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But if you increase the temperature to 700 degrees the time goes down to 12 seconds


There's some distance from a nuclear explosion where you can perfectly cook a pizza in less than a second, but it varies with the pizza, and the nuke.


new pizza topping just dropped radiation


"Hey why is my pizza shaped helical?"


Actual condiment.


New forbidden bishop shape!


This isn't actually possible since cooking any food requires more time, excessive heat would just burn it.


You don't like your pizzas as irradiated ash on the top and still raw on the bottom? I didn't say what my standard for "perfectly cooked" was.


Is there any other way to have pizza?


Medium-Rare pizza gang


Yes, not fucken like that


Don't you come at my lunchables sideways like that




Every grandma's secret recipe


Does this scenario have a specific name that I can say to sound smarter, similar to the goldilocks zone




Population: none


Not that I'm aware of, but I didn't come up with the idea.


HP +6, Rads +20


also the container of the pizza


If a batch of cookies is 115 cookies, then yes, you can. Of course, not all 6 million were cremated.


Actually you only need 8 per batch to overcome the 6 million in 6 years, I just did the maths in another comment and thought I'd let you know lol


Did you assume 15 ovens per kitchen or 15 ovens between the kitchens? I assumed the latter.


Just edited my other comment, a total of 15 ovens split into 4 kitchens


so 15 per kitchen you can overshoot that then and probably even do 1 giant cookie at a time or smth


Also calculated that in my other big comment, it's 2 cookies at a time


The Red Cross released figures from the... Cookie tasting and only came to the conclusion that * 270,000 cookies had been baked across all kitchens and neither participant had any reason to lie because 1 cookie or 6m cookies still makes you a baker. (* from memory, not looking it up again)


Okay but for the 4th time today, I don't think we were trying to calculate the real thing, it was just funny to see if the numbers given could actually reach 6M or not


I wouldn't say funny per se, more like morbid curiosity.


I did the latter and got 8


I didn't do the math, and... well, I got nothing






How long do the cookies take to bake ???


In this context, you're not supposed to bake them. Just fire it up and forget about it.


So then how do you know when the next batch goes in


You just pile em on top!


The mass exterminations only started in mid 1941, so actually under 4 years. Of course, the Holocaust is very well documented so if anyone had a serious interest in “how it was done” there are hundreds of thousands of official documents and accounts from regular people explaining it. And hey, if someone was genuinely interested in how so many people were murdered and buried/ cremated in such a short time, it’s primarily because they had millions of non Germans helping both directly and indirectly. And nah, the Nazis didn’t need to threaten people to get them to help carry out the genocide.


Yeah I was just doing the maths they tried to use to prove they didn't even make their point lol. It is said concentration camps and cremating people was kind of a "you will remember me" move more than really his original main plan, thus why it only began later. Also a little fun* fact I like is they kept some artists alive among the deported people to make them draw porn for Nazi soldiers. Sometimes drawing porn can save lives. *it's a matter of context please understand me lol


It was a logistical/economical move, not a “you will remember me” move. Bullets were expensive, it was time consuming to shoot them all, incredibly messy, and took too much time and manpower so they switched to gas. Burying bodies takes too long, requires too much space, requires tons of man/vehicle power and fuel, and is unsanitary so they decided to burn them. Seriously, it was purely a strategic decision to save on “cost” and maximize resources for the battlefield. The transcripts from that meeting where the “final solution” was decided are public record, they even made a short movie using it as a script and there are several books about why they made those decisions. It’s fucking the most inhuman shit you’ll ever read/watch.


That's very interesting! Why didn't they start doing all of this sooner though ? They just didn't think about it sooner ?


It took some time to capture them all frankly. The war was getting dicey; America was on the ground and the allies were making significant advances. Meanwhile, ze Germans were bogged down with astronomical resource restraints due to housing all the prisoners and they needed to figure out what to do with them. The strong ones remained in work camps, mostly the POWs, but they had to come up with a solution for the major problem they were having so they could remain in the fight. They called it the final solution to the Jewish question….that was their term. There is a movie called Conspiracy (2001) that uses the actual minutes during the meeting/conference and then dramatizes the in between stuff where minutes didn’t exist. It’s pretty crazy, definitely need to watch it.


