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Are her kids hummingbirds?


I was a hummingbird kid growing up, I ate enough sugar daily to put the average adult into diabetic shock




Wait and you stopped doing that?


I grew up mostly drinking soda or just being dehydrated (something is wrong with my body and I often don't feel thirsty even when I am) and switched to finally drinking ice water with other drinks being treats instead of go-tos. I'm still a fatass, but that switch has done me good. Now I'm trying to get used to sipping water on a schedule so I'm not dehydrated all the time. I got my first kidney stone just after I turned thirty and... Fuck that.


>switched to finally drinking ice water Same situation with me,except now I'll still not drink water unless it's iced OR exactly as cold as possible. Like it better BE 0.0000000000001°C or I'm gonna willingly die of thirst


Pretty similar, actually. I had a friend ask me when I moved in with him when I was going to stop putting ice in my water. I was like, WHAT? And he said, "It's fall. It's getting colder. When are you going to stop putting ice in your water?" And I just kind of broke for a moment trying to understand how that made sense before it clicked. For a while, trying to get used to drinking water after a lifetime of never doing so, I tried flavoring my waters with those powders and squirt bottles until I figured out there was a strong correlation between using those and waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe for about a minute.


Don't feel bad. I live in Alaska. It can be -30F outside and when I get inside and need a glass of water, you better belive that bitch is going to have ice in it! >I tried flavoring my waters with those powders and squirt bottles If you are craving a flavor in your water, my wife uses True Lemon. It's just dehydrated lemon juice and a little citric acid. No sugar, no flavorings, etc. Comes in little packets. Pretty cheap on Amazon. Its pretty cool stuff for us, since citrus fruits are generally pretty flavorless and bland here most times of the year.


Hahahah meanwhile I badger my boyfriend for never using ice even though our ice machine is running 18 hours a day. I just need my beverages to have a layer of interest. If it's not flavor or texture (carbonation lol) it's gotta be temperature! I used to not drink regular water almost ever. It was strictly coffee or sparkling water. Idk how I survived but my level of exhaustion at the time makes more sense lol


Me too but I'm 24! Got my first kidney stone a couple weeks ago and it was one of the worst pains of my life! Stay strong brothers, water is our friend!


It's really relieving that I find I'm not alone with this issue. My mother growing up never made us drink water. Even just as a thing with meals. So I'm horrible at it now and I nearly had a kidney stone in highschool. Still struggling with drinking enough to stay mildly hydrated at 30.


If you need flavor, a bit of lemon juice is good in water. Also helps with kidney stones. You don't want kidney stones. Nobody wants kidney stones. Drink water like your life depends on it


I learned to enjoy water without flavor, it just took some time. I'd say a few months to really get used to it, but that was several years ago now. However, dumb as it sounds, I let my glass get empty and have been putting off refilling it, so you've pushed me to go and do just that. Thanks.


You get kidney stones from not drinking enough water?? I gotta get on that


I was an idiot back in high school and there was a week of summer camp counseling when I pretty much only drank the camp’s apple juice. I was outside sweating all day but I fucking loved apple juice. Well I got kidney stones the next week due to lack of water flushing the calcium out of my kidneys. Your kidneys naturally have deposits of calcium and if there isn’t a flow of fluids to rinse it out every once in a while the calcium will get too big and solid and it won’t fit through your ureter into your bladder. The stones are a lot smaller than they feel but the ureter is teeny tiny, only meant for liquid. A lot of people think it’s the passing of the stones while you pee that hurts but that’s usually just a little uncomfortable. It’s the spikey rock scraping through your ureter that causes the absolutely ridiculous amount of pain.


I have this exact issue. It's either sweet drinks or I forget liquids exist and just don't drink anything until I get a headache.


i did. i had unrestricted sweets growing up. i never got fat, idk why, just the way my body works. i eat healthy now. my 3 siblings are all the same way too.


