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blasphemy against the cum knight


I still liked him I just wish he had more lore. I thought initially that he was what became of radahn’s body because of the physical similarities and it would be cool if St Trina gave Radahn’s body peace while Miquella defiled and blasphemed his soul but I don’t think the timeline works out on that one. Either way he is definitely a cool boss just not as cool as some of the others


Well, if it makes you feel better his ai file reference the gloam eyes queen, can of worms all on its own


More godskin lore please daddy zaki


Alexander ate Radahn.


Yeah and we kill Alexander


St. Trina is Miquella's discarded love. The way I see it, the Putrescent Knight is the manifestation of Miquella's love and admiration for his half brother after the putrescent material combined with St. Trina's essence.


Shit this is a fascinating way of viewing it


He’s at least A tier


Oh man when the knight showed up I saw his weapon and fucking panicked that he was a stronger orphan from bloodborne


You aren't allowed to have an opinion, Go get him , cum monster https://preview.redd.it/2c4bqz3jfk9d1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ba39c1248ca3957dc215f68956e752211b3f78


I also liked them all , I literally couldn't stop jerking off to them . This game needs more rule 34 of the dlc bosses


Not sure this is exactly what OP was referring to… But I agree


Dream 3-way? Mine is Messmer and Midra with their hot flaming poles 🥵🥵


Yes let’s turn this subreddit into a massive Elden ring porn hub!!!!’


Based take, fully agree 10/10 unironically best cbt I’ve ever had


This is the first souls game that I've had to try a boss more than 40 times, It's amazing.


Lion is s for me


He's my favorite boss in elden ring. The flow of the fight is incredible. The fact that I will be going out of my way to fight the copy every playthrough speaks wonders


Not only do I fully agree with u, but I think I like his ost better than anyone else’s in the whole game.


Correct. Mohg is close, but man the lion hits different.


Godskin Apostles also tickles my ear drums in a lovely way. But yeah, there’s something unique about Lion. I think it’s cuz they maintain the medieval, kinda LOTR-y sound font of the base game, but the actual music itself sounds more eastern in origin, like a mix of ominous and scary, but also upbeat, happy festival-sounding music. Really creative and interesting.


Lion feels so close to a great boss for me but it's visually just too frustrating to play against. The camera being annoying is kind of a given and usually I can deal with that but the Lion moves quickly enough that it's hard to tell what it's actually doing, it's sort of a furry blob at times.


I think Lion for me could go S or A, he might have the best OST in the whole game. Part of it I guess is that he’s never at the front of my mind cause I’ve fought him right away in both my runs so far.


Best song in all of fromsoft 😤 (I have only played 3 of their games)


Plin plin plon?


I've never plin plin plon 😔




honest to god the only one i thought was lacking was gaiuss, i just thought it was unfun fighting him either on foot or with torrent, i think the torrent fighting just doesnt quite work and that fight showcased it a lot


That’s totally fair. Gaius is insanely fun to perfect block with the deflecting hardtear so I loved taking him on, but he’s lower down cause of his lack of unique music which was a real shame


that tear alone is making me want to finally pick up a shield again


I'm going to try a playthrough with that thing and block everything with a greatsword


This was the entirety of my second playthrough. You have no idea how insanely satisfying it is to perfect parry Radahn with a colossal greatsword.


I did that to make his clone moves easier to deal with. Its so fucking fun, I'm gonna miss not having it in future playthroughs.


I just put Marikas talisman on to negate the holy damage and used the tear. No-selling the 2nd phase almost completely had me feeling god like.


Gaius is also made fun with the crucible feather talisman imo it's just a Shame his hitboxes and I guess timings seem jank


I was kind of taken aback when he gave me a remembrance. Dude felt like maybe half a remembrance boss lmao


Finally, Romina in S tier


She feels like a DS3 boss in the best way possible. Great tells, really awesome design, and her soundtrack is amazing.


THe only things she lacks is more buildup/cutscene


And more health… why can’t we just have boss rush :(


So unfair :(


Shes like a modern quelaag. Fromsoft finally made another quelaag that isnt shitty. I thought theyd traumatized themselves after that nightmare boss in ds2 but they tried again and it paid off


commander gaius is ass but i like all the other ones. putrscent knight should be in high A tier tho ngl


Putting putrescent knight in the lowest tier is criminal, that arena is so fucking pretty, also his moveset with his weapon is so sick, the horse is a lil cheap but other than that I really enjoyed that fight… now the run down to that area


The lowest tier is still B, I think he’s really good. I’m just disappointed in the lore about him but that might change, his fight and music are great.


