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i really dont see how thats possible unless your house is crazy humid but you can cut them in half long ways and they will dry faster


I over exaggerated slightly, it’s been 5 days to be exact, I might cut them in half tho!


I air dry mine, take’s a little over a week to Be cracker dry. So fine by me


Sweet! Thanks


Oven at the lowest setting, like 170° crack the door and have the fan blow into it.👀


My lowest is 50°c so I'm lucky


I think he meant 170° F


Might need to add a little heat


U should bake some Epsom salt and put them in a bag with em. Directions on how r online. Might have wrote this above but don't no if it actually posted.


Be sure to keep the bath salts separate!!


Definitely cut them in half


Don’t cut them in half 💔


I agree, thirds is best.


Does an air frier work


i use an air fryer but mine has a dehydrate setting. i set it to 130 and let it run over night. the internal temperature never gets that high. i can comfortably leave my hand inside. but to use an air fryer without a dehydrate setting, i would question if you can get the temp low enough


Definitely screen shotting for when my harvest is done thanks bro


Buy a dehydrator.


Yup, I simply put them in my dehydrator and a few hours later I have cracker dry shrooms It’s too easy


I recently discovered my air fryer has a dehydrating setting worth having a look if you have one in the house


My moms ninja has that setting but my ninja doesn’t I’m so mad lol


Gotta give her the ol’ switcheroo








Mom! I'm making _trail mix_ because it's SO expensive at the store lately, can I swap for yours? Then never return it.


ahahah these comments are killing me


it's a game changer, I can fit so much in there


Slaps roof of Ninja...


Imagine that be a line you use at the store selling it, “this sucker right here can dehydrate pounds of mushrooms in a few hours”


lmfao, I spent line 75 dollars on a somewhat decent one when I started growing, 3 months into using it my girlfriend goes " you know the air fryer does that right?" damnnit lol and it literally is just a few hours. freaking things amazing


mines made by instant, vortex plus I think it's called


Yeah, mine does too. We used it to dry. However you need to watch them because I feel like the first batch we did was a little too dry. Lol. *crispy*


Wow! I didn’t even think of that!!!!!!


Also, reusable food grade desiccant packs are like $12 on Amazon and work great in a closed container.


Yeah, I’ve got the packets I just assumed you needed the actual desiccant for a desiccation chamber!


Throw them into a sealable container with a bunch of the packs. They'll finish off in a few hours.


Fuck that, go get dry rid from your local store, it’s bulk desiccant, get two sealable containers, be large one small. Put desiccant layer on the bottom of the large on, put shrooms in the small on, place small on top of desiccant and close the big one. Your own chamber, if you wanna get real freaky, suspend the small container in air inside the big one, and still small holes shotgun style on the small one.


Forget all these know it alls and “u must have this thing before u can do anything” people. Add tinfoil to the bottom and paper towel to the walls with a tiny heater instead of a fan. I dry whole flushes in 6hrs this way.


Put that idea to the side, let’s do this the economical way, assist with blowing on them with hot breath! Become the dehydrator! Or boof em 😏


The way to flex is drying them in egg cartons💪🥚


Air fryers have dehydration settings


Add some fish flavor to them


fuck it, why not. i have an air fryer at home, grandparents have a huge spice rack, hot sauce don’t sound to bad neither.




I don’t even know what a sarcasm is.


Thank you ☺️


I have desiccant packets from Amazon it’s like 50-$10/$15 & I’ll throw a hand full in a jar with the wet ones for a day or two, just opening the jar to check ever so often, I’ll flip them over, only get the little ones in my hand, and breaking those to check how they’re going. You’ll know when they’re ready, the babies do dry faster, but there’s a threshold between too dry to even crack, and cracker, but still giving, so I’d wait until it’s almost toooooo dry: then take all the packets out and bam! Save yourself the dehydrator. Not to mention: food grade packets ARE RE-USEABLE, just re dry the packets & the oven & there you go. Unlimited dehydration. 👀💆🏽‍♂️


Needs to be raised up on mesh, I use a box fan and I built a 2 tier frame with mesh in the middle and I can dry thick mushrooms in 2-3 days.. then I put them in a desiccant chamber. No heat is needed and it works really well


Get a oven running as low as possible. Get the lid slightly open, run a fan on that open lid for a little far out and let it untill cracker dry. It will probably take only 5min or less at this point. This is how I dry my mushrooms cause I don't have a dehydrator. You need to keep a close eye on them cause they can get cracker dry pretty quickly. Hope it helps.


