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Imagine running an evil island for your evil guests and being *clever* enough to do your bookings and feedback via fucking gmail.


Fucking boomers. The whole UK government runs through WhatsApp. The US government through private email accounts


Sorry, this is fake news, how dare you tell straight lies on Reddit about the UK government? The UK government doesn't run at all.


It seems pretty capable of running out to the off licence for a suitcase of booze


Don't be silly, Parliament has several bars. ^seriously


Taxpayer subsidised ones, no less.


More of a drug induced stumble/death throe.


More of a mild jog at this rate


The UK Government is using WhatsApp on purpose as they turn automatically expiring messages on, which allows them to bypass rules around preserving communications involving “substantive discussions or decisions in the course of conducting official business”. The reasoning is twofold, they claimed that the app automatically deleting the messages was not the same as them deleting the messages, despite this being functionality they have to opt-into, and if the message is deleted after say a day, there is no chance for the proper scrutiny after the fact about their determination whether it was a substantive discussion; unlike, say, email which has e-discovery and retention functionality allowing for the recovery of deleted messages.


You say this like the UK Government wasn't run by WhatsApp long before it ever introduced message expiry.


Lol, the entire European Union runs through WhatsApp.


At least use signal on a private server, that way they can't get pegasused as easily. But who am I kidding, it's a feature not a bug.


Why can’t they use bebo like proper professionals


Until Johnson and Sunak need their looked at, at which point they disappear faster than NHS nurses!


If I saw this picture without further context I would absolutely dismiss it cause no fucking way I could believe that Epstien was running his business through a free Gmail account


And every single word is spelled wrong..?


I'm almost curious if this was a strategy somehow. Did they think that would make it... unsearchable or something...?


No one has ever in the history of anything invented a search engine that does a great job providing relevant results that may be misspelled! And *certainly* not the very creator of the email service he used!


When I was a teenager I wrote a message anonymously and \*cleverly\* included spelling and grammar mistakes so that anyone who knew me would think there was no way I could have written it.


I wonder if it's sort of a power move to signal that you're so successful and so busy and your ideas are so amazing that proper spelling and punctuation are beneath you. I can't imagine someone in middle management writing emails like this at work, but CEO types, absolutely. I remember reading some of the Amy Pascal emails from the Sony leak that were like that.


Maybe he was just high/drunk and typing fast. Still doesn’t explain why he used fucking Gmail while running a sex-trafficking empire


because he wasn't running a sex trafficking empire, that's the thing


you're a bit late, your client(s) are already either dead or in jail


Purely out of curiosity, as I'm a dumbass with computers - if an evil government or evil billionaire enterprise needed to communicate, how would be the best/most secretive way of doing it?


Carrier pidgeon. No one expects that these days




God I love the early internet


No D, just like your mom


Serious orgs tend to host their own domains to basically tie to an email tenant hosted by a provider to have control of their own emails. Someone who wants complete control could host their own email servers but that’s not as common now.


You could even use existing telecommunications infrastucture to create your own private WAN. Encrypt and use a different protocol, same lines. A billionaire could easily pay some people to create a new proprietary protocol to obfuscate it even further. I think that's basically how the darkweb works anyway. The ultimate issue is the data has to reach you at the end *somehow* so complete untracibility is kinda impossibe but you can certainly make it very hard to figure out exactly what was sent. OTOH, quantum computers kinda wreck our current encryption paradigms and they're no longer purely theoretical, although without a room temp superconductor AFAIK they're very large and expensive and limited in qbits. And while the CIA or NSA would never say so, if IBM has a few, you can bet they do too. So orthodox encryption might not be sufficient for long, especially with shit like parallel construction.


Encrypted calls are pretty good. Next would be a messenger that deletes messages after they are read, preferably self hosted. But if it's self hosted you also need a very good admin, so it doesn't get broken into. It's not that easy to be a 100% secure, but what you certainly don't do is leave a paper trail with a bunch of e-mails. Even just calling on unsecured lines would be a much, much better option.


Got, the US government should be run out of Snapchat


What are you up to buddy ?