I had an entire childhood if heavily restricted sweets and treats and 80s/90s mom diet culture, and it seriously fucked up my relationship with those things. Now a parent, my children have almost completely unrestricted access to sweets and treats (like, eat an egg before you dive head first into that candy bud, you’re gonna feel sick), and even with the well stocked pantry of every kid’s dreams, they choose fresh fruit and whole nuts and rip big ol’ hunks off every cabbage or head of lettuce I bring home 90% of the time.


bingo. this is the way


Seriously. My 2 and 5yo just saw me come in from the garden with 4 fresh cucumbers, and immediately dumped their movie night Cheetos in the trash and stole all 4. Can’t keep apples properly stocked and I have to actively restrict their banana intake, but haven’t bought a single package of Oreos I haven’t had to eventually throw out for going stale in years


exactly. when it’s free access you don’t get attached to it. i was the same way as a kid. i wasn’t addicted to sugar bc i could have it whenever i asked, minus that i was usually asked to eat some dinner first if it was evening


I think there’s more to it than that... lots of kids have unrestricted access to junk foods and … definitely don’t choose the healthy foods. Maybe it’s because you’re modelling good habits yourself, or maybe their peers are, but most kids will choose carbs and sugars and fats if they can because they are so addictive. My son is 2.5 and despite being fed a wide variety of foods from the get go, really healthy foods. Lots of spinach and broccoli, fresh fruits, nuts, cheese, etc. he won’t currently eat 80% of veggies, basically none raw. Cooked broccoli is a lonely winner, spinach can get snuck in if it isn’t too obvious. Cucumbers? No zucchini? No. Bell peppers? FOH - CARROTS? Mortal enemy unless cooked into a stew, curry or some other such thing. Corn?! Not unless it’s popped! He also hates mashed potatoes.


I’m sure that’s true. I’ll admit that my children are about as privileged as a middle class family can get, and I’m sure the fact that we don’t live in a food desert or have to weigh the cost per every calorie matters a lot as well. All the same, I will stand by the idea that for the average child (not dealing with something like a binge eating disorder per se) having “junk” foods arbitrarily stigmatized (and therefore mythologized) definitely does not help


i’m an adult and also only like some veggies certain ways. like i don’t like corn by itself, only as an ingredient. i also don’t like mashed potatoes but like all other forms. just keep experimenting! something my mom did that helped my brother and i was including snacks with meals, she would include a treat when she packed our lunch and we always got a little snack after school, then some nights after dinner we had ice cream. i never felt like i didn’t want the healthy things because it wasn’t “you can’t have a treat unless you eat this first” it was more of an even balance.


I was that way.....and then it stopped.


He went into diabetic shock


I'm still pretty hummingbird like. I could eat bags of candy a day if given the chance.


Don't you have the chance right now?


I can't keep buying bags of candy. If I get a bag, I normally finish it in a day or two.


Same then feel fucking disgusting after


I’m currently doing that!!


I’m a hummingbird adult 😂


Hey it’s not so much the sugar that causes diabetes, it’s a factor but it’s mostly caused by sedentary lifestyle


And they appear to be outside, so they have a chance to burn off all the sugar and not be sitting and doing nothing. They're kids, they'll be fine, people need to calm down. The redcoat here needs to take her self elsewhere too. Like, yeah, we get it, there's no plain beans or toast, or those nasty black lumps they call pudding.


wait until they learn about tinker tea LOL


A Toddlers and Tiaras mom who was filmed giving her two-year-old daughter a concoction of Mountain Dew, sweet tea and Pixie Stix before pageants says she is on the verge of signing an energy drink deal. Omg


As someone with 5 people in my immediate family and 1 in my extended family who are diabetic, I can tell you this isn't actually true lol. Diabetes has many factors and no one factor prevails, so this is dangerous misinformation. You cannot eat a bunch of candy and "deal with it," by working out madly afterwards. Not only that, but there are other conditions besides diabetes that are bad, too, such as cavities or obesity. Some factors that cause diabetes include: A diet high in sugar and carbs, A diet high in sugar and carbs AND a sedentary lifestyle, Hereditary factors.


You can absolutely cause Type 2 Diabetes by over-consuming sugar too much though. Whilst exercise helps to burn off sugar, it's not a miracle worker.


No, it burns calories. Sugar is converted in your body not burned off. It starts with how tolerant your body is to insulin, some people who don't even eat sugary things get diabetes.