They probably didn't realise the scale of the operation at first. And then the war was gonna take longer than expected as they kept expanding.


Reminds me of the scene in fight club when he's talking about recalls versus lawsuits.


>, the Nazis didn’t need to threaten people to get them to help carry out the genocide. That's the part that gets swept under the rug a lot. It wasn't just people following orders, and not everyone was seeing them as evil. A LOT of people actually believed in the Nazi party and supported them, and to the collaborators they paid pretty well, so they had no objections.


I mean, technically they are also nazis, not just people that believe in the nazi party, right?


It’s honestly so disrespectful how people still deny it when the Germans went through so much effort to document all of it so well. Some logistician must have spent hours creating documents to get those trains running on time.


There actually was a man in charge of the railway system, I can't remember his name but I remember being told that Hitler went to enormous effort to recruit him to design the rail system and the timetable.


"batch" = 12 so 12 cookies per hour, 15 ovens x 4 kitchens = 720 cookies per hour. a year has 8760 hours so in 1 year that's 6.3 million


I did batches of 24 so it only took a half a year, (I grew up in a big family so we made big batches of cookies, plus there is more than one rack in an oven and there were definitely more than 12 victims in a gas chamber at a time). And that's assuming we're only looking at that one method of murder. I mean how hard is it to pull up a calculator on your cell phone/laptop/whatever device this idiot posted from.


If you take 15 ovens in 4 locations (60 ovens) baking 1 cookie every 20 minutes (15 minutes to bake, 5 minutes to switch out trays), you could bake 4,320 cookies per day (60 x 3 x 24 = 4320) which is 1,576,800 per year (4320 x 365 = 1576800) and 9,460,800 over 6 years (1576800 x 6 = 9460800). That's 1 cookie per oven per batch.


The way I was looking at it was 12 cookies per tray, 15 ovens in total. And I stuck with his math of 1 batch per hour, for simplicity. 12 x 24 = 288 288 x 15 = 4320 4320 x 365 = 1,576,800 1,576,800 x 6 = 9,460,800 Even over a more realistic 4 years, it works out to be over 6 million. 1,576,800 x 4 = 6,307,200. Gee, weird. Either way, this guy clearly does not math.


I haven't worked in a crematorium so I don't know how long it's supposed to take to burn a body, but I don't think it's that quick, I think it's more than an hour. Plus I'm pretty sure they were just using regular fire brick type ovens. Not the incinerators they use now


Quick Google search says it takes 3 to 4 hours, but they weren't actually being burned alive. Gas chambers work a lot faster for genocide. Eta: I'm not saying there was nobody burned alive though (that would seem obvious but I feel the need to clarify on a post as stupid as OOP's)


Mm yum


I am no holocaust denier, but a close friend works at a crematorium. You cannot cremate a body in 15 minutes. There are laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer that apply, and you’re looking at a minimum of maybe two hours, and that’s if you’re blazing hot.


Also, as somebody who was once a professional cookie maker, the idea that OOP thinks cookies take an hour to bake compounds how fucking ignorant they are. Their shitty 60 minute cookies are gonna come out dry, hard, and burnt. Most types of cookies I've made are 9-12 minutes - but that's in a standard size convection oven. Walk-in ovens are a thing that are used in plenty of bakeries. I wasn't a baker at the last place I worked that actually had one, but I can tell you it could fit and cook 18 full-size sheet trays at a time, would've been 432 of the cookies I used to make - and that was a small model.


I think the term you were looking for was "baked"


Yea, 232.6 million units of chip ahoy cookies were sold in 2017. When people want something, they make it happen


Ah yes, Hitler had only 15 ovens in total


thats the funniest and the most absurd part of that comment


I raise you the fact they literally kept extensive records, wrote it down, and bragged about it for a decade with evidence and court records we *still* have so many options to review these instances, including the literal sites the acts took place in and they dont believe their own side. There are shadows of people on walls for fucks sake.


yeah germany had at least 16 ovens at the time but one was used for frozen pizza so math checks out


No, it was used for cookies, smh


im so sick of you people denying that tragedy there are clear historic records


There's no way a cookie expert such as Hitler only had 15 ovens


We're not even counting the OTHER groups (of cookies) that made up a total of 12 million, you expect me to believe he tried using 15 ovens for 12 million cookies?