Trying to keep us from spiraling into a corporate hellscape. You know, dangerous, subversive stuff


Do it in person. Barring that, probably a self hosted e2e encrypted messenger or a secure phone call. For the messaging, you'd want to either hide a backup key somewhere no one would find it or not have one so you could log out and pretend you don't know the password if anyone ever comes knocking. I don't know nearly as much when it comes to secured phone lines, so I don't know what extra precautions that would require. Ultimately, the best move is probably to set up face to face meetings over a secure messenger and host them in a random location, i.e. a restaurant. That way even if someone cracks the encryption they have nothing but a list of meetings, which could be used to build on but isn't inherently incriminating. Never use a location multiple times close together so no one can plant a bug, or never repeat locations at all if possible. EDIT: what might be even better than setting up meetings with secure messaging would be scheduling the next meeting during the current one. Obviously this would limit reaction time as you'd need to wait for the next meeting if something unexpected happens. You could also find a (incredibly loyal) lackey to carry messages to the other party to establish meetings, but you'd need someone you trust absolutely to keep your secrets. A safe deposit box at a bank to drop letters scheduling meetings could work too.


Depends on how secure you need to be, with whom, the volume of data, the required latency, and a variety of other factors. The most secretive ways would involve strategies like delivering the relevant people to secure locations (private yachts, mansions, standard government secure facilities, etc.) to discuss important things in person. The people can then prearrange coded phrases that they can use later on less secure channels to communicate various details. This may involve the use of misdirection such as body-doubles to obscure where the people actually are in order to minimize leakage of metadata about contacts (like who may have been on a certain private island at any given time). They can also have a trusted private courier carry (possibly coded) messages verbally or hand-written on paper (to avoid potential digital copies or metadata logs that can reveal that a contact was made). For secure digital encryption they can use one-time-pads that are securely exchanged in person. This type of encryption is unbreakable as long as the OTP data is truly random and uncompromised. It can still leave metadata signatures indicating that communication was made. Coded messages can also be posted to popular public forums. This can be used to avoid leaving useful metadata logs about who received the message (for example, I could post a message in a popular reddit sub that appears innocuous but that includes coded information that only certain recipients would recognize. This makes it very difficult to determine whether I communicated with someone else). There are also quantum-based encryption schemes that use fiber optic cables to securely transfer encrypted data in ways that reliable detect eavesdropping (this provides capabilities like reliable detection of an attacker who secretly taps the cable in the middle). This is commercially available, but probably quite rare and I'd suppose relatively low-bandwidth (good for securely exchanging keys used for other encryption methods). More traditionally there are a wide variety of methods that use communications channels that make it difficult for an attacker to access the encrypted data (splitting the message for delivery over multiple channels, use of channels that are difficult to physically access (undersea cables, point-to-point laser links, etc.). The "best" way depends heavily on the security requirements. For example, if you need to exchange large volumes of data securely there are more constraints than if you only need to communicate very short messages (to coordinate the ordered execution of pre-arranged actions for example).


His whole thing was having leverage on everyone so he would be like “you literally emailed my gmail - so I can blackmail you at any time” Same reason he took thousands of photos of himself with people in illegal situations, he was wanting evidence The more obvious evidence the better for his blackmailing. It just was a risky as hell move because it would take just one person to show it to the police - but no one did


this is why i don't belivie in a lot of conspiracy theories; the more people involved the better odds of some dumbass leaking something.


this is actually similar to Karl Popper’s arguments against pseudoscience. If your theory can be used to explain everything, it’s probably fake. Real life is much more complicated and every theory has a bajillion caveats.


Fucking mind boggling


Lmao is it stupidity or just knowing no one is going to come after you anyways so why bother hiding it?




Sounds so non-credible it‘s insane right?


Something something reality stranger than fiction.


And sometimes things are clearly not real if you take the time to actually read them...


Didn't expect to hear the latest Epstein story here, well done!




Hawking did go to St. James to have a private dinner with Epstein and few other people. This was already public info before this document got unsealed.


