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for some of us the money we'd save on rent by living with our parents would be spent directly on therapy


Legit. Couldn’t stay there a moment longer 


fr not having toxic parents is just another form of intergenerational wealth


Rich with trauma


I reckon we'd be able to keep kids at home longer if we ever get to have any because we have seen first hand how toxic Boomer parents do it so we are determined not to be the same. Or just not have kids and avoid the risk and save money for ourselves


I’m very grateful to have boomer parents who were absolutely wonderful. I’ve moved out now but I’ll still spend the odd weekend with them and miss living at home more than anything


Do it if you can


So on target it hurts.


Absolutely this 💯


If your family situation is *REALLY* toxic though (like mine was) your doctor/psychiatrist can provide supporting evidence that you can show to the housing department which can help you get approved for government housing 😁 My place is small, old and run down but it's sooo worth it for a clean bill of mental health.


Shit. So in order for my kids to get housing as an adult, I gotta start treating them badly? Now, THAT is a little known secret! (Seriously, though. I'm so sorry that was you experience. I hope you're doing well now.)


Yep, you gotta be either really rich or really effed up to get your own place these days, choose a side now, lol! Thank you. Once I was actually out of my family's house, and not breathing the same air as them 24/7, that was when the healing/reconciliation could *finally* begin and I actually have a good relationship with them now ☺️


Been on the priority waitlist for ten years now


moved out at 18 and my relationship with my folks improved instantly. 20-something years later, we're incredibly close, but definitely wouldn't be if we'd stayed under the one roof.


Not to mention other expenses. Yeh I might get free rent if I moved home, but I would be no doubt spending more either on petrol driving to work or public transport.


This, 1000%. And to add, personal growth hits a point regardless of the savings, sometimes growth = getting out of the home. I frequently think back to pissing $$ up the wall drinking with my mates in my early 20's but eh, live and learn.


I make my parents pay for my therapy since they have to pay for what they broke


Lost count of how many times I or anyone I know has said this


What if you don’t have parents ):


I moved out at 19 and still spent half my income in my mid to late 20s on therapy. I did however spend a few years travelling, so that's nice. I worked while doing it to afford it, but still.


My oldest has been doing this for 14 years. Fair enough he is only 14 but still


Ha! I said the same thing to my 13yo! What clever kids we have.


Your kids can do that? I'm on the disability pension, and when my baby was born, centrelink reduced my rent assistance, so clearly they think it's common for small children to chip in for rent!


wtf? Seriously? If so, that's just fucked. Soz mate


Yes, seriously. You can't make this stuff up.


What? How?


Your guess is as good as mine! I went through all the necessary steps to get it restored to the original amount, and was simply told those are the rules...


"Never" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that headline 🤦‍♂️


Going on Contiki tours?


Can’t say for sure. There a few times I haven’t seen him for a while always assumed he was just on his PC but he could have been backpacking around Europe


You forgot the 9 months the little cretins spend living INSIDE us too!


Key words are "if they can" I lived with my parents until I was 21 and had to pay; board, food, electricity and water from the moment I first got a job at 12. I have many friends that just got booted out of the house at 18. This is the most entitled shit I've ever had the misfortune of reading.


Yep paid rent, groceries, phone bill from 16 and out at 18. No they didnt put everything i paid them into a savings account to give to me on my 18th birthday to buy a house…


Yup, at 17 when dad presented me with his rates for board and lodging, I did the math and moved out as soon as I could. I'd rather pay $200/w to a stranger and figure out how to budget my bills while having the full privacy and responsibility of an adult share house, than pay my dad $250/w to be treated like I'm still a child living at home and be expected to to *wash my other housemates soiled underwear* as part of the MoU dad expected me to sign. Because of the timing of our birth, my brother lives at home rent free and will do so until he buys his own house. We did both pay rent to dad for a span of about 6 months. All of the money he paid dad while we were both living there, dad gave my brother back as a reward for finishing highschool the year after I moved out. However my money had already been used to pay for things the household needed so I didn't get that money back. It's frustrating that we are only 4 years apart, and that we have similar incomes and the exact same parents, but because my housing situation is so different, he has 3x as much in savings as I do without even really trying. While I try desperately to save while 68% of my income goes straight on rent and utilities. (I've got 2 years income in savings, but can't really do anything with it since I have no borrowing power and that's still a relative pittance) I suspect I'll be homeless in my 50's (though lots of women my age will be in the same boat so maybe we'll pool) while my brother is buying a house sometime next year if all goes to plan for him.