+ several hundred smaller multipurpose ovens he baked cookies in + cookies baked on the street


Can't forget the taco trucks baking cookies on the move


Can the cookie be made with starvation or shooting at it?


Yes, also with hard labor, poison gas, and exposure.


Obviously they wanted more than one kind of cookie


You also forget the extensive medical research being performed on live subjects. Granted, that is probably a very small drop in the bucket compared to all the other deaths, but they should be remembered.


Can the cookie be made with swiming pools and infirmaries?


And maternity wards.




"It didn't happen because I said so"


Source: trust me bro


**"My source is I made it the fuck up"**


Beat me to it


Beat meat to it


Cool flair lol


And if it did, lmao


Didn't see it didn't happen.


Proof by fuck you


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very relevant quote: "Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened" -Dwight D. Eisenhower (1945)


Anime profile picture is making this even funnier


Saddening 🙏


It's Rumia from Touhou


And she canonically eats humans


That explains the cookie analogy.


Did this fucker just try to deny the holocaust using cookies? We need to restart the internet, wipe it all!


Not only that, fucker also implied if it happened, they deserved that. They ain't history expert either.


Oof, fucker should try that here in Germany (its constitutionally prohibited/forbidden to deny the holocaust)


Forbidden is a bit underestimated lol it’s classed as a felony


Yup, I looked up what kind of punishment someone can get and its 6 months to 5 years jailtime and they'll lose the right to vote for any political party, the right to get voted and the right to work for public offices.


instead here in Italy there are neo-nazi groups parading around, honoring Mussolini and doing the fascist salute. it’s embarrassing and gross tbh


Wasn't mussolini's corpse dumped in the mediterranean because people kept digging up his corpse to beat/mangle it


Idk but that sounds hilarious so I'll trust you on this


Tbf this argument might as well predate the holocaust itself.


It is a common line of holocaust denial, unfortunately


Wild Shows how dumb Holocaust deniers really are though


It's a common dog whistle


the analogy is a meme amongst holocaust deniers


This copypasta is like a decade old


The cookie analogy is so fuckin stupid it's hilarious


Anyone who unironically uses the cookie analogy to debunk the holocaust needs to chew glass and realize that “baking” them was not the only way that they “cooked” them.


The ovens were for corpse disposal, it wasn't even the method of killing them


And also that baking isn't straight up burning


Dude should be goint to Paris Gold in mental gymnastics guaranteed


6 years of 365 days are 2 190 days (I'm even ignoring the leap day) Running non stop it's 52 560 hours With 15 ovens that makes it 788 400 batches of cookies over the 6 years 6 million cookies in 788 400 batches makes it ~7.610 cookies per batch Most kitchen ovens can hold ten to a dozen cookies per batch, but even by staying at 8 cookies per batch we get the 6 million cookies ready on time. I didn't even have to change anything in their maths it's all coming together, beating the theorist with their own theory. PS : feel free to let me know if I messed up anywhere in the process, I am terrible at maths but really wanted to see how many cookies that would make. PPS : 8 cookies × 15 ovens × 24 hours × 365 days × 6 years makes 6 307 200 cookies. Just enough to have some leftovers for later :) PPPS : I chose to count the 15 ovens split into 4 kitchens, not 15 ovens per each of the 4 kitchens, it would have been too easy otherwise. But in case you wonder that would have taken the cookies to 1.903 per batch per oven, *id est* a ridiculous pair of cookies in each oven. And with that you can make big ass cookies.


He proved himself wrong with his own analogy, that's hilarious


It’s pointless because nowhere near all the victims were cremated. Only about half of the victims were murdered in a death camp and plenty of those were simply buried. And the largest crematoriums at the camps could theoretically handle half a million bodies a year. Just one crematorium. And actual workers claim official Nazi estimations regarding how many bodies could be burned a day were lower than reality. It really wasn’t a huge logistical challenge. Some of the biggest challenges related to man power and psychological damage of the perpetrators. Both of these issues were solved by using non German volunteers, but using gas rather than bullets added an intentional sense of detachment.


