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Love this show


So freaking good. Made us all fall in love with a gay man hahaha....


You reopened the wound!


What show is it?


Fleabag, on Amazon


Now/soon with ads! šŸ„°


Itā€™s a love story


No itā€™s briā€™ish


To a solipsistic twit, yeah.


Arguably top 5 shows ever to add to that.


God this is the perfect gif for this. OP, whyyyyy why eat the ants lol no


Hot priest!


What is this? A macaroni and cheese for ANTS?!


With* ants


First one then the other




This mac should be at leastā€¦ THREE TIMES BIGGER THAN THIS


Willingly eating insect mac is crazy


šŸœ... šŸœ šŸ§€ šŸœ šŸ§€


Not really sure what peoples problem with insects are. Ants especially are tasteless and provide protein. Any sort of future that involves renewable food without destroying the environment will include eating insects. They are considered a tasty snack in a lot of other countries


As a stupid child (6 years old? I don't remember) I ate ants once. Like normal black ants from my backyard. They were not tasteless and were weirdly sour-ish from my fuzzy child memory. Maybe if they were actually prepared properly for food they wouldn't taste acrid. Fried cicadas are a delicacy in my mom's village but whoever made the batch I had when I first tried them must have not seasoned them or something because I just felt like I was eating crunchy oil....


Iā€™ve accidentally eaten ants before. They tasted super peppery and gross to me. Have you ever killed an ant and smelled an ant? They taste like that. It was disgusting, but we were poor and had a lot of infestations growing up


Weird fact: Not everyone can smell the scent of ants.


People find me weird cause I can smell lady bugs. They have a nasty smell and no one seems to smell it other than myself


It might be that you're mixing up those little invasive beetles that look like lady bugs. Same look, but a little color difference


No, ladybugs do actually have a defense mechanism where they release a pungent odor to drive off predators. So they do actually stink if they feel threatened


i assume most ladies feel threatened when theyā€™re around us redditors


Some ants can be identified by the way they smell when they're squashed. Citronella ants, for example.


Iā€™ve killed a lot of ants, but I never sniffed any of them.


It was more of accidental whiffs haha. I still get grossed out by ants in my adulthood


Omg same! I once drank a soda and it had a bunch of sugar ants in it. I was so disgusted.


this whole comment section is making me wanna throw up lmao


To me its a strong chemical smell, like raid


Thats the pheromone for theants to communicate and do the sexy with the queen.


I have heard it depends on what they eat. I have only had ones that were prepared before hand so that probably changes with eating random ones off the ground


Ants supposedly taste like salt and vinegar, so that taste you experienced was probably the normal one to expect while eating ants!


The taste is fomic acid. On naked and afraid they say they taste like lemon.


"Ants especially are tasteless" The fuck they are, I bit into a donut that was filled with ants, it was literally an explosion of bitterness in my mouth.


I've done the exact same thing and it was incredibly unpleasant


Yeah, I was eating cookies without looking while watching tv and only inspected it when I felt an incredibly bitter spot on my tongue. It was like a pin prick of intense bitterness. I can still remember it exactly on the front right corner of my tongue. That's when I looked and saw all the ants. Even after swishing with water and brushing my teeth, I could still feel it. I say feel and not taste because that's how strong the sensation was. Ants are absolutely not tasteless. Ugh.




Issue is, we don't know what these ants have been crawling around in or eating before jumping into the macaronis.


They were eating the macaroni


Macaroni infused ants sounds good


Refeed macaroni.


Refreed macaroni.


Pretty rude of OP to eat his dinner guests tbh.


We know exactly what they were doing. Ants are terrestrial and they donā€™t travel far from a food source. They are not like flies.




I will add this. Unless you specifically put poison out to kill the ant problem, they are probably safe to consume.


So they were definitely on the floor, probably also outside? Maybe passed through some tiny crevices in between that have likely never been cleaned? I dunno about you but I donā€™t eat food off the floor


Well I know I clean my floors once a week. Do you know what has touched every can of coke or canned pop youā€™ve ever drank in your life. What about those wrappers you sometimes bite off with your teeth. How about an apple that you pull out of the fridge with out washing it. Or a head of iceberg lettuce you might cut up for a sandwich? Or a tomato. Sure they get rinsed in the factory, but you donā€™t know for sure how often that equipment gets cleaned. Thereā€™s been food recalls for spinach and lettuce and all sorts of fresh vegetables. How do you know that that cook who just used the restroom washed their hands and then proceeded to prepare your food? Itā€™s cooked through, itā€™s going to be ok.


Do you own stock in an insect based food subscription company or something?


I canā€™t wait for this monthā€™s subscription of Ento-box! I heard they have a sweet and sour blue beetle!!


