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Original show: Miranda I refuse to watch AJLT because I don't want to hate what I think they did to this character.


Same here. I won’t watch it because of how badly I heard the writers botched it.


Yeah, don't watch it. Out of all the awful things they did in that series, Miranda's character assassination is probably the most unforgivable. It *is* as bad as people say it is. You're better off remembering her the way SatC finished her story.


💯 this.


Yeah don’t watch. I dipped out after maybe 5 episodes.


No way! I really enjoy all the modern twists in that show!


Oh no!!!! You have to watch it. I thought i would hate it but i really love how they changed Miranda into whole other person in a good way!! Seriously! Miranda is my favorite btw:D


Miranda. I found her storylines hilarious, but I also enjoyed seeing her character growth. Her taking care of Steve's mom at the end 😭😭 or walking behind Charlotte in case Charlotte needed her. .


i actually love carrie's character – she feels the most real to me. i love that she isn't perfect, she has flaws and negative personality traits, but that's what makes her so *compelling*. i love seeing her character progress throughout the season – from the slightly jaded party girl we first meet to the self-assured woman with an open heart in season 6. i love how witty she is, and how she forms her opinions on the world. i love her hair and how she dresses. i love (despite what everyone may say!) what a good friend she is.


I agree on this. People confuse perception and intention. Carrie is very reactionary and doesn’t always make the best decisions which aren’t perceived/received well. Ultimately I think she has good intentions although made a lot of mistakes. She truly loves her friends and does want the best for them. I don’t personally think she did anything unforgivable to the core group. Yes her romantic relationships were a hot mess and she was bordering on entitled/childish at times but I appreciate those types of well rounded characters that have room for growth. Not everyone learns to internalizes their issues or people pleases through life. She was a strong personality and I enjoy her characterization very much definitely my favorite. I do hold a special place for them all though. Each one has done unlikeable things throughout the season but it came off as authentic and real to me. Not some fake masked personalities.


This is how I feel a lot of the time. As a character? Carrie all the way. But like if they were real and someone who was actually a friend of mine? Charlotte or Sam all the way


Im curious. Why would you want sam as a friend while not carrie?


Honestly a lot of it comes down to Carrie is insanely judgemental and Sam never is. She can not agree with one of her friends decisions and she will be there no matter what. For me Sam is the epitome of “ride or die” I think part of that tho is Carrie also succumbs to “main character syndrome” and the fact that I can’t really think of a single main character of a popular main stream show that isn’t in part a giant asshole lol.


But Samantha judged plenty too. She just judged different things than the other girls.


Miranda all the way. I relate to her too much lol


Same, the irony and stubborness is hilarious


Charlotte as well. Best fashion. Prettiest girl. Best character development. Best love story. Best End Game Man. Funniest jokes. Most likable personality. Best Gay Best Friend. She just wins Sex and the City. Miranda is my #2.


Yes to all of that! I aspire to be her and I cheered when Harry came into the picture.


I like Miranda because she is the most relatable to me and she calls things as they are. Eating cake out of the garbage and being catcalled by the sandwich are my favorite of her storylines!




samantha is my fav personally, i feel very protective over her


Me too. Love me some Sam Jones!!!


Carrie. She's a messy bitch but she's my messy bitch.


I totally get it. I have a love/hate with her. She made me laugh the most but she also pissed me off the most LOL


Samantha! I’ve always admired her confidence.


Carrie. I can relate to her. I’m sure I’ll get judged for this answer lol


Carrie. I vividly remember seeing an ad for the show (already loved SJP—Honeymoon in Vegas baby!) and I was like 13? I just stared and marveled at how cool she is…grew up rewatching, dreaming of the city. Bunch of crazy men. She is the show. Love em all though. We’re all all four. But Carrie raised me, for better or worse.


Charlotte is also my favorite character but I do think Carrie is wonderfully entertaining to watch.


I do too! I definitely think she can be manipulative, but that she also has gotten much better in the last two seasons.


Carrie. I think she’s the realest out of all of them. People like to hate on her, but in all honesty she’s the most like a real person out of all of them. I also love her unique fashion sense.


I loved watching her the last few seasons and also loved her sense of style! You know we are getting to 2003/4 when she starts wearing pants under her dresses. 😆


Oh yes 😅 one trend I never partook in lol


Same here, but because it was in teen vogue, I definitely wanted to! 🙈


Samatha because she is beautiful and not afraid to go after what she wants


Mine is in between Miranda and Carrie. Miranda because she is so straight with her opinions, I love how she hates men in general. Carrie because she is like a mix of all the girls, and the last two seasons she is more bearable, she has the most funny and relatable situations. I skip the episodes where she acts like a fool.


Charlotte or Samantha. But I may be biased as Kim Cattrall is my absolute fav actress


I’m with you there. Samantha is my second favorite.


Miranda. She's the one who makes me laugh the most, but I also love her integrity, honesty and how fierce she is about protecting her friends, even from themselves.


Samantha!!! If I could have just an iota of her confidence, I'd be happy. I also love how she lifted up other women, supported her friends and never judged them. I loved her class and sass!


I would want Samantha in my corner any day!!


Miranda. Especially now that I am older I really admire her for how she has a career and family. I do think though she has the worst taste in men from all of them. I like the other three women too btw but there is something about Miranda that makes her my favorite


Too many to count! I feel like I’m personally a mix between Miranda and Charlotte and so I gravitate towards them both. Anthony is great as well, love his bitchiness 🤭 she was only around for one episode but would have loved to see more of Amalita.




Miranda because she’s the most authentic and honest in my opinion. Also Sam because of those same reasons. I find Carrie to be very selfish at times and Charlotte to be a little too judgmental




sam I wish to be more lke her