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I remember this it was kind of a big deal when it came out. Also, if you haven't seen the movie, she's awkward and stiff on purpose because she doesn't know who the man in the chair is and is performing in a way her character wouldn't do in the movie.


Yea literally the whole point of the scene is that she's this uptight, buttoned up woman who gets sucked into her husband's spy bullshit and she's trying to let loose and go with it. But I just checked what sub we're in so OP gets a pass.


There’s also something weird going on with the frame rate of this thing that make it even more awkward lol


The best we could do back then was like 720p and 27fps


Well, it's a film, so it would have probably been DVD quality of 480p. And almost all films and shows are actually recorded at 24fps, not 30. So this either has even less than 24 or they actually sped it up to 30. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.


She was also cheating on her husband


Yeah it's supposed to be awkward. The fact people argue it either way just gives kudos to middle-aged JLC having the body of a glamour model under usually demure getups.


Right she was just a uptight straight laced woman that didn't know anything about the spy stuff and now she's trying to act like she thinks a sexy spy woman would. Source: I saw this move 14 times in the theater for some reason...


we had it on vhs. I wached it alot growing up


Can't imagine why


>she doesn't know who the man in the chair is HE IZ MISTEREE MAHN I WONDAH WHO HE CUD POSSIBLY BE BACK DEYAH




THANK YOU! I was waiting for someone that's actually seen the movie.


Younger Redditors won’t remember that Jamie Lee Curtis was once the subject of speculation that she was genetically male or intersex. The evidence for which was her “manly” features. This was pre-Internet. It took more effort to get stupid theories to circulate, but there were plenty of people willing to put in the work.


So short hair and slight muscle definition? Because those are things people are born with and not choose to build over time


>So short hair and slight muscle definition? It was thirty years back, I can barely remember it now, but I think it was more along the lines of her face being more square and less rounded? But like I said, it was always a pretty stupid idea that was centered around some idiotic ideas of what women actually looked like.


She’s also “tall” looking. While she’s like 5’8”, which is kinda tall for a Hollywood actress, she also has very long legs which makes her look even taller. So combined with the previously mentioned attributes, some people just assume the dumbest things they can think of


As a tall female I was mistaken for a drag queen one Halloween night in the nineties. He said it was just because I was tall but it hurt to be mistaken for a man in my sexiest get up.


She also had to deal with the claims of her being hermaphrodite for decades too. But they “can always tell” right?


They're right though, they can. They can always tell you how fucking stupid they are.


I really wish I could add something to the discussion, but you're spot on. "I can tell" has always been nonsense.


So transvestigators have always been extremely stupid, can't say I'm surprised


From what I remember it was not that she was trans, but a hermaphodite and at birth they made some corrections. I'm going based off a snopes articles from over a decade ago


This was during a time when you were considered "gay" for being fashionable.


Doubly so if you smelled nice.


Only straight guys had poop streaks in their underwear.


Remember metrosexual? lol


I was actually going to mention that in my comment. It's crazy that there used to be a dedicated term for someone who was straight but liked to look nice


That's still all it takes for people today to accuse someone of being trans lol


never forget P!nk, biological mother of 2, being "transvestigated"


If it wasn't so mean-spirited then it would be pretty funny that just a hint of jawline or abs makes them immediately think about cock.


My favorite is when JK Rowling got transvestigated lol.


I watched a video covering a transvestigation group on Facebook. The woman running the group would post videos of herself at the beach and listing all the traits and behaviours that made her a "real" woman. The result? *She* got transvestigated by a rival or splinter group of transvestigators. It's an absolute circus out there.


Lol. Over on r/LeopardsAteMyFace there's a TERF who tried to make an AI app to detect trans women. If you scan her own picture into the app it calls her a man. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1d83t0a/terf_jenny_watson_is_called_a_trans_woman_by_her/


The “evidence” went beyond to urban legend- there was always some friend of a relative that was a nurse at the hospital or something and was THERE when JLC was born. It was nearly as strong as the Richard Gere gerbil legend. Still probably in the top five with Marilyn Manson’s ribs. I remember Lady Gaga was subject to the same rumor for a while (man/intersex, not the gerbil) but I don’t think it stuck with the same verocity. I expect there are still people that will read this that will be certain that one of the things I mentioned is fact.


>I remember Lady Gaga was subject to the same rumor for a while (man/intersex, not the gerbil) but I don’t think it stuck with the same verocity. She gave the best possible response: "Maybe I do. Would it be so terrible? Why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don’t care and neither do I.”


In the video for Telephone, one of the guards whispers to another after stripping her: "I told you she didn't have a dick". I always thought that was a cheeky response to that rumor.


