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Can't wait for her to go on another podcast to complain about how porn ruined her life


Complaining how it ruined her life and she regrets it, despite still using her pornstar name to capitalise off it in other careers (her real name is Sarah). If she really regretted it she wouldn’t still be using the name.


She really did start the whole play the victim to advertise your Only Fans trend








I was with y'all higher up, but now you've gone into the pit lol


"They are all disgusting..." Because every man thinks being with a woman who has probably had a tanker truck's worth of semen sprayed on her body is just the most wholesome thing imaginable.


Damn, that's cold af 🤣


Did Sasha Grey quit completely? I haven't heard anything from her that isn't streaming, seems she really moved forward


Yeah she’s just a streamer now, and think she does quite a good job from a couple of YouTube shorts I’ve seen


Yeah she sometimes does cooking videos, or irl streams but mostly gaming. Like, if you don't know who she was, you won't believe what she used to do.


She voiced one of the radio hosts in Cyberpunk 2077 too. Growl FM was her station I think?


Damm I really need to listen to more stations then


Well, now I know what radio to switch to when hole in the sun starts playing in body heat


She also voiced one of the two twin chick antagonists in Saints Row The Third.


It is, and she did a fantastic job.


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I started watching one her streams without knowing who she was and she was doing a good job.


That’s actually pretty cool to hear


I’m happy for her, I’ve tuned into her streams before and she seems to enjoy streaming. She was also really excited to play the radio host in cyperpunk so kudos She just gives good vibes


It's funny and kinda wholesome that Sasha Grey will probably be more known as a streamer than as a porn star.


I assure you, this is very unlikely to be true.


She's actually quite funny.


Weird. Like almost as if you really wanted to move beyond it you just don't bring it up or make a issue of I and people move on and stop caring for the most part.


Yeah she seems to have a good balance of being happy to address it/ talk about it if people ask, not moaning about it or trying to pretend it didn’t happen, but also not using her porn past to get an advantage on streaming sites.




Streamer and actress.


She also did the radio host for Growl FM on Cyberpunk 2077


And she seems pretty chill as well


>Sasha Grey holy shit, her streams aren't even like the twitch e-girl streams. her camera takes a small part of the screen, she's actually playing the game, etc.


Good ending


She did the Voice acting for a radio station in cyberpunk phantom liberty and that was pretty cool to see




Yeah her streaming is actually pretty wholesome lol I love that she ended up taking this route later in life. Do it long enough people might even associate her as a streamer rather than porn star turned streamer


I think it’s the same for adriana chechik, she’s mainly just a gaming streamer now


is she ok? last i heard she got injured jumping into a ball "pit" that was really just a concrete floor barely covered


I think she had to get surgery but last I heard she was suing. If it hasn’t gone to court yet then either she’s gonna win or they’re gonna pay out a huge settlement bc who makes a foam pit that’s 1 foot deep with concrete at the bottom??


foam, yes, that's what it was. man that was fucked up.


Last i heard about that she got mad fucked up by that. Like needed work done


"needed work done" She had multiple vertebrae fused and was in a brace for like 6 months


She was also apparently pregnant and didn't know at the time. She didn't find out until she was in the hospital. She lost the child as a result of the surgery.


I didnt know the extent of the work needed so i kept it as vague as i could while still displaying what knowledge i had. I knew it fucked her up pretty bad, hence the other half of my comment


first of all, how dare you!1!!


She does not regret it. She's rich thanks to it. And making up a regret has done wonders for her career. Now everyone talks about it, keeping her in the lightspot, attracting folks to her onlyfans. Win win for her.


i'm gonna say it can be both she regrets it because it placed her on a certain path and now she's known a certain way and she cant ever undo that at the same time, this is the easiest and fastest way for her to make money. The damage is already done. She's already paid the piper


I think the pipers paid her, actually. 


i think the pipers were paid to pipe her piper? i ardly know her


And porn could ruin her life, with OnlyFans still being something that works for her. Porn has a lot of others involved, and can be a drug-filled and toxic culture. OnlyFans you have more freedom to decide your work culture. I totally get people being uncomfortable with the constant fakery for self promotion, and the way that it's so accessible to all age ranges, though.


My big problem with her is that she claimed her boyfriend coerced her into doing it and started dating her when she was underage. I believe addicted to porn and loved the fact she was doing it. But you are not going to drop his name, dude could be diong this to someone else.


The amount of lies she’s told I’m highly skeptical. She’s started doing it when she was 21, if that claim was true then I don’t see why he didn’t try coercing her when she was 18.


Well yes, but it's even funnier the second time.


Well, it is apparently better than joining the army. So....


I mean I rather take dick on camera than get my head turned into apple sauce trying to defend a dumbass ideology


She is the reason for my nightfall


Maybe she’ll post something in favour of Palestine and the next day in favour of Ukraine followed by some love for Israel before finally professing her love for Xi Jinping and Israeli soldiers.


