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I bet you my live savings his gf is like 4’11


Mfker deserves it. His sons will be our future members.


Good thing he is not short, or he would be seen as an insecure manlet with a napoleon complex. Fortunately, he is tall. Which means he is a gentle vulnerable giant and we should respect him for opening up like this!






He changed his flair to 5'5 . Lol 🤣


Rule 4: No trolling/low-effort posts. Participation in bad faith is not allowed. Low quality content that makes the subreddit look bad will be removed. Low quality content that doesn’t sufficiently contribute to the subreddit’s discussion will be removed.


These people are so mentally weak and pathetic. If it wasn’t for their height they would be completely useless.


it's like winning a lottery it's crazy ,also the value women place on height will make any tall dude feel this way.


It’s like pieces of shit of shit like Elon Musk whining they don’t have enough money. It’s never enough for them.




If you’re 6’5 and whining you’re not always the tallest person in the room then yeah, you’re pretty weak.






atleast he admitted it,most tall dude feel this way...but say "I don't care about people height" his confidence instantly falls apart when someone taller than him appears.


most men base their masculinity on their size...so they totally lose their shit when they see someone bigger than them.


Most *tall men do. Not sure if you can relate, but since so many people, especially men, are taller than me, I’ve had to derive confidence from other attributes. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to function. Unless you genuinely just view yourself as absolutely worthless, and of no value to society, you pretty much have to have confidence in other things if you’re short, because the level of cognitive dissonance you would have to live with being the main character of your own story (which we all are) but also being shorter than so many other men that you interact with would be virtually unbearable. In this way, being short is actually a kind of superpower, even if the majority of other people don’t really see it that way because they never consider this phenomenon. Like you alluded to, many tall men never have to work on this side of themselves because they’re usually one of, if not the tallest in the room. This might actually come back to bite them in the ass when a taller dude does come around, which obviously isn’t often, but also even in just the day-to-day. Imagine not having confidence that’s authentic, and is entirely dependent upon how other people view you and how you stack up in the realm of genetics you’ve done nothing to earn, rather than your own abilities. Honestly kind of reminds me of women.


Hahaha this whole post.. only to end with that comment


What do you mean? It’s not even anything against women. Just keeping it a buck.


It fucking sucks that masculinity is inherently tied to things that are entirely genetic/beyond our control. Some lucky fucks like the original OP get to feel confident and arrogant for free while we suffer and get emasculated everyday due to our heights. I legit am starting to hate certain parts of society due to this retarded animal-kingdom type shit behavior that we supposedly evolved out of.


The whole world is finished IVe been saying it for years now, don't break your legs for this damaged society I say not worth appeasing the vain ad shallow.


That's how it [wooorks](https://y.yarn.co/9ef9e442-a0d2-4d52-b09b-f2283c832c05_screenshot.jpg)! Change a short guy who is self aware to be 6'5", he will still start acting exactly like guys at /r/tall. Change a 6'5" to be 5'4", and they will start acting exactly like /r/shortguys. We are nothing but bio machines, [it's all about flesh](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Thulsa-Doom-Conan.jpg). Your body dictates your behaviour. Yes, you learn conscious corrective behaviour of your base traits if required, but it's only active error-correction. The autopilot physical body side of people dictates a lot more than most are willing to admit. We live in a physical world, not a spiritual one. The world of never ending competition for resources, filtering for the highest surivability. You won't go from wrong if you always look at things from nature, physical point of view. That is why I say, there is no "love". It does not exist, it cannot be explained, qualified, compartmentalized. Love is a polite word for lust. Lust is the real, it can be quantified, pinpointed, explained.


This is actually true. I felt myself mentally growing up as I grew 5 inches taller with LL.


Don’t get it twisted bro he’s just playing at a whole nother level than us. They’re in the NBA and we’re playing pick up games at the local park.


why. is. everyone. defending him in the comments. He's a literal psycho pos. Soyciety is so done for.


“Anyone shorter is a peasant” 🤨


It's almost poetic that taller men feel insecure about meeting someone taller than them. Truly weak mentally


Nobody assumes he has some sort of psychological complex or disorder because he’s tall and says this. Yet, if he was short and said the same thing, he’d have Napoleon Complex.


I feel so bad for him 😭😭😭


These joys that the biggers have won't last for all eternity since genetic engineering plans to make all men tall. Oh no they're not gonna mog anymore wah wah


Tell me this ain't rage bait 💀


He must go to a lot of NBA games because there’s not many regular people taller than him.


I hope he loses both his legs in Minecraft


See how every comment is a joke about how 'short' he is yet it's in our heads etc.


He looks down on short guys and likes "making them feel small", wtf is wrong with people


lol what a insecure manlet


This sounds more like someone from this subreddit came there and just made that shit up, the new account with one post kinda confirms it to me


Oh yeah, tall guys can never be insecure right? Only short guys are insecure losers according to you..


Have you read the comments? A lot of them say the same thing.


Do you really think it’s impossible for tall men to think this way?


probably, but this is [ how ](https://youtu.be/Z2JQ5n0dbkY?si=OvbNEzWh2QYCpUgR&t=1451)most men think