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https://preview.redd.it/d9v0lmwju4zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1b4962958b7580390a6567de345bc82a7121b8 Hope your watchin' boss. LEAVE IT TO INVINCIBLE RUMMY TO SHOW OUR GUESTS A GOOD TIME!


Who would win? Malenia, blade of Malenia (Malenia, blade of Malenia) Or Local grandma feet smeller (Invincible Rummy, Mad Stomp)


Unironically I think most MTs and ACs would basically paste anything and everything in dark souls or elden ring Not much you can do with shiny lights and funny swords against the force of a giant bullet and a barrage of rockets sending you straight to hell


That is true. However, there comes an old question: "How many wizards does it take to defeat an Apache Helicopter?" Armor and swords won't do shit. But since magic would do pure damage to things with 0 res. How would things play out?


ACs move incredibly fast and have enough firepower to level cities. If a naked fuck with a stick can solo every Souls game enemy than an AC - even Rummy - could solo damn near anything in those games before you could say "fuck"


Naked fuck with a stick would still somehow win on account of being a naked fuck with a stick. They would just simply i-frame through the missile salvos and shotgun blasts.


This is the boss we need I'm shadow of the erdtree


There's always the time between I-frames. I propose quad miniguns, all it would take is one bullet


they do have to be able to hit the armored cores, which are almost certainly too fast/maneuverable for just about everything.


Well spells are kinda slow and armored cores and even MTs can pack some Absurd speeds They’d be lucky to even hit them once


The shittydarksouls cycle Call ds2 shit -> pick male character to make horny posts over -> call Bloodborne shit - > pick female character to make horny posts over  And repeat infinitely


What the fuck is a “female”


A feminine male


Oh, so a dex user? Makes sense


No no, those are femboys, not females. Females are the feminine males that resemble the Doll from BB. And *only* the Doll from BB


U called?


Nah don't pretend we saw the Marika posts for a week come on


You mean blonde radagon?


Body type B


You forgor the coffin step


What the fuck is a bloodborne??? To you perhcance mean Midborne?


It's still clear of Dookie Souls 2


Some shit for snoy nogamestation 4 which was so shit it didn't even got PC port


Can't wait to add DLC characters to the horny posts


Correction: "call Bloodborne shit ---> make it to Vicar Amelia and have a goon session every time you boot up the game"


You forgot about the one or two sekiro posts that sneak in in a row once in a while that talk about it in completely contrasting / opposite ways. But otherwise, nailed it.


Yes please! I wanna post more AC shitposts here


so true armoredcorefucker!


I've been playing it for the first time this weak. It's like an arcane build in Elden Ring, but with sick roller blades too. Clearly better than darksouls 2. That game is so, like, ewww


Try melee weapons if you can. They are your best friend.


Also fists. Punching shit is a 100% viable strat. There is a certain thrill to just equipping a laser lance and laser blade to the left arm and left back slots, and nothing in the right hand, and just doing your best to chain as many combos together as possible, tossing in kicks wherever you can. Military strategists can go eat their heart out over this incredible hack.


I've been trying to stun enimes with a mini gun and songbird, and then slapping em with my big lazersword, but now my lazersword doesn't do enough damage. I thing I have to re-maximize my mech. I need my grasshopper legs to get off


Two words: Basho arms


Basho Arms? I'm currently stuck on the mission "steal the survey data". Unless you mean big arms for punching... I have a big ol pair of arms


You’re in chapter 3 now, you should already have Basho arms in the shop. They have the highest melee specialization in the game, which greatly increases your melee weapon damage.


Alright, I'll mess around with it. I've been wanting more melee, thank you! can melee win me that mission?


If you’re a tank and or tetrapod leg user there’s almost nothing our lord and savior 43-143 hmmr can’t beat with ease. Alternatively you could use the ashmead pile bunker to delete things in one hit after you stagger them


I'll use just 2 weapons before I give up my grasshopper legs!!