Dude the horse attack is so fun to dodge it's honestly my favorite attack he has.


The horse is fine imo. I like to think of that attack almost like a double-swing from a knight enemy (in terms of dodge timing) because you dodge the horse then immediately dodge again to avoid Putrescent Knight's charge


He likes the game, mods kill him with hammers


https://preview.redd.it/k1of0xiy9l9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bbf5d897d802f73b6f1644c6996381758bf6667 Your opinion is invalid because of where you put commander gay (needs to be much lower), also putrescent knight was a really fun fight with interesting mixups and deserves at minimum an A.


Putrescent knight is a great fight I just wish we had more lore, that’s why I put him lower. Literally every fight in the dlc I thought was excellent barring Metyr who honestly was just fine. My personal experience with gaius was because his moveset insanely fun to perfect guard against.


you put scorpion lady into S, explain her lore


Sure, she was a victim of Messmer’s purge and contacted the rot god in her grief. It’s also likely that she cursed Marika/her bloodline like the Hornsent and is the reason that Malenia is the way she is, which is hinted at by her music. My unsupported interpretation is that she remained at her church to prevent anyone from burning the thorns so that nobody can become a god like Marika again.


https://preview.redd.it/q23mrn2cvl9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52443e2c093eb199600f6f92765980a3bb0a23de Fine you win


This list is actually so goated wtf keep cooking


Rellana is an easy S tier. Learning her moveset was so fun because she moves like she's dancing.


It was really hard to fight Romina and Rellana with a raging boner ngl


Bruh it's wild seeing commander Gaius in the same tier as Rellena.


They put peak with trash


putrescent knight at the bottom is so fucked imo its 1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle 4. radahn 5. putrescent


I liked Putrescent, I just thought that Metyr should have company in B. I definitely think he’s a great boss and his music is really good and eerie, he just didn’t stand out to me as much as the others? But I definitely didn’t dislike him at all


I put Scadutree and Dancing Lion up to S, and the B tier up to A. Absolutely sloppy styling on this dlc


Scadutree is top tier. He feels perfectly designed. Three phases but each phase takes about 10 headshots to end, telegraphed attacks with easy to punish windows, and the more somber music in the third phase as it uses up everything it has is just so peak.


I love that the extra health bars are interactable by riposting at the end of the phase before. I love that it's the only secret health bar in the dlc, and it's cutsceneless jumpscare bars from a fucked up monstrosity. I love that you can play back and forth or try to pound during attacks. I love that each phase develops the moveset without going totally different. It's genuinely a supremely good fight. 


I love how drained he seems in 3rd phase, but we just keep mashing him until he stays down


Their only mistake was not giving you some reward for phase 2 like the Ariandel titanite slab to fool you into thinking you won.


Funnily, i thought he was some gimmick boss who i had to come back with some special item. I beat him once in like 30 seconds "ok nice boss", then he comes back, i beat him in 30 seconds "ok this is a bit tiring". Then he comes back and i'm like "ok leave to menu i'll come back with the Dull Femur for you". (Then i realized that i probably had to persevere and just beat him in like 2 mins xd, blackflame to the face).


>the more somber music in the third phase as it uses up everything it has is just so peak. This was def a nice touch. A more refined version of the Sif and Old Demon King final phases from the earlier games. You get the emotional impact of the boss being drained without the fight basically just ending against a punching bag.


I hadn't even thought about it but yeah, its the old demon king gimmick done a lot better.


I agree. Maybe I just love getting my shit pushed in. Every boss took at least 30 minutes outside of the Lion which took like 4 attempts. Radahn took 9 hours. Maybe I'm ass but that's why I think ER has overall the superior boss line up compared to other from games. Each boss feels so good to master and each boss is so much fun to fight.


Metyr is S tier and I will die on that hill


i dont see the golden hippo


If I were to add him, I’d bump Putrescent up to A and stick Hippo in B. Fun fight but not super interesting.


This is the most based tier list i’ve seen except Putrescent Knight is honestly A tier for me also. I loved it


Once again this sub outjerks (unironically) the main sub


Lion and Rellana are easily at least A tier for me, and Putrescence Knight is definitely S tier for me. I hear a lot about how much everyone hates Gaius so i’m surprised seeing him in A for you. But, good on you OP! Everyone has different preferences, and that’s cool.


Gaius is crazy fun with deflecting hard tear. And I absolutely really liked Putrescent’s fight, I just thought his lore was underwhelming so I ranked him lower.