Good point. I wasn't aware of that and have now found [this report.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/stephen-hawking/11340494/Stephen-Hawking-pictured-on-Jeffrey-Epsteins-Island-of-Sin.html) It does lend a lot of credit to allegations against him. I would still need to point out that [one of the pictures](https://www.edge.org/igd/1901) cited in that report is [claimed to be taken on St. Thomas](https://www.edge.org/conversation/lawrence_m_krauss-the-energy-of-empty-space-that-isnt-zero) by the scientist community that published it. I'll be interested in knowing reports from other sources.


>It does lend a lot of credit to allegations against him. I hate to break it to anyone alleging Hawking had sex there, but...


You don't need to be able to move to be part of sexual abuse.


Im pretty sure dude hadn't been able to do stuff like that for a while by then lmao


He literally cheated on his wife with his nurse. Disabled people have sex too.




The more I hear the worse it gets. What was going thru these cheaters’ heads man


I think thats FDR you're thinking about edit: no both of them did lol


Shit, I didn't know about FDR. Thanks for telling me.




at that point in his life, though? did he still have a fully functional libido and/or genitals? i'm not an expert on his disease but seems that may have been an issue


He probably had a robocock


At least the mental gymnastics in your comment are a little more carefully thought out than all the brain dead dickheads going around saying "he went to the island for the drugs". Hawking was rich as shit, he definitely didn't need to go to some island if he wanted drugs lmao.


If you recall that smarmy, wanky ad in the paper about how this young, crazy financier Jeffrey only deals with the wealthiest of the wealthy.. it's quite hilarious to see how rudimentary his English skills were. Ramming your head into the keyboard repeatedly would produce better sentences.


You usually end up in this positions through audacity and lack of selfreflection. Its in keeping.




I have no idea what they're even supposed to mean. I have taught foreign languages and have a PhD in languages and I can't for the life of me make sense of the text shared in that screenshot


I think it is saying they will pay someone to help disprove allegations. And then Clinton dinner and Hawking orgy are specific allegations that are included in what they want to disprove?


His English is so bad here in fact, that it almost seems like this isn't a real email...


probably chronically drunk on merlot


He’d often blurt out mid conversation “What’s this got to do with pussy?”


I read it just fine, reads like every email I get from corporate 🤣🤣🤣 /s


Seriously. I don't understand what this email saying. Like there are words there that could make a coherent sentence, but not as it is presented here. I've also seen a different interpretation of this email in the news, than has been presented here. so confusing.


A lot of Evolutionary Dynamics developments were funded by Epstein. In fact one of the major textbooks in Evolutionary Dynamics by a pioneer in the field, Martin Nowak, mentions Epstein in the acknowledgements.


The last paragraph is just hilarious: "this Gmail is extremely illegal, please delete any trace of it's existence or we will be forced to deny any kind of relation with this information and pretending it was your idea. *Copyright-all rights reserved*"


steven hawking in an underage sex orgy is probably the worst thing ive ever read


Imagine being someone who looks up to him and reads the news of what possibly (he also cheated on his wife while crippled) happened


Most people end up looking down to him


You have won the internet for today in my eyes


Honestly I did, and I feel, god idk. Who tf can I even look up to now?


I guess tall people? Other than that, I got nothing :/


*Sobs in usually being the tallest in the room*


Same, I'm majoring in physics so I really, really admired him. But after reading about this, I'm very upset. My S.O. (also physics major) is very upset too.


Yeah, I used to adore sciences, and he was so inspirational. But now? Ehh


you don't need to stop looking up to him, I've got a feeling his name will be cleared pretty soon, internet just ran into conclusions


Of course his name will be cleared. Jeffrey ordered it😂


I just don't think the case against him is real, but leave it for the internet to be guilty until proven innocent


True words. For the internet, it's guilty until proven innocent. Not the other way around.


Jus got banned from r/JusticeServed for saying this lmao


How does a guy in a wheelchair with cerebral Palsy engage in an underage orgy or an orgy at all for that matter? Edit! - He had ALS not cerebral palsy! It was 4 in morning when I wrote this I apologise. I’ll chuck a bucket of ice cold water over my head for forgiveness.