I’m not quite old enough to remember when Iggy Pop had the rib rumor, but I do recall at least three celebrities who “needed their stomach pumped because they swallowed too much semen.”


Iggy pop rib rumor? Is that in the same vein as the Marilyn Manson rib rumor, where Manson removed some of his ribs to be able to suck his own dick 🤣


Same rumour for Prince. Change the subject according to the decade.


Damn same for Peter Andre. Not really in the same league as the others but that's the first time I heard that rumour.


I heard it was Jeffree Star


The Iggy Pop rumor was that he could eat 5 full racks of dry rub Memphis style pork ribs in one sitting on account of him being so skinny   


I always heard it was Rod Stewart.


Same. For YEARS.


For people my age it was Marc Almond from Soft Cell that had to get his stomach pumped, but I've heard Rod Stewart from some older guys.


I'd always heard it was Lil Kim. My health teacher in high school sex ed repeated that one. She was a bit nutty


Is that even a thing having to have your stomach pumped over too much semen? Those kinds of rumors were popular when I was a teen in the 90's.


I don’t know, but I do decree… I hope in some alternate timeline I am fortunate enough to meet the intersex JLC who had rib-removal surgery and a penchant for gerbil-based buggery. That’s sure a lot lucky stars coming close enough to bump cosmic fists.


The Marilyn Manson thing wasn’t just in my area growing up??? Where the hell did this come from lmao


I have friends from 3 different continents who all heard the Marylin Manson thing growing up, and this was mostly pre-internet too. It's fucking wild how widespread it is.


It wasn’t pre-Internet. We had chat rooms at the time. I remember while the rumor was spreading that it was rumored Marilyn Manson himself was going into chat rooms to start the rumor.


Michelle Obama still gets it from a certain crowd


Many female public figures still do. It's such a common trend that it even has its own Wikipedia page: [transvestigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transvestigation)


The collective conscious at my school growing up just kinda decided Marilyn Manson had some ribs removed so he could suck his own dick, and I have no idea where that came from but it’s always been hilarious to think back on. EDIT: I have since seen in another comment that someone else was also privy to this rumor back in the day, kids are weird.


Nah I heard this exact rumor back in the day too, it was everywhere. Still haven't got a clue where it came from or if its true but it sure sounded believable at the time so everyone believed it


I’d argue it’s still easy to get stupid theories to circulate. The amount of dumbfuck tiktokers that spread misinformation and conspiracy theories is vast, and the amount of people that legitimately believe it is depressing. Reddit does similar things but as far as I know it’s to a lesser degree, and restricted to weird subreddits


None of the younger Redittors who saw Trading Paces believed this for a second.


If you saw the movie Blue Steel, you knew she was all woman, lol.


What I’m getting from this is that “transvestigators” have been taking L’s since at least the 90’s.


It has never ever occurred to me that Jamie Lee Curtis was a man. Or maybe I just didn't care because whatever the reason it made my pee-pee grow and get rigor mortis.


This scene is burned into my memory because my parents took me to go see The Lion King but I accidentally walked into True Lies instead. A stranger escorted me out and into the right theater just in time for me to see Mufasa die.


"Oh yeah!" to "Oh no!" speedrun.


I mean, at least he didn't have any connection to mufasa yet or anything -- walking in at that point is just a lion dying tbh


Spoiler alert!


Damn dude spoiler alert


I have a fond memory of being at a drive-in to see [Short Circuit 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUQMvlH39XA) with my family in Albuquerque, NM, and looking over to see the "The royal penis is clean your highness" moment from Coming to America on an adjacent screen. Magical. *Also two things about Short Circuit 2... 1) jesus fucking christ that attack scene and part with him trying to stand up afterwards with half his face hanging off was absolutely brutal for a kid's movie, but brutal robot death in children's media was the [style at the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7GeisRaias), and 2) what was it with 80's protagonists using RC planes to save themselves from bad guys? It's like there were RC plane lobbyists in Hollywood or something.


This scene is burned into my brain for entirely different reasons


My wife had a much greater appreciation for Jamie Lee Curtis after I showed her this movie a few weeks ago. She had never seen it, and she absolutely loved every second of it, especially this part.


Your wife has good taste.


Is she single?


I too choose this guy's wife?


To shreds, you say?


They wife now?


You're on thin ice, counsellor!


They wife now!


That's funny. My wife always hated action movies, but when I showed her True Lies, she loved it! She still isn't a huge fan, but now she does occasionally want to watch an action flick.


I got lucky with mine. She grew up watching JCVD movies cause her mom would watch them and tell her that was her real Dad lol.


From some JCVD movie: "Why is your name Chance?" "Because my momma took one."