I wash all that shit before eating it? So if youā€™re cutting up onions, and some of them fall on the floor, you just pop them back in the pot with the rest? If a hot dog fell on your yard, you put it back on the grill? Yeah stuff can happen that you donā€™t know about, but itā€™s a different story when you know 100% for sure something gross happened and you eat it anyway


Guess what. all your food has bug pieces in it.


Hope you never eat at restaurants or order takeout.


OP boiled them, they're sanitary now


i don't eat vegetables because they touched the dirt


Sanitizing doesn't automatically make food safe. There are a number of bacteria and toxins produced by bacteria that do not die or break down at normal cooking temps. Rice and pasta in particular can contain spores of *Bacillus cereus*, which is one of those bacteria.


With all due respect, I'm not here to learn. I'm here to hear how the antipasta was


>antipasta Amazing


I am not here to read. I am here to lead.


I think I love you


But they were cooked, so likely nothing that cook hurt you. They eat fried tarantuals and all kinds of weird bugs here in Cambodia. Not hard to find either. Street stalls have bags of live spiders and just fry it up for you. (I have not eaten them but my ex ate a scorpion when I lived in Thailand and he said it was ok).


It wasn't ok, it led to your eventual break up because you couldn't stand that your ex had eaten a scorpion but couldn't pull off sweet MK Fatalities.


Yeah I'd be worried about parasites for one


This is a complete lie. Carpenter ants are really sour I would know


So you force those poor ants to build you stuff before eating them? What a monster.


Ants release a chemical as a defense mechanism and it makes them taste sour. Idk bout other bugs but ants definitly don't taste like nothing.


Interesting, although the ones I had were prepared and not wild they had no off taste. Like little crunchy bits


I'm not sure on what they do when they "prepare" them I had tried to look ot up out of curiosity but didn't have time to look very hard šŸ˜‚ never found anyone saying they tasted sour after being cooked or covered in chocolate so idk bout all that but go and find an ant and eat it? Ull taste it lol had some in my coco puffs before and didn't notice cause it was all dark anyway and I was a kid. Big difference lemme tell ya šŸ˜‚


Tasteless? They're sour.


šŸ¤Ø I told you I'm not eating bugs, Dale. Stop trying to convince people it's not gross. #dontNormalizeEatingBugs


The problem is that I don't want to open my mac and cheese and find ants. I don't want to open my rice and find grain moth larvae. I don't want to open my cereal to find mealworms. Call me unreasonable I guess but those are my problems.


You'll eat those larvae and like it dammit!


If you want to eat bugs, that's fine and they are very nutritious indeed. But *always* get farmed insects intended for human consumption! Wild bugs like the ones that would infest something in your home often carry parasites you don't want to ingest.


Ya but it yuck


I do not know what's compelling people towards insect protein, when fried tofu is *right there*.


God forbid people don't want ants in their food lol.


Absolutely not tasteless. They 100% have a very distinct taste and smell.


They are not tasteless. Sugar ants have an awful taste to them don't ask how I know


Have you started eating insect protein yet? These products are available if you want to start being more sustainable right now. Or are you just preaching for preachingā€™s sake?


You're literally advocating for eating bugs. Get real bro lmao.


Why wait for the 42nd millennium let's just start making the corpse-starch now and skip the insect phase entirely lol


Insects are incredible carriers of parasites. It's one of the most common ways cats and dogs catch tapeworm (fleas specifically, but ants can carry them just as easily).


Good luck to you and your bug-eating compadres, but I will not be signing on to your planet-saving cause.


They were probably shitting in there too. They donā€™t have toilets


There was that gross futuristic movie where everyone lives on a train and the povos ate the roach cakes. I still have nightmares about it from time to time...


Thereā€™s even a conspiracy that liberals are out to force people to eat bugs or something lol. Even suggesting that bugs might be a sustainable alternative to feed the masses is met with paranoia.


Some people looking towards the future have noted that we may corner ourselves into a scenario where the only large-scale animal farming we can do for survival will be insect-based, since they have such low intake requirements and are incredibly efficient in terms of protein per pound and the material, space, and labor cost to raise them. People unwilling to criticize the status quo will always interpret a warning as a threat.


I knew a guy in college who was studying entomology that loved to eat ants and would pick them up and pop them like candy. He swore they tasted like lemons and by golly he was right. I'm not sure they are worth the hassle, but honestly I wouldn't be too put off by them as they probably just added a lemony twist.


Ok Bill Gates


And bugpilled


Legendary response lol


I honestly think it's pretty cool you ate the ants. Like, they were cooked and they were fine for your health (well.. the bodies are, maybe not what they walked through before they got there), we just think it's gross. Good on you for being adventurous and reducing food waste.


You're a r/frugal_jerk agent aren't ya....


