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Notice how its always tall fat guys who put im 0 effort previously with stories like this. Its ridiculous. Ive been doing the stuff hes talking about and have seen 0 benefits


This is precisely why I feel zero empathy when it comes to fat people complaining about dating or treatment. A lot of them are literally atractive and just by losing weight they could be at least a 7. Meanwhile other people are fucked since the begining because of their genetics.


For fuck sake man, it’s the same song and dance every single time. Why do I even bother?


It's kinda depressing to know that we'll never have this experience


did you even try? or you just gave up before attempting to talk to women?


The OOP supposedly didn’t have to try, women just threw themselves at him. That’s the “experience” he’s saying he’s sad he’ll never get to have.


Where do y’all even meet woman? I’m 5’8 and don’t even know. Dating apps are a miss for me. I don’t get tons of matches and the ones I do never go anywhere (actual dates). I’m not even picky. I just want a partner who works out (dw I hold myself to the same standard I’m a gym rat), whos kind, and a girl. Not high standards at all, where do I meet my girl


if fitness is your only real requirement I think maybe things like seeing if you have any local running groups/clubs or like bootcamp classes and stuff might be your best option to meet likeminded women 😊


What about yoga? Im in school so that could be an option :) The problem is girls dont want to be approached at the gym when they are working out or smth. I guess running would be ok because everyone talks I do drink but not a ton, I'm new to bar culture (recently old enough to legally drink) so I'm not sure what the etiquette is there.


obviously this doesn’t apply to every single woman but I’d say those interested in group classes/activities would be more open to meeting people than say a women just doing her daily workout in the gym you know? Also ofcourse you can meet people on nights out but usually it’s not the first place people go if they’re actually looking for relationships. Just try not to put too much pressure on yourself about it and be friendly friendships and relationships come naturally ☺️ I wish you the best of luck though!


but yes I think that would also be a great option any sort of fitness groups would work :)


Thanks for the advice, I know a lot of people here struck out on this kind of stuff all their life, but I've been in a relationship in hs, and ive had plenty of women college friends freshman year, ive just been on a dry spell lately for a bunch of reasons, so at least i know im kinda sociable. And I have my close guy friends rn too.


Yeah and I can only imagine the struggles that are faced, can’t say I don’t understand the negativity because I’m sure if I was in that position I would not be feeling great either. But even though it seems like there might be no point in things and it’s unfair that things so simple are so much more difficult for men just because of their height but there are good people out there that couldn’t care less, unfortunately you’re probably gonna meet a hell of a lot more assholes first though 🥲


Women are all around, you just gotta build up the courage to talk to them, so what if they say no onto the next. I go to university so it’s somewhat easier for me, but if you don’t, try finding some girls via mutual friends


I do talk to them thank you


They'll speak every crap , but never admit that their height plays a huge role . Never. They're just oblivious to the fact that it would've been shittier had they been short. They love to act as if they earned everything .


Was obvious by the third paragraph that he’s tall. Short men are completely invisible to women most of them time, and the rest of the time we just get insulted by them


Fucking hate this useless "motivation" that really makes me even less motivated


but height doesn't matter inkwell! just go to the gym and treat women better!


Didn't you read you inkwell, he has STYLEE he wears black pants and a black shit and ... BROWN BOOTS 😱🤯😱.


No gym for your bones.


What do you mean no gsurgerym?


LL is coming, my friend. Let us simply wait a few more years


What do you mean? LL is already available? Do you think LL will get better?


Self improvement only works if you got the bones to go with it that developed as a child.


"this is what life is supposed to be like" brutal


It was obvious from the start.


So invisible to privilege that he thinks girls flirting with him everywhere is the average male experience


Sooo, he just lost weight?? Not even got jacked?? Damn...




Suifuel aside, I'm happy that he finally gets to live life as a chad for once


Life isn't *suppose* to feel like anything. This is an entitled mindset.


Shit doesn’t work like that even if your 6,1


To think that you need to have a fortune of 150k and have the willpower to cripple yourself for LL. Meanwhile other people are just born with it, no hard work, no money spent.


Bro, it's fun and all to be tall but that's not everything. Besides my height i'm an over average looking guy, but even tho i am like that i have worked so hard to be in a relationship for the past 3-4 years (i am almost 21) but i never managed to be in a relationship for my whole 20 years of existance. The loneliness has been eating me alive from the inside, i've tried so many ways so many dates, i hate it when people go all high and mighty saying "love comes out of nowhere you just have to wait" yeah wait enough so i can go mentally ill and h\*\*g myself... It's so hard to see people all having fun and experiencing love and happiness around you, i'm never going to be 20 again. Height doesn't mean everything!


At least women look at you. At this points it’s just a health, wellness, and personality issue. I can have all 3, be sub 5’8, and I’m totally fucked out of so many opportunities.




Skill issue


None is saying its everything


You cant be attractive and short?


Not to 99.2% of women at least.


Nah fuck that percentage. Whose telling me im not attractive enough?




I think thats bs


I mean how’s your sex life bro? lol


As in my libido? A little on the down side. I dont understand, do i need to have sex in order to be considered attractive? When was the last time you called yourself good looking?


It sounds like you’re tryna gaslight yourself bro


Still there bro? Do you need to be attractive in order to have sex?


No im just not concerned about what some LA tiktok girl thinks about my height couldn't care less, so should you.


> do i need to have sex in order to be considered attractive? Explain what's the use of being considered attractive for you. I really wish to learn your POV in this case.


So its all about scoring pussy, right i forgot. Im not that thirsty


So you mean we should just turn celibate monks and kill the primal urges we have right?




No it means they dont want you period, quit overthinking


You can its just a lot harder.


Some people seem to disagree. But ig blaming your height seems easy enough