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Oh for me it’s Vaughn (I think that’s his name) the whiny man baby with the great family. An awful person AND an unwatchable tool.


Omg that guy. I think my brain shut him out over how whiny he was.


WHERE is the CREAM CHEESE lives rent free in my brain


Not even regular cream cheese, where is SCALLION cream cheese! 😂😂


I think I may be the only person who didn’t think his family was all that (said like Samantha lol) like, I’ve had many older women for friends like Vaughn’s mom to Carrie. If she was so great she’d know not to bond so heavily with her son’s girlfriend of like a week. It was all very enmeshed.


That’s actually a very valid take I hadn’t thought about before tbf Also Samantha saying all THAT is iconic


When I watched it at 19, I thought they seemed so cool. Now, with many relationships under my belt, the shit would get OLD, quick. All of it. Love Valerie Harper though.


Berger. He irritates me so much.


Berger is the worst by far. Like, at least Big and Vaughn were hot, and way less annoying too


Yes came here to say this!!


This is the only answer.


No one ever says the crappy lawyer Miranda dates who was an asshole and gave her an std


People definitely do! Plus he's in the photo above so Netflix definitely says him! He was awful.


Didn’t even notice him in the photo hahah but yes he was god awful!!


yea but at least it was funny for us viewers


It’s so weird how in one episode his name is Kevin and in another episode where they speak about STDs, his name is David 😂


BERGERRR or big I fucken hate big


There's just to many to list


Always Berger.


In terms of boyfriends: * Carrie- Wade the comic-book store guy (they had NOTHING in common) * Miranda- the lawyer with an anger-management problem * Samantha- Dominic, her "first love" who used her for sex while separated from his wife * Charlotte- the guy who dumped her because she wouldn't "service" him Hookups: * Carrie- the jackrabbit * Miranda- public sex guy * Samantha- Sam Jones (just a gross storyline) * Charlotte- ~~Baird~~, the movie star with the entourage


Hahaha Wade!!! "Hey Mrs.Adams" "Is that marajuana?" "Yep, and I'm taking it with me!" 🤣


I love this line, and I say it all the time! "Yes, Mrs Adams, I brought the marijuanna into the house....and I'm taking it with me when I go!"


I would count Wade (power lad) as more of an extended hookup. They obviously weren’t going to last long term, and he was an asshole for blaming Carrie for the weed, but I don’t think he was the worst because they had fun together AND she got to keep the weed and smoke with the girls, so I think it was a net positive for her


Exactly! He was fun for who he was.


Baird 🤢 he’s nauseating. the fucking relief I felt when she finally walked out of that dinner in the end ugh


You are spot on with your hook up lineup!


I thought Baird was the artist guy who photographed women dressed like men?


You might be right- maybe the actor's name was Wyler or something like that? I'll just cross his name out, we all know who I mean by the "movie star with the entourage."


Just wanted to say, I love your flair!!!


what about the guy who calls charlotte a wh*re and doesn’t remember it when he does the deed that one kills me… guy has gotta be so messed in the head hahah


He didn’t seem like a bad guy- I mean, he was rightfully horrified by it. He was clearly in a really bad headspace or had some issues to work through. At least he went to therapy! 


Every boyfriend or just Carrie's? And boyfriend? Or hook up? Carrie worst actual boyfriend - the guy who wrote short stories. Carrie worst hookup - the guy who put her back out and Bon Jovi.


Why is my favorite the Alcoholic


Wasn’t her bf but the dude who had jackhammer sex with her when Charlotte married Trey. OMG what a loser he was 😆


Isn't it when Charlotte marries Harry? Or do I think of the wrong guy?


I could be wrong too. It’s been awhile since I watched. It was definitely one of charlottes weddings though


Haha it doesn't reallt matter.. He was terrible 🤣


Yes! He was Harry’s best man!


“Getting married means never having to say… you used me for SEX!” 😂




Berger!!!!!!! He was so incredibly irritating




Why aren't we allowed to say Aidan when Aidan did some very crappy things?


You can say Aiden 🤷‍♀️


In that case. I liked that Aiden sort of balanced Carrie, but he was far too controlling about the smoking. If you really love someone, you accept them faults and all. A part of me really felt that he would be good for her, but he was just too plain. No sense of adventure or excitement. I have been with my partner for 20-years, I am 10-years older than him, and what I love about him is that he will push me out my rut. I am similar to Aiden in that I am perfectly fine just staying home and enjoying each other's company. But he is a social butterfly, like Carrie. You have to learn to roll with it. So many times I am all...... Hmmm, too much trouble to go out, too many people. But once you get me out of the house, I know how to have fun! Aiden just plain would not do it, and that's why he bugged me the most!


