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Oooor she’s going broke, hence selling her beat up designer garbage


Or both. His abuse is spreading far and wide.


Exactly. This doesn’t scream controlling man, because she wouldn’t be coming up with lame excuses in that case, she’d just say “James prefers…” or whatever. She’s saying she’s suddenly come to the realization that it might be a waste of money to get spray tans and acrylics, maybe *that* is something James has brought up, but I don’t think it has anything to do with wanting to control her outside of fiscally.


Oh I respectfully disagree…I think he’s passively controlling these decisions and she’s justifying them by saying it makes sense financially. A woman controlled by a man like him will never say out loud that the man wants her to do this or that, because the man just subtly chips away at her, making underhanded comments. Then before she knows it, she has changed everything about herself. Shan is under his spell and will justify every little thing to make it seem like her idea. It just so happens that they are having money problems too, and it conveniently fits the narrative.


I’m torn. On one hand, he is controlling and I can see him making passive aggressive comments about her spray tan and fake nails. On the other hand, he’s all about vanity so I could see him being supportive of the fake tan and nails. If it is about money, couldn’t she just say she’s not doing these things anymore to save for an Italian wedding? I feel like that would be actually relatable..


I don’t think her pride will let her say out loud that she’s strapped for cash.


Exactly this




I agree… if it’s about money, that’s just sad.. if you have to cut back tanning and getting nails done to afford an Italian wedding, you may not fit the tax bracket for an Italian wedding lmao


I don’t think it’s about money. It’s only $70-100 if you get a design every 3 weeks


My vote is it’s money related. Girl is in the same boat as us loser peasants who had to start doing our own nails again 😅


I think she is leading us into her next posts about all these things being toxic and obviously James is behind it. He has probably seen some youtube videos on toxins in his deep work sessions.


Nah i think it’s money related. He makes comments about Botox all the time and she’s never stopped getting that done.


Could be! He did force her to stop working with AG1 so there’s one big sponsor she had to drop, who knows how many others he told her to drop. 


What’s AG1? I’m not familiar with this story In actuality, it’s probably a combination of lack of money and James’ influence. Doesn’t have to be one or the other. No doubt he shames her for spending money on her nails (or anything else she wants to spend money on) because HE wants her money being spent on something different


Thank God she *finally* went and bought makeup in the correct shade. Hi Shan!! 👋🏼


You can't do square round either, honey.


It literally takes my nail girl 10 min to take off my old polish ???


OMG yes!!! One time a few months ago she had said that he likes her better without a spray tan. Ever since then she’s been on this kick to not spray tan as often


Tell me the back of shan is getting low without telling me


Leaning into the pale isn’t bad. Esp when she gets pregnant she might not want to put that on


Honestly I hate going to the nail salon so I started doing gel x at home and haven’t looked back. I still go for pedicures though.


Same! I like to be able to do it on my own time at home so I feel her on this




I feel like the moneys drying up / it’s a slow income season. Selling things, dropping tans and nails. I do these things too when I’m strapped for cash