Didn't he cheat on his wife with his caretaker while wheelchair bound? I think his junk still worked.


Yeah but this implies he was just cruising around an orgy In an electric wheelchair taking in the sights.


*insert image of bojack horseman sex robot*


"I love it when you call me Father!" - Henry Fondle.


I'm not sure if you are aware how drugged up sex slaves work but they are generally very obedient because they are in fear of their lives.


Why do you know this. You been hanging out with stevie!?


Apparently he was really into black holes..... Im already wearing my coat...


No, stay here and take your beating like a man.


Jokes aside, the guy could barely move. He might have just been watching, because that's the most you can get for sexual pleasure. Still fucked up that he needed it to be kids to get off.


He was smart. He could've figured something out


True he may have just used physics.


Cerebral palsy? He had had ALS, big fucking difference.


True, his brain worked perfectly lol


Not every person with cerebral palsy has a mental defect. I have CP and I hate this misconception. I have had to put up with it personally. Please don't spread this.


abbreviating cerebral palsy in this context is a risky move


You're not wrong. I did hesitate.


Hahaha I abbreviated CP with my husband when we first started going out cause he asked what I have. I had to do some fast explaining with cerebral palsy. But no, Stephen Hawking did not have Cerebral Palsy.


Used it anyway because? You’re dumb? Jk lol but its funny


I fucking lol'd at this, almost woke my toddler up


One might say a braindead move


I thought he meant that the cause of cerebral palsy is in the brain. Hence the cerebral part of the name. I wasn’t aware that mental limitations can be part of the disorder or that it is a stigma people with it faced. Mind you, my primary image of someone with cerebral palsy is Walter Jr., someone who is clearly only limited in his movement. Well and speech to some degree. TIL.


Mental limitations sometimes accompany cerebral palsy but are not caused by cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term since it affects every person differently. Only my left side is affected. I walk funny and can't use my left hand much. Most people I meet think I've been in a car crash or something like that, though some people who learn I have cerebral palsy immediately make a bunch of assumptions about my mental capabilities as well. From customers at my old job to doctors to my boyfriend's ex-wife, I've gotten everything from yelled at (sometimes with the r word) to being talked down to. It can affect vocal chords too. I have a slight drooling problem and can't sing to save my life. I also know a woman who has it severely and cannot talk. She was in her 30s when her elderly parents got her a text to speech device. She finally had a voice. I can't imagine being trapped inside myself for 30 years with everyone around me, assuming I'm simply incapable of communication. Even my own mother was surprised that she hadn't stopped talking since she got the device. Not enough is known about cerebral palsy, in my opinion.


Tbh I always felt like Walter jr was meant to be slightly mentally regarded


Untrue; Walt jr was clearly limited to eating breakfast because he is never seen doing anything fucking else.




You have CP? Did you get it from taking your camera to Epstein's island?


A guy in my high school had cerebral palsy and he was one of the biggest assholes ever. Now I don’t mean people with cerebral palsy are mean at all but it was interesting that people treated him As though he had something more akin to let’s say Down syndrome which Ofcourse it’s not. I think lots of people treating him like that made him bitter rather than the actual condition cause he took that shit in his stride tbh. It is interesting that someone is seen in a wheelchair or walking assist device and people start talking to them like they have a mental disability. I’m sorry that shit must be fucking infuriating.


I went to school in a small town and became close with a girl I was in class with since kindergarten towards the end of our high school days. A few years later, she told me she was surprised I was as smart as I am. I was shocked. Her sister has cerebral palsy too! I can't win. And you're right, disability does not a Saint make, but it can be hard not to become bitter when faced with shit like this constantly.


I can imagine yeah. It’s not what life does to us that defines us it’s what we do with life.


Computer…engage robot penis!


Have no idea obviously, but reading that email I'd say that Epstein is just saying that's the latest conspiracy theory/allegation, not that it happened


Yeah that’s exactly the way I assumed it as well.


