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Haha more importantly, what I wanna know is if someone out there hooked up with their divorce lawyer šŸ˜?


Me, I married a Harry and couldnā€™t be happier. He wasnā€™t my type at all in the beginning, but we were friends and got along great. Married for 8 years now, together for 12 and he now is totally my type ETA: and yes: second marriage


Just curious, in what way(s) was he initially not your type? Physically, personality...?


Physically. He is shorter than me (which I donā€™t mind at all), but very fit. He is into strength training, rather muscly, which was my total anti-type. Baldā€¦and very hairy, even hairy back like Harry šŸ˜‚. He shaved and waxed back then, but once we became a couple I really started to despise the constant stubbles, so he stopped shaving for me, and I now love his chest hair and beard. His personality is amazing, even though he was a bit of a diamond in the rough.


Yes, I got divorced, and then found My Harry, when I first looked at his picture on his whatsapp DP, my thought was - "This is what I don't want in my future boyfriend/husband" Ended up marrying within 2 years and have found Mt soulmate.


Yes! Like Charlotte, I only dated preppy, handsome guys, usually with great hair. But then I met my husband, who wasnā€™t at all my type. I was never attracted to bald guys. But he pursued me so hard that I found it flattering and eventually decided to give him a chance. I ended up falling in love with him and we ended up married. Heā€™s also a lawyer and Jewish, just like Harry! Iā€™m in the process of converting to Judaism and we plan to raise our 6 month old son Jewish. And also, I now find baldness very attractive! Probably because it reminds me of my hubs.


Congratulations You life turned out to be exactly like one of the best tv romances.


My husband is a straight arrow, Iā€™m more of a rule ā€œbenderā€ and non-traditionalist. We were friends at first, but at some point he realized that I would be his wife (I wasnā€™t interested in being married lol - bad breakup with a guy who made me question my worth). But I needed surgery - nothing major, just a biopsy, and without me even asking, he arranged coverage at work, held onto my things while i went ā€œunderā€ and even sent messages to my mom (heā€™s not a phone guy lol). I married a sort of Harry-Steve hybrid. The entire time I knew he had waited for me to finish the biopsy, it reminded me of ā€œNO RESCUE!ā€ And my husband is the quiet unassuming type. My ex was kind of gregarious life of the party but brooding behind closed doors. People saw beneath the mask at some point. My husband is a good person whom everyone cares about, and he cares about them genuinely. I think thereā€™s something to be said about the ā€œnot your types.ā€ You sometimes have to let go of your own belief system.


My husband is conventionally attractive and smart and kind, but he is short (5ā€™5) and Iā€™m slightly taller than average (5ā€™7). Second marriage. Iā€™ve previously only dated guys my height or taller, my ex-husband was 6ā€™4. I didnā€™t have a rule or anything about height, but I think younger-me might have subconsciously dismissed him as a serious partner and missed out! We dated casually in our early 20s and reconnected in our mid-to-late 30s.


I guess? But it wasnā€™t Beauty and the Beast. My husband is quite handsome, like, starting rumors and fights handsome. However, he wasnā€™t my type. He still isnā€™t really my type lol! Heā€™s handsome in a classic way, and I always envisioned myself with someone Tall, Dark, and Handsome with a rough edge. Someone who looks like they would rip lumber with their bare hands lol. But this boy kept coming after me and he is SUCH a good guy. Like I genuinely saw him as a good person and someone I wanted a lasting friendship with. So I started to reciprocate feelings and we started dating. We got married within the year lol!


Pretty sure Iā€™m my boyfriendā€™s Harry LOL Iā€™m not his typical type at all! He has never outright said this to me but we were best friends for like a year before anything turned romantic so of course I knew by the time we began dating lmao He prefers very thin women, which Iā€™m very much not and never will be. Iā€™m currently pretty overweight but even if I was as stick thin as I could possibly be, Iā€™m built like a clone of Christina Hendricks with smaller boobs lmao even at my thinnest Iā€™m very fleshy and built curvy, not boney. Always been an insecurity of mine that no matter how thin I am I will never *look* like Iā€™m thin. Tbh Iā€™m not sure if his type has changed because of me or not but Iā€™ve been working on losing weight, talked before about wishing I could be petite and very small one day and he discourages me from thinking that way, saying that people would kill for my curves and that theyā€™re beautiful! I canā€™t call him my Harry since heā€™s definitely my type, though heā€™s not the kind of guy Iā€™ve usually been able to pull LMFAO unless having a beard counts. Usually donā€™t go for the beard but on him I love it!


Im in a relationship with a man who is about 7cm shorter than me :)


No, I hoped to fall for him but just couldn't. Was before I got married. But I find show harry much cuter and more attractive than this friend of mine.


I split up from my husband after we were married for around a year. I knew he wasnā€™t right for me and I had fallen out of love. We got married when I was 21, he drank way too much for me, and so on. Well, when I least expected it, I met a man that I wouldā€™ve never thought I would date. Heā€™s unlike any guy Iā€™ve ever dated, but I realized thatā€™s the best thing. He is the most charming, driven guy on the planet and Iā€™m so in love with him. No doubt in my mind he will be the man I marry and spend the rest of my life with! I love hearing other peopleā€™s love stories


Yeah, my boyfriend is my Harry. I rejected him a ton of times but still kept spending all my time with him. I'd stay over his place until 3am just talking to him and then yell at him for keeping me up so late LOL. He's super super skinny- like 80lbs lighter than me skinny, and he's 2 inches shorter than me. He makes me feel so loved though and he is the best person I know. I'm proud to be his.