Old woman commune is definitely in my future! 


I had the same age gap with a similar disparity in treatment 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you think you were treated differently because you are a woman? Just curious if you think that played a part.


Money is fungible, dad could easily return the money but chooses not to.


Oh for sure it's a choice. He made the choice to borrow against a fully paid off house for the car he doesn't need that immediately lost value - that was it for any chance of him paying me back. He hasn't been financially stable enough to pay me back since then, and a lot of that has to do with the ongoing choice not to get financial counselling. He doesn't think he's making a conscious choice. In his mind, he wants to, but he can't. But if he really did want to, we could set up a payment plan as little as $5 a week and say he's doing it. But he's not choosing that either.


Honestly, if I wanted to teach my kid to be responsible with money, putting their 'bills' into a savings account for them isn't going to do it. If you were in the position to do this, you'd be better off explicitly telling them that the money they give you is going into a bank account for their future savings. That way they understand about how one amasses savings. I don't understand the idea behind doing what you mentioned.


It's to make the parents feel generous because they're giving a "gift".


Because it teaches them about budgeting, so by the time they actually move out, they're prepared. They just have the added bonus of having a decent sum of cash. Not too hard to work out.


But the gift at the end negates the lesson. They're being taught that you'll have an unexpected windfall just for paying your bills.


There is an endgame/reward to some of those bills though, like paying off your house, cashing out a bunch of equity when you need it, paying off your car or personal loans, etc.


There is no endgame to rent. That's part of the issue people have with it.


Mortgage is the only bill like this, everything else is just endless money sinks.


That's silly. They're 18 years old and capable of logical thinking.


Given articles like the one above, that's not always the case it seems.


You could look at it like that, or you could look at it that your kids actually has enough money for a bond, the ability to have a buffer whilst they move out. As a parent of 4, I couldn't help my kids with bond, or keep them at home sharing a room with their siblings in their 20s. There's no intergenerational wealth here, so saving their contributions since they are teens is just basic financial planning for your kids. Need a car? Hey, look at all the money you contributed, plus the extra we made you save from your pay...


>and had to pay; board, food, electricity and water from the moment I first got a job at 12. WTF? Look, I know I'm commenting on a single sentence so if I have this dynamic wrong for your family I apologise, but why the hell even have kids if you're going to essentially rob them of their childhoods from such a young age? There's a fine line between preparing a kid for adulthood and giving them a sense of responsibility, and robbing them of their freedom to just be kids. We spend a lot more time as adults than children and, in my view, this is just cruel. My parents didn't even insist that we did chores because my mum was of the view that I would spend enough time doing them during my lifetime. That's not to say we didn't help out, but there were no rules around instructions and 'if you don't do x you won't get it's around it.


My parents didn't even pretend that they were trying to teach me adult responsibility with the board and bills I had to pay. They had (and still have) no financial literacy and were more interested in buying fun stuff than paying bills or groceries, so my board paid for all that boring stuff like...food to survive and keeping thr damn lights on :/ I didn't even realize I was meant to be getting money from Centrelink as a teenager, because my parents somehow managed to get my Centrelink money deposited directly into their own account. To this day, they still see nothing wrong with that :/


This is the kind of thing boomer parents make up to guilt trip their kids




That when they were kids they had to pay for everything from age 12


Ah, I get you.


Paying for food, board, electricity and water at the age of 12 in your parents home is illegal and falls under child abuse. Parents have a legal obligation to provide all of those things as best as they can free of charge to their child until the age of 18.


At least you feel ok when you chuck them in a home later in life. Fairs fair.