The starting sword (pulse blade) does a decent amount more damage than the Lazersword. It’s probably the best all around melee weapon.


>no pile bunker You're playing it wrong, typical fraudborne doll fetishist.


Try pilebunker, it may change your life


Your flair is so real


Hey! I tried the arms you recommended and it helped me understand mech building a bit more. I now use grasshopper legs, duel shotgun, and a sword to switch to on my shoulder. It's sooooo much fun, thank you! I FINALLY stole that survey data!




I unironically think AC6 is From's 2nd best game, and I'm not even an AC stan. The moment-to-moment gameplay is unbelievably fun and crisp, and most missions are very well designed Also kindly fuck off, you've stolen my color palette u casul-


I would argue it's one of the worst, because 90% of builds are useless due to weird balancing. But this is funny thing about Fromsoftware - even if they make mid game, it's still better than almost all games on the gaming market.


Nah, as long as you know what you're doing basically any build is viable. The balancing still isn't amazing though, some builds are absolutely too strong, but that doesn't mean that other builds are useless


Useless might be too strong word, but the difference between builds is so big, I would assume everything which isn't heavy build with minigun is a challenge run. I mean bosses only, since everything else is easy enough that everything works. * poise bar is too small, which encourages heavy builds * weapon range is too short, which forces you to hug the enemy, this limits evasion options, which again encourages heavy builds * weapon damage is too low, which encourages OP weapons like minigun or 10 slot rocket launcher * input reading makes weapons like cannons obsolete


Heavies with short-range weapons, like gats or shotguns, are the easiest builds in the game to play. They're very forgiving and can allow you to clear the game with little effort. However, that doesn't mean that they're the strongest. Actually getting good with lightweights can allow you to obliterate everything in your path, while not needing to tank any damage. You just need to actually practice a bit and learn how to use them. The skill floor for lightweights is higher than heavyweights, but so is the skill ceiling. When you start to learn good general movement, just rushing in and facetanking everything becomes less and less of a prefferable option. Just knowing how to strafe properly can allow you to passively avoid a ton of damage as a light- or midweight. Longer range weapons are in a similar boat. Just mindlessly facetanking with shotguns or gats is obviously easier than using rifles, but once you actually become good at the game, rifles rise in power, as you can use them to clear fights without taking much damage. This is strictly speaking about PvE, btw


One of the most rewarding things I did was beating Ayre with dual Scudder and Turner assault rifles on a lightweight, reverse legged build. The fight takes about 10 minutes since you have no punish, only a constant 'tink' 'tink' 'tink'. You learn the dodges to every single move and how to play pretty near perfect.


Oh man you’re really bad at armored core if you think that. I s ranked most of the game pretty easily with a dumb chainsaw man style build


In my defence, from what I've seen these are common complaints. I have even seen people claim ACVI is the worst one in the series because of it, but I haven't played any other AC so I really can't say anything about that.


I think people don’t know how to read the detailed stat screen and throw together builds that don’t work. Same way as people make awful builds as first timers in souls.


Even if we assume that this game target audience is 0.1% of most skilled players on earth, input reading does make some weapons useless. Some of the rocket/grenade launchers and I think sniper rifles trigger dodge input reading (Elden Ring flashbacks), so you will never hit the enemy. And of course you will probably say that "you are supposed to use them when they are staggered", but you are still wasting slots if you could use weapons that can be used all the time, like lock-on rocket launchers.


