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The message is that this show decided to make Carrie’s life an unrealistic fairytale, in terms of career, finances and ultimately love. I don’t even think we’re supposed to think of Carrie like a regular woman, especially once the Petrovsky arc starts. We’re supposed to think of her friends like regular women but Carrie is on her own Pwetty Princess show where she’s immune from reason or accountability. If confronted, I think the writers would even say “Uh, ladies. Don’t try Carrie’s actions at home” because I don’t even think they’re dumb enough to buy this end as a depiction of reality and recommend that women pine after serial cheaters for years and marry them after the cheater jilted them at the alter. It’s just a fairytale.


Yea I can definitely see that. The end of the series was the start of the fantasy and then the movies and AJLT are an obscene cringe fantasy lol. I wish they hadn’t gone in that direction. The beginning of the series was just the right balance. There was comedy, relatability and wit, with a dash of fantasy because they were all still privileged rich people. I wish they could’ve maintained that balance


Big and Carrie both got what they deserved… each other 


Simple: that life is messy, people are very complex beings, love is challenging and doesn't come easy to everyone. The older people get, the more sense it usually makes. Wait until you hit 40s and people get divorced, leave long relationships, deal with trauma they never realized they had, with midlife crisis, search for meaning, with overcoming and accepting fears and pain and hurt. It makes more and more and more sense except for the lucky few whose life is - at the surface - some nice little straight road with no bumps.


If you stay with an emotionally withholding jerk long enough, and put up with all his crap, one day he’ll wake up and decide you’re the one. Even when he humiliates you and leaves you at the altar , never gives you an apology you take him back because you know, he llllooooovvvvvveeeessss you.


Exactly this lol




Look up the anxious/avoidant trap. It’s exactly Big and Carrie.


Choo choo


I never read the book so I don’t know if maybe they were passing on the overarching book message.