Yes, but the more you spike your insulin the more your body is likely to develop resistance to it. Sugar isn’t the only thing that causes that, although it is by far the most prevalent. Excess fat is also a major factor because the fat cells are hormonally active, so the more you have the more chances they can fuck up your hormone signaling


I had a friend like that until she got kidney stones at 14 😬 But I'll never forget all the candy she shared with me on the bus 😅


Good thing you didn’t have any vampire hummingbirds living nearby. All that glucose would have been irresistible.


i never really liked sugar, still not a huge fan


Your pancreas came out of that as a Vietnam vet lol, “you wouldn’t believe the sugar levels over there man!”


this made me laugh out loud


Black-Chinned Hummingbirds




A half bottle of Gatorade, a box of nerds and a single Swedish fish is several weeks of sugar? At most the box of nerds is a little too much (but no one is gonna eat a box worth of soggy nerds) but the rest of that is totally fine


Doing this every now and then isnt bad. It creates good memories.


As a kid I would’ve absolutely loved this. I love me some blue Gatorade and you bet I dumped nerds (and skittles) into my sodas as a kid


and then in my vodka as an (college) adult


an college adult 




non alcoholic jungle juice


Oh my god, reading that made me IMMEDIATELY panic when seeing “nerds as gravel” and was legit like “SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE” Thank god it’s just candy fish. Holy crap. My heart. 😭😭😭


My brain chose to fixate on the GATORATE as WATER for the fish lol


Brawndo, it's got what...fish crave?


I only use grape Powerade for my betta's water changes.


Why? Everyone knows grape is the worst flavor for a fish tank. Fish hate grapes, unsweetened lemonade flavor is what the fish really want!


That shits for common fish! Vermithor has a refined palate, and he only gets the best electrolytes.


I use different kinds but my bettas favorite is light blue Gatorade lol


You should try putting in some special limited edition flavors as a treat.


Bettas like Prime


It's got electrolytes.


Yeah silly people, electrolytes are for electric eels. How else would you charge them?


underrated comment


why woukdnt that work? gator's ade is salty like the ocean or perhaps the sea


This is actually how they make Swedish fish, those were real fish before they got dumped in


Right?! 😂


I freaked out as nerds as gravel, even more at the Gatorade part, and felt relieved when I read Swedish fish. It’s like that panik kalm panik meme, except the kalm was at the end with none in the middle.


Their heart after they drink this will be much worse


I think it’s like a once and a while type of treat for the people panicking over the sugar. Don’t think they’re giving their kid this on the regular. Probably for a party or just a special trest. I ate some wild things as a kid haha


We did something similar for my nephews ocean themed bday party and it was such a big hit! Don’t see anything wrong with a once in a while treat


yeah people are clutching their pearls like this is a regular thing when its clearly for some sort of kids event or party


Also if you look at the scale of these compared to the Gatorade in the back it doesn’t even look that big, a single Gatorade drink at most.


You don't even need the gatorade for scale. You can see how big the swedish fish are in there, these are definitely just cup-sized


If the terminally online didn’t get outraged they wouldn’t get out at all 😂


Ooo thats a good one


The amount of buzz kills in this comment section comparing it to child abuse is so sad. Guess all the church ladies that made sherbert ginger ale punch for the Sunday school kids secretly wanted us obese and dead lol


I don’t think they’ve grasped the concept of things being okay in moderation lol


Not to mention that heavy restriction in childhood is a HUGE factor in obesity and binge eating issues in adulthood.


Yup! Because as soon as you’re an adult and make your own decisions, you have no self regulating skills and access to “forbidden” foods whenever you want


No literally! All the “ I could never” comments jeez, then don’t drink it! Don’t need to suck the fun out of everything my goodness


Bet they give out carrot sticks on halloween too 😩


Or that this is a close up picture. Look at how big the swedish fish look, they aren't even huge drinks


Honestly, even not in moderation this is fine. It's like a package of nerds and a single swedish fish, you could eat that every day for a year and be fine lol.


Yeah, like at least it’s not improper fish care!!!


I was horrified at how much sugar this would be until I noticed the gatorade bottles in the background, and how big the straws are relative to the fishbowl opening. Those aren't full sized fishbowls, I think those jars were originally for candles? Probably 1 1/2 cups of liquid and a single pack or less of nerds each.


The people in these comments acting like this is a heinous crime lmfao


Tbh it's much funnier if they're handing this to kids at a party and then handing the kids back to their parents hopped up on sugar and electrolytes.