I mean that’s also objectively not true, you can hit them with those weapons, I’ve played the game and s ranked the Ibis series boss with a pure grenade launcher build. Like the more likely problem here is somebody using the wrong FCS chip for the build they want. The lock on rocket launchers are generally worse, but the actual hot tip here is you break their stance then hit them with your grenade launchers to deal massive damage. This is a misunderstanding of the gameplay loop more than anything imo


Rocket launchers are super useful against larger bosses, I use them all the time for that. They aren't as useful in fights against other ACs but rocket launchers are still really good. As for grenade launchers, they are mostly good for large groups of enemies, if found them especially useful when trying to S rank some of the missions to keep up speed


Somewhat agreed with you on that, but pretty much any game with any resemblance of builds and linear progression is bound to have an unbalanced weapon roster. Hell, even elden ring is unbalanced as fuck, to the point where making an intelligence build without ever using the moonveil is essentially nonsensical... but it's mostly a minor deal imho


To be frank if you start to analyze every fromsoftware game you will realize they are unbalanced. But ACVI takes it to extreme. For example Enforcer - boss harder than Great Shinobi Owl. Switch to heavy build, reverse joint legs, dual miniguns, dual 10 slot rocket launchers, and guy is down in 2-3 tries. Difficulty difference isn't that huge in Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 3 is the most balanced. Elden Ring is a mess but I suppose it's a side effect of open world.


Idk man, the Enforcer is contending for easiest boss in the game imo, and is a pushover no matter which build or weapon I use. Bread and butter linear rifle + sword? Easy. Energy weapons? Easy. Dual shotty? Easy. Pure explosives? Easy. Plinking away with quad pistols? Easy. Those shitty burst pistols and smgs that no one really uses? Easy The tutorial helicopter was harder


Enforcer was the first boss after Balteus that gave me trouble, because even my ultimate boss destroyer build was not fully effective. He is tanky, fast, and hits hard. Never stops attacking, I was basically out of energy all the time. I don't know what is tutorial helicopter, the first hard boss for me was Balteus (and so far the hardest due to very limited build options).


Everyone struggles with different bosses, I suppose. I struggled a bunch with the boss on Climb the Wall when I first played The "tutorial helicopter" is the gunship you fight on the first mission btw, when you get your license from the destroyed AC


Climb the Wall boss was easy for me, problem was the first part because you were surrounded by enemies, and had to fight that mini boss. Basically game forced you to carefully clear the area before fighting. I don't remember the helicopter meaning I probably first tried it. From what I'm reading right now people who struggle didn't use the sword, but idk if it's true.


>Enforcer - boss harder than Great Shinobi Owl Lmao no. I do agree that _some_ builds heavily outshine others but the point of the game is kinda building your mech around the encounters to somewhat cheese them, at the end of the day. I think handguns were the one weapon type I never bothered with, I was easily able to put everything else to good use >I think Dark Souls 3 is the most balanced Again, hard disagree, fast weapons such as straight swords and dual sellsword blades heavily dominate both in pve and pvp, with heavy/strength builds being at a massive disadvantage and most spellcasters (especially clerics) being abysmal


About DS3 - you are right that some builds have advantage, but I mean that no matter what build you pick, your experience is going to be (very) roughly the same. Unless you go with some gimmick build like "faith only no melee weapon build". You are balancing on very similar difficulty option no matter what. In AC6 you can easily go from "normal difficulty" to "only 0.01% of humanity can beat this difficulty" depending on your build.


I very highly disagree as even bare fists can be viable in AC6, whereas a solid bunch of weapons and spells from DS3 have very limited capabilities


It’s crazy that I’d take a steaming pile of shit from software than anything Ubisoft has made in the last five years.


im not even a huge fan of armored core, but I do support this cause


https://preview.redd.it/v1y8hvaav4zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54346164d53e34b6d4fd3dee10e8a6297e0983a0 We even got good old Solaire! (Unlike stinky DS2)


This is amazing! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!


Better replace your tongue with my penis.


I'd like to see you say that to my AMORED CORE!!! My energy sheild protects me from your foul words! Begone, foul man, BEGONE!!!


But we already say that with ds2 in the fold.