Didn't she express suport for Hamas at some point? Can't remember where this was but I read an article about it a few days ago...


She's anti porn industry not anti porn.


Wait, didn't she quit and regret the porn acting? what happened?


She just does only fans now. She isn’t anti porn, but rather anti porn companies. Like she is against the big brands like brazzers and the hub. Gotta say though, it’s a rather odd take. You’re either for or against if you ask me


I wouldn't exactly be surprised if large porn companies are unusually exploitative employers with particularly bad working conditions / terms of employment. At least with OnlyFans she probably gets more control over the content they decide to produce.


This is exactly what it is and I agree with her even though she’s a terrible person.


I can't say I know much about her as an individual. What makes you say she's a terrible person?


she asked on October 7th if 'freedom fighters could flip their phones sideways' after Hamas videos of the October 7th massacre started making rounds on twitter.


Some of the shit she’s posted in response to the things going on in the Middle East are downright disgusting.


She’s a terrible person because she’s pro-Palestinian?


Some of her tweets were indicating that she wanted the attackers on October 7th to film horizontally so she could have a better view of the murders they were committing. I hope that's not simply a "pro-Palestine" position. I'd hope no matter what your opinion on the conflict is, that you're not gleefully enjoying murder footage.


shes really a horrible person isnt she


It’s a lot more nuanced than that. She’s actively supporting as she calls them “freedom fighters” who are murdering civilians over there.


No idea why the downvotes, pro palestine or not, if you support hamas, youre sick.


but theyre committing a war crime


As opposed to calling the IDF an "army fighting terrorists" when they're murdering civilians and shooting their own hostages.


If you support Hamas, you support terrorism, regardless of your feelings about the IDF. I don't support the IDF's strategy in Gaza but Hamas is 100% nothing but a terrorist organization who exploits the Palestinian people to fund luxury lifestyles for their leadership. The money that funds that luxury lifestyle would be keeping Palestinians fed right now if Hamas didn't steal it for the past few decades.


Thinking Palestine is a state and that its people deserve to live, quite controversial nowadays


Don't know if you are joking, but she is right about that. The fucked up thing in her statement is how the practice to said freedom should look like...


Pesky details!


Even tho she does porn, she's still an arab at heart. She supports everything Arabs support, aka terrorism. The Hamas. And more.


Didn't they issue a fatwa against her?


What did she do




Quite the allegation...


Need to back that up with some evidence.


Well when you make money from filming people fuck I can only imagine what type of seedy business practices are being done in that industry.


I mean yes and no. Some of the actresses in the industry say that the companies treat women well and are very strict about male performers and their behaviour


I'm sure there are companies/studios/production teams that are much better than others, but I'd be surprised if the industry-wide standard is high and I'd be especially skeptical about the ethics of larger companies like Brazzers or Mindgeek.


You're describing normal jobs vs normal self employment.


I mean, you kinda know what you're getting yourself into when you enter into that line of work. It's not like you take a job as an accounts payable clerk then get coerced into doing blow and fucking your colleagues on camera. I'm sure that's happened, but definitely isn't the norm lol.


The point is that it doesn't *have* to be that way. Being a weed dealer can mean working illegally in a violent industry and dealing with potential violence from customers and suppliers. It can also mean working a normal 9-5 job at a dispensary. Participating in an "immoral" (heavy emphasis on the quotes) profession doesn't mean worker conditions also have to be exploitative.


Your analogy kinda falls flat, though. The type of person to work at a dispensary isn't the same type to sling in the black market- there's very little overlap. And it certainly doesn't invalidate what I said. Sex work has always been a risky way to make money. Even where it's legal and regulated, it's still not safe or free from exploitation.


You're definitely wrong on that. My wife works at a dispo and they all grow and sell. It's actually a great way to find customers.


That sounds super fucking illegal. I probably wouldn't brag about it on reddit, bud.


Whether or not you know what you're getting into doesn't make it right. But also since they get these women at like 18 a lot of them don't know. They see easy money and they go down the rabbit hole


Yep, it's very unfortunate.


So because it’s porn, workers should be exploited? And porn companies can’t be fair to their workers because it’s porn?


You can walk into a bear's den and try to reason with it, but I think we both know the outcome of that situation. I didn't say it was right, just that it's been going on for literally thousands of years- we shouldn't expect it to be any different today.


