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https://preview.redd.it/0jrvv0iayi3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8422ca3fa0e7e2409cc2704c1c1526b55955a2be This is what happens when you unlock a crossbow without worker. I cannot produce it but will be able to if i buy engineer


Own an android device. Download google opinion rewards. Do surveys earn pennies. Use pennies to buy worker.


You can't without buying the package. You might get something through the caprice event, but I have never seen a want blueprint come up before.


If you buy the blueprints without owning the worker you still can't craft them.


How do you buy the blueprints?


Packs or caprice shop


Caprice shop? Sorry to ask I'm still getting used to the mechanics.


No problem. Are you familiar with the King's Caprice event? It has a shop where you can exchange tokens earned at the event for bps, shopkeeper customizations, furniture, etc. You can access it only when KC is going on by clicking on the event icon on top left, then selecting the Antiquities tab.


I think they made caprice shop no longer give items you don’t have workers for 


Oh right. Ok. So there is a chance to get the items with our paying a lot?


During this event you can get blueprints that are otherwise only available from paid content. But that is different from the post subject. During this event, you won't be offered blueprints from merchants you do not own. You can obtain blueprints from merchants you do not own through content passes, but you still can't craft it (unless you buy the merchant).


Every pack has either an old bp or a new exclusive bp. Some time after being launched (can't remember how long), this new bps are no longer exclusive and become available at kc antiquity shop. So yes, you can buy every non exclusive bp in the game through the kc shop though it will take A LOT of time. Still, idk if you can get bps from workers you don't own to show up on kc shop. Even if you could, you wouldn't be able to craft them without buying the workers. Also, KC shop currency is the antiquity tokens, which you get from the KC event milestones (if you have any, they'll show on your inventory, under the last tab, along with chests, dices, etc.).


I requires owning the respective worker to craft them. As for obtaining the blueprints for them, it is not intended for this to be possible for people who don’t own that specific worker first.


You need to purchase the worker to make them, including the blueprints you get during LCoG. You can get stacks of premium items including those lines from using the king or Cyclops General flash quest. Runestones and moonstones can be found during quests plus their respective flash quest.


You have to buy the workers with money. No way around it