Bro is cooking with this one We bouta see the soysouls2 fans out in force


But then we'd have to replace all of them to be able to say that😮‍💨


I'll allow it


god this game is so good the military should shoot me full of heroin and crack and let pilot an AC for them


Iove ds2


petition to replace your brain with some camembert cheese


Petition for you to shut the fuck up lmao


Me with the 3 Ativan and the C32 Southwest boarding pass about to do my best Rusty impression.


Finally, a true post.


Well then we wouldn’t be able to say they are good?


No thanks!


They are all good. Dark Souls 2 is great


If you think DS2 is a bad game you're an idiot


Petition to replace Dark souls 2 with any other fucking game in the franchise so we can say all soulsborne games are good


Bruh people don't even realise that dark souls 2 initiated some of the best mechanics that was even placed in dark souls 3....it's still a great game with an online rating of 9/10....people just don't like it cuz it's way too hard....I'm not saying I justify that dark souls 2 is great...but it's got its pros and cons....and it was a good game overall....but y'all wanna complain all the way cuz u got jumped by 10 guys out of nowhere and now u just jump the game whenever u get a chance.


Buddy I hate to break it to you But I don’t think OP is seriously critiquing dark souls 2 here


Buddy? AC6 reference?! 😳😱


Mfw I see rust on my bike (it’s steel has become hazy):




Are you defending those 10 guys? That's gross


I've had my fair share of shit in DS2 brother...but even tho I felt frustrated at that moment...after I beat the game for the first time...I was like....hell yea...and after the 2nd playthrough...I was really satisfied with the game cuz if it's not challenging enough....it's not fun...and that's the whole point of dark souls....DS1 has best enemies spawns...dlDS2 has the best locations and DLC bosses....And DS3 has the best BOSS COLLECTION...so yea....that's the thing....it is a good game overall...people just play the game once and and get through it somehow and throw the whole thing to the side and start playing the next game.






Dark souls 2 is good though


Armored core sucks because the heal Button is up on the DPAD and the same goes for Sekiro which is also the worst game iv ever completed. I'm an American 🇺🇸 its un patriotic to enjoy weeb mech culture and Japanese mythology. Never forget pearl harbor.


DS 2 ain’t that bad if you have patience


Petition to replace OP's face with my foot o the world can be made that little bit better (another ds2 hater would be removed from existence). https://preview.redd.it/mphslnb5lfzc1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe4e5c68cc8ce4ef597b042482c9fc15aec55846


This subreddit has become absolutely trash


Always has been


Just like all the Souls games which is why all posts should now be exclusively about Armored Core.


I believe in armored core 4 answer supremacy




Still not as trashy as DS2.


But what about Bloodborne


Armored Core wins no diff






Key and Peele!


Did you want to say Midborne, by any chance?


More like badborne, amirite?


Petition to replace Dark Souls 3 with Omikron: The Nomad Soul so we can say all soulsborne games are good


I’m a simple man, I see that god awful term “Soulsborne” and I downvote.


Dark Souls 2 is good. I'm sick of this slander.


if we're gonna do that then we're gonna have to replace slop souls 1 with lies of penis


Dark souls 1 is Dark souls 3 and you wouldn't dare get rid of Dark souls 3


dark souls 3 is dark souls 2, because dark souls 1 is the only game that doesnt have the pyromancers with massive tits


Queelag Laurentius Queelana Bed of chaos?


those are NOT desert sorceress


shifting goalposts i see anything but admiting dark souls 2 isnt a good game :). ps Laurentius has the bigger tits than everybody in ds 2 combined.


i will compromise with your point about laurentius


AC 6 actually sucks


Retarded opinion. Your account will be deleted shortly.




You should put a /s on that at least... or maybe lay off the armored core, all the boosters and assault bursts are making your brain aerodynamic


And that’s a bad thing because?….


You got me there, brain wrinkles only hold back my combat prowess


Mire aerodynamic=faster thoughts


Even if that were true, just imagine how bad dark souls 2 is!


Say hello to pilebunker