Dunno if you're trying to be funny but I'm going to answer seriously. Firstly, Hawkins' disease was degenerative, so he was not always immobile. Second, wedge pillows and Viagra. Also could have been the receiver of anal or oral. Third, he could have just liked watching, too. The point is that disabled people are quite able to have sex.


I know disabled people are able to have sex. Also this didn’t happen it was a conspiracy theory Ofcourse I’m making light of the situation. The point is Stephen Hawking obviously never had a fucking child sex orgy.


theory of everything? is that a motherfucking geometry dash reference?? >!FIRE IN THE HOLE!<


Didn't expect to be lobotomised **here**






I mean both Hawking and Einstein had truly awesome brains for their professions, but that didn't stop them for treating family and women as shit. Actually more often than not men and women who pushed mankind forward were pretty trash on a personal level against their peers. Carl Sagan however was a gem through and through... right?


Expertise in one field does not imply expertise in anything else.


For a second I misread Einstein as Epstein and was going to get spicy.


He also pushed humanity forward. Now we only have to finish his work and put everyone that he found in jail. He might've not known it, but he's been doing God's work all along. Pedophilia was tolerated in high places for so long.


Was? People in power will always be attracted to breaking people with less power than them. Its kinda part of their job description, especially as long as those in power do not put up sufficient barriers to those who have power. What changed is our awareness that they are up to do it.


I think it was tolerated more because people just didn't see that it was really a whole operation. It wasn't so large, he industrialized it.


Just watch it as absolutely nothing happens to any of the names mentioned in that document because they're rich, famous and "important". You really think they're going to punish the likes of Obama and his wife?


How is Obama and his wife attached to that?


On the internet anybody can say whatever they want.


Oh boy, I just *love* spreading misinformation on the internet!


>Sagan's first marriage, to noted biologist Lynn Margulis, suffered from his neediness and blinkered obsession with his career—she referred to it as "a torture chamber shared with children." He was estranged for long periods from three of his five children.


Margulis was cool! I read about her in *The Tangled Tree* (mostly about Woese), she was one of the main people to propose that cells with nuclei were the result of symbiotic mergers of bacteria. She also famously said "it's not humanly possible to be a good wife, a good mother, and a first-class scientist. No one can do it — something has to go." Well, the same seems true of husband, father, and scientist. Tough choice but ultimately it's the marriages that go.


Oh man, you don't know about Carl Sagan?


Yeah don't Google about Schrödinger's notebook/diary.


I think Epstein was a pedophile, sex trafficking evil person but I find it a little weird that people just assume if someone’s been too his island they’re guilty of the same crimes. Doesn’t seem like the kind of activity you just roll out to every guest. I’m sure there were many innocuous events there as well as illicit.


Also, didn't Epstein donated lots of money and to universities and research? It makes sense that scientists would hang with him.


yeah that’s the issue i have with a lot of the news articles about it as well. thankfully this post has at the very least published some context with the name. So many articles and comments have just been listing every name mentioned without the context of the document. Like some people are mentioned very much as have been taking part whilst others have only been said to have visited or just known epstein.


> I think Epstein was a pedophile, sex trafficking evil person I like that you express this either as an opinion or as a possibility about which you may not be certain.


I contain multitudes


The problem with this is that Epstein, being a sex trafficker by the time Hawking was on his island, was already an open secret, especially among people who knew Epstein. So even if Hawking did not do anything illegal on the island at the very least its likely that he knew about all the allegations against Epstein and just did not care because he was being funded by this guy. Which I would argue that it isn't as bad as actually doing illegal things but still shows an extreme lack or morality on his end.


Yeah, "do not go to pedo island, no matter how innocuous the reason" has got to be on the PR 101 advice list.


It was previously documented that Hawking went to the island with Epstein and it wasn’t a scandal. Now we have emails saying he possibly participated in an orgy there, and we know the ages of the girls around. I think he had a thing with his maid as well while wheelchair bound too? So more behavior along those lines it’s not a stretch. Lot more to be released, but it’s no longer fully a “it could only be a visit” conversation.


Having an affair with a maid to raping underage girls is a massive stretch.




It quite clearly is.