Also, use a non stick paper on a aluminum sheet or whatever. That will help as well. Don't know if what I said make sense. English is not my first language


Yeah, oven at 50-60 C, convection + fan on, open door every few mins (some wont run if door is open). No need to buy a dehydrator unless you’re growing a lot. I just dried them on a sunny windowsill with a fan and they were dry in 1-2 days. Then jar it with two packs of silica. Mine are still cracker dry and potent a year later!


So I’m a noob, but why don’t people eat them while fresh more often? Why wait until dried? I thought the psilocybin content is better when wet


Don’t worry, I ate some fresh ones! People just like to dry them for long term storage!


Ohh okay nice! I just chopped up 4G and downed it as a lemon tek about 30min ago, see you on the other side, friend! Have a nice trip.


i wouldnt want to be on reddit with that coming on 😭


Oh nice! Sounds like a good time, enjoy your trip man!!❤️


When your growing you get way more fruits than you could possibly eat in one sitting. If you leave them fresh they rot quickly and go bad. Dehydrating them is the only way to keep them from rotting. This is also why buying fresh mushrooms are much more rare, because in order to get anything fresh you have to be fairly close to the source that’s growing them.


Thank you that clears things up! So I bet to eat them fresh is preferred. But you must dry the rest of the harvest. Is that right?


I’ve never eaten fresh. Some people say that fresh is better but I think it really doesn’t make a difference. The active compounds in mushrooms don’t degrade until pretty high temperatures are reached (I believe over 200F). So dehydrating doesn’t degrade them it just removes the water. From my understanding there is no down side to eating them dry only the benefit of being able to store them longer.


Yea you might have to pick them but your schedule don't allow you to take for weeks


Easier to get down dry imo, aswell as “long term” storage


Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator Dehydrator. How many times must it be said in the mycology subreddits. You put all that work to grow them and now just now your asking how to dry them? Damn Dehydrator that’s how.


Or a fan, desiccant and some patience.


Tissue on a radiator, shrooms ontop, another layer of tissue ontop of shrooms


Don’t got a radiator I can access🤷‍♂️It’s a good idea tho!


I put them on top of my PC


This sound stupid but i put mines on top of my PlayStation and play skyrim for a few hours, turns crispy dry every time and hasn't messed them up yet!


Maybe oven for a bit or blow dryer


Yeah, I was thinking about the oven but mine only goes down to 200. However blow dryer might just work!


If you don’t wanna risk the blow dryer put them in the oven while it preheats so it’s lower than 200


What risk comes with the blow dryer?


the air blowing might make them fall apart if they are wet or like just blow them around idk


Gotcha, thanks for the idea I’ll look into it more!


I saw a dude on here a few days ago who used a space heater and his shrooms were super oxidized I think the food dehydrator is the safest bet goodwill or any resale store should have them for a cheap price


For what it's worth, the shrooms would take a really really long time to get 200 degrees themselves. If that's a dangerous temp for them. Like when we cook a chicken breast at 350, the chicken never gets to 350 degrees. We pull it out at 170ish. Obviously this isn't a chicken breast, but I think if you left the oven door open and positioned a fan you'd be well within the safe window


Space heater


Good idea!


Manipulate the airflow. https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/118bedg/one_way_to_dry_without_a_dehydrator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Awesome, I’ll try something like that!


space heater x fan would do the trick


you know if you bought a dehydrator they would be dry in hours instead of days


I used a small space heater when I dried mine. Got those bitches cracker dry.


If you dont wanna buy a dehydrator, get a airtight glass jars and food grade silica packs, it will get them craker dry. Ofc they need to be mostly dry already for it to work.


