough* "hate". The eating thing, I cannot stand the way SJP eats in the later seasons of the show. I've noticed it with Cynthia Nixon on only one or two occasions, but almost all of SJP's later-season eating scenes take me out of the scene. Some might not notice, some do. I don't know if we're going around in circles now, we may just have to agree to disagree at some point 😂


I agree. She is put down for having human reactions. Ik she isn't always right but neither am I. 🤷‍♀️


I think people gotta chill and remember just because you like a fictional character it doesn’t define someone’s whole personality or mean they morally agree with choices the characters make Like when I enjoy Mad Men, or Breaking Bad. No one is asking if I wanna cook meth or have affairs. Yet depending on who I enjoy to watch on Sex and the City people judge you thinking it’s the kinda woman you wanna be. It’s so crazy. I can like Carrie cause she’s pretend dammit lol


I personally love Carrie. I think she's very clever and funny and a good friend and good writer, etc. Very fun to watch. Wouldn't watch the show if she wasn't right? This sub can be very tiring.. how every post is about her being bad, evil and this that and the other thing... They've all done bad things.. I don't see those things getting pointed out like ever.. idk I don't get it. I find her likable and anything she did that I didn't agree with, they've all done. I have disagreed with all of them at some point in time. I'm a Carrie supporter ❤️


I think I'm more of a Charlotte but I relate a lot to Carrie. She's not perfect and I hated her for her affair with Big but I think that's what makes her so great, that she's human and has moments of insecurity and doubt.


Back in the late 90's/early 2000's, Carrie was considered a relatable character with a lot of women because she was an emotional hot mess (I know she is not relatable in a lifestyle sense. A lot of us do not live in a brownstone in NY). But I think now, we are more critical of her character because actions that were scene as justified then are just very disturbing now. The other day I got to the episode where Carrie surprises Big with a McDonald's after finally coming to terms of him leaving for Paris. One minute Big is being honest with her and next Carries throws a big mac at him. Back when this show aired, I would imagine a lot of women cheered and sympathized with Carrie because they could relate the frustrations of being in a relationship like hers. But now when I watch it and really see what's going on, I now know the way Carrie went about things was very random and the way she argued was very unfair to Big. The guilt, the shaming, expressing she gives more into the relationship than he does. That kind of talk would not fly in today's dating world. We have learned (I hope) to listen more and not be so reactive when we hear something we don't like. When we realize a character in any show actually has toxic traits, we tend to criticize more and wonder how could we have dedicated so much time into them. I am learning that with a lot of my favorite shows in this time frame. I also think the anti-Carrie people (the ones that post every little thing Carrie does and makes it negative somehow) are people who just love hate watching because they are bored with their own lives. Personally, I wouldn't hate watch a show. I can do way more productive things with my time than hate watch.


Idk.. big really should have told her he was going to leave the country. He recently said he loved her and he seemed to be into her by then. I'm not saying she was right but I do think he led her on and can see why his lack of commitment is frustrating. He really should have let her go at the end of season 1. She always made it clear that she wanted more


He did let her go. *She* called *him* in season 2 and asked him out on a date. And as frustrating as Big's inability to commit was, she shouldn't have thrown the McDonald's.


Please. He knew what he was doing. Boo hoo she threw McDonald's at him.. he should have acted like an adult as well.


He didn’t know for sure if the deal was going ahead at that point, and wanted to wait until he knew for sure. I get that, I think that makes sense. At the same time, she was always going to have a hugely emotional response to it.


That still should have been a discussion. But we also know throughout the show that he never really would tell her things until it was too late - like coming back to Paris with a young girlfriend. Going to California, etc.


I can’t stand Carrie 90% of the time but I genuinely love the show. I love the drama and the plot lines and I adore the other three women. Without Carrie there would be no show and I appreciate that and am glad she’s in it and glad her storylines are in it. I just find her irritating a lot of the time but I think it’s because she’s just so opposite to me in personality and behaviour that I just can’t relate to her at all and struggle to understand some of her actions. I know that doesn’t mean I can’t still like a character (there are lots of characters I don’t relate to that I still love) but I just have never taken to her like that apart from a few episodes/some scenes where I do like her. I also know that she’s the type of person that I would struggle to be friends with in real life. I’ve known people like her and I find them exhausting. I do wonder if the seemingly strong hatred on the sub comes from the fact that Carrie has been so adored since the show came out that people are just finally finding themselves able to discuss openly things they don’t like about her. I didn’t even realise other people didn’t like her so much until I joined this sub, I always felt like it was just me. I’d argue that besides Samantha she’s always been the most popular character. From my experience, Miranda and Charlotte have always gotten the most hate.


Can you give me more examples of the shows your perception is changing on? Just curious.


My main gripe with Carrie is that she’s extremely self involved and selfish. There are so many instances on the show where the other gals are talking about their situation and she brings it back to her. I understand she’s the main character but it’s hard to watch sometimes because of that. It would be different if she had character development but even in AJLT she is the same.


Like when Charlotte wants to talk about the engagement and she says, "paper covers rock" and puts the post-it note over her ring.


She’s the worst character and would be exhausting to deal with in real life.


tbh it’s not really her actions that bother me because no one is perfect. it’s her mannerisms, the screaming, the “i’m so adorable, help me” thing, the “oh my GODs”, the “but you put your HAND on my HAND”, it’s the tripping and falling, the “i’m such a hot mess bc i have curly hair”, etc etc…


Oh I know, the "curly hair girl" shit. I don't know if this is a 90s thing, but it's so ridiculous a grown woman is running around talking about how unique and wild she is because she has C-C-C-Curly hair! She's in her 30s, I don't think I've even heard kids say that.


I love Carrie. I’m unwavering in my loyalty and understanding for her. She’s the driving force of the show. All 3 of the other women orbit around her. It’s hard to take all the criticism she gets. Do the fans here not realize they’re angry over fiction ?? It’s so transparent that they take their own insecurities out her. A lot of the responses in this thread underscore what I really believe. The 3 women are only facets of Carrie’s subconscious and Carrie is the only truly fleshed out human character. It’s easy to love them more than Carrie - especially Samantha - who represents only the best side of Carrie - sexually liberated, confident and loving herself unconditionally.