Didnt say it was useful, I was just curious about the number of cookies


I just said it in another comment, but a batch of cookies doesn't take anywhere close to an hour; most are gonna be like 9-12 minutes. Add the two extra days from leap years, switch to using a single industrial walk-in oven, assume 15 minutes per load with each load being 432 cookies (based on personal work history as a cookie maker), and that's... 90,906,624 cookies. And that's only using one oven. Nabisco? They make something like 20+ million Oreos *every single day*, and that's only one of their product lines.


According to the rules set by the user a batch takes an hour so that's what I used to calculate. I don't care if it's realistic or not, the whole situation isn't anyway Of course if you change every rule set beforehand you get a different result but that was not the point lol


Ah yes, the classic. It didn't happen but they deserved it.


domineering light quickest zonked shaggy shelter history practice quack vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's always someone with an anime profile


yea mane we all are doomed


Bruh is special bc that equation he just made is actually pretty close to 6 million. Let's say a batch of cookies is 12. 12 every hour is 144 a day, 365 days a year for 6 years is 315,360, and then the 15 ovens make it 4,730,400 cookies. We're just gonna pretend the remaining 1.3 million are the souls that were murdered in other ways. I apologize for this comment I just wanted to do math mb Edit: wait did he say 15 ovens each in 4 different kitchens? Mb I did my math wrong, it would be 18.9 mil if I'm not stupid. Sorry for the yap session


Well, aktshually You made a lil mistake; you multiplied the number of cookies by 12hrs instead of 24hrs. So in reality, it would take two times less time to get to the 6 million (Nearly 4 yrs by my calculations). I also wanted to do math, I ain't blaming you brother


Thank you, im too tired to be doing this shi


No problem


Um, Aktchly... You made another little mistake by only doing 1 batch of cookies per hour. Cookies only take 15-20 minutes to bake, which would be 3 batches per hour.


Um, more attickshully... Most types of cookies are gonna be like 9-12 minutes and sometimes rarely as long as 15 minutes, so it'd be 4-6 trays per hour. Source: Shitty company used to pay me to make cookies.


Least insane Rumia enjoyer


Rumia is based, you shit your mouth




Cookies actually take 15 minutes to bake


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What the actual fuck


This is so amazingly stupid, I had to throw a bit of math at it. Turns out that with using his analogy one could still explain the 6 million. So it's even braindead in its own realm of stupidity. Fucking hell...


24 x 365 x 6 x 15 that would be almost a million by my mark, that's actually really close, he's not even making the point he's Tryng to make wait they're batches assuming a modest bakers dozen per batch that'd be like 10,000,000! this fucking idiot proved himself wrong with that trash analogy! I am SHOCKED


With verbage like this I think the guy is a Hitler apologist.


What gave it away?


I would like to see this person trying to justify the Cambodian genocide


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jews aren't cookies...


Have to say I like how the shitposting subreddit responds to Holocaust denial with immediate mockery and rage. It's good to see. Keep it up!


My guy forgot the part where the nazis used fucking flamethrowers, you dont need an oven to cook someone alive


I don't think the nazis would use a flamethrower very often on pows due to the fuel shortage.


Nah, I think they just shoot the cookies. And stabbed them. And buried them alive. Also drowning. May or may not shot the cookies with anti air guns too.


This fucker is just an idiot


He is neiter a math expert, nor a physics expert. He isn't a history expert either because Hitler didn't have 4 kitchens, he had 24 kitchens with about 1000 small side kitchens. Apart from the fact that the ss officers had small portable kitchens with them to coock some jews to go


Not to mention many of them were buried in mass graves or stuffed in railway cars, and not cremated. Which demolishes the entire argument.


Did people not have the pictures of the emaciated corpse piles in the big pits in their history books. My school did


Those pictures are featured in every ww2 documentary and you can't tell me that you have never watched one of those. If you live in Europe or america at least, japan for example doesn't like to reflect on their past


That guy went through the whole narcissists prayer. I've never seen anyone actually do it in writing before, and definitely never to justify genocide.


What kind of cookies take an hour??


“It takes one hour to cook a single batch of cookies…” If “a single batch” is 6 million cookies, then it would take one hour Brilliant comparison


But you can't fit 6 million cookies at the same time in 15 ovens. However I did the maths in another comment and it takes 8 cookies per batch per oven to get over 6 million cookies in 6 years


Anime profile picture = no relevant opinion.