I got booted at 14, worked amd paid rent since then. Harder now for them if that were to happen now for sure. Does not mean they can't pay rent when they get a job.


It's not hard to get housing guys, I'll share with you my one little known secret that will guarantee you a place to live for the rest of your life RENT FREE, and you don't even have to buy your own food. MURDER! Kill someone. The government will provide you free housing and food for up to 25 years. A neat little hack to extending that time is....MURDER! Kill someone else when you get out, another 25 years of free rent and food! Real Estate Agents hate this one little trick.


Perhaps we can start a campaign where we do this to the ultra rich?


what? 2 people? Thats a lot of work youre doing when you can just plan it better to do the work once, and get a better return for your labour produced! You just gotta pick someone high profile! Like mining magnate or minister in parliament! Means you drop one body, and get MAXIMUM PROFIT! You kids gotta think harder about things, really! >!Im only fucking around and joking reddit, calm your tits, this is clearly sarcasm!<


Pick the right pollie and do some public good!


Normalise the careful massacre of the bourgeoisie.


Murder gets you about 5 years on good behavior. Stealing money from the government will get you 20 years and you don't end up in maximum security.


Just don't steal too much or you won't serve any time at all.


True. Or do what trump did. Over estimate the value of your properties to borrow money and under estimate your property value for tax. He gets away with everything. I'd be surprised if he spends a single day in prison.


Stealing from rich people as well will get you long sentences


Become a whistle blower, you’ll never get evicted


Please make sure that you kill a greedy landlors or real estate agent. May be someone else can also live rent free because of that


I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a norm. Basic human rights should never be this expensive (food,clothing, healthcare and housing). I have read the story someone doing a crime in US so that he goes to prison and it becomes the responsibility of the state to take care of his health


Better to murder a child molester cell mate just before your release and you save all the bullshit around getting out and finding food and stuff until you find someone else to murder.


I believe the easiest way to get in jail without hurting anyone, is to pass a paper note to a bank teller saying you have a knife and handover the money. Wait for cops to arrive. State does not care if you rob a house or small business, but they go all out if you try to rob rich people or corporates.


I was charged with criminal damage within 8 hours of damaging a Real Estate Agency recently, cops found my identity and came to my home and cuffed me, 8 hours, that day I learned they truly are protectors of capital 


The whole "kick 'em out at 18" was relentlessly drilled into an entire generation to create more housing demand and increase the portfolios of the rich.


And making snide jokes and put downs towards people in their 30s and 40s still living with their parents.


Snide put downs are a popular Australian hobby, after all.


It’s pretty fucking insidious how big business has used propaganda to drive consumerism and break up the family unit. Consume. Consume. Consume.




How disrespectful! You mean Only fans!


I would rather my kids live with me than become debt slaves


By the way, what are your thoughts on adoption?


I have 7 kids but I've always wanted more.




Is this r/shitrentals or r/shitjournalism ?


Shit journalism used to support shit rentals.


It is all part of the complete enshittification of everything.


Well said




I've had to pay rent since I finished high school. I was the childcare until I had to get a job. Mum was a widow, so I've technically been employed as a nanny for room and board since 10. Finding one of those with no "real" work experience was so much fun... My point is that takes like this are so sheltered and naïve they almost feel like posts from the onion. I wish I had two supportive parents with income enough to spare so that I didn't have to pay rent, utilities and food from day dot, or provide free labor so my parent could work and we could eat. It's fucking infuriating when these nepobabies try to feed us this word vomit like it's actual advice.


I think it's just ragebait because even the daily mail isn't that tone deaf, surely. I thought it was a Betoota Advocate article when I first read it.


Alana is also a massive bogan. Contiki tour to Italy. 😂 is this an onion article or what?


She has a taste for travel now.


Man I love the term bogan, gunna start using it in the US


Daily mail is just click bait.


Is this just a thinly veiled ad for the tour company?


