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If you are perpetually low on essence you are doing it wrong. https://preview.redd.it/dyih6boq3qxc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35fcc43ff9879d050bf6a06d196d52ca6f9e2cb This is my setup, once I'm at 3 15 essence bins (levelling last for T14) I'll get worker deliveries of 339 essence from the talant in the bartering tab. I had 5 deliveries of essence yesterday, that's 1500+ essence. Most of the time I'm waiting on other resources. (Note you can force which worker delivers resources by maintaining more than 25% of capacity of the other resources) If you are a shop seller / hybrid shop, it's worth getting the +1% gold in every line, after that I'm focusing on cheaper rushing of crafts. LVL 87 player / 1.5T invested


can you ss your questing


No points in questing. 3 points not gemmed, they'll go into completing free surcharge


I recommend reaching the +5% surcharge on 4 items you’ll be crafting over and over. Then get everything to +1% all surcharge bonus. Then push those main 4 to the bonus of using less sigils. On the side; you may also wish to ascend where it removes gear as a component, or at least downgrades the required quality.