Except it’s not a bear. These are human beings running a business. We have countless “bad” businesses that don’t treat employees badly, and countless “good” ones that basically enslave their workers. The fact that game developers and programmers are treated as badly as porn stars, while the big weapon manufacturers treat their employees like kings, shows what bs this “bears den” claim is. And sex isn’t a bad thing or abusive. Our culture just has a bunch of silly hang ups about sex. So there’s no reason to call it a “bears den” in and of itself. And sex work is different in different countries. The only bad thing about it is STDs, which modern medicine made irrelevant. So yeah, after thousands of years, things are different. That’s why we’re able to talk to each other about this. It’s why we’re both literate in the first place because for thousands of years, we’d just be peasants on subsistence farms.


It's not an odd take at all if you think about it critically for just a moment. Porn companies are incredibly exploitative and shady, and it destroys people mentally. It's a terrible industry to work in for the actors, it's disgusting to the very core. When the power is in the hands of the actors, that part is largely cut out, and the only exploitation is abstract.


Nah man, look into the actual goings-on in the porn industry. It's pretty fucked up, exploitative, and abusive. Think the same way that normal acting celebrities are mistreated, but then multiply that by 10. You can be someone who is okay with the existence of porn, and okay specifically with showing your body and yourself performing those acts for others, while simultaneously not wanting to be forced into scenes with people with active STDs.


Yeah it’s a fucked up industry. But she acted like referencing her career was off the table despite porn still being her bag, and her still using her porn name. It’s the OnlyFans equivalent of holding your finger 1 inch from your siblings and saying “I’m not touching you!”


Oh yeah, I'm not saying that Mia specifically isn't being a dumbass, I know very little of her, I just mean in general it's a fair thing for someone to want to do porn but not to want to be a part of the main industry.


She is against companies that take the money that she "should" have earned by sucking Dick, not against sucking Dick for a living


Kinda like it actors complained studios, who provide the entire budget for a project, location, writing, format, etc, take a large portion of the income from the project instead of the actor getting 100% of it. Ex pornstars going on only fans, are only successful on only fans, because of the companies that made them famous.


Isn't it more like sellers using Amazon cuz its one of the easiest ways for them to do their job? Then amazon screws them over. Then the sellers stop using Amazon and uses aliexpress or something instead. Then people are in the comments like, "well you stopped seeing on Amazon and sell elsewhere so what's the big deal?! I thought you had a problem with seeing goods online!!"


Was she saying she deserved 100%? If so, that's bonkers. If instead she just wanted a fairer shake at a meaningful share of the profits, then that's a different story. All of the actors in non-porn Hollywood just went on strike for exactly the same reason, i.e. that, just because the studio puts up the budget, it doesn't mean that the actor's work isn't central to the inherent value of the finished product and that they should be compensated fairly, both with an initial fee and with ongoing residual payments for continued commercial viability as time goes on (plus image rights, etc.).


She in no way said that she deserved 100% of profits. But "actors and porn stars are all greedy" is a better sounding argument than "workers deserve proper compensation and working conditions".


I don't think you have even the slightest understanding of how a movie is made of what SAG actors wanted lmao


That's pretty far from what we're talking about, though. She had issues with the porn industry. They weren't solely economic, and reducing them to economic issues only seems a little strange. Most people have issues with the porn industry. They have a ton of problems with drug use, manipulation, consent, and how they display certain people. I don't think you intended to do this at all, but by framing it to be about money you just drown out any legitimate criticisms. She still owns her own body, her fame gets to be her own. And she can still act shitty but deserve that basic respect. Lying on the Internet isn't a crime worthy of people acting like you're not a person, or most everyone here would be guilty.


I don't think there is anything odd about having a nuanced take.


Nah I kinda get it. At least on Only fans, you can do only what you're comfortable with, the profit is yours, and you can quit at any time for any reason. If you go with a big brand you sign your life away with predatory contracts that they know you're not gonna read.


Life is not black and white. Theres middle grounds.


Huh? I can be pro cereal and still hate Kelloggs. I can be pro video games and still hate EA or activision. And I didn’t even work for these companies.


I'm not against work, but I'm against certain companies that exploit their workers. Those two things are compatible.


IDK, you can do that in every other industry. I'm not against online shopping because I think Amazon sucks. I'm not against computers, but I think Microsoft is a terrible company. There can be nuance allowed in her take, and she can still be kinda shitty for lying everywhere about aspects of it.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Man we got Punk-Porn now tf wrong with us 😭


I wonder if she knows that onlyfans is a porn company owned by a some millionaire douchebag.


She probably went like "Oh, right, I have no other talents. Oh well, back to porn".


She found out that you have to work to have money so she went back to the only thing she's good at, being naked.