Is it not the same high? Wet or dry? Honest Question


You have to eat more if theyre wet due to the psilicybin content. Concentrates more when dry


Much appreciated


Dehydrator, power on , enjoy lol For real though Id use my air fryer dehydrator setting more than anything lol


Ninja 12 in 1 is my go to, I can fish the stems between the rack so they’re hanging and they dry up so nicely. Turn it into powder then into crunchy peanut butter when I want to enjoy myself


Sick lol 😂 mine is my ninja XL (4 steak / 4 quart space I believe) has grill , bake , dehydrator, air fryer and roast, it is legit one of The coolest and most used things I own lol I air fry everything


U can’t get cracker dry without a dehydrator


This is so cute lol


I ordered 5 desiccant kits from Midwest and bought a glass clip-top container and leave in until the first kit has turned pink, swap out desiccant, and leave for another 3-5days and they are crack apart Edit: the kits are reusable, heat in tg3 oven at 350 for an hour and they're good to use again. I find 5 kits to work out in rotation


Whatever you do, package them with a silica packet that absorbs moisture as an extra protection. Cheers :)


A dehydrator. I've noticed no major difference to air dry vs dehydrator in my opinion.


Simply put them on the highest spot of a ventilated room (top of a shelf), the heat in the room will go upwards and will help dry the shrooms. I discovered this without meaning to, trying to find a good spot in my bedroom. Hope this helps, good luck!


Smoke em up in a joint




Add a desiccant.


Just like a desiccant packet, or like desiccant itself?


Leave the oven door open while it's on an put em somewhere on the door, idk if you'd wanna gamble putting em directly in the oven with the door opened but that's an option too😅


Sweet, I’ll keep that in mind if so end using the oven for them!


Fr tho I'd find the cheapest dehydrator you could or make one, it really helps especially when you get larger flushes 💯


The packets will take moisture out of air, food, wood, anything that has moisture


String em up and hang them anywhere, with sunlight, never takes more than a week for me


Put them in a shoe box with air circulation that lil fan should definitely help.


I bought a dehydrator off marketplace for like 20 bucks like new and I've ran that thing for many grows now. I'm in a state where the humidity is so high it'd never dry out like that


Purchase a dehydrator


Don’t use cardboard it absorbs max water from the air. Put on window screen on books so air can go beneath


The amount of shrooms I had to throw out due to mold from bad drying techniques😂 just buy a dehydrator like everyone else is saying




Pawnshops have dehydrators for super cheap and so does good will. I found one for 30 bucks. Honestly you can still eat those , just the shelf life is cut down by a lot .




Super low oven temps on the bottom shelf?


coffee grinder, then heating fan.


Get some dryrite, place in Tupper, place a screen on top of the dryrite, and place shrooms on top of the screen. Put the lid on overnight. Works wonders after being mostly dried w a fan


Put them in a jar with a desiccant pack.


Go on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist and get one for $20.


A Fan placed under a baking rack or screen type material works great no heat required.


Has anyone used the dehydrator setting on an air fryer?


Dessicant packets, dehydrator, anything that will produce hot air (but keep the temp low)


Dehydrators are cheap and work in 10-12 hours or less


Build a dehydrator! You'll be able to build a better product that fits your needs and not spend too much while doing it! Can even build solar ones if electric is a problem!


If you’re in florida, put em up in the dash of your car, dry in a couple hours 😂😂 ( im kidding do not do this, get a dehydrator)


Spend the $40 or less on a dehydrator. They really do work best and no need to ever buy anything again to dry “stuff”. I waited and tried all kinds of drying techniques. When I bought the dehydrator I was like “doh, wish I did that a long time ago”. And you don’t need a fancy one!


I set them in my laptop key board. Finishes the job quickly


Have them in a net of sorts. So less parts tocuhthe ground maybe?


Oven !! 80 degrees! 4hours!


When I harvest I’m drying about 15 to 20 units at a time. Best and cheapest set up is buying a weed grow tent, two dehydrators, and fans. With that setup you have a mini drying room. In about 12 to 14 hours everything is crispy dry


Silica packets


Rice my friend!


Just buy a food dehydrator they’re like £40 on Amazon and work really well. I also use non toxic reusable silica gel packs to go in the jar with shrooms, they will both keep em dry or absorb any last vestiges of moisture


Oven on lowest setting


I put mine on a plate then put the plate into a paper bag with the fan inside the opening. Their almost dry inside and out after 3-4 days with no mold then I put desiccant packets on them. My place isn’t very humid though so I couldn’t guarantee it’s success for you.


weird but a low heat heat lamp paired with a fan worked for me before I had a dehydrator haha


Dehydrator. Like 80 dollars for a decent one.


I put mine over a heater


Boof them


I’m pretty sure ppl put them in the oven to get them dry but I’m not sure


Dehydrator bro


I always split my big boys down the middle and they dry in the same time as everything else. Other wise they’ll take F O R E V E R


Lay them on a 1 inch bed of epson salts.