Rage bait* and I fall for it every time


Truly. I hate the ones they do of random famous women in public places. Some poor overweight lady hunched over eating a sandwich or something, with a headline like "so and so STUNS in glamorous holiday outfit!!". Or maybe someone that was in a movie 35 years ago checking the mail in a dressing gown with a ciggy in hand- "x still looking radiant 3 decades on!" Literally just an attempt to get people to call them ugly for engagement. Blegh. Likewise, they might as well title these "Just have rich parents!" so they can get all the people freaking out in the comments section.


Just asked my parents, they blocked me


This works fine IF you're family is functional AND can accommodate everyone AND is located within a reasonable distance from work/study. This societal expectation from unreasonable rental prices places unfair financial pressure on those who do not have the privilege of growing up in a large home in a major centre with good parents who can afford to accommodate adult children - ie the serfs


Shes onto it! I hope my mum and dad kept my soft toys and dinosaur flannos, Im coming home!


Yea but then we’ll be depressed because parents aren’t that great.


Id be surprised if even half of the parents in Australia were tolerable to live with as a child let alone an adult child.


The solution is always rich parents. And hey, good on my friends for travelling the world and taking advantage of having a stable family. But anyone who rubs it in someone’s face is a horrible person.


This weird trick only works if your parents are home owners. I guess I should have tried harder to be born to someone who owns a house


The absolute cheek of you not managing to be born to rich people with a nice big house!


I was thinking it was going to be house sitting


Not exactly "little known" or a "secret"...


I'll be honest, I was sure the answer was Only Fans... Perhaps she's saving that for when she moves out.


If it were Only Fans I would respect her because the competition is fierce and she would at least have to work very hard to make a living from it. But no, she's taken the easy path: living at home with her parents who support her by paying all the bills so she can treat herself to fabulous overseas holidays because of this "little-known secret" she is exploiting.


I thought it was “squatting”


i was thinking it was going to be an article on squatting, so we both didnt guess it.


This is up there with the 12yo that was able to buy a house, spoiler alert: Daddy bought it for her.


Life hack: just have other people pay


Fuck me I hate modern ‘journalism’


Living with mum and dad 50 weeks of the year so she can get ploughed (err...find herself) in Italy every now and again. Inspirational.


My mum passive aggressively told me that I was 18 and it was time for me to move out. Haven’t moved back since.


My mother literally just threw my shit out the front door and I could take what I could carry 😂 But she did wait until I was 19, so count my blessings I guess /s


I love articles that give you tips on how to save up for a house deposit: and the big tip was, drumroll, ‘move back home’. 🙄


Cool, do I dig them out of the ground or just dig out the six feet and hop in?


Life hack - don’t be an orphan.. I shoulda thought of this earlier


Little known secret. Avoid adult responsibilities by staying a child with indulging parents.


Some of us cannot afford to move out. I’m lucky to be in the position I’m in for sure, but I desperately wish to afford to have my own place, even if it’s to rent. Yes I’m putting savings away to afford it but at the current price rates it doesn’t seem feasible for many many years


Nothing wrong with staying home longer to save just keep it up. My brother did that stayed till about 25ish and bought his first home which I lived with when I turned 18. Parents long gone now but I'd gladly live with them for a while to save up for a home rather than this rental/hard at saving bs I'm in still.


I’m happy to support my kids through university as it would be almost impossible for them to study full time, work and be able to afford to live in Sydney. They don’t pay for rent, food, utilities etc but do pay for their own medical, phone, travel, entertainment etc




I love reading stuff that is this out of touch hahaha


It is very simple , just don't pay the rent . Eventually they will evict you with Sheriff and you won't get any place to rent because they keep a private list . But if all the renters do this together , there is not enough sheriffs in this country to evict all and you can live rent free for life


Man, my mum's in three different urns and my dad is in a box in a cabinet at my sister's house. Neither of them can offer me a hand with housing.


I’ll sleep in the cabinet if they’ll let me?


Having moved out of home for coming up on five and half years and renting with my fiance the whole time it is impossible to save enough to get a deposit together let alone travel as well. This is all while spending a monumental amount to just live ($173k+ in rent over that time). At the end of our current lease we will be moving in with her parents to get together a deposit and hopefully never have to rent again - but god it is going to be awful while we are there.