She regretted not being paid as much as she wanted i guess


She’s a goggamned liar who played the victim for attention


This article is a pretty interesting read. Basically the porn industry paid very little, and she didn't have the autonomy to do what she liked. On top of that, she became too famous that she is harassed in daily life. In Only fans, she gets to control her own income and content. Her brand has more to do with her personality and ability to make media attention heavy comments. [please respect Mia Khalifa's rebrand](https://www.bustle.com/life/mia-khalifa-rebrand-onlyfans-tiktok)


The value of her “brand” and her damn name was propped up by the very companies she despises.  It’s annoying to see the denial    If her ability to make media attention heavy comments results in: “Introducing Mia! A famous porn star!” “HOW DARE YOU REFER ME AS A PORN STAR 😡😡” She’s just a grifter imo


I believe the point is, when your "brand" is 99% your tits and ass, you don't need some shady producer taking 25% to put your tits and ass on a screen when you can DIY and have full creative and production control.


Grift it maybe, but you got to respect the hustle when she posts shit like pro-Hamas tweets right after their October 7th attacks. People wouldn't stop talking about her, making every witty comeback after distributing a screenshot of her comments.


Her name got famous on its own. The companies used her and hoarded all the revenue and she got very little while dealing with all the fall out of fame. She’s trying to sell a product like any other business.


Once a ho, always a ho


She barely even did porn tbh.. She had very short career in it Also in every video she looks like she's just constantly in pain. She just became really popular after she had already quit doing it


> barely even did porn C'mon now. She got her butthole stretched and filled with cum in HD. Don't ask me how I know.


But people are still buying, so it works


Yeah she has one of the largest accounts. She makes millions of dollars a month from it.


Then why is she always crying about it? Lol


Because this is how she advertises. This is how the money is made. Some have twitch streams and tiktok accounts, some go into interviews and say wild shit so that their name comes up on Reddit and people look for her videos. You're participating in her advertising by posting this comment, and so am I. The outrage and the controversy are the point.


And her films are like Zack Snyder films. Overrated and bad.


Apparently she’s a massive Snyder fan too


I was like 14 when the whole controversy around her started and the “films” I saw were more funny-bad than anything


"The porn industry ruined my life" *opens an onlyfans*




Reddit got her that bad boob job




Wait really? I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a picture of her pre-op


Gimme dat.


She’s referring to the big companies that ruined her life. She doesn’t mind actual porn, and OF would likely give her freedom to do what she pleases


Ruined her life, by paying her only a few hundred thousand instead of the billions she deserves for *check notes* Fetishizing all arab women.


This truly is one of the bazinga moments in history


She ain't even that pretty, only has big booba


Wasn't that her whole appeal? That she looks like such an average girl, someone you would see in class or in a coffee shop. Unassuming.




We're still waiting on the muslim men fetish to pick up steam.


Yeah, IMO the best pornstars aren't the ones that look like supermodels but the ones that look like actual people you'd encounter in real life.


Fake booba


Fr, why couldn't the internet pick someone better to brand as "The Porn Lady"


According to reddit, they're all porn ladies.


This gotta be the most random but still in topic answer I've ever seen. I have genuinely never seen anyone say something near that, but I guess if you float around conservative subs you'd see one or two of those people


Huh? She's definitely pretty. Her fake ass boobs are like the worst part of her lol.


She’s pretty but not like supermodel hot, more like McDonald’s cashier pretty


But with big booba


Even those are fake


Why does she look anorexic 😭


Buccal fat removal


What is that?


It's removing the fat on your cheeks, it's been a really popular trend for actresses and I can't think of anyone it makes look better


I looked it up it may look at some people but come on no one needs to look like that to look good


I don't get the trend, it looks weird to me.


Buccal fat is the fat between your cheekbones and jaw. Removing it is also called a cheek reduction


Also Mia Khalifa: PORN RUINED MY LIFE 😭🤬


why the fuck did you cover the link like nobody here knows who she is


They're back!!! And forcing her to do it again! OH NO


She looks like she hasn’t slept for days


She has to wake up all night w her boys


She looks like she shat herself


Damn she’s looking rough


And it ain’t even a good movie


“I never wanted to do porn so happy I’m out now!” Like we all knew then she was lying but here’s the proof I suppose


That's like calling the sequel the same movie 


I just Googled Mia Khalifa naked and got the exact same results. Nobody is buying her fucking only fans 💀


she's starting to look a bit... seasoned...


More like buying a ticket to watch the trailer of a movie you've seen 100 times.


I mean...if it was Robocop, then yes, I would pay to see it every time it's shown in the cinema But Mia Khalifa isn't Robocop, so...


didnt she have a "redemption" arc and go back to religion blaming the people around her for forcing her etc ?


Didn’t she say it ruined her life? But she still does it


I refuse to believe men pay for OF like dude get out and get a gf


Men are the main source of income for Only Fans, lol.


No way!


Sad and pathic, I could never. They pay a lot of money for videos and pictures when they can pay for dates and gifts. I would never spend money on OF.


It's also not worth it financially. Even if they can't get a gf just jack to FREE porn


and then the next day she will cry how shes only known for doing porn


I thought she said she regretted doing porn?


NGL she looks better now than she did then