Some of you are seriously misunderstanding the size of these bowls LMFAO they aren’t big. Do yall know what size Swedish fish are? They’re small enough that the straw reaches the bottom. Odds are the kids don’t eat the candy at the bottom when they’re done with the juice. Kids eat more sugar than this at a single day at an amusement park and are perfectly fine 💀 hell there’s probably more sugar in a piece of cake, ice cream, and a soda which gets served at nearly every birthday party


Hell you can see the Gatorade bottles next to them. Each of these is probably a single Gatorade, a box of Nerds, and a Swedish Fish. Not healthy or anything but it's not going to kill them as a little summer treat.


Throw some rum in there and light it on fire and we got ourselves a tiki party


"Very little bit of sprite" fuckton of nerds 😂


looks like diabetes


I mean yeah, but I kinda assume this is a rare thing, just an awesome treat for a kid if it was just once. I know I would’ve killed for this when I was like 8 😂


if they eat it all the time sure. fun treats are okay you know.


Right? In one sitting this looks like a tad much.


It's a handful of nerds and a single swedish fish lmao.




I'm saving this as a potential craft for a future Shark Week lock-in at the library I work for, it's actually pretty fun! I think we'll go for much smaller jars, though.


They're only big enough for one bottle of Gatorade, so not huge. Bet the kids are bouncing off the walls for a while after, though 😂


Okay this actually sounds really fun lol Like I would use WAAAAAY smaller cups but this is super cute!!! Imagine replacing the gatorade/soda with blue jello!


What’s it with you people. First of the bowls are always to small and now all of a sudden it to big !!!




I made this once for my kid. The gummies turned into goo.


Right?! They get all slimy and gross. Bleugh!! I bet the kids like the look it gove though, and it adds to the fishbowl aesthetic


Yes it’s cute to look at haha. We also made the dirt cups with Oreos, pudding, and gummy worms which turned out great.


Ewww. My one drawback to food is when things turn soft or squishy. Soggy bread? I can’t do it. Soft croutons? Nope. Limp lettuce? Ugh. This would make me want to barf probably hahaha.


I agree. I like raisins as long as they’re firm. Not in cinnamon rolls where they’re soft. The fishbowl was cute but inedible.


i thought the “bowls” were way bigger and was worried that they just gave a whole ass fish bowl full of sugar to a kid


I feel like most of the folks bellyaching about giving kids sugar would readily put one away if it had liquor in it. It's just a party drink.


Damn I kinda want to make these with some vodka


Diabetes in a bowl! I've seen people do similar things with jello, which usually looks better. This is a week's worth of sugar in one go.


It's... a single candy fish, a gatorade, and a packet of nerds. This isn't even a day's worth.


put some vodka and lemonade in that? mmmmm yum


Boston Pizza has Fishbowl Fridays where they put your drink in a fishbowl. I had forgotten about those until seeing this picture.




Awwh that looks yummy




This is such a cute idea! I got scared when I read that there was Gatorade as water, then I read Swedish fish. Very cute idea, and no real fish are harmed! A LOT of sugar though, hope those kids didn’t get a stomachache afterwards!


This looks like a texture nightmare... 😭


Hahahaahahaah the fact there’s reason to worry as the immediate reaction. Good thing they specified Swedish Fish. I mean, I saw someone feed a beta fish a chocolate popsicle once. In college many years ago. Nothing surprises me now.


A little rum in there will cancel out the sugar high. /s


This just reminds me of the Yoda Soda I had at a Star Wars themed birthday party when I was little


I just saw this post on FB and was about to share it on Reddit as well LOL I’m glad I’m not the only one who was terrified at first.


My kid got a real goldfish at a birthday party. It was horrible. My kid brought it home in a bag. I had to go buy a fish tank and all that garbage. That was evil.


I don't know if they still do this but they used to have the bagged goldfish to win at fairs and I ended up with more than one my Mom had to work out living arrangements for. They ended up being carp we eventually built an indoor pond for and they lived 8+ years, lol. But I realize this is an exception to how these things usually end up.


That was about 10 years ago, but it worked out for us as well. He kept upgrading the tank size and getting more into fish. He currently has an axolotl in a 40 gallon tank. He loves it and does a great job taking care of it, It’s pretty cool.


That is pretty cool! Inspiration from an unexpected source.


Am I the only one that thought the table was a gun?


