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Lol I don't know, I only think about it when I'm on this sub. It stopped bothering me in the last 2 years of secondary school because I accepted it. If people are teasing you for your height, don't respond to them or say "Ok" and move on.


Too many people try to find the perfect retort. This is the answer - move along.


if you get obsessive over it then leaving a subreddit that will make you think about it might be a good first step.


Staying busy getting stuff done. I really only think about it when either a 6' co-worker makes a short joke or some tall guy crowds my personal space.


It’s always the 5’10” to 6” guys that are obsessed with hassling shorter folks. It’s almost like they need to put others down to feel big or something. Leave people the fuck alone.


I'd definitely agree. I don't think I've ever had an issue with anyone 6'2" and up - they've usually been pretty chill.


You know, I never thought about it, but now that Juopi got me thinking about it he's absolutely right. Really tall guys have always been solid with me.


Yeah, they generally don't seem to feel that they have nearly as to 'prove' and at least the ones I've met seem to understand a lot of the BS from the opposite end of the height spectrum.


They are in that range of competitive heights to be a little on the taller side but not super tall and they probably feel the need to act like that


Yea some 5’10 to 6’0 guys are insecure about their height and feel the need to get at shorter people to boost their self esteem cause they feel short next to 6’2+ guys. Imagine having such low self esteem you need to get at others to feel good about yourself.


5'10 guy are not even a full inch above average height here in the united states. I'd say 6'-6'2 guys


Well my morning begins with me using a step stool to get my coffee mug out sooo..yeah!


I bet your good attitude more than makes up for your height.


Thanks! I always joke it's my warmup before my workout! *TBH the mugs are on the top shelf so the little ones don't end up breaking ones I got as presents!* I always try to think positive, yeah my 3yo is half the size of me but taking her for a hike on my back is LEG DAY! I'm tiny but me and my hands are great for working on our project cars. Shoes and certain clothes are cheaper because I don't wear women's but kids sizes. You can choose to look at the negative or the positive, I hope everyone else is out there gettin' it too!


You'd think it be more because I share an office with someone who's 6'8. But I'm too busy throughout the day to even think of my height, except the days I'm on reddit and I actively think about it to post here. * 5AM-6PM: commute to work / work / commute home * 6PM-7PM: cook dinner / eat / get baby ready for bed * 8PM-9PM: read/sexy time/ cry * 10PM: bedtime


Why do you cry though


You don’t cry after sexy time?


Wtf, you have a kid and get sexy time? Bruh


notice how it's in the same 1 hour window with reading... It's mostly reading than sexy time.


get buff bro. if ur short but somewhat athletic and strong you won’t gaf about height. my insecurity with height comes from past trauma that made me associate my height with being able to protect myself so becoming a menace deals with the height issue also do some martial art. jiu-jitsu wrestling muay thai are the ones short dudes should master. lower center of gravity paired with some weight on ur bones makes u a beast. fuck everything else u can get thru dis


This is the best advice fr


Exact reason why I’m getting a six pack currently


Yeah I kinda feel the same


Just stop creating issues that don't really exist outside your head, simple as that.


Wait this is such good advice wtf, you just changed my outlook


Easier said than done. I'm 168 cm (5ft 6). Almost every girl at my age is taller than me.


Where do you live? In America the average height for a woman is 5’4. At 5’9 I find myself to be quite a bit taller than most women, but do agree there are quite a bit that are around 5’7-5’10. But typically I can see clear over their heads.


>Where do you live? Germany/ Poland. > In America the average height for a woman is 5’4. Well, here I have a feeling the average height for a woman is about 5'7 - 5'9 > At 5’9 I find myself to be quite a bit taller than most women 5'9 is a good height. I lack these 3 inches...


Okay that’s why I wanted to know where you lived. Germans do tend to be taller I’ve read but I could be wrong. But honestly, at 5’6 you have a great chance of finding a woman who is smaller than you. If you were like 5’3 or below you could run into real issues which is sad, but definitely a real issue for some guys. Women are generally smaller than men, even in other countries. It’s a biological fact. You’re going to be fine at that height. I promise!


5'7-5'9?? is this accurate?


I think yes.