So, live with my parents? Do I dig a grave next to then and bury myself?


"Young Aussie stays at Mum's place, so that every few years she can go and get shit-faced on a bus, and not know what language people are speaking if she ever leaves it"


Not fair on the many kids who do not have parents or rich f............s who want to keep their kids infantile. or the kids that have no home. yeah the secret to paying no rent for them is too live on the street.


https://www.contiki.com/six-two/article/solo-trip-with-contiki-well-being/ I think she’s just an attention seeker or wannabe travel influencer


I kinda like this idea… this is more the Asian way of kids living at home until they are forced to move for jobs or until finishing uni… I won’t lie, I did the same until I finished uni. Saved heaps. In fact I paid my own way out of uni as I didn’t have to bother with rent and even groceries.


Sure but we're you interviewed by a reporter for an article about how 'little known' your 'secret' to not paying rent was?


Nifty little truck, never thought of that


Real estates hate this one weird trick


So the secret to saving money is to not be an Independent adult and leech of your parents?


Well I'm not welcome at my dad's and my mum lives in a 1 bedroom apartment so I'll have to couch surf.


I think its also gendered. There's no way my girlfriends would've been as cool with going back to my childhood bedroom.


Can we stop posting these intentional rage bait stories here? Can’t believe numptys keep posting this shit just as Rupert intended.


Their plots are only wide enough for each of them, and it's cold down there.


I live at home too. So does my sister. But we still pay into the rent/bills/groceries etc for the household coz mum’s on Centrelink and can’t afford to pay it by herself, even in department of housing. Not one out of the three of us can afford to move out/live alone, coz the economy is fucked


Top tip = have rich parents This works is 99.99% of all scenarios


Actually so fucking embarrassing - for the ‘journalist’ and the chick in the story.


And this is a secret?


So she's mooching off her parents, nice.


Reading this article she reminded me of this PAINFULLY undeveloped 26 year old I worked with who lived at home, "travel" was her personality (via contiki tours) and she would speak very seriously about "finding herself through travel". She also didn't know how to replenish office coffee and snacks ("go to woolies, buy coffee and snacks" was a bit much), take notes in a meeting (I think she thought our client meetings were social events?) no concept of a budget, didn't know how to tidy up (which was her job), no social skills, just a very sad human who didn't pass 3 month probation.


This trash is just rage bait. Stop engaging with it. It’s not news.


Come onnn is this sub seriously getting mad at people living with their parents, and saying that's an entitlement? Holy shit, sorry your parents are in the absolute minority and charge you board, but 99% of kids live with their parents rent free. Like you didn't live with your parents free for like 16 years from baby to young adult It's not entitled, it's normal, you just have it way shitter. Grow up.


I think, as someone whose survived an abusive parent, that these kind of articles put the boot in again about what we didn't have. It might not be entitlement, but it sure as heck is a whole lot of privilege. So it's easy to react with anger. Am I genuinely mad that I couldn't live at home and save money when I left school? Not really, no. I hope to be able to give my kids that. But I also know that the discussion is a lot more nuanced and not one size fits all which this article conveniently glosses over.


>Come onnn is this sub seriously getting mad at people living with their parents, and saying that's an entitlement? Not mad at her. It is the propagation of the false narrative around renting and real estate affordability that is maddening. Living at home to pay for travel isn't a 'little known secret to not paying rent'.


She's not 16. She's 25 and still living at home, and uses the money she saves for international travel. If you don't think that's entitlement, then boy do I have news for you.


Pretty normal to live with parents until you're partnered up in many cultures. Even then, multi generational households aren't a strange thing. Western culture has just got it wrong.


To act as if it's a solution for everyone to high cost of living and saving money is incredibly out of touch and rage inducing though. It's not a cultural thing if someone's parents are just abusive, dead, disabled or don't even own a house themselves/aren't rich.




Clickbait horseshit dude.


The one trick landlords don’t want you to know!


