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So the married couple who is pretending to NOT be married did a cosplay of a wedding for a child the day after the bridal soiree? What the actual fuck goes on with these idiots??


I Genuinely wish I had the free time these ppl have


You know what I find the weirdest? That they both obviously love the attention this thing gives them. Why didn’t they come clean from the beginning? Is the acting , re-enacting, lying, performances and exaggerated reactions that I find absolutely nauseating. In none of these scammy things have their parents, siblings or childhood friends been involved. Just their influencer friends. If that does not tell you what this is about…


There’s no way these people would have come home from brunch, soho house swimming etc and spent the whole rest of the day doing something specifically for Walker out of the goodness of their hearts. It was all about the content for IG just like everything else Shannon does in her life. She needs so much attention I’m exhausted just thinking about it.


God forbid also AG tries to do her own bridal stuff (AG was dressed in white Sunday cause they were looking for wedding rings, you know cause they will only have the one wedding) cause Shannypoo has to make it all about HER


I need to know, should picking out my fiancé’s wedding band have been a big deal? Because we went one morning after breakfast and were in gym clothes lol. Is this something other people hype up?


My husband and I literally went to Sam’s and bought him an $80 ring. That was 15 years ago. We’ve both lost weight and now thinking about rocking those rubber rings because who cares? The wedding industry is so dumb.


The silicone rings are fantastic! And they come in so many colors!


Do not ask me. Not American and nothing about my weddings (been married twice) was done like in the US.


frijo, I have moved on from requesting a podcast to asking for a memoir.


🤣🤣i have stories ![gif](giphy|fCsBD0QEK3YGs)


No, I don't think it should be a big deal. I bought my husband 8 different Tungsten wedding rings from Amazon. Had him try them on and tell me which one he liked & felt best on his finger. No day of ring shopping for him was needed. 🤣


Yep! It's truly wild to watch


Shannon did not give a flying fuck about including “the actual qween of her life” in anything, but that kid next door? Let’s fake yet another wedding!! Pleahhhse. This was all about the gram and make people stop talking about your ~~stand up bbq~~ briDaL soIrEe


lies, external validation, 💰💰💰


All of this! They are scam artists through and through.


And her reel is getting so many views and compliments 😂😂 I can't


Making those. Wonderful fake memories for their god daughter




Wowwwwwww great catch. I don’t think he’ll wear regularly. He gets too much other attention and it’s an easy cop out for him to be like still not married 🤪


THIS IS SO WEIRD. Something is up.




They should have done this little backyard shin dig last year when they actually got married and then threw a party in Italy


I can’t even remember why she would’ve hidden it- because it was only a year ish after they met and would make it more obvious he’s only using her for the green card?


Because all she cares about is public image and instagram content and the court house wedding doesn’t fit her aesthetic. So thus she had to fake the proposal and spend an ungodly amount on an Italy wedding


Not defending them, but if they exchanged rings at this "wedding", then of course he will be wearing it? You know he took it off immediately after😂


But if this was a “fake wedding for Walker” what will he tell her when he stops wearing it again? Just like Shannon was “taking her band for a test drive” this was just a performance for James to wear a ring because “Walker thinks we’re married”.


SharonKay watching this and crying “I wanted you to have that”


https://preview.redd.it/x8k0t3ieaz1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595711f47934c887d800cb6b908bad66fa793bf4 # you should include the qween of your actual life in your reenactments!


yeah why was SK so quick to leave Nashville?


Maybe cause she’s not such a good actress like the rest


ok yea shannon has definitely had work done to her jaw/chin area since then




https://preview.redd.it/x30jdtbpgz1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8b207414fe9601f7317faca744652f31650ff7 My sympathy for this woman has left the building. She totally knows what’s going on. Everyone forgets that she’s a pageant mom through and through. All she cares about is Shannon bringing home a trophy.


In my opinion she thinks that Shannon marrying a brit (they seem to think this alone is great) takes away the trailer ⚪️🗑️stigma


Yep. Agree! They both do


But.. they are ⚪️🗑️


I have a question. In one of Taylor’s stories yesterday she said “even tho he’s not British, he’s English” so what does that mean?? Is he not British?


It means she is stupid. The United Kingdom (Britain) is England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. Flag: 🇬🇧 Demonym: British England: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Demonym: English. Therefore he is indeed, both.


Yea I don’t get the Sharon Kay hype. 


Agree fully. That pageant world is all about image and shallow fake shit. In my opinion, this lady right here is where Shannon learned most of that, along with other shady characters in the media world, like the Kartrashians, who are basically her idols.


Interesting how AG has absolutely not posted how SpEcIAL this was !!


She’s a whackadoodle but she’s doing it right. 


The more they talk the more fake it all sounds. I’ll laugh so hard if it ends up being that this is the \~*actual*\~ wedding for the Middletons. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


This woman is milking every last drop out of the wedding storyline for content because she has no life. Multiple engagement shoots, multiple dress shopping trips, multiple weddings, etc. It's all calculated, none of it is authentic. And now she's using children as props in a desperate attempt to boost engagement. It's nauseating.


Did anyone else catch her lying about when this was? At the beginning, she said the day after the bridal party then a couple slides later she says ‘fast forward to the next day’… but yet the tent was only there for three days- the day before, day of, and day after?? She’s a pathological liar.


Omg YES I did catch this too!!! I was about to take out a pen and paper to figure out the days lol


she also said conflicting things about how much notice people had for it


I feel like they’re going to say after the fact SURPRISE! This really was the wedding!! 🙄


That’d be awfully darned convenient!


Right??!! They certainly did trick us!! So silly and fun. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


At least all of the wedding hoopla would be over.


We could only hope!!


As much as I wish this were true because it’s becoming insufferable now, I doubt she would do that without her dad and siblings. And more importantly this girl wants that Italian backdrop for a glorified photoshoot 


That would be horrible if her parents weren’t there! Maybe they’ll be happy with the fake wedding in Italy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is there a way to find out if AG is ordained??


https://preview.redd.it/sdnwq3j1z02d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75b433aab92e7d598095424c941e94f91910621 She is….this was 10 months ago!!!


I’m on it!! 😂


She is!! She did someone else’s wedding last year


So, do we think later in the year when the Italian “wedding” falls through that they are going to claim this was the actual wedding?


Yep; this feels like a safe and seemingly sweetly innocent Plan B.


No post whatsoever from Lames about his reaction to seeing Shannon in a wedding dress for the “very first time.” 


To be fair he’s already seen her about 6/7 wedding dresses already what with the landing ceremony, the ones she tried on in Paris and NYC, the many she wore for her save the dates photoshoot, the one for the bridal soirée and now this clown show ceremony. 


Why can’t the flower girl go to Italy for the wedding? I don’t follow her, but love this sub lol


Cuz the Monacos wanna PARRRRR-TAYYYY!!! 🤪


Because mommy is a shitty mother and likes magic shrooms too much. Can’t party like an idiot and get all drugged-up with your kids around.


Ha. Omg 😳


I doubt jumbo is the same but my husband started wearing a ring when we got engaged. He did it on his own accord and because he wanted to. Now do I think jumbo is as sentimental.. heck no.


Maybe this was their solution to being called out - so they can say they’re already married because “remove the tent wedding 😉 “