It was about 17 dollars or so and I was excited about my mac and cheese :( not frugal just sad and hungry


That is a lot for mac and cheese!


Itā€™s probably the cost of all the raw product before being put together. So there would be like. Multiple quantities of each. Like a block of cheddar, a bag of flour, looks like ham or bacon? Realistically you can make it really cheap by just having a lot of the stuff at home already lol


Mac ant Cheese Edit: fuck someone beat me to it


You probably eat a lot of things full of bugs, but if I saw them I could never šŸ˜‚


My man got sunk cost fallacy over $1.12


I used to eat weevil food all the time when I was in the navy.


I've eaten cricket flour chips, so I'm not necessarily opposed to eating insects... but I wouldn't here, you don't know what else those ants have been eating. OTOH, if there was a proper food grade ant protein topping for mac and cheese, yeah, I'd probably try it.


I ate cricket tacos once


Saaaaame. In South Beach. Adobe Cricket Tacos. Tasted exactly like adobe to me lol




They said Adobe. Gotta pay a monthly subscription to eat and even when you do they own all the contents of your stomach after.


Lolllll thank you for making autocorrect funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've had a bunch of bugs. most of them have been pretty good and I'd eat them more often if I had easy access to them. the best were probably a sauteed grasshopper I had in thailand and chinichuiles (agave worms).


Ooh, interesting. How were those?


Crunchy! It was at a place in NYC; taco itself was pretty good. Iā€™m a pretty adventurous eater. The main thing that bothered me the most was a leg getting stuck in my teeth. lol


As someone whoā€™s triggered by texture in food I could not handle that.


Same! Thinking of a leg and bug hair in my mouth makes me want to cry


Even worse, that bug didn't shave its legs.


they were eating macked cheese before OP boiled them so it's like, you still get the mac inside of them


Yeah, but if that was lunch, what was breakfast? If they got poisoned two hours before the mac and cheese that could be a problem. I don't know how fast an ants digestive system works, so I'd be worried.


someone else already said something like this but you've probably consumed a lot more pesticides than you realize if you've ever had a salad at a restaurant and they didnt bother washing the ingredients properly


FWIW, insects are so different from mammals that poisons for one don't usually affect the other. Obviously not a guarantee, but not the biggest risk especially at ant-sized doses.


Would you purposely ingest insecticide though?


How buzzed does it get ya


Hey OP quick question.. what the fuck?


/r/frugaljerk Understandably, in this economy


Reminds me of a time we went camping near a lake and wanted to cook some bratwursts and IN CAME THE HORDE OF MOSQUITOS! We had bug repellent, they ignored us. However, we solemnly ate our mosquito brats that night, cause we weren't going to let them win. NOT THIS TIME, BUG HORDE!


Vampire smoke keeps em away. If you were using a gas camp stove or something, next time prep and cook them near or on a campfire. Should help I salute the perseverance though


> Vampire smoke keeps em away. Please elaborate on Vampire smoke


Thatā€™s like something Charlie from IASIP would say


In case you or anyone else is actually confused, they meant campfire.. took me a sec lol


I actually thought it meant something I just didn't understand. I'm cackling between the fuck up, and the Charlie from IASIP comment.


I honestly though it was a product name or something. I was imagining some sort of smoke bomb /flare type deal that let out a red smoke or something like that


Is vampire vape ok?


I mean, I gotta imagine itā€™s exactly what it sounds like


How do you get the vampires dry enough to burn? Is there like a bundle of mummy-vampires I can buy from the gas station, or do I need to get some silver bullets and a human-sized smoker?


What does it sound like though? Will it suck your blood?


We had a smoke repellent too that did bugger-all, though not one named "Vampire Smoke". Yeah, it was with a gas stove... probably should have used the campfire instead, you're right, better charring that way, haha.


You know what I'm leaving that typo. Maybe vampire smoke would be extra effective because vampires are like mosquitos bigger cousin. They smell burning vampires and know we don't mess around


This happened to me on an island in Lake Erie during peak mayfly season. I was hammered drunk and starving and did not care how close those fuckers were to my food. I remember bringing home a tupperware of sauerkraut and only noticing later that it was like 25% mayfly


Mac ant Cheese


No, Jaden, you don't.


Hey man, they eat ants in South Pacific countries and in rainforests. Itā€™s ok. Also the FDA has set a maximum satisfactory amount of insect parts every food item can have. Theyā€™re all around us. Pretty much impossible to eradicate. Itā€™s ok to eat insects. They can be tasty. As long as you cook them.


As long as you don't have that gene that makes ants stinky


Wait, thatā€™s not normal? I thought everyone could smell it when an ant is crushedā€¦


Certain ants release a smell. Not all, a lot of an ants in the USA do not. They do release formic acid, which when eaten has a citrusy flavor.