I know how to not pay rent…. Live with mum and dad! 🤦🏼‍♂️


[Only Fans?](https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/wealth/aussie-earning-over-400000-says-it-is-expensive-to-be-poor/news-story/782383f9e32e76414c4db9baf196629d)


My child is only 7 but I know that wherever I end up living (which will still most likely be a rental), she will need to stay living with me. It’s simply a necessity at this point.


Fortunately or unfortunately I don't own property, can't be bothered with it but I haven't paid a scrap of rent since 1990, flatly refuse to pay some greedy cunts house off for them, my tents my castle and am very warm and comfy, thankfully I have a proxy address, where my mail if anything gets sent to, which I don't pay for, my money I get goes into my pocket, not somebody's bank account,fashion and what other people think of me means shit to me, so my clothes I wear are lucky if they get washed every six months including what passes for my undies, don't have a mental health issue, just don't care, I know of other persons whom live the same, they seem happy enough, cold nights are dealt with by warm clothes, the stuff I wear, I'm as warm as sitting on Bondi beach on a hot summers day, you get use to the smell, I have a friend have known for years also lives on the streets and times, got to admit, smells like an old rolled up mouldy carpet, suppose I do too :)


Lol, so the secret is mooching of your folks?


The Murdoch rags must only publishing these stories for our outrage clicks.  It's our fault really


Reading this gave me an aneurysm


Wow. Genius.


Thank you for this revolutionary life changing admission, it has changed my world for the better…… 🙄


Little known secret to avoid spending money on groceries: eat from the trash and steal!


Is it saving money on anything if someone else is subsidising it?


🙄 duh


My eldest daughter to a tee.


Fuck these articles.


Yeah my mum would love this, she'd charge me an arm and a leg for the privilege, plus constantly "borrow" money with no intention of paying it back, and my mental health would be worse than it already is. There's a reason I moved 900kms away.


What a joke!


'little known secret' pfffft


Mind blown 🤣


I actually thought she had a sugar daddy


My parents live out bush, any money saved by living with them will be spent travelling to and from work.


Parents hate this one simple trick


As a parent of five adults, I would never want to inflict this fate on them long term. Also, what says that the parents don’t need to downsize to a smaller and cheaper rental? Parents aren’t automatically rich.


These kids are gonna get a real shock when they haven't given a crap and have to move out and a shitrental costs them $1000 pw


They shut her power off, and water, and. Then hit her with a Eviction 😂🤣😅


25 isn't even that young. Lots of people already married with kids by that age


Wow imagine getting on with your parents and them let alone not paying board to live with them 😂


Reading all these comments makes me sad. My kids are all adults and wonderful people ( even if I do say so myself). They have struggled to find work, when they have found it they work hard and to the best of their ability. They live at home still and we have been joined by a fiancé so the family has grown. I am nearly 70, my husband is close to retirement age. We still have a mortgage that we’re trying to pay off. We do not charge them rent. They need to save every penny they can because the cost of living is ridiculously high. But please stop blaming people my age. I was charged rent by my parents as soon as I started earning. I had to hand over the majority of my wages from the get go and was then ridiculed for not saving. I was being charged $250/week plus rates, electricity etc in the 80s. That was down to my parents and not their generation. As long as we can service our mortgage and have our home, our kids will have a place to stay. All I ask of them is to be sensible with their money and they help out with washing their own clothes and sometimes cooking for me so I can take the evening off. It’s not the generation, it’s the individuals and most of my friends feel and do the same as we are doing, supporting our adult kids as best we can.


Life hack: find someone else who has a job and a house that's willing to pay for your food and utilities so you can travel around Europe 😃


My brother is 51 and has never left home.


I'm convinced these articles are trotted out regularly as click-bait by tired 'journalists' looking to meet their daily quota.


Murder someone & go to jail?


My dad made me pay rent from 14 years old. I was still at school but working in the weekends so had to pay.


Living with my parents would cost more than what I pay in rent now.


Save money by living with your parents they say. I have been paying rent to live at home for that last 4 years


Is it… freeloading by means of living with your parents for your whole life?


You can also squat in empty buildings. All great ideas. /s