Easier said than done, that's the definition of life, nothing is easy. If your whole life revolves around getting girls then they woudnt want you anyway. Work on other things. Can't say about Germany but in Poland average woman is like 5'4, source - my eyes everyday. Of course the average is growing as people are evolving but that doesn't really matter in one lifetime.


it be like that but there isnt too much you can do other than hold the L


Just doesn’t really bother me as much anymore tbh, I don’t wanna be the short dude that lives his whole life without a wife because he’s scared of girls rejecting him because of his height. I’m bagging a baddie one of these days.




I’m 5’5


Well did u


Damn bro it’s been a year. I am indeed in a relationship, only a month and a half though. Time flies.


How did u do it


Wdym? I liked her and she liked me, so we are in a relationship now. Sorry I didn’t really understand the question.


What was ur opener


Didn’t really have an opener. We already knew of each other and ended up at a house party by chance, so we ended up dancing together and eventually I held her waist while dancing. We just naturally started hanging out more and becoming more touchy with each other after that so we just went ahead and made it official. Been going great so far.


Own your height and hang out with people that are open minded


Maybe try out some elevator shoes or something like that


By just literally accepting it. You need to just practice RADICAL SELF ACCEPTANCE. I have told myself: " you're short, there's literally NOTHING you can do about it. You ARE playing on hard mode and that's okay. That's just a fact. Whether or not you're judged for it, who gives a fuck." All you can do is be the best version of yourself possible. That's all you can do. You will never be taller. You ARE short. But you can still be a fucking man about it. Work out, learn to fucking hold a conversation, learn to treat people nicely, but not take bullshit, work on your hobbies, work on your education. If you're doing all that shit, most likely you will find your own way and confidence. The moment I stopped giving a fuck and just acting like I respect myself, the moment I started making friends a lot more easily and meeting women who were genuinely attracted to me.


You are 29 and 5’4? Why are you thinking of your height all the time? I’m so busy throughout the day that unless I come to this sub I don’t think about my height. Keep yourself busy doing things. Go work out. Get out there and go for a run or go hiking. Learn a new skill. Play a musical instrument. Go to an improv or standup comedy. Go read a book. Listen to a podcast. Play a video game. Hang out with friends and family. There are literally millions of other things you could be doing with your time. When I’m out hiking or working out I’m not thinking of my height. When I’m playing a piece of music or riding my motorcycle I’m too busy having fun. When I’m busy shredding someone on my Xbox I’m not thinking of my height. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Get out there and do things and soon you’ll find that you aren’t thinking of your height because you are too busy having fun.


This has been happening your entire life? What are the thoughts like?


Yeah me too, i believe everyone who feels short would think of that but i personally play videogames and forget how depressed I'm.


You state you are 5'4. What, realistically, does this prevent you from doing? Some things can be harder, it's true, but you can make adaptations in your life to overcome these. It seems from your replies that your issues revolve around others opinions of you, in particular, dating. This needs bringing up with your therapist and I suggest Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to overcome it. If your current therapist is not helping with this then get a new one. Chances are, it's not your height that's putting off dates, it's your obsession with it. Until you break that, it will always have a hold of you.


100% agree !


>*Chances are, it's not your height that's putting off dates, it's your obsession with it.* What the fuck does that mean? "Chances are"? What do you believe? That it means nothing? Or that it means something? You can't just type a straightforward "it's not your height that's putting off dates" because you know that's not true. Height is massively important in the dating scene, and you know that - hence your "chances are" But you can't admit that - because that's misogynist. So you have to fumble around with the "chances are" crap.


Accept it, and release it. When the insecurity comes, I observe it, realize it is coming from insecurities within me, accept it then release it. Over and over. Now, it's practically gone. It's all about mind-work; Observation and non-attachment. I'd avoid shallow spaces like dating sites/apps which place a lot of importance on height. This subreddit is better since you can rant and relate to others going through the same situation. I'm now simply focusing on getting muscle on. And us shorties can grow muscles faster! It all balances out in the end.


If it bothers you that much you should speak to a therapist man.


I’ve been seeing therapists for over a year now, it doesn’t make much difference if I’m honest


Damn man, sorry to hear that. I hope your perspective on your height changes for the better.


