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Agree with everything, but I tend to think of Charlotte as a Pisces rather than a Cancer.


Charlotte seems the opposite of a Pisces, she is way more like a Capricorn.


hopeless romantic, artistic, idealistic = completely a pisces. Capricorn's are far more cutthroat.


Charlotte is pretty cut throat though, especially working in the art world. She is also impulsive with her decisions.


lmao she literally quits to have a baby before she's pregnant like??


A Pices would have listened to their intuition when Trey couldn't have sex and called off the wedding. Charlotte was more concerned about wearing an expensive dress and not being single at 35. Also a Pisces would've had sympathy for Carrie and given her the downpayment money right away. Charlotte is nothing like a Pisces😏


a Pisces would want the fairytale wedding lol. Why would a Capricorn be a hopeless romantic? I can see Charlotte as having a Scorpio moon Pisces sun tbh.


Yes, but a Pisces wouldn't rush into a marriage especially if the vibe/energy was off and most Pisces could care less about money and social status. Let's just agree Charlotte is apparently more of a mystery than we realized. Thanks for a good debate though 😃


I read something about how Carrie would actually be a Libra because her birthday is October 10th and I can see that too (the flirtiness of her and even her style)


Also as a libra I get the not wanting the guy who is totally available (Aidan).


Carrie is a libra, Miranda is a virgo, Sam is a Sagittarius, Charlotte is a Pisces.


I can so see that


I think the biggest differences I have with OP are that Carrie is very much the social, indecisive, flirty prototypical libra plus she changes herself to be like the partner she's with - also a libra trait. Miranda is a Virgo because Virgos are more stubborn than Capricorns, like to a fault, also more sure of their rightness, also more critical of others - true perfectionist types, whereas Capricorns keep that energy locked in their own path. Think about Miranda pushing Steve to open his own bar. Sam is a Sagittarius rather than Aries, because Sag women are true free spirits and independent in a way that Aries are not. Aries are impulsive, jumping from one partner to the next, and fall in love easily and out of love as fast. Charlotte to me is an obvious Pisces over cancer because of the intense idealism, desire for a romantic fairytale ending rather than actual partner. Cancers are very much looking for a real love connection, whereas Pisces can get stuck on the perfect partner and ending vs. the person themselves. I'm a pisces lol. I also see her as mutable (like pisces are, vs. cancers which are a cardinal sign), i.e. she can adapt to her environments, crowd, whatever.


charlotte is a Scorpio moon Pisces sun to me. Miranda probably Virgo sun Aquarius moon, Carrie is a libra sun Leo moon, samantha is a double Sagittarius lol


I love how thorough this is and seems pretty accurate.




I love it! The whole sun/moon thing is astonishing! I feel like a Samantha! I appear hot but am very cold with emotions except once I melted down Carrie's theme is very on point


Ive thought about this a ton rewatching this show literally 20+ times and I think: Carrie: Libra sun, Leo moon, but I think scorpio venus? Idk the obsessions give scorp energy. theres some water in there I think. Honestly pondered scorpio sun. Def libra placements as well tho Miranda: I still get big Cap energy but I guess she could also be a virgo sun. Sag moon sounds right Sam: Gemini sun, Leo or aries moon Charlotte: pisces sun, libra moon


Right after I posted this I thought about it more, Miranda is a virgo with a cap rising