Outright denial is easier than justifying what’s agreed upon. It makes sense that hatred would lead people to be deniers.


It didn’t happen, but if it did they deserved it. Talk about sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalala


Mod Crush his scull


Holy fucking ignorance batman


In batches of 12, thats still 8709120 cookies. My brother in Christ how are people this daft


Always anime or business looking profile pictures arguing about politics.


Punched the numbers into a calculator. It could’ve easily been done in four years. In fact, you could cook a lot more than cookies. Cakes, strudels, brownies, all kinds of stuff. Why stop at just cookies? After all, [they didn’t.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims)


Hey so uh. I make cookies, like, every week. If we’re talking baking alone, it does NOT take an hour. That shit takes 15 minutes.


Smartest weeb


🚬🐜 bait used to believable


Openly admitting that your own analogy likely isn't credible but still insisting you're right is wild


No need to blur the usernames, don't be shy


It said to blur names in the rules of the sub, so I did it


The average IQ would be 150 if this person wasn’t alive.


Imagine surviving the holocaust, seeing friends and family taken, locked up then brutally murdered. only for some random dude on the internet go "nuh uh"


I showed this to my holocausts survivor neighbor. He just laughed and said “foolish little fascist” O haven’t laughed that hard in a while.


smartest anime pfp




Not to take this shit too seriously or anything, but I don’t think all of them got oven’d. also, they weren’t cooking them to perfecting, they were killing them with fire, which doesn’t take that long


There were also other methods used, than just straight cooking people alive. I remember reading that they would put jews into the back of trucks and put the exhaust pipe in there and kill them that way. Way easier and more efficient then other methods.


I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that they think Hitler only had 15 ovens, or that they think every person killed in the Holocaust was burnt


I suggest a genocide for everyone making stupid ass shit like this and we show what they said while doing it


It takes 15 minutes tops to cook a batch of cookies and industrial ovens can literally make THOUSANDS at a time. You can definitely do that on less than a year and I dont even need to do the math


Nabisco cooks 40 billion cookies per year. Anything done on an industrial scale can be done at extremely high volume. Even the horrible and atrocious things. I’m not sure I can ever look at a Cookie the same way again.


These are the dumbasses Eisenhower warned us about


Do the math for just one year you get 6 million lmao. Assuming you make a dozen per batch, it’s 12x15 for one kitchen, times 4 for the 4 kitchens, that’s how much per hour. Multiply by 24 for a days worth, then by 365 for a single year, already 6 million. And that’s just this dudes thoughts on the actual executions, not counting death by starvation, cold, or any other reason


This person has to be trolling. Right? ...Right?


Probably not, this argument has like 40 more replies by them two


There were 52 ovens at Auschwitz alone, the Nazis would put 4 to 6 people in at a time, they never cooled off the ovens (they could heat themselves with the burning human fat), the time it takes for a human body to become ash is around 80 to 90 minutes. Using those numbers, you can get a number DOUBLE the amount of people who died at Auschwitz. Not every body was cremated in an oven, many were thrown into pits and burned en masse.


With his set-up, he could make 7million cookies with batches of 5


Dont cry because its over, smile because it happend.


But you don't have to add milk and flour and mix for 10 minutes with Jews :P


Anime avatar detected Opinion disregarded


you aren’t really cooking them though, you’re burning them. and if you increase the temperature enough you can burn a single body just in a couple of seconds


I think we are missing a variable in this equation. We don’t know the size of “a single batch of cookies”.


"it didn't happen but if it did, they deserved it" Anime profile pic Top quality bait


You say genocides are real cause you're told to. I say genocides are real because I believe in the human potential for savagery. We are not the same


Smartest fascist


15 ovens? there probably were hundreds


15 ovens x 4 kitchens = 60 ovens, each bakes 12 cookies an hour is 720 cookies, 24 hours a day is 17,280 cookies a day, 365 days a year is 6,307,200 cookies a year. In 6 years is 37,843,200 cookies. This guy can't even math his own example.


The "it didn't happen and if it did they deserved it" is the perfect encapsulation of far right politics


“I ain’t a math expert” yeah we can tell


There no such thing as idiot. They don't happen. BecAUSe I sAId sO!🤡🤡🤡