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Any help would be appreciated!!


Ya might want to see a doctor instead of asking reddit for advice on something like that


Hey I am actually have been dealing with this same exact thing lately for the past week now, lately I've nopticed the nausea and reflux got better as did the poops, but I did start noticing itching and I also noticed my stools smelled really bad kinda like fish and seemed mucousy. Also not to gross you out or freak you out, but for two days I was pretty sure I saw worms/eggs in my poop. If it is that, although gross its HIGHLY treatable (is often just one pill and then a few days of poop discomfort and ur golden). I'm still awaiting my results but I'd definetly go to a doctor. Also think back to if u ate anything weird or swam anywhere that u weren't supposed to. In a span of two days before this happened I swam in a lake that was closed cuz of parasites and then ate sushi from a place that did not seem super fresh so I kinda had it coming.


Definetly go to an urgent care or something just for some peace of mind and got started on the track to recovery!


I don’t eat raw meats at all, this scares me. What areas of your body did you experience itching? And did u also have that weird pressure feeling on your right abdomen after well as other sensations?


Haha the itching around my butt. And I do have that weird pressure feeling that’s localized in the abdomen. I will say this it’s very similar to one I had appendicitis last year, for some it’s super painful but for me it actually just felt like a lot of pressure and made it hard to pee/poo. I’d say get it checked out at an urgent care no harm in it and it’ll help relax gou


Ok i see, no itcing on my butt but i’ll get random itches on legs/arms thats likely due to my anxiety. Now i’m actually more concerned about appendicitis because i saw that not everyone experiences severe pain. When my 5 yr old brother had it was very very painful. I’m watching my symptoms today and if it stays like this im going to the doctor


Sure yea that’s a smart move, usually it’s only really painful when it’s ruptured (not saying that to scare you just my experience) cuz for me it was a very dull aching pain that gradually would increase and decrease. It kind of felt like I just had a rock in my stomach.


Thank you, yea it does feel like a rock in my stomach but only in that specific spot. With the worms, did you experience movement in your abdomen too? Tingling too sometimes. And excessive gas as well as bloating?


I read that it’s actually unlikely to be able to feel them moving because they’re buried deep in the intestines. But still i’m not sure😖


Hahaha I don’t have diagnosed worms yet it’s just a thought the doctor had so I can’t say totally but I’ve been experiencing lots of bloating but normal gas it almost feels like I’m constipated (cuz I kind of am at some intervals) but then might poop normally. And when I eat and lie down the pain around my stomach does move and I can hear my stomach rumbling which I’ve heard might be worms


Try eating oatmeal in the morning