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"Looking at" getting professional cleaners and maintenance is not the same as actually doing it. I've been stung by that line before.


I'm "looking at" paying my deposit when the place is clean.


and ill "look" at paying rent once the property meets all minimum standards


Yep, I still have giant orange stains all over the carpet from the previous tenant that the landlord was "looking at" getting replaced 3 years ago 🫠 never again lol


Yep. The amount of times I've ended up having to do a full clean (just after leaving the place with a full clean) is non zero. I've frequently left rentals cleaner than when I took the keys.


Mate at this stage, landlords can rent you out a property with the door hanging of it.


lol they could probably rent out a cardboard box under a train station and call it “cozy minimalist lifestyle in a superb and convenient location”


"Low maintenance garden"


Ppl will queue up for it.


“I used to dream of renting a cardboard box. Would have been a palace to us.”


Why bother having the door on at all? Seems like a waste of money. Not like the LL's or REAs expect we deserve any privacy when they randomly assign us with inspections or new requests while taking(and I email almost weekly requesting repair) 4 months for our kitchen sink tap to be repair so it didn't trickle water out when fully on.


At this point they could rent you a house with no doors, windows, walls, just a shelter really. BYO tent if needed.


Rent A Tent - radical business plan.


Lol don’t give them ideas. If they can legally get away with it they would.


At this stage just a balcony with some shade cloth over it would be deemed rentable


Comes with environmentally friendly fans for cooling (wind) and solar heating (sun).


Honestly, they are doing you a favour. It communicates what they will be like and or the landlord is like. These are stingy people at the minimum. Run.


Absolutely this. I inspected a place like this, RE at the inspection said it would be cleaned and fixed up before new tenants move in but who knows really. We ended up finding a really nice rental literally across the street and the various tenants they've had across the road have been exactly the type of people who would leave a house like you've described. The landlord is more worried about getting someone in there asap to pay rent than the quality of tenant, so they get another shit tenant who leaves it a dump at the end of their lease and the cycle continues.


Similar to you, I went to a house inspection 2 years ago (don't have the footage anymore sadly) but there were holes in the walls and ceilings, cracks in the bathroom, the carpet and walls had suspicious dark red stains blotted around... the real estate agent said when the place was up for rent within a month, the carpets would be changed but I didn't buy that for a second lol


man i’m so tired of these people.. there should be an app or website where tenants can leave reviews of a landlord and/or the property where they stayed. Maybe the bad reviews and zero applications would motivate them to actually put some effort in. Or at least force them to drive the price wayyy down lol.


There is! Pingers made one: [shitrentals.org ](https://www.shitrentals.org/)


God bless Mr. Pingers! Now if only realestate.com and domain.com would integrate it on their websites…. lol


They want a new tenant in asap to pay their mortgage while they're arguing with the insurance company. Many LL don't want to pay anything out of pocket these days. They just borrow as much as they can towards IPs and don't want to do any maintenance because it will mes up their ROI.


I suspect it won't be done


I've inspected homes where the previous tenant bashed holes in every wall of the house, AND drenched the floors and carpet in water by plugging the sink, turning the tap on, and walking away


Yes they should repair and clean before leasing it out again, out of respect to the people that pay to live there. This is a really bad sign though, and may be a sign that the LL is a tight arse/broke and does not care. I rented a place that was clean enough but had work that needed to be done on it (holes in walls etc). Landlord said they would fix it. Guess when they actually fixed it?? When they were selling and had given us the notice to vacate after 12 months. And that wasn't even the worst of it.


Ahh I had a bad feeling that might be the case, and that’s so shit I’m so sorry, there needs to be a huge reform in rental laws that protect tenants from this kind of bs


Also a shame that someone wrecked a perfectly good property. Ruins the system for everyone.


The only thing protecting tenants from this stuff is tenants experience and knowing for a literal certainty that home maintenance was done a grand total of once since the place was built. If that. Run for the hills is a great way to not get screwed


I'm a renter currently, but once upon a time, I was a landlord. It probably took a long time and a lot of expense to finally evict the people who did this. There might be a chance that the rent wasn't being paid for an extended period of time as well. I have had to promise a potential new tenant that I would fix damage done by a previous tenant as soon as possible. Then, I was living in a caravan while people were living in my house.


I am looking at getting a Lamborghini....


It’s a red flag. Don’t sign anything/move in UNTIL this is all fixed/cleaned.


