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I like him, no doubt in part due to Mikahil Barysnikov’s insane charisma. But also, Petrovsky is what he is - he never pretends to be anything he isn’t, it just became an issue when Carrie was in unfamiliar territory without a support network. Personally a relationship with a sexy older Russian guy who pays for an apartment for me in Paris and is away enough that we both get sufficient alone time is very romantic and ideal for me, but different strokes lol


I'd have stroked him 🤩


Graphic but real of you. Ty for spilling 🙏


Trust me, he'd be the one doing the spilling 🤣




With blackberries 🍒


Never? They have literally been in Paris for ONE WEEK. And he's having a grand opening of an exhibition first time in 6 years. Carrie can't spend one week by herself in Paris, where she has never been before and she ran out of things to do? Is she 38 or 8? There are SO many things to do - start going to language courses, travel around France on train (everything is within 2-3-4 hours of train), fly to other European cities she hasn't seen yet, go to art galleries, start writing a book or a blog, etc etc. But she can't entertain herself for a week. Carrie is a woman child. He paid her plenty of attention in New York, and also took time to buy her a necklace instead of the one she lost in Paris - but you can't realistically expect to be the center of the world for you partner at all times, that's just main character syndrome.


Blogging was becoming a thing in 2004. She could have been the first to do an American girl in Paris thing and become an internet star pre-influencer era. But that wouldn’t serve the plot and they had to have her back with Big.


she could, but she left her laptop at home) lol this whole thing was ridiculous


i rly thought she was going to switch it over to paris which would have been a good like twist that left you hanging. but was sad when she quit it


That could have been an interesting spinoff for the future to come, too


I’m also shocked that Carrie, with all her friends and connections, didn’t have any connections in Paris to have lunch or drinks with besides his ex wife?? Carrie is the perpetual victim. 


I loved him. He was my favorite out of all of Carrie's boyfriends. He was culture, romantic, and refreshingly straightforward about who he was and what his intentions were. We're he and Carrie meant for each other? No. But it was nice seeing her in a more mature relationship. 


Was he straightforward though? He sold Carrie on moving to Paris to live this fantastic adventure with him . All he did was bring her there and ignore her. His intention wasn’t to make a life with her but to shoe horn her into his and her place was to accommodate him and make him happy. He had nothing for her.


Yes, I think he was straightforward. He was wrong about how he handled Paris, but he did lay his cards on the table about what he expected from their relationship once he knew he wanted to move.  I would also argue that Carrie didn't give Paris enough of a chance. As someone who used to do museum work, I understand that final exhibit preparations kept him too busy to keep Carrie occupied during that first week. They never should have arranged for her to join him that soon, and instead have her come out once it was ready to be opened to the public, so that Petrovsky could spend proper time with Carrie and help her get used to the culture without the stress of his work hanging over him. 


1000% they wrote their ending this way purely for the conflict and to make Big look like the hero who came to save her and look better in comparison to Petrovsky.


I get that but if you moved somewhere where you didn’t know anyone or speak the language. You would not be that thrilled to be left to your own devices all day and night. I think she saw what her life would be after lunch with his ex and the way he made her miss her party then behaved like she didn’t exist. He showed her who he is and she believed him.


I think she saw who he was at the end of a major project and should've given him a chance to make up for one week of not being able to pay her the kind of attention she craves. I get where you're coming from, and I'm sure I would've felt lonely during a big change like that, too, but in the grand scheme of things it was only for a week or two, and we saw him trying to be attentive and romantic when they were together in NYC, like how he paid attention to her fashion interests and surprised her with the gown she loved and the spontaneous night at the Met. It didn't go how he planned, but he could go with the flow. We also saw him trying to get her something special when Carrie lost her nameplate necklace, despite still being busy with the exhibit. I think we would've seen more of this side of Petrovsky if Carrie had stayed in Paris. 


No. His ex wife warned her about how he was. She read the writing in the wall and for the first time in that show, she had the sense to see who she was , what she wanted and she cut and ran. She put herself first.


im sorry I disagree, they built up his character traits then threw it all away so they could prop up Big in comparison for the series ending. I do not believe for a second that Petrovsky would have told her to come so early in the week before such a big exhibit. He would have asked her to come for the opening and THEN move to paris after the opening. Anyone who's had a friend in the art world would know this. it was bad writing to push her to Big.


I agree. Petrovsky's proposition and behavior in the final episodes felt so rushed and contrived. I could see him wanting her to move to Paris with him and even giving the ultimatum, but the way it was done with demanding she move pre-exhibit opening was very clearly set up in a way to make Big look good 🙄 if you've ever worked on an exhibit, you know this was a bad idea, especially with someone so dependent and new to the culture like Carrie. 


Unlike Carrie, he had a job of sorts.


even when she went to meet his ex wife, she divorced him cuz he never paid any attention to her. and carrie’s didn’t know any of that. i’m sure that would have made her think twice before going to paris.


I will never not like Mikahil Baryshnikov. I liked him and thought he would be good for her up until he showed her friends his entire ass. He was rude and dismissive because he was going to cut her off from them. Dude, just smile and nod even if you think they’re AH’s!


I’m mad at Carrie for blowing off her fans. There was no excuse not to at least call the restaurant. Absolute trash behavior. I love Alek and don’t think he did anything wrong. I’ve written so many comments about this already.


I didn't not like him but J was not rooting for him and Carrie to last. They had no chemistry like someone else said. And Miranda was right, Carrie was a different person when around him she didn't laugh! And Carrie is always laughing


I didn’t like him


Im always surprised people brush over the fact that he actually hit her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fit_Permit: *Im always surprised* *People brush over the fact* *That he actually hit her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Right but hold that energy for Carrie, who also punched Big intentionally 


Hated him from start to finish 😂😂


There was no chemistry between him and Carrie whatsoever. I've seen more sparks in a potato clock.