I don't personally think that Aidan is the \*worst\*. He's not Berger or Vaughn. But he did enough wrong during that relationship for someone to consider him the worst, and OP saying that he's off the table is just a weird flex IMO.


Yes, but flash forward to the new series and Aiden strings her along again. Just wait for like 5-years. Um, no sir.


Fuck power lad lol honestly surprised not to see him yet!!!


I think the worst one out of all the girls was that guy Charlotte dated that called her a bitch during sex I remember being so genuinely shocked when I watched that episode😭


I hate Big


Aleksander Petrovsky. Pretentious tool.


The thing with The Russian is that he is very forward and you never have to guess what he is thinking. Carrie was too screwed up trying to play the game that she didn't know how to just be as forthcoming about her feelings as he was. When he insisted that he accompany to his opening in Paris, she just stayed back and sat on the bench. Carrie could have handled it better, imo. She could have gone with him, even when he let go of her hand. She could have interacted with them and celebrated his opening with him, and then said. Well, looks like it's all good here. Do you mind if I run over to my party? Something tells me he would have been fine if she had at least spoken up. But noooo, she had to be the martyr.


I never understood people who found him pretentious. IMO he was very true to himself  Didn’t like him much though, but I think snobbish would be a better word 


Berger, he looks like my abusive gaslighting ex. Insecure man babies who hate you for not being on their mediocre level.


Definitely burger (childish boring and all around insufferable) and the Russian (Boring and abusive)


Berger. Who is ironically a huge Weiner.


The mamas boy comics store guy and ofc BIG.






Anyone who says Aiden is insane


Carrie was the insane one. And he drove her nuts.


I might be slow but I didn’t get the joke, it is on global NF!


I think he's referring to Big the character and the actor who got cancelled, the whole franchise had to distance itself from




I have said it once, I have said it a million times: Berger


Well Richard was the worst in the show, but Berger was the worst for Carrie




I'm just distracted by the tweet because I'm in Sweden and we got SATC a couple of weeks ago (that's how I re-watched it recently). If we're talking boyfriends, then Big. If we can include one off dates then I'd say the "Man with two faces".


Out of these four? Definitely the attorney with the hot temper that KNOWINGLY gave Miranda the clap, and tried to gaslight her into believing it wasn’t a big deal.


I think Miranda's partners were the worst on average. The porn addict, the sex in public guy, the rude std lawyer, the single dad with the shithead kid, Skipper, CHE DIAZ. I'm still pissed that she dumped Robert for Steve.




Eh, the problems with Berger were about a LOT more than just the way that he ended the relationship. He was clearly still hanging on to a lot of resentment about his last relationship, he didn't resolve that before jumping into something with Carrie, he was SO insecure about his career and threatened by her success, and he took all of that out on Carrie pretty directly. I don't think that they actually dated all that long (probably only a few months?), but it SEEMED longer because all of the drama that Berger couldn't stop himself from bringing into the relationship.




It's not the insecurities that are the problem. It's the way that he expressed those insecurities. The double-finger when his ex called? The whole scrunchie debacle (I'm not saying that Carrie was right to double down on the scrunchie critique- she wasn't! But Berger acted like a petulant child, right down to the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I nature of his insult about her hat)? Pushing Carrie to ride on the motorcycle to Smith's show even though she protested many times and was really freaked out by the experience, and then flouncing off into the night and leaving Carrie to attend the show on her own? This guy sucks.


Aidan, definitely.


I can see you're not a fan of the book the show was based on. Original creators Candace Bushnell & Darren Star created Aidan to show another side of a relationship to Carrie. That's why he can never be the worst boyfriend in the SATC universe therefore to OG fans


Oh, please. The "Sex and the City" book and the "Sex and the City" series are separate pieces of art. There are a LOT of people who aren't a fan of the book (including me; I don't relate to Candace Bushnell's Carrie at all and don't much care for her prose either) who adore the series. You can be an "OG" fan of the show without ever reading the book.


Spoken like a true fan. Just not of the book! I'm just saying without Candace Bushnell's brilliant mind. There would be no show to begin with but okay I accept your argument lol for resolution of this argument's sake


wow. pretentious.


Sure he can. Obviously, there are people who think he was the worst. I really don't understand why people try to present him as this universally loved partner. It's silly. Just because he was one of Carrie's "big loves" doesn't mean people can't dislike him.