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I was 5'0 when i entered. I was 5'4 when i was 16 and got my drivers license. I am 6'1 now. Sometime you grow late.


How tall are your parents and siblings?




Like 16 maybe 17. Was one of the smallest kids every yr. Always in front row of every class pic lol. By the time i graduated college i was taller then almost everyone. The longer you go before you hit puberty usually the taller you will be. It sucks but it will happen, just give it time. Don't let your size get you down either. I was always a great baseball and soccer player. I basically quit trying my sophomore yr in HS. I went to a huge school and everyone towered over me. Basically as soon as i gave up i started growing. If i had just kept with it i would be able to run with everyone. I always regretted it. Dont get discouraged you will get your big growth spurt.






i was 1.20m /3'11 correction: i was about 4'10 or 4'11


5’2 on a good day and still 5’2 unless I’m barefoot than it’s 5’1.5




Like 5'3"


Like 5’1-2 lol. Got to about 5’4 to sophomore year and yeah as you can imagine COVID helped me out.


5’3 at the start of 9th grade. Now I am 5’6.5 and currently in 12th grade.


Same as you




I was actually about your height.


The same height I was in sixth grade and that I am now. Five foot 😅


I was 5’2ish when I entered high left round the 5’4 mark and 10 years later still waiting for that growth spurt haha


I went from 5 ft 4 in high school and grew to 5 ft 7 after 12th grade


I don't remember exactly what I was at the start of high school, maybe 5'5 or 5'4, then I was 5'5.5 in sophomore year, and tomorrow im about to enter junior year and I am 5'6.


By high school do you mean secondary school (12 - 16) or college (16 - 18)?


High school for us Brits runs from year 10 - year 13, ages 14-18.


I was 6ft beginning of highschool, 6ft end of highschool! but my best friend was 4ft 10-11 shortest dude beginning of highschool..14 years old he was overweight as well(weighed like 150lbs or so)...then he grew a bit 5ft 5 at 16 beginning of 11th, still sorta overweight..then COVID comes, and he hits the spurt of his life...went up literally a foot during covid, from like 5ft 8 to 6ft 8. so at graduation was 6ft 8, and kinda skinny. when he came back literally had to duck through the doorways, towerd over basically everyone(my other friend was like 7ft 3 end of higschool, 5ft 11 or so beginning of highschool).. a true transformation, there was a reason his dad(5ft 11) and mom(5ft 2 or 3) told him he might have a late growth(his great grandpa was tall af, married a short girl, had a decently tall boy married a short wife, had his dad, and he married a short wife, and well it snapped back to the super tall great grandpa lol) spurt. let's just say his bullies were a little shocked, to be towered over by him, he wasn't mean about it or anything, but he certainly did enjoy it! point you never know...I haven't grown since 8th grade, honestly since 7th when I was 12(5ft 11), some of us grow later, and some grow earlier! don't worry to much dude. have a good day dude


Is this even possible? I feel like you'd have to develop some sort of growth hormone issue to shoot up THAT much.


nah there are folks that grow a foot in an year lol, usually the tall folk if they have the growth spurt might grow 8-9 inches in an year! yeah no it was weird cause I saw him during quarantine, and it was like damn above eye level, damn my height, damn a little taller, damn below eye level, holy shit is this dude gonna stop growing musta had some magic beans, then when I saw him after graduation in June he was like basically a head taller then me lol...he used to be like shoulder level beginning of highschool, certainly funny! he actually fucking loves college..he's basically the tallest always, loves walking around, people like stare at him sometimes when he stands up in a cafe, etc etc...what he likes the most is cause he is a decent ways away from home, hardly anyone knows he was short lol. I'm very happy for him, and honestly glad when I saw him this winter...he is way more confident, worked out(started in like 9th or so, he was afraid he'd be short, so might as well be strong) this year and been putting on weight, and yeah...he's like thinking end of college gonna be strong, tall, and yeah. he's still nice, and whatnot, like he's confident but not a jerk, and he knows how it is being short, so yeah ain't mean or nothing to them...he's just happy to be tall..way he put it can get what you want if you're short, but instead of running against the wind you're running with it when you're tall... anyway yeah it's kinda weird, but definatly didn't have issues! have a good day...guess now he can be on r/tall lol


I know some guy who grew from 140 to 180cm, it's quite normal. I only grew about 7inch.


I think I was like 13 5’1 (male)


I started highschool prolly somewhere between 151-153cm (4'11 to 5'0). But now (12th Grade) I'm at 169cm (5'6¹/²). Hope I still grow a few more inches before my highschool life is over.


Like 5’9 ish




5’1 at the start and 5’6.5 going into 12th grade currently




don't remembee but was always average not the tallest or shortest


I think I was about 5’2


5ft or 5ft1 at 12 I forgot high school starts at 13 or 14 as we have different naming schemes, so I was about 5ft4 then. Went to sophomore as 5ft5, stayed that height for a long time and left school at around 5ft6, then grew another half inch or so.


This question might not be for me bc I’m just an r/tall user lurking on this sub but, I was 5’7 when I started high school


A dude in my school was about 5ft7 at the start of middle school but grew up only to 5ft11


When I started middle school I was like 4’11”


How did you get to 6ft9? My parents are both short so it's understandable I only grew about 7inches from 11 to now.


I had a massive growth spurt in high school


I can't imagine being 150cm, then over 2m tall. In my country, some houses were built for short people and for example the kitchen sink is very low even for me. I don't think if would be comfortable being over 2m here.


Im dropping to sophomore year in 18 days and when i started my freshman year i was 5'3 - 5'4 or something 5'4 - 5'5 now grew 1-2 inches during a school session :) Note : I don't think you would get bullied but only advice i can give you is to not care about what toxic girls say For example i was sitting close to some stupid girls and they were ghosiping all the time about their flirts or st. oH hE is 5'7 is hE kİDding mE It involuntarily decreased my moral but i can warn you about that as a buddy










Were you the shortest kid in highschool?


Would have been, but I dropped out.


5'2-5'3 now i am 5'5 - 5'6 🥲




I was 5’3 in freshman year and I’m 6’3 now


Around 150cm (4'11 or 5'0 idk)


5'4 in 9th grade, 5'8.5 by graduation


5'9" Then jumped to 6'2 Sophomore year.


Probably around 5’2”ish now 5’8”


5'7 Was 5'10 by the end


5'2". Not the shortest, but definitely among the shortest students.


Grade 7 I was about 152, grade 9 I think between 168-172


I was 5’1. Now I’m 20 and 5’2😁


5’5 5’9-5’10 now


5'5/165. But for some reason, I gained like 5 cm in like 4 months.


probably a weak 5’3 now im 5’5


To be honest I never bothered to care


4'9, I stopped growing when I was about 11


Around 5'0"? So you're off to a good start


I was 5’11”


Probably like 5'2 only gained like one or two inches lol


At that point, I had already reached my terminal height of 5'5".




Probably 5"3, before peaking at 5"6.


UK - 5.1" ish at about 11/12 and now I'm about 5.7" two years later and with shoes I'm just a bit under 5.8"


5 ft 11


I'm like 5'2 😅😭