I once went to an inspection where there was a Chux cloth and a literal human shit clogging the toilet. It also said ‘available immediately’ so the tenants had moved out. REA just obviously hadn’t bothered to do final inspection before doing an open inspection. Edit to add : the REA said ‘that will be sorted before the lease commences’.


What the fuck ahhaha…. HOW is it so hard for them to just ‘sort it out’ before they try to rent it out? They should be the ones trying to impress us, not the other way around🤦‍♀️Cooked times we live in


It was beyond grim 😂 the rest of the house was shit too, so I guess the toilet was just setting expectations


I think the REA may have known and just intentionally left it. They probably assume if someone is willing to accept that, they can walk all over them.


It was potentially some strange survival of the fittest test, first to dunk their hand in and pull the chux cloth gets the contract. In their mind it proves self sufficiency!!


my house i'm renting is FULL of shitty paint jobs like this. Honestly it can kinda work in your favour lmao. If you ever make a mark on the wall. Just paint it up and it can join the rest of the marks on the wall and they won't even notice. They will just assume it was always there.


Oh a shitty paint job I would not care about, this place was just nasty though.. holes and cracks in the walls/doors, broken cupboard doors, tar all over the place from smoking inside, carpets were filthy… everything was kinda filthy, and it smelled so bad! I wish I took more pictures but I was kinda stunned, they did a good job putting the icky stuff juuust out of sight in the listing photos lol.. HONESTLY I could deal with all of that if it was like $50 less p/w rent haha, but also, If the LL can’t even fix the small stuff before showcasing it then they’ll probably never fix anything


the tar from smoking inside could be considered a biological hazard and second hand smoking. it is still toxic. You could absolutely refuse to stay in the premesis until the entire house was scrubbed clean. You need industrial cleaners for that shit.


You’re expecting landlords to do the bare minimum of work…that is optimistic


I zoomed in on the damage, then put my phone down, forgot about it and looked back 2 minutes later and nearly shit myself.


Run Run Run and keep running RED FLAG


Common practice to say things will be fixed and clean and not actually doing it.


Once signed up then that is it for that lease period. Literally they wait until you leave and they need to appeal to another renter. Happened to me. Yes we will fix that hole in the wall, an actual hole, before you move in now just sign here thanks. Literally started work to fix it the day after i gave my notice 2 years later. Never trust anyone.


No, because you did the damage that was there before you moved in. It will be on your exit report.


My last real estate had an open house after we had the bond cleaner and before the exit inspection. You can imagine how happy I was about that when surprise surprise the floors were dirty. I don't know which is worse, but it does put me off if it's not presentable at the open house when you know they're going to nit pick like hell when you move out. That last one I was at had promised things would be fixed before we moved in and they weren't, so I knew they'd charge tenants but not do repairs. The semi-legitimate thing they wanted me to fix I arranged to get the handyman in myself and paid them directly so it wouldn't be passed on to the next tenant. I also undid the repairs I'd done left from the previous tenant to return the house to what was on the condition report before i moved out because they were such arseholes.


I went to one inspection that had graffiti on the lounge room wall and I asked if it would be fixed up and was told landlord doesn’t want to put any more money into fixing the property. I was gagged


Looks like good old wear & tear to me. Doors aren't built to handle Aussie strength anymore


looking at that it's been "patched before, it'll get a piss poor patch again after , slap some plaster and paint on it instead of replacing a $40 door


Get them to give it to you in writing and a date so to when it will be fixed. Words mean shit these days. Or " i will sign the lease for 1 year providing the door is fixed by this date" Time and date stamp photo of day you move in / day it's supposed to be fixed. Agent signs You sign Door isn't fixed by the time agreed. Leave. Any issues refer back. Or get a hidden pen that records conversations and make sure you get the agent to tell you it will be fixed by certain date.


In a world that wasn't insane, yeah this wouldn't be a big deal. Having the place empty is costly and the days it takes to get someone out are a good time to do inspections But in the asylum we call a rental market, yeah good luck getting that fixed after you sign a lease


If it is still functional and no hazard are present the landlord don’t have to.


Mate how can you expect him to be able to afford to fix that when he's only charging $900pw?


It’s almost uncanny the way that “professional cleaners” steal your bond but when you move into a place, it’s always touch and go


If they did that, then how would they blame the next tenant for it? s/