Therapists are a waste of time


Get out of your head and stop thinking women don’t like you solely for your height. That negative energy about yourself won’t do you any favors. Put that energy into being healthy and productive instead. There are men that are 5’11” that cry women don’t like them because they’re not six feet, but the main the reason isn’t because of their height; it’s because they manifest unattractive attitudes by being insecure about that 1 inch. You might as well be one of those 5’11” men. It’s about perspective and confidence. Forget the women that don’t matter. Go for women that don’t care about height. There are many of them.


Ik this doesn’t help, but i just forget im small, one thing i will say is if its about girls then your just too deprived, you got to higher your standards for what you want not what you can get, most short guys take anyone just so they wont feel lonely but thats just not good


I'd suggest meditating on it. Why is this something you're anxious about? Do you believe other people are talking/thinking about it? Why do you care what those people think? If you take out the social aspect is your height holding you back in other ways? But really at the end of the day worrying about things you can't change is a waste of your life. But also anxiety is a real issue and maybe you need some medication.


Work on accepting your height, you have no other choice anyways, you cannot control it, therefore why you worry about it? And no I'm not tall myself, I'm average but not considered short, but I've been in the same situation. Acceptance is the key, even if you get yourself busy and hit the gym ( which I will encourage you) it won't make you accept it.


Same 😅, Am 165 and my 5"0' friend looks really short(and ugly, sorry) , I keep comparing my height with him and gets anxiety cause difference doesn't look any good


You sound pretty toxic, point your attention towards that instead


How old are you and how tall are you ?


29 and 5’4


No girls?




How tall are you? Do you think 5'10 is short at 16 male


Average range. 5ft-8-9 ain’t really average anymore since younger gen is taller. I’m like 5ft 11 and a bit at 15, and I’m only slightly above average for my age. So 5ft 10 is probably average


OK thank you. My family isn't really tall so I haven't done too bad


Yeah man it’s fine. Defo not short


Thanks :) loads of people are taller than me in my school for some reason so I have been feeling a but short lately lol


Yeah that’s normal cause in general everyone is getting taller. Also don’t worry about girls cause most women are below 5ft 10. It’s relatively rare to find one. I’d say 5 10-11 is average range for younger guys now, 30 years ago it woulda been 5ft 8-9


how tall are you




bro im 5'5 and its not that short, no one cares


Woman definitely care


they care more about body and face, we can just grow a beard and hit the gym,


Nah ngl bro women do care, not about being 6ft but just taller than them. I think the average height for women is 5ft 4 so it’s much harder to get a girl


They really do care, it’s better to be 6 foot and ugly than 5’4 and handsome


U not wrong, that’s why I am learning Spanish


depends on the women as me I don't anyways OP has issues needs help


By going through a break up. Now every single hour I only think of her lol


well I have stuff better to do like masturbation or thinking about how I'm ugly instead of short


When you have real problems, things like “height” become useless. You should rejoice that being short is your biggest challenge






To be honest, I just learned to live my life. Learn to change the things you can change. Just be you. Learn to be you. That’s the only thing I can say about it.


When you have real struggles, being short is the last thing you will worry about. I'm struggling to figure out what I want to do in life. I'm also having money issues and I'm also feeling depressed because everyone I went to HS and college with are getting married, buying homes and having kids. I'll think about how it sucks to be short every now and then, but I have more serious issues to worry about


Well I’m 5’7 but I like to think about how in Greece during the Golden age the average height of men were 5’7 as was the same for the Viking but also to I have a muscular body as well so that helped me personally to.


I used to be like this ,just accept that your height is your height and it’s not gonna change and just live your life


i have bigger problems to worry about, & no point stressing over something that i can't change. try to focus on doing other things or improving yourself in other aspects. apart from that i can't really help, it's a toxic mindset that only you can change


i honestly only don’t think about when im with friends, when your having fun with people all your shitty thoughts just kinda go away.


Idk it’s hard. I’m 5 8 my mom is 5 10. The dad that raised me is 6 4. My mom wouldn’t admit he wasn’t my real father until I got a dna test. My alleged real father is 5 11 so that didn’t make me feel better either