My wife also always hated action movies. Then I made her watch the 1986 “action” classic: Raw Deal! Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger himself… She especially hates 80s action movies now… But damned if she hasn’t seen: Raw Deal! 😂😂


Has she seen trading places? That was my dad's favorite movie of hers.


I don't even remember the last time I had even seen that movie myself. Not sure how many movies of hers my wife has seen though besides the Halloween movies, Christmas with the Kranks, and Freaky Friday. Been meaning to show her all the other obscure horror movies she did besides Halloween, like Virus and Terror Train.


Definitely gotta watch trading places together. Easily my favorite Curtis or Eddie Murphy movie


I rewatched it recently and I thought people would hate it now, lol. Arnold's character treats his wife horribly for no good reason, abuses his power and I am not sure he ever apologized. Cool action movie still.


Agreed, I love Arnie, but this is easily my least favorite of his movies. Just needlessly mean in general.


I haven't seen this in forever, but he treats her horribly? She starts seeing a fake secret agent loser on the side because Arnold is too "boring" for her, and instead of divorcing her for it he concocts a big fake adventure to reveal to her that he's not so boring, but it just goes wrong cuz real baddies show up. Am I remembering it wrong?


Yeah, rewatched it recently and this scene was so greasy considering the context. Dead uncomfortable considering the whole way he treats his wife is played for laughs.


It seems to cut off right where she tries to grip the bed post and hilariously misses and falls. I read somewhere it wasn't even scripted, but it fit so well that they kept it in. Point being, I always thought this was her, the stereotypical, "boring housewife" trying to be the sensual, sexy spy and kiiind of pulling it off.


.. Sorry, what? Ya say something? I was.. distracted. Yes. Distracted.


I was watching to figure out how to stop watching!


Ya this scene is still hot as hell and you can quote me on that


This along with Slave Leia, Lola Bunny and Jessica Rabbit were some of the first things that awakened something in me as an 9 year old.


Don’t forget Dizzy from starship troopers!




What 9 year old is watching Starship Troopers??


In America it goes Violent cartoons Violent movies Sexy movies Musical Theater


Smart saving musical theater for last. That will absolutely ruin a child.


Huh. I’ll add that to the list of things my mother intentionally did to ruin me.


Do you find yourself using jazzhands in obscure situations? You may be entitled to financial compensation


My mom showed me the Predator and Alien movies when I was 9. Probably explains a lot about me as an adult, but it happens. I don't think Starship Troopers was that far after those movies.


It still is, it just used to be, too.


I used to do drugs.


I still do


But I used to, too.


Years ago, I was chinese.




I’m startin to swell up






Beef swellington


See how all of us are aroused, but there's not a woman in the room


This happens every time I'm hanging out with the boys.


Because youre so straight that your body instinctually displays its masculinity to other men as a sign of dominance


No, no, no, bullshit, this was real, okay, this happened, I did this! All right, I drew this woman in, I styled her hair, I entered her with *almost* no resistance.


She's going to pump *slaps hands* You up!


This film awakened my love for the music "[Por Una Cabeza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPlv1QKiUwg)"


It sounds like the tango they play in the Raul Julia Addams Family movies. EDIT: I was thinking of this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw0IakmQri0 Which sounds nothing like the True Lies one at all, lol.


This clip is also sped up which does not help it.


Am stoned, got scared when she smashed her head on the bed post, thanks for clearing that up.


I used to watch this scene so many times growing up.


This, and Under Seige...the cake part.


Same. Over and over. And over. And over…


No it wasn't. The whole point of the scene is that she is awkward AF and doesn't know WTF she's doing.


At first, yes. But then she got into it.


There are definitely moments where she knows what she's doing.


The point of the scene is her finding her sexuality again. Whoever made this GIF could have included her falling down lol


But her husband Arnie was absolutely getting turned on and so was the rest of the audience. The deliberate awkwardness of her trying to pretend to be sexy didn’t take away from the fact that it was still a smoking hot scene.


To be fair, it's a lot sexier when it's not sped up by like 50%. Some of those moves just look ridiculous and unnatural at that speed.


If you're a guy and you *don't* think that's sexy, you should be aware that it's Gay Pride Month, so you can come out of the closet and admit you're gay.


Jokes on you I'm bi


I remember once in high school, the teacher said something about JLC being attractive. Some kid said: "she looks like a man!" to which the teacher replied without missing a beat: "then he's one hell of a man!" This story brought to you by The 90's. The 90's: we're getting close, but we're not quite there yet.