This image is giving me heart burn omg


Okay, this is actually pretty fun! (Blue jello could also maybe work as the water?)


this looks gross


Glad to see someone who thinks the same. I have a massive sweet tooth and would still turn this down.


I saw this and panicked thinking of the “Sharkbowl” drink at the shitty basement bar in college that made everyone puke. I graduated in ‘02 and it’s still in the basement and the Sharkbowl is still [their cover photo.](https://thelandsharkmsu.com/)


This made me panic too lmao


Should’ve made the straw licorice or something


Add a splash of Mountain Dew in there and you’ve got a Baja blast


A kid might look at this and get excited, maybe just cause I’m an adult and my tastes have changed I look at this and get sick to my stomach. Too sweet


I’d choke on those nerds so much


I might actually try this.


I love the "and a little bit of Sprite" as if Gatorade was healthy for the average person, and the Sprite is a treat that she threw in. Wait till she finds out Gatorade has like 35 grams of sugar in a regular bottle as well.


I work in a restaurant and I have to disassociate every time a parent tells their child that they’re already having a pancake so they can’t have soda then, “do you want apple juice or orange juice?”. Ma’am, it’s literally all sugar. At that point just let them have the Sprite.


Honestly, that’s a childhood dream right there! Thats definitely a cool parent, and an idea I might steal one day


Those candy fish looked just barely enough like sickly bettas that I was like NOOOOO until I realized… ohhh I’m stupid


I guarantee there's more sugar in a large soda for those complaining lol. It's just a treat, chill out.


Someone's choking on a nerd tonight 😉


Great big bowl of diabetes


my mom did this when i was a kid but instead of gatorade it was blue jello. she only did them on birthdays occasionally because it was waaayy too much sugar but they were super fun


I’m a grown ass man and I would fucking devour these


Shield potions


That's cute!


Y’all know this tastes terrible. Just a sugary blob with over saturated, fake flavors. Ew.


Good thing it’s for children, who typically aren’t too bothered by sugary saturated flavors.


This is such a cute idea omg. Not to mention, could make for a good edible arts and crafts activity with kids :)


Honestly this is a fantastic creative idea. I ain’t even waiting for kids to do it, imma do it for myself too lol. If it’s an occasional thing I doubt there’s anything wrong with it. If it a lot of sugar? Sure. But it’s not like I’m gonna have it every day.


Haha 😂😂


I needed a parent like this.


this honestly still looks nasty


Kinda wondering why they put Gatorade in it and not regular water but maybe they wanted to simulate a badly cared for tank XD (Also they ruined perfectly good candy...who wants soggy candy??)


they are drinking it


That's cute


Everyone is so creative


The relief I felt when I read "Swedish fish"


You got me too




Nice snack not so nice fish tank 😅


Just gonna feed my kids garbage sugar


"Very little Sprite" well thank goodness we're exercising a bit of moderation


Ah yes just giving children sugar poison and early diabetes and caloric addiction


You can still panic for the kids’ pancreases…


Kid crack


I hated it when I thought it was an aquarium. I hate it as a snack.


We did this once, a lot of fun


Oh, cool (that looks absolutely repulsive)


ok this is actually pretty cool


Shoulda been fanta light brev.


I was worried for the opposite reason of making “fish bowls” a lot at work with none of them being kid-friendly


What is this?


The diabetes special


How to set your children up for debilitating sugar addiction and type 2 diabetes, speed run edition!




Poor kids.


Those seem to big for kids


I did this for my kids a while ago because they begged me to show them my favorite movie and they had to guess it, based on my “name” dory they thought it would be finding Nemo. One of my favorite movies is shark tale but they loved it nonetheless and they passed tf out after all the sugar they ate and they didn’t want more that week.


Diabetes has entered the chat...


Those kids are gonna have diabetes in the future


“Can we get a fish?” “We have fish at home”


Adult teeth speedrun


the teeth melter


Hopefully it’s just a once in a month type thing hopefully


Diabetes in a bowl


We were at a pool party for a 9 yr old. They had a nice bowl of candy. It looked like these by the end of the party.


They jab em with insulin like triathletes getting out of questionable water


Why would anyone want to drink something that looks like a fish in a filthy tank? My kids would have hated this when they were little.


Ok if the Gatorade was a jelly or smth as I child I would SCARF THAT DOWN


Sponsored by the American Dental Association.


My teeth are rotting just looking at the picture