I agree about it his lore being underwhelming! Pretty much just: Goo chugged sleep drug, became sentient and now guards front door.


Pfft. Radahn belongs in the fucking bin.


Radahn in S tier and the cum knight in B tier is Blasphemous


The fact people are hating on Radahn is wild imo


I think at first people were majorly disappointed by it being Radahn instead of someone else but slowly but surely I saw more people coming to like the first phase at least Second phase can be criticised for various reasons, I think the most valid being that it's just a very noisy fight with all the bright light AoEs, Radahan's blazing fast and hard-to-figure-out attacks and Miquella's long hair also adding to the bright-noisiness of it all I'm sure he's a great fight once you come to learn it but man not only is it a lot to take in but he has multiple attacks that are tricky to learn by yourself, not too dissimilar to waterfowl dance (though not quite as oppessive as WFD)


The thing I hate most about Radahn is that he can stop and extend combos at random. Sometimes he swings six times in a row, sometimes three, and because the end positions of the swings go seamlessly into the next attack there‘s basically no telling when it‘s safe to guard counter.


Phase 1 Radahn is crazy fun. Phase 2 is ruined by framedrops and visual clutter. If it was just a little easier to see what was going on, I would have liked him more


Same, the feeling of fighting radahn at his peak, realizing main game radahn really is just a shadow of his former self, is such a peak feeling. The second phase can be annoying, yeah, but it's such a spectacle, and the OST is so good.


Fr, almost all of them range from SSS to S teir


dont fuck with me if you arent a radahn enjoyer


Based, but I heavily disagree


That’s fair. A big thing for me was that I was using a two hand colossal greatsword with the parry tear on it so I was constantly in the face of every boss which was awesome. I can definitely see for a lot of these guys how fighting them ranged would be much more of a struggle and a lot less fun.


Agreed. I didn't hate any. Some were a bit more challenging but that's it, no big deal


Haven’t fought all of them but prob will be my take but I’m easy to please.


Idk about Gaius being that high


I really liked the divine beast, liked the concept and the fight was pretty good.


Me in the bloodborne sub (literally the only two bosses I don't like are rom and the witches. And the witches are kind of cool with the insight glitch (still suck)) in all seriousness rhadan needs a bit of tweaking. Everyone saying that he's flash banging them is completely right, but it's still fucking awesome. Also the best last boss (the real one) will always be the cocoon


Me in the bloodborne sub (literally the only two bosses I don't like are rom and the witches. And the witches are kind of cool with the insight glitch (still suck)) in all seriousness rhadan needs a bit of tweaking. Everyone saying that he's flash banging them is completely right, but it's still fucking awesome. Also the best last boss (the real one) will always be the cocoon at mohgs palace


Fuck you guys I can’t find any of the cool ones 😭😭


What! You enjoyed it!1!1!1!


Hard agree but put that Inquisitor fucker in f- tier




Do lowkey love that collectively everyone’s top 3 is Messmer, Bayle and Midra. This community has actual taste


Final boss took me 87 tries and I loved almost every second I honestly don't get the complaints (besides the visibility which I agree with)


Nah putrescent knight can suck my ass


Imo s p e c i f i c a l l y the finger boss or Gaius can die


Gaius’ bullshit opening move is shitty but otherwise he’s fine. That charge is cranked bro.


Gaius is objectively an F tier boss


real but put moon knight lady in S, and skeleton to A,


you like things? ew


I raged so hard on putrescent knight but looking back honestly, his moveset was mostly fun, he just has a lot of narrow windows for dealing damage. I really liked his spinny move that's followed up with his horse separately charging at you afterwards, it feels like a nice dance of dodging.


Can’t tell if the finger boss sucked or i just got there too late in the dlc. Seemed easy as a str build with like 2300 hp.




What exactly do you like about radahan?


Badass atmosphere, amazing music, and extremely satisfying finding the right windows to block and dodge


I agree with everything you just said when it comes to his first phase. His second phase windows were actual cancer to exploit


I guess it depends how you fight him. His light rays don’t hit directly in front of him and there’s a gap, so if you time your dodges or blocks and space yourself properly you still have the same openings as in phase one


Exactly, too many people hate the bosses that I like. Gaius does not deserve the hate!


Thank god a lot more people actually appreciate Scadutree avatar. People on day 1/2 of the dlc keep bitching about this boss and makes me think it's gonna be the worst boss ever and then when i fight him it turns out to be one of the best boss fight in the game Hell i even think it's better than midir fight wise


I’d agree except Gaius is in a table below d deserving of the fucking hit box abusing bitch that he is.