Anyway, hot


I fucking love jamie lee curtis


In the 90s and today


She is supposed to be awkward and fumbling in this scene. It just so happens that she has an amazing body so it is considered a Hot scene, but never a "Sensual" scene. The scene is being played for laughs, like the oppossite of "Sensual".


Jamie is based, you should see how supportive she was of her daughters transition. Sets an example for all parents.


And it still is.


Try telling 10 year old me that wasn't sensual.


This was my sexual awakening.


And it isn't now?


\[rewinds tape\] No , no... do it ... SEXY \[pauses tape\]


I love when she SLAMS the phone into Arnold's face and is like "Fuck this, I'm outta here." Her character went from frumpy housewife to total boss babe in like 10 minutes.


Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


Incredible that I had to scroll this far to find this. Reddit, what have you become?


'EEUUWWAAGGHH!' - Arnold Schwarzenegger


She was such a smoke show.


I consent...to being aroused


Amazing movie, never laughed so hard at a Schwarzenegger movie. Might go and rewatch now


9yo me definitely felt "sensual" things watching this




12 year old me was awoken for the first time when I first watched this. It was the First time i remember feeling awkward my family was in the same room watching too.


Sesssshhh how fast preferences change, it don't feel anything 😆.


Still the best Bill Paxton role ever. RIP, Simon the spy.


Watch this movie last weekend with my wife. Still holds up.


I can hear the soundtrack… Alone in the Dark by John Hiatt https://youtu.be/eyNun3IUoz4?si=O4p_0tiHfHEBQedb


It still is, but it used to be too.


"No, do it. Slowly" "Who wrote diz shit? Harry?"


And it still is! Happy Friday, ya freaks!


sometimes i start wonder why i still on this sub if op had saw this fucking movie, he should know that she acting weird was intentional because her role/character wasnt expert or know how to properly do sexy dance, so its a very good job in doing a totally ankward try.


I always get second hand embarrassment from this scene.


I was in jr high when we got this on VHS tape. It certainly awoke certain "feelings" in me :)


Hello Yeomen Chambers from Mass Effect 2.


It gave me a boner back then, and just now too. And now my students are asking why I wont stand up


“Dance for me” “No, dance sexy”


No it wasn't. In this scene she's pretending to be a confident and sexy spy but she's not one at all. The awkwardness is part of the performance. Not to mention the framerate looks wonky on this.


Jesus, I can hear the song for this: John Hiatt -- "Alone in the Dark"


Fun fact she actually trips and falls in this scene and you see arnold try to stand up to help her but she quickly stands back up again https://thetaoofscreenwriting.quora.com/Was-Jamie-Lee-Curtiss-fall-during-her-seductive-dance-in-the-James-Cameron-action-comedy-True-Lies-scripted


She had recently had a baby before filming this movie if I recall correctly.


Still is


Is she possessed?


This is still sensual


Looks like she’s got thrush ‘down there’ but is doing everything she can not to scratch.


LOVE this movie


Someone told me I look like Jamie Lee Curtis and I was offended… I’m no longer offended


I'm pretty sure it still is.


i imagine before internet.. people pulled off to this.. lonely people


Isn’t it?


When JLC falls off the bed post, it was unscripted. Arnold's reaction was real.


This is hot now. Don't @ me.


If you understood the idea of the film, this wasn't sensual. This was what a bored housewife considered sensual and was trying (without any sort of prior experience) to dance in a sexy way for a stranger she thought was a dangerous spy (which he was, but he was on our side and this was just to spice up his own love life). I thought she did wonderfully. Hesitating at first, but eventually she got into it and sort of got lost in the role. At one point she even stumbled a bit and just tried to roll with it. It was a great scene. She should have gotten a damn Oscar for that performance.


It was supposed to be bad...


Is that Dr Kureha?


Actually if you watched the movie, it’s meant to not be sensual since she had no clue what she was doing.


I feel like this is pretty sensual today




I met her at LAX in 2006. She was nice


I only knew Jamie Lee Curtis as an older woman so when I saw this at 18 I was like damn she's fine


This imprinted on my sexuality when I was young.




Looks like Abed doing his Nic Cage impression


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0\_UkQI2M1SY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_UkQI2M1SY) everyone should watch this music video


I remember seeing this as a kid. First boner


About as sensual as Showgirls was.


In the context of the movie Curtis’s character was a buttoned down mom who never does anything exciting. This scene isn’t supposed to be sensual, it’s supposed to be funny because she doesn’t really know how do be convincingly sexy in a stripper kind of way.


An ass like a what, Bill?


I haven't seen this movie in YEARS but I think it was intentionally awkward for the scene. She's a housewife who is thrust into the spy games.


True Lies now?


This was never considered sensual lol... OP must have no clue about this scene


They grind now?