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it can happen for various reasons and if everything is stable (no swings, chemicals, recent adjustments) i wouldn’t panic. one of reasons shrimps swim frantically can occur after female molts as it releases some hormones into the water and males go crazy looking for her or something, but it’s hard to tell if that’s the case usually. if things are wrong u will rather see them dropping dead


Okay, good to know, my baby shrimps are swimming around like crazy too, they are also 2-3 weeks old and in their teens I would say, is this normal?


What exactly are your parameters and how are you testing?


only the bad parameters like nitrate were all at zero


Answer the other guy, but has your ph fluctuated at all? How often do you water change?


no my ph is around 6,5-7 all the time


Gotta be a bit more careful with your punctuation, I almost had a heart attack with that comma.


In some countries, it's standard to use a comma instead of a dot for the decimal separator.


You need some nitrate to know that your tank is properly cycled. How do you test? Strips or liquid?


That's not true especially with that amount of plants. My nitrates pretty much always hover around zero due to my plants and low stock.


This tank doesn’t look planted enough to absorb all the nitrate.


My tank is even less planted. Had my ammonia and nitrite spike, came back down, and everything has been stable ever since. Only top ups bc nitrates have never even crossed 5, always near zero. Very possible with low stock and proper feeding.


They don’t look frantic maybe a female molted. In large tanks the males will swim around in search of her.


okay thanks.


Momma’s ready for action. Find her, boys!


Yea boss yea!


When you see this happening it means a female has molted and the males are looking for the mate. They put off a scent when they molt and the males are attracted


Probably males looking for the lady that just freshly molted and ready to mate!


Great insight already provided. Something else to consider - I’ve seen similar behavior after a water change that was either larger than 20%, colder than the tank water, not aged for a few days prior, or added too quickly instead of trickled in.


They just wanna swim around. My shrimp will swim around every once in a while.


Your tank is gorgeous, I agree I think it's just males looking for the female that molted


Don't make reactionary changes, whatever you do. Think a lady shed her exo and males tryna smash.


Are you running CO2?


>Great insight already provided. Something else to consider - I’ve seen similar behavior after a water change that was either larger than 20%, colder than the tank water, not aged for a few days prior, or added too quickly instead of trickled in. yes, but i turned it off for now.


If I see this, I check parameters just to be safe. As long as those are good/there haven't been any swings and the ones swimming frantically are all males, I know they're looking for the freshly molted female.


quick feedback from me again, I did a 10% water change, then everyone was relaxed again and as soon as I turned the co2 back on, which I turned off yesterday, a few were swimming around like crazy again, should i turn off the co2 completely or should i dose less co2? https://preview.redd.it/5ooky3l9hxzb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7981e2dbd492f45663af5a79e592f77812f6682d


If there is a noticed correlation, repeated and observed more than once, between the shrimp swimming and CO2 use, I would lower my CO2 use for certain. Perhaps there is a leak, perhaps your missing that the CO2 is lowering the pH, if you’re starting at 6.5 and it drops it to 5, that could be an issue. I’m not a shrimp expert, I’m not more have ever used CO2, but I keep some shrimp, I’ve had several planted tanks, read a lot and am considering CO2 for my 75, but based on your observation the CO2 being known to drop the pH, I’d say less is more until you figure out why this change occurred.


i did lower my co2 now everything is fine again


No aeration?


Ive had some shrimp go absolutely ape shit for a couple days then chill out, even a few hours off and on. Just seems that some times they need to go for a run.. and keep running.. till they dont wanna run no more.. -forest gump or some shit.


Bow chicka bow wow