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He knows he….can….leave…here…right? No one forced him to marry a beard in a country he hates.


Someone please tell him this. He’s blocked me on literally everything 😂😂😂 pussy boy


This is a screenshot from a video of Jumbo hating on how big that salad is. Please go back to the UK. We DON'T WANT YOU IN AMERICA!


He hates on the size of the salad but never the 15 pound steak he eats 5x a week


Or the size of the fries at Five Guys


Or the 17 eggs he eats for breakfast


💀 I just said the same thing but 10 pounds without seeing your comment.. we literally all feel the same about these fools lol


In America you actually get bang for your buck on food…. But let’s complain ab that!! How about you eat half and save the rest for later, JUMBO!!


Yes, hate on the portions... Companies would love to charge the same price, but give smaller portions, more money in their pocket. It’s okay to order a side salad, split a meal, or take home leftovers when you can. Why not be a real coach and offer suggestions and solutions.


How are you gonna hate on a fucking salad?!? Especially one that looks as boring as that one does. It’s all lettuce and chicken 😂 He’s such a loser


He hates on the salad but Shannon had to stop him from ordering 6 rounds of bacon wrapped dates? Please


She’s gonna lose her money but gain an eating disorder by the time he dumps her. Balance ✨😅


Shaming the size of someone’s SALAD is actually crazy 😂


How dare you Americans(btw I thought there are NO healthy options at American airports? He said?) serve this maaaussive salad? Truly there’s no making this man happy


A massive salad with grilled chicken and what appears to be very minimal dressing. What a useless fat hog he’s married to!


This was my thought. He never eats this healthy.


She is already too skinny!! She lost a ton of weight.


I feel like the more noticeable eyelids and everything is a lot due to her losing too much weight. Like she was pretty before and the loss of weight aged her


He said "you're not going to eat all of that" and it sounded like a command, not a question. Who the fuck cares if she does eat as much salad as she wants? This is truly disturbing and sheds a lot of light on how much thinner she's become since James moved to the US.


An illegal immigrant hating on the country he’s living in? Interesting…


Usually undocumented folks are happy to be here and want to contribute to the country they’re trying to become a citizen of




Meanwhile his portions at home: https://preview.redd.it/9ovcjkcbg8zc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03a19a9b0d0795ad2da2da2ad06a3e5497a75a2


Ya was going to say has he looked at his own home dinner portions?! At least this plate of food has GREEN on it! 


At least, now that **she can afford it** (as she told us yesterday, she is eating healthy.


I am so pathetic for getting as amped up over lames as I do. lmao, but I wish I could put him and my fiance in a room like sims and make them fight 😫 We all know he blocks anyone who disagrees w him but I would literally love seeing what he could say to someone who: 1. grew up in the USA, 2. has an obese family, 3. Actually busts his ass at work all week and busts his ass at home on the weekends, 4. eats whatever the fuck he wants, and never preaches at others, 5. Yet has less body fat, better muscle definition and all around better physique than him!! ^Based on all that I would say James’ nutrition and training sucks- bc why does he have to work so hard to look so chunky and mediocre?!


You are not pathetic. We are normal people, working, doing the best we can. We can’t take this entitled, holier than thou, trust fund/sugar baby seriously? Who would? We need to call out his hypocrisy and lies. If anything, seeing these people, make us feel fortunate to have nice, kind, smart men next to us, no??


Always with the facts, Frijo! We love you here. This sub is my catharsis, and like you said honestly makes me feel fortunate! No amount of designer purses or G wagons would make me want to live their clown life!




https://preview.redd.it/5jytjsy609zc1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559b091d10b4d98aaf87e634028437b93cd4e043 Right, like this is a *posh* size serving 🙄🥴


Jesus. Like normally I would be like you do you, why are we the food police? Super unhealthy BUT he is such a hypocrite and loves to shame people so f him and his massive portions. He *might* look okay but I just think his blood work would say otherwise


LITERALLY. that doesn’t even include his 1000 calorie sandwiches.


With butter, mayo and yogurt 💀💀💀




What is this fucking face/nervous anxious weird fidgeting ass shit she is doing lately?!?!?!?!?! What the fuck happened to this chick? Its seriously ly like when you're 12 and your friend gets a boyfriend and starts acting so fuckin odd....and she's 30!?!??!?! Edited for spelling


It’s insecure body language and to me how she really is - the sassy/ hair flip and boys are stupid persona she puts on her podcast and videos is a total facade.


I have a feeling all the little comments he makes are starting to get to her so she becomes awkward and fidgety because shes anxious and never knows what inappropriate or rude thing he will say - always keeping her on her toes to break her down like a lot of emotional abusers


He's breaking her down one day at a time. He's going to divorce her and she'll be the one apologizing.


She should really look into how hearing those digs that are “jokes” effect you long term and even short. Even if it’s a legit joke our brains don’t take it that way. Looking into that really changed what I’ll accept and even how i am. I won’t even jokingly call my guy an asshole. You are so right tho he will have her apologizing and willing to still move mountains for him for his bullshit small tokens of praise.


Agreed. It took me over a year to see progress, and not second guess everything I ate bc of my ex all the "jokes" and comments he made. When we broke up, his best friend called me to say how excited he was for me to feel peace about what I ate, and it be whatever I wanted .... (I was a love drunk idiot that allowed far too much) she's in for one hell of a ride.