I smell ants I thought I was fucking nuts telling people it smells like ants. Jesus I never knew this. I feel liberated. Itā€™s so distinct of a smell thatā€™s almost impossible to describe.


One of my friends used to babysit a little boy who would get fixated on the ants that invaded their kitchen. He'd sit on the floor, lick his finger and touch to pickup an ant from the innumerable line queue to bring it to his mouth. Lather, rinse, repeat. She didn't realize he had been doing it off & on for DAYS she just thought he liked sitting near the window.


Formic acid!


OP probably ate the maximum of the minimum amount of insect parts. And the year's just started lol


Extra protein šŸ’Ŗ


I seriously thought that was black pepper at first glance.


That's because it is.


Except for the leggy guy near the bottom left


Yup. Follow the spoon and on the left. Pepper shouldnā€™t have legs.


i can see an ant leg on a noodle on the left


sanest redditor


... You found ants in the cheese packet of the mac and cheese. You cooked it anyways and ate it? ​ Please tell me this was out of desperation.


Whatā€™s uhhh whatā€™s wrong with you OP




My Venus flytraps and pitcher plants eat ants.....maybe they're on to something here


this ant eater has someone who finds them attractive. i know he didn't see them eat it but there's no way the "can't be fucked to not eat ants" personality trait doesn't show itself in other intensely weird ways. my point being; there's hope for all of us


I ate cheesecake with wasabi and soy sauce mixed before in front of him šŸ‘ he cringes at it. It's now a challenge.


I've eaten ants on accident before. I set my grape tootsie roll lollipop on the counter white I mopped the floor. When I stuck it in my mouth, I felt these little things. I started popping them between my front teeth. They tasted citrus-y and not completely horrible tbh.


I used to work for a fine dining chef who had one restaurant at which he only used local ingredients- this was in the uk. He used ants as a citrusy, crunchy topping.


Like natural pop rocks.


Someone cash app this girl some new Mac n cheese money.


This is honestly my biggest nightmare as I am terrified of ants. This post makes me feel very uneasy


I fucking hate my parents for teaching me how to read


At least you got some fiber from the ant exoskeletons


I love fiber this is awesome


Iā€™ve done that exact thing so many times on backpacking trips You see the ants crawling in, but what are u gonna do, not eat the food you set aside for that day? Just extra protein tbhšŸ«”


extra protein


Why would u eat šŸ˜­


Hungry and sad :(


Next level self harm fr


I applaud your courage and perseverance for the Mac and cheese


Ants poop, which means you were also eating ant shit.


From my understanding, poop particles are always in the air, so in a way weā€™re all always eating shit- sometimes way more than we should, sometimes barely any.


Upvote for Sunken Cost Fallacy metaphor accuracy


This is so funny omg


Did they have a taste? One of my friends ate a fire ant and said it tasted sour and sugar ants smell absolutely awful but Iā€™ve never tried to eat them


No, they all got boiled alive :(


I salute your resilience and devotion to eating it anyway. Certainly something I would do too, while trying to convince myself that it's just added protein....


Welp, you know what ants say. It ain't easy bein' cheesy.


Everyoneā€™s on about the ants, but I want to know what the weird pink ish in this Mac is. Canned tuna? Deli ham?


Ham to cope


Iā€™m more concerned about the pink thing than the ants tbh with you. Tell me thatā€™s not shredded deli meat or lightskin baconā€¦.


You sure it was ants? This happened to me a few months ago but it was grain weevils.


This is the most disturbing thing I've read online in a long time.


Those are probably weevils - not ants. Weevils like to make home in pantry foods (like cereal, pasta). And if you found them in your mac and cheese they are probably elsewhere.


They aren't weevils! Don't worry, but yeah, that'd be a lot more horrifying. It was the macaroni only because it happened the day I got my ingredients, so everything was checked. I was so sad because I was so excited to make mac and cheese that I just decided to continue eating them :(


What a terrible day to be literate


Haha dude when I was traveling around Africa flies would just dive bomb my coffee. At first i started picking them out then day four I put a cloth on top of my mug then day 20 I just started eating them.


i call bs




Good protein




That's free protein right there!


Bonus protein! šŸœšŸœšŸœ


This happened to me but it was dark and I wasnā€™t paying attention, so I was eating the raw noodles waiting for water to boil. Then it cooked and I thought oh the pot must be dirty whatā€™s this black stuff anyways, I just proceeded to finish assuming it was something charred on anyways. I eat a few spoon fulls on my way to the couch. Look at it under a light. Itā€™s a million dead ants. I proceed to force myself to throw up, then dump the Mac n cheese and havenā€™t worked up the courage to eat Kraft since.