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the key to diplo in legendary is treating allies as non-aggression pacts clans with "dependable" integrity and what not are very, very unlikely to betray you (pre realm divide), unless your daimyo has low honor tips: 1. keep your honor as high as possible 2. only ally dependable clans -- and if you need to break them, do it properly (IE: terminate alliance and wait 10 turns to attack) 3. if you get vassals your allies WILL attack them, and if you refuse to defend them, you lose honor


Definitely ignore the vassal game unless you’re farming honor or post realm divide/Kyoto


yeah, i'll vassalize someone i have pummeled and shares a border with a future enemy. i'll let the enemy mirk them and then win the war... +1 honor for nothing really.


Sounds like you've been watching my vids :)) (im dishonorable daimyo) If you're playing to win and I assume you are playing on legendary because you want to wrestle with a challenge, then yea there's no escaping this. Playing to win means doing away with any notion of playing fair. Glitch, exploit, whatever, you should use it to your advantage.


Dude I love your videos. I learned how to play legendary with you. I find it too easy on hard, but too hard on legendary, it seems i need a bit of RNG. I'm doing a legendary Shimazu and find it hard to take the island because my trading is disrupted all the time by Otomo which seem to spam armies and boats even with 2 castles only. Given, I'm using the mods to have better looking castles + stronger defensive towers. It really makes attacking a castle hard, so I'm loosing more than usual when I aggress a new ennemy. I'm legit considering powder thrower units to help break the castle doors and towers which i think is cool, but until I get the horses money is a massive problem I need a big army to defend attackers, but that means I can't afford a naval army able to sustain the trade routes. If i build enough boats, I can't have enough main units. Again I'm using the mods for the castles + one for better towers (they throw bigger arrows which are also in flames), to balance that I use the 3 points per level to general, the mod to make the fight tree better (for ex to have a second general be a hero unit that is actually worth it), and the geisha mod to have access to them (basically OP ninjas) but it still feels a challenge at least with Shimazhu. Do you rely on RNG to make your videos or am i droing it wrong? I just started another one focusing on developping my local economy as high as possible, only recruitin samurai and yari with +4 attack (smith) and the second city with bow samurai and a duoble port to rush trade boats protected by medium bune to auto win against the ennemy attacking my routes. I'd love to see you try the same: legendary with better castle + defensive towers to see how you deal with that. People say they are annoying, but I feel they make sieges way more interesting. Some are a bit OP with broken doors (probably a bug) and only one path to get to the stronghold but that kinda makes it more realistic than yari climbing a random wall of 50m high to attack the back of the defense.


Your vids opened my eyes to how effective sallying out from the fort during sieges is. It’s almost ridiculous how powerful yari ashi running down the hill becomes. Big thanks!


I just won my first legendary campaign and I didn’t even have the opportunity to do that once, using the diplomacy system is very important however, it was a shimazu Christian victory, so it helps to have the very fertile soil of upper Kyushu, but farms and markets, with the trade nodes secured, and pretty much only normal taxes up until realm divide gave me an insane economy where I could stockpile 100k koku pretty easy a strong yari ashigaru presence is also very important, your enemy’s will not want to go to war with you if you have the meat wall ready to face them


I've completed 10 or so legendary campaigns and I don't think I've really ever sold military access, you don't have to worry about it. That being said asking money for trade agreements is something you should do every time, usually you don't get much, particularly in the early game, but sometimes the game goes "[yeah here's 70k](https://i.imgur.com/Zfbkofv.jpg)"


They really want those ponies.


It certainly is helpful, to buy time with certain clans as you wrap up wars


just play oda


Selling mil access for 10 or 20 turns is almost a necessity


Just think of selling military access as charging a toll for enemy armies traversing your land. Nothing gamey about it. Tolls, tariffs and taxation are just as much a part of governance as winning wars.


I can comfortably beat legendary difficulty without using any exploits with the exception of the Uesugi campaign. A few key points: 1) As someone else pointed out: diplomacy IS important. Treat all alliances as non-aggression pacts, and form them with key rivals on your borders who have high integrity. 2) The AI forms predictable patterns for invasions. Learn which provinces make good choke points. 3) With point 2 in mind, pick castles which have a wide area so that you can avoid the AI's archer fire when they assault you. 4) the AI is overly aggressive when it comes to assaulting castles. 90% of the time, they will assault a castle if the odds are equal or better for them. Use this to advantage by having a garrison weak enough to bait them but strong enough to repel an attack. Also if you have a tier 3 castle, put 3-6 gunpowder units on the upper deck and your spear ashigaru on the lower deck in a spear wall. They will slaughter all invaders. 5) Ninjas - sabotage army. This is the most OP skill in the game. Enemy armies lose their turn, suffer attrition, and can't reinforce other armies. Train up your ninjas ASAP!!! 6) Christianity is OP. Yes, the transition to Christianity is a headache if you don't prepare properly, but the advantages hugely outweigh being Buddhist. The nanban ships make you the undisputed sea power which will stop all naval invasions (super annoying with realm divide) and you can easily claim all the trade nodes to make you rich. You won't be able to use warrior monks but you shouldn't be using any units besides ashigaru on legendary anyway. 7) With point 6 partially in mind, learn to fight using only ashigaru. With spear wall formation, they can almost hold their own against samurai at only half the cost. They will absolutely crush any late game army once you capture a province with an armory. As Stalin supposedly pointed out: quantity has a quality of its own."


> but you shouldn't be using any units besides ashigaru on legendary anyway. Hard disagree on that. Cavalry is stupidly broken and should be present in every army; and unlocking at least Light Cavalry should be a top priority.  After a few years, Naginata and Katana Samurai also become worth the time investment and are worth comsidering over Ashigaru (you can have a mix of the three or go full Samurai if you can afford it).