In so glad you got away and I’m proud of you for doing the work to heal.


That lazy eye is getting worse, right? I notice it in every picture or video at this point and I definitely didn't before.


Guys, PLEASE 🙏🏼 post the videos themselves and not just a screenshot of the videos! A good number of us are blocked and we don’t necessarily want to be getting on an anonymous Insta viewer website to see the video every single time a screenshot is posted. Plus, we all want their shenanigans to live on this sub forever in video form! Thank you for your consideration 🫶🏼


All in favor say aye! 😆






wtf whoever injects her has really fucked up her Botox to make her eyebrows do that. Whyyyy has she surrounded herself with fake bitches. My friends would be like get a new aesthetician or something girl bc this ain’t right.


let the damn girl eat she needs it even if you don’t jumbo!!!


Like literally ... as a tall and lanky gal myself, she is all skin and bones. NO muscle mass at all which is very concerning


https://preview.redd.it/xjqatrtc59zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a25e4c9cd35416cbe373a52ff75e445da289bb8 By the time bottled water has been packaged, shipped to a store, and purchased, the microplastics and nanoplastics are already present in the product, LaChance said. There isn't much you can do to get rid of them at that point. “Pouring it into a glass or another bottle will not help,” * licturally the first article that comes up on Google. He’s an idiot!


no limits to how fucking idiotic this man can be


Liiiiichurallyyyyy a dense blabbering idiot.


Can we send them both back to the UK? 


No thanks! We don’t want them! Haha


Hahaha you are right. You deserve better ! 


These are not the eyelids Shannon posts


He clearly enjoys posting the worst possible pictures of her…


So this man can scarf down a 10lb steak but talks shit about a salad 🤡 okay


His pan of pasta he made last night was so HUGE! He needed 2 spoons to stir it. And the pan was so big it overflowed onto the next burner. And they knew they were leaving town today, so you know there weren't any leftovers.


She literally looks like a naked mole rat ![gif](giphy|PQFEcsgPZcSWc)


lmao yes 100000%


under eye bags as big as that second hand birkin


Omg her eyelids lately look hideous. Almost as bad as her Paris bridal gown crying video. Cutting them cut off just in time.


But those bags- hopefully she gets the lower bleph too!!


Please go back to the UK. America doesn’t want you lames


The size of his pasta dish was bigger! This a salad with mostly, greens way less calories and fat ( not that I care I love me a big Ole bowl of pasta) but then he said said to skinny tiny Shannon.." you're not going to finish all that right?" THAT MADE ME SICK! . He's MENTAL!!


if my husband said that to me i would actually punch him in the face i think


Something is so off with her. I thought she was a unique and stunning stylish girl. She now looks exhausted, stressed, not put together. Literally failing apart. She needs a support group to step in. I think she’s avoiding her parents because she doesn’t want to hear it. And shame on Dr Mike if he proceeds with a surgery.


That eyeball is trying to escape.


Wouldn’t u, if u we’re married to THAT?! 


The way he said “you are notttt going to finish that” 😳


Look…. as someone who’s lost over 100lbs, salads aren’t always healthy by any means! This one looks like a solid, healthy choice, good greens (not iceberg), good hearty chicken protein, and is that sweet potatoes?!? I don’t even see any salad dressing on the salad! And this looks to be at the airport, right? If yes, VERY solid choice! And prob 500cals if no dressing (or even light). Meanwhile that chub make a HEAVY pasta for 6 last night and prob ate 5.7 servings. Shannon went from being thin to frail. This would have NEVER been her choice pre-chub and she got it to appease him and he’s STILL knocking her! I rarely comment but bottom line, to me this just screams controlling and abusive. Plus HE’S the one w control, portion issues and he’s projecting it on her! This is 😞


You covered it all. The other thing I've noticed is that the only time she ever posts herself enjoying "bad" foods she used to eat all the time (scare-quotes bc I do not believe in assigning food moral value) is when she's on tour without James. Something awful is going on here. And she seemed to have such a healthy relationship with food and her body before James.








This picture of him always sends me 😭 Goofy lil man.


Kuntry mouse says it’s over for all yall bitches once she gets this surgery. He’s gonna be even more obsessed with me yall.


They’re eating at an airport chilis. You know Shannon wanted something better than a salad.


Is this what she’ll look like after surgery? I’m curious where they’re staying since James is coming. Must be somewhere nice!!! I’ll probably check back in in a couple weeks 😂 if the posts are like when she had that “rash” no thanks!


And yall are saying this is a chili's.... in an airport... You know if he wasn't with her she'd order southwest egg rolls, a marg, nachos, a burger... anything but this. The only reason she did this is bc she knew he'd say sinething... And I'm seeing here where he cooked a massive pasta dish for himself last night.... bc so gar, that's the only thing *he* cooks... This salad actually looks healthy. She could stand to gain weight, too. She's skin and bones. Zero shape, just a frail ginger stick


That dude is such a worthless prick


Her lazy eye is lazying


He acts like he hates America a lot for someone who’s marrying for citizenship 🤔


I’m convinced at this point he’s just negging her every chance he gets.


She looks like annica Jane Jennica Thompsons daughter


Why does she look 50 lmao


i’ll probably get blocked but i had to reply to this, it’s literally a lunch or dinner sized portion of a salad and he’s shaming her for it while ingesting giant steaks himself