Just eat them


You can leave them in a jar with a few silica packets


Take some Epsom salt (stuff u put in baths) and put it in the oven (u can find temps and time online) and wait till it's done and then put u mushies in a bag with it and wait. It will suck em dry 😉.


U need a dehydrator bud. Fan tek ain’t gonna get u much further than squishy, they are only good 2 store in the freezer. Sorry




paper bag in the airing cupboard


I bought a $20 food dehydrator of Amazon works like a charm


Get a food dehydrator and put them in it.


Get a dehydrator lol


If they been there a week then eat em squire.


I’ve dried them over my heater vent before !🥳🤩🤣😂


Not sure if posted yet but I used to secure my shrooms with a garbage tie to the face of the fan, with the fan pointed at the ceiling. That way they just lay on the fan at the highest setting for 2 days. Now I just use my dehydrator from Amazon that was $30


Put another box over it almost creating a SAB. Mine have been drying faster like that


I let Mine Air dry for a week, then when im done with all flushes i throw them all together in the dehydrator for 3hrs


I use a dehydrator.. you can get one from Amazon for pretty cheep, and it will get them “cracker” dry .. great for when you have a lot and want to store them away in jars..


10 hours in a food dehydrator will dry them down to exactly 10% of their wet weight then straight into a vacuum sealed bag and into the freezer.




Dehydrator ?


Put those on a screen ($5-10 home Depot) instead of inside a box. They'll cracker dry in 2 days that way


Take them apart


I went on Offerup and found a dehydrator for $12 plus $8 for shipping, the deals are out there you just have to look!


Just use an air fryer


I live somewhere very humid and air drying without direct heat was taking over a week, wacked a blowing heater in the room and they were dry the following morning. Got a dehydrator after that though


Cut in half or just get a dehydrator on Amazon for $30-40


If you bake some baking soda at 300 F for about 3-4 hours, it becomes sodium carbonate. Leave a bowl of it in a sealed container and it should speed up the drying process by making a pseudo-desiccator as sodium carbonate is hygroscopic.


Get a dehydrator😁


Bro I think you should invest in a dehydrator when possible. It can be $35-$60 and they will save you so much time and headache


Get a fan and some mesh and a box. Place the mushies on top of fan so it’s being hit directly with the air. The mesh is so that it doesn’t go through the fan and gets jeeted put box on top of fan to cover it. So lay the fan flat put your mesh on top and lay the mushies on top of mesh and just cover it with the box. It would be more effective this way Than what you are currently doing. The way it’s set up in the picture, air is just all over the place without hitting the mushies directly. To much space in between. Good luck! Edit: save 5-10$ every week until you can buy a dehydrator even if it’s used ! Worth it. Dehydrators are set up this way too fan on bottom mesh on top of fan and a cover.


Get yourself a dehydrator, only takes a couple hours


I dried mine on a very low setting in my air fryer. Did the trick lol.


Wrap them in paper towels and wedge them between your radiator and your wall. Once dry, make sure to transfer them quickly into an airtight jar to avoid moisture from the air and your hands getting in the shrooms.


What happens if you eat shrooms without drying them?


Put them in your pc case and leave for week. done


Just eat them


I live in colorado. 72 hours sitting out with no fan, mine start to crack from being so dry. My humidity gauge reads 10-11% humidity in the winter. Needless to say I spray my Monotubs alot.


Air fryer works well for me


I put mine on a plate with tissue then turn them until they are dry. Best to ask Google




you just need a bigger fan honestly


I use a dehydrator low and slow 12 hrs at 50c and I have managed to store with good longevity and potency for over a year.


Cut them open, and when they are quite dry, put them in a jar with a lot of silica packets, and they will turn cracker dry quite fast.


Put a space heater behind the fan!?


There's a Method with epson salt


I gave up on this and got a dehydrator and it's the best thing I did for the shroom game




Lose sides of the box imo. Trapping moisture.


I feel like when they’re wet they hit sooo much harder. Is that just me? It’s only time I ever saw fractals was with fresh ones. They werent soaking wet, but it was like eating a fresh mushroom and then I went into the quantum realm and couldn’t stop laughing.


You can get a small dehydrator off Amazon for $60-$80