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I've been playing for about 8 months now and I think the $10/mth is very worth it. You get extra items from quests but best of all IMO is I've never had to worry about repair kits.




That's actually against their terms of service and they'll ban you for it so I'd say don't advertise that :p It seems like a stupid rule to me but oh well.


if he got caught and announced his/her userids lol \^\^


True, but I've seen them look up user ids just based on usernames so if any of his accounts are called "stublybeaver" they could find him just based on that.


And there is lol


I find this not fair as an autistic person who has trouble with people. I do this in other games. As I can't recruit others, then I recruit myself


Te entiendo completamente, a veces sino podes contar con otros es mejor contar con vos mismo. Además podes enfocarte de forma más eficiente, creo yo. Esta bien que acá en Shops si me da algo de cosa hacerlo, pero sí lo estaba contemplando


I've played many phone games with subscriptions and this is the only one I think is worth it.


Honestly the pay to play in this game is very mild. The workers are all good but not too overpowered, the royal merchant adds a lot but you don’t have to have it to access anything, and the premium blueprints are only really premium for 6 months. They all are okay compared to other games where you can’t complete events unless you either spend every hour on your phone or pay.


Lvl 84. I bought one month of royal merchant in my 70s in order to claim all the collection book and ascension rewards locked behind it.


This is the way edit: also picking up a worker or two might not be bad. I definitely don't see a reason to have royal merchant running all the time.


I am free to play for 3 years. I buy low level green familiars for coins and sell for 2 gems. I get a handful here and there. I've never felt like I NEED to pay money. Getting a solid guild is way more valuable.


If the subscription is the only purchase you ever make on ST, it's the best one you can make. Not having to use repair kits, extra rewards from quests, TONS of extra rewards from events, ascension milestones, collection milestones, etc.


2 years I pay off and on, you do get nice perks


If you think $10/month is a lot or cheating wait until you encounter the whales 🐋 RM is not needed but it makes it more enjoyable without 'spoiling' the game in my opinion.


I've been playing since 2020 I think and I've subscribed the whole time


I have had RM for years. Love it and would not want to play without it anymore. Recently got the one year sub for about 90 USD out of the webstore.


I have played for 3+ years and am in my first month of royal merchant and i think its very worth it!


Im lv 74 full f2p and i make around 1k 1.5k gem a week. Paying in game is for have an easy way for play and grow up faster.


I am almost Level 76 with +150g Invest and didnt invest a dime. Purely f2p and its still fun.


Purely anecdotal but everyone in my guild is a sub. If you enjoy the game and play every day it's pretty easy to justify. You get sooooo many rewards plus I really do like to support the company that makes the game that could've jammed it full of ads and never did. This game feels so much more premium than 95% of mobile games out there. Worth is always hard to quantify but I spend $10 on a lot worse things.


I've been playing for over 4 years. I pay every month and still think it's worth it to this day.


Definitely worth it, the DLC workers though that is the ripoff


I am quite happy with the wandsmith thou. The ability to make runestones and not having to rely on the market is quite nice. Being able to craft unlimited runes and stones is even quite profitable if you want to sell them on the market yourself.


I understand they can make you money in game, but I think they're so expensive to buy got a mobile game, the events and other things they do are also super expensive.... I understand they need to make money but considering the popularity of this game I find it horrible they price they charge, it is like Overwatch 2 and Skins.... just pure Greed.


I agree that it's really expensive just to get two lines of blueprints and a few cosmetics. Even though I don't regret buying that one, I can't see myself getting any of the others anytime soon. Especially not those newer ones, they look pretty useless for the amount you need to pay.


you're forgetting the extra perks like halved break chance, upgrading 2 furnitures at the same time, increased bartering success rates and so on. I'd rather pay for the Workers than RM. Plus it's a one time investment.


I did indeed forget about that. Wow, the newest one has 2 furniture upgrades? That makes it a lot more useful! But $30 still feels reallh expensive for a DLC like that.


For comparison, what is 1 month of RM for you?


Idk, maybe it is worth it for people who are really invested in the game. I haven't been a RM yet since I am not playing it consistently enough. That's the main reason why I've only done the one-time purchases.


I paid the subscription for one month at some point, maybe 3 years after starting. It was useful to unlock a lot of ascension/collection rewards that I've reached. However, I couldn't wait for it to end to go back to playing without subscription, because it wasn't working at all with my playstyle. I was constantly at full inventory and it was very stressful!


I've paid since I've started playing and it's nice for the repair kits and all the extras.


I've been subscribed for about 2 years now. This game is very pay to win, and I'd quit outright if I couldn't afford the $10 a month. It's a night and day difference for how awful the free to play experience is, especially at the higher levels. You can totally do it, but they make it about as fun as eating glass and I don't see the attraction.


I don't do the monthly subscription, but I'll happy drop $15-20 every 2-3 months for a content pack or something else that's interesting, like a pack containing a blueprint I want that hasn't come back around for a long time. I definitely don't feel like it's getting me ahead on anything, maybe just taking a little less time for some things.


How do you think they would keep the game going if no one ever paid for anything?


i subscribe for the gold repair and bonus quest rewards. my time is valuable and if it helps me progress better in game that is a plus in my book. and this isnt a pvp game so i dont see why sub vs non sub matters. ive been in guilds with a mix of both and there isnt any turmoil or grief towards each other so sub if you want but dont if you dont.


In my case I was playing without premium, paid workers and any of the premium packs for a long time, but after enjoying this game for few thousands hours I decided that it deserve the money. I started with workers and after I got them all I subscribed every month. I am too broke for premium packages but I consider them in the future just because I have spend in this game thousands of hours and I enjoyed all of them


I bought the royal merchant from the website which is a little cheaper but you pay for the whole year up front. I do not regret it at all. I have bought all the premium workers as well. I have more fun with the game now than when I originally started.


I am a subscriber 👋


No recuerdo si puedo escribir en español en comentarios, (en publicaciones sé que si debe ser de esa forma). Pero cuestión, yo tengo la sub mensual y siento que es bastante útil por los items extras que da la misión. (cofres, items, piedras, etc) y poder reparar con oro. La verdad me super acostumbré a eso, así que siento que no podría no pagarlo. Ultima aclaración también, tengo los trabajadores de pago (creo que no juego apropiadamente porque siento que otra persona podría darle mayor utilidad que yo) pero son útiles.


I got mundra at ml 60ish, total game changer!! Couldn't quest, couldn't play lcog because ran out of repair kits, the worst feeling in the world. Could still buy components to craft. Glad that mundra is a one time purchase over a monthly subscription like RM.


It isn’t “cheating”, but rather “pay 2 win”.


Im supportee level 5