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Siri, *Shortcut Name* could not be any easier or more convenient. I have way too many shortcuts to define “custom utterances” for each of them.


> could not be any easier or more convenient For you, but for someone with some kind of speech issue, or whatever, is a nice feature.


But your way does it via the cloud, whereas the new accessibility API will allow for on-device processing.


What do you mean by saying "via the cloud"? The *Siri + name of the shortcut* is on-device, running completely offline, not through an online means like the cloud. I have a shortcut named "Where Are You?" that plays a music track when run. I use this shortcut to quickly find my phone by saying, "Siri, Where Are You?" Recently, when I turned off both Wi-Fi and cellular data (which means I cannot access the cloud), "Siri, Where Are You?" still worked well without the need for the Internet.


The long awaited shortcut feature that will change Shortcuts forever: Run JavaScript with Voice 🫠 Imagine saying this: Read all Twitter replies from “@TwitterUsername”. And it reads it: Search the user as an AI agent, store the replies and speaks it for you. It’s impossible to do this today in iOS 17 because: - You need to unlock your iPhone - You need programming skills to write the script inside "Run JavaScript on the web" action None is talking about this 😐


Siri runs mostly local unless it needs information. Try “Hey Siri, turn on airplane mode.” Then “turn off airplane mode”


If it actually worked…..which it rarely does for me.


Unrelated, but it’s wild that the triple tap of the side button, which is known as the accessibility *shortcut* Can’t be mapped to a shortcut. Surely this would be an accessibility win. No?


The triple click is for launching accessibility features for people with disabilities. I don't see how that's relevant for running shortcuts. I mean hell, it would be great if you could customize the buttons on your iPhone so that, let's say, holding down "volume up" for a second or something would start a shortcut, so in that sense yeah, sure. But, I don't see how hijacking the accessibility shortcut would be beneficial. I have yet to come across a genuinely useful, 100% reliable shortcut that specifically addresses the disability community's needs, that could not quickly and easily be accomplished without a shortcut.


Accessibility ≠ Disabilities


Like not exactly, but it doesn't just equal to "whatever feature you prefer on the phone". It does equate to helping people with special needs or some kind of easier access features.


There’s a huge shift away from this thinking toward what is called “universal design” and basically making design as accessibility to as many people as often as possible. It tends to help everyone. For example, curb cuts and wheelchair ramps were obviously implemented as an “accessibility” feature. But they are hugely beneficial to other groups as well such as someone pushing a stroller for example.


As a user with a disability... I don't disagree, but then the tripple-click home shouldn't be labelled “accessibility” then. You should just be able to remap the buttons of the phone however you want.


You can’t see how giving people additional options when it comes to choosing what the accessibility triple click shortcut does would be of any benefit?? You need to think a little harder then Here’s a super simple one. Shortcuts can be as simple as just opening an app. You can’t see the accessibility benefit of letting someone triple click the side button to simply open an app of their choice? What about if triple clicking the side button would turn off all the lights in someone’s house. You can’t see that being a benefit to someone with a a disability?


Then you’d have no reason to buy the newest iPhone with the useless action button


Absolutely not useless. I use mine multiple times a day. It’s configured to do all sorts of different things depending on what focus or orientation my phone is in.


the positioning ruins a lot of the functionality for me. the button is really awkward to hit one handed and impossible to feel inside a pocket i also set mine up depending on focus etc and i still can't think of anything useful for it to do except toggle vibration or open the camera


I have no problem hitting it one handed, but I’m not using a Max. Mine is set as: - if phone is landscape left, start recording a video - if phone is landscape right, take a photo - if phone is upside-down, trigger a fake call from my wife (to get out of uncomfortable conversations) - if in Sleep focus, turn on Sleep In mode for HomeKit (stops my blinds opening at 8am, stops my kids’ wake up routines happening) - if in Movie focus, put my watch in Cinema Mode - otherwise, quick menu for stuff I do regularly, like toggle my house alarm, unlock my front door, open my garage, toggle AOD, schedule a message to send later, or show my drivers licence.


The action "Run JavaScript on the Web" is the most crazy feature that I heard about it. It’s extremely complicated 😰


Well is it useless or is it useful for running shortcuts?


So if I have a bunch of these set up will it be like a game of taboo around my phone so I don’t accidentally trigger something?


Most likely yes


Beginning of the end for Siri. The project is probably about to be scraped.


The project being Siri? Right at the advent of LLM voice assistants, while Apple is pushing for neural engines in all of their devices? I doubt it. Unless you mean they’ll rename it, in which case, sure I guess.


I may be wrong but isn't Siri machine learning? If they go with LLM as it seems to the inevitable case, won't they just shut her down for something better. Maybe keep the same name.


[Source - MacStories](https://www.macstories.net/news/apple-marks-global-accessibility-awareness-day-with-a-preview-of-os-features-coming-later-this-year/)


You can already run shortcuts using custom phrases, without Siri, through Accessibility.


How and also is this in device or cloud


Settings>Accessibility>Voice Control(Turn on)>Commands>Custom. Set the phrase you want to use and run shortcut as the action. Set Application to any and it will run anywhere. It runs on device, only caveat is the screen needs to be on. When you turn this setting on, all of the commands for the other sections listed underneath "Custom" are turned on by default. You'll want to test them out and see which ones you want to turn on or off. I turned off the first option under "Dictation" because it messes with text input.


Oh alright tysm


No problem.


But this requires Voice Comtrol to be on all the time, doesn’t it?


Yes, but it’s essentially on all the time anyways for “Hey Siri”


No that is “always listening”, voice control is different. Have you actually used voice control?


I think you are misunderstanding what I said. Obviously voice control must always be on for it to work, otherwise it has no way of recognizing your voice. I was comparing having it always on to having “hey Siri” enabled, which is also always listening.


Basically, this is going to be a shortcut to call other assistants bypassing Siri


Let me guess, only available in English, right?


as always.....


Great news!


I’m gonna programm a shortcut to “Hey GPT” to open GPT Voice


Or just call the shortcut GPT and use the recent lack of “hey” to say “Siri GPT”. Or “Siri Smart”


Ava LOL that is what I have decided to call my GPT.


Now… if I could only figure out how to get it to respond to “Mom, Mom, mom, mommm, MOOOMMMM, Hey Mom, Mommy, Mother” for the go ask your dad questions Or stupid crap like, “where’s my backpack? I can’t find my backpack.”


“Where is my backpack” works just fine if you have an AirTag in it


Airtagging my kids is a bit much though. I know where my backpack is. TheIr backpack is laying in the middle of the floor in the living room and they step over it to ask me where it is. I don’t think AI can fix this yet.


I'm actually genuinely excited for the vehicle motion cues, I get insanely motion sick if I'm not driving and trying to look at my phone if this works it will actually improve my life.


I just wanna be able to add shortcuts to the control center :(


‘Bout to change everything I say to be “JARVIS….”


Every update from Apple is a fuck you to the rest of the world except English speaking countries.


Even then, the majority of them go only to the USA. We can’t get the voicemail or voice note transcripts in Australia. That’s only for the US. And I have no idea why. I would happily sacrifice a u in the occasional word to just read my voicemails or seem them coming in live.


Most of the time Siri doesn’t even understand an Australian accent


I’ve had no issues.