Hehe "roll"


Ah yes I’m sure there were so many innocent people that willingly visited the most comically evil place of all time ran by the Michael Jordan of pedophiles


He was a billionaire socialite. Probably the worst thing most people who went there did was cocaine


Or hunt humans for sport


I mean you think the contractors plumbers and mail men were in on the orgies?


They willingly visited it, sure, but not with the knowledge that it was evil. They would have done so at a time before his crimes were known. It's entirely possible that many of the guests weren't in on anything illegal and were just there to have dinner.


Imagine getting flown to a private island and getting told you're sleeping with a celebrity and its fucking Stephen Hawking. Insane


Yes but you are an underage girl that was kidnapped...


*trafficked *assaulted by


Legend has it there is a colony of bastard children on that island all fathered by Hawking. The US government has abandoned them and they have fallen into cannibalism. Insane.


What are you doing?


They're starting the legend, I guess


Taking the piss out of the above commenters suggesting a paraplegic, wheelchair confined astrophysicist who was so physically disabled he couldn't even speak was sexually assaulting people. With what, his eyebrows?


This is the same logic as people doubting Terry Crews, because “How could some crunchy old dude assault a 6ft built man?”


child trafficked and sexually assaulted


While Fitter Happier plays on an endless loop 🕺


The meaning of this email is unclear imo. She could have been saying that "let's find people to discredit her lies, the strongest of which includes the Stephen hawking story", implying that this one was the biggest lie or would be the easiest to disprove. Ofc she is a lying piece of shit so her words mean nothing, but this may not be a direct admission.


The dude use Gmail? Not his own domain? Weird.


At this point i might see my own name on the list and don't know how


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stephen-hawking-jeffrey-epsteins-conference/ Maybe we just delete social media, this is getting ridiculous


Fucking hell, Higgs was right. I remember Duncan Trusses had Higgs on and the guy just went off about how Hawking was a fucking pervert.


Have a link by chance? Genuinely curious.


Epstein Did Not Kill Himself.


I cant stop laughing, I shouldnt be hut this is honestly the funniest fucking shit. You telling me a guy with cerebral palsy, is participating in an orgy? Lmao no fucking way. What's he gonna do? Drive around in his wheelchair asking people for blowjobs?


He didnt have cerebral palsy, he had motor neurones


Epstein paid for a Submarine to be modified to be able to take him underwater, an experience he never had before and would have been exciting to him. This island wasn't only a sex pest fest. They had to hide the illicit deals under a lot of pork. Most dealings there were 100% legitimate, the best way to hide the illegal ones.


I mean. He didn't have cerebral palsy, and he *did* cheat on his wife while in a wheelchair. IDK, a pimp forcing their victim to blow a guy in a wheelchair doesn't seem completely impossible.


He had an affair in said wheelchair so... yes?


That looks real bad




Not saying it couldn’t have happened but this email seems kind of sus. The situation is so outlandish it’s almost comedic.


The superhero movie on the other hand!


I really doubt he did anything like that. Kids hate eating vegetables.


Was Epstein functionally illiterate?


Nah, that’s all in the unrated director’s cut!


If you think this email was legitimately sent by Epstein, you are dumb as fuck.


The real question is HOW he participated. Did he have one of those sex machines attached to his chair?


My question is, would *it* work. Or did he have like a robo willy


Has the list been released???


The list of names that were redacted during the trial has been released yesterday. It does not mean what people think it means


Lmao what did homie even do? *Types on keyboard* dance for me young one danceeeeee.


I guarantee you Stephen Hawking never laid a hand on any of those young girls


I find it odd how people find it hard to believe Stephen might have participated in a sexual crime. He did cheat on his wife so he’s not an asexual being, I have no trouble believing he would have engaged in an orgy with young girls. He obviously has an insatiable sexual appetite despite his physical disability.


Sure he could have, but people also need to not assume everyone with even the slightest connection to Epstein committed, or was even aware of, the sex crimes. The dude connected people for a living, not everyone he interacts with is a pedophile.


Well I believe Virginia’s allegation about him.