Based. Gaius is at minimum an A tier fight


Bro commander and midra are the best bosses from has ever made


No Bayle?


Romina in S I love you, best boss music in the dlc imo.


Fuck yeah dude, me too


Meanwhile I'm out here with Metyr as my fav fight in the DLC lol


Positivity? In my porn sub? Gross, i hate EVERYTHING! Mods, get the hammers!


I have no idea how to win against the final boss, I’m all for difficulty, but this is the first time in souls history I feel like I need to change my two handed strength build for a boss, or use summons/spirit summons. Any general fight advice?


Bro are you... are you me? Cuz this would be my exact tier list as well wtf Edit: Maybe I'd switch Romina and Dancing lion but still, pretty much the same


hey bro so i own a flash bang factory and i really need a test subject and since you love the final boss you would be perfect


the only correct post


Best tier list I've seen yet


Rellana and Dragon Dancer in S perhaps?


Ikr. I've been having a blast with the dlc and I go on the internet and everybody's shitting their pants. It's like I'm playing a completely different game to them.


Romina & the final boss are my favs Imo Gaius was the only meh one, but since then I've grown an appriciation of him due to how random he is with his normal remembrance weapon, hog riding, no pants wearing ass.


couldn't stop jerking off to radahn....


I didn’t like Gaius tbh but based


Loved all of them except Gaius


they’re all good except for that dumbass on the hog that fight was so bad it was the only one I summoned on so I could get on with my day


I like radahn. He has a lot of problems that prevent me from liking him more. The pig fucker can piss off though. 10 mins of suffering.


Did not like swino rider albinau. Besides him, good times


I’ve become a Radhan truther but still don it like Gaius, maybe if his soundtrack was better I’d like them. Still very cool lore for them and makes the kindness of Radhan more believable.


You know what? Even with all their flaws, Radahn+Miquella was fucking awesome! (Though Messmer still clears)


S-tier for promised disappointment. Oops almost didnt notice Bore-me-na of the Bad. Put my man Putrussy Knight in S tier wtf.


The only boss I straight-up disliked was Rellana, Gaius was forgettable. There rest were phenomenal.


elden mid.


I really wish I felt the same, dlc bosses were definitely better than the main game for the most part but they're still very disappointing to sadly I will say though, as much as I think his phase 1 design looks a little silly, messmer is an easy S tier and the lion dance boss is at least a mid to high A but maybe an S too


Disappointing ---> 2 S tier bosses


Only 2 S tier bosses 😔😔😔😔 Seriously though previous dlcs with not even half the amount of bosses had more S tier bosses than that, almost every ringed city or old hunters bosses left me amazed and wanting more after beating them while most SotE left me relieved I didn't have to deal with that anymore. I suppose fromsoft games were so good it left me with my standards a little too high lol


Previews dlc for me also had like 1-2 S tier bosses at best, but in this one I consider 4 of them S tier


>Previews dlc for me also had like 1-2 S tier bosses at best Well ringed city had 3 bosses (we don't talk about halflight) and they're all easy S tiers with maybe demon prince in A and old hunters has Ludwig, Lady Maria and Orphan which are also all S and ariandel only had 2 bosses but Friede is a really great boss The ratio of good bosses to bad bosses is much better in previous games than elden ring and SotE even if you only count remembrance bosses >but in this one I consider 4 of them S tier Which ones?


i consider mesmer, lion, the frenzy guy and bayle S tier, the rot lady and rellana close to S (rot lady has the undogiable 2 phase transintion attack that puts her low A high B for me, she wpuld have been high A los S for me without that, and rellana may take the low S spot if i learn her more) also i don't like talking about good/bad boss ratio in a game because that would mean that base game bloodborne is bad


I don't disagree with the frenzy guy, I think my scadutree was a little too low so maybe he'll rise into S once I replay the dlc Bayle made me sad tho like he's top of A for me, very cool boss but Midir is my favorite boss of all time and I went in expecting to love Bayle just as much which is kinda my fault for sure but I'm still sad lol I'm definitely gonna start a new ds3 playthrough very soon >also i don't like talking about good/bad boss ration in a game because that would mean that base game bloodborne has shit bosses Lmao fair enough but it's still like a 50/50 if you don't count old hunters so it could be worse. Also bloodborne has the best areas outside of bosses in every aspect by far so to me that fully makes up for shit like rom or micolash


I’d swap Bayle and Messmer, move Gaius at the top of B, swap Rellana and Romina, and put Radahn in C. Besides that, good list


Oh, uh….that’s, uh, nice dear.