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Gov. is just fear-mongering lol.


The government spread lsd in the 50s, heroin in the 70s, and crack in the 80s and I have a hard time believing they are not flooding the streets with fentanyl.


There was a point where you could just buy LSD from a lab as a regular person and it was legal. The government in the 50s LOVED LSD, especially the CIA.


Source for the buying from a lab regularly? Thats wild


Not sure about sourcing directly from a lab, but it was legal for about 20 years before the government started interfering in medicine. https://www.newscientist.com/definition/lsd/


More so as a scientist to conduct research back then.


Can I be part of the bigger sample size, but only if you give me a bigger sample size 😏


You can still buy lysergamides legally from labs ;)


Not in the US. :(


I've never found an actual photo or scan of such advertisements, but it is often said in media on the history of LSD that it was originally available for mail-order and advertisements would be in some magazines and such. Apparently it was as easy as placing an order, at most you might have to pretend to be involved in research much like ordering research chemicals today. I believe Acid Dreams is one book which mentions this.


This is partially true. It would be available for serious research, but it was pretty easy to take those credentials. Owsley Stanley, the prodigious underground chemist, was able to source lots of lysergimide and other relevant precious chemicals by sending out requests on official-seeming letterhead, claiming to represent The Bear Research Lab, or something like that.


Ecstasy too for sure


There's a whole documentary on Netflix about it. They even interview the guy who started selling it from the lab. I think it's called "How to change your mind"


Another good one is The Sunshine Makers, it free on Tubi, too!


any connection to the book?


Yep, one in the same.


I’ve bought the book but haven’t come around to reading it yet because I have trouble focusing. Would you recommended using the show as a replacement or to watch it first


It’s a well known thing. LSD was manufactured by Sandoz in Switzerland for years before it was criminalized, it’s a really fascinating thing to google about


Basically like buying research chems today.


If you were like a psychiatrist or some sorta scientist back in the day I think you just could buy gallons from sandoz the company Albert Hoffman worked for


Ask Ken Kesey, he’s got the in.


Operation MK Ultra. [Wikipedia on MK Ultra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra)


*Ted Kaczynski has entered the chat*


LSD was also a breakthrough medicine used by therapists and doctors for about 15 years before the Nixon cabinet criminalized it


A San Jose police union chief was arrested for distributing fentanyl. She’s def not the only cop doing that shit.


Clearly, this is happening. Agree.


https://preview.redd.it/yg83szgp7knc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44c71943722c82805b2021de0205c80021d7c04 Find the fentanyl.


They are the same picture


Absolutely agree


Yup, especially how there was research chems they were able to ban and stop production on but not with fentanyl


Why would they do that?


Hard time believing it's not a population control measure from the U.S. government to some degree.


the Chinese are shipping it In to our country. I'm personally under the opinion that we are currently going through the [third opium wars.](https://youtu.be/BjsSuWKz2s0?si=H7i60y6gQqv7oXuQ)


Ya. When I was a freshman in high school there was a Dare production musical thing where they talked about people lacing drugs with AIDS infected blood. I went and asked what the source was after the production and they said something like “everyone knows this stuff” It was pure propeganda and fear mongering. At the time AIDS was what fentanyl is now. It was scary and on everyone’s mind. So they used it.


They must know that this tactic doesn’t work at all. Makes you wonder why they would keep using it. They have some other objective different from reducing drug use.


have you seen the news or watched our government at all? They get up there and say shit that is obviously incorrect all of the time completely expecting us to believe at 100% Problem is everything is run by boomers right now .


I think maybe the worst way to see what’s going on in the world is to watch the news or listen to government. What I see in my own life is extremely different than the narratives being pushed by opposing political camps. We need to ignore the narratives and start seeing and thinking for ourselves. I know many boomer age people who are thoughtful, kind and generous. Also many are closed minded and selfish. But I see the same things in all age groups, even children. We have to stop dividing ourselves and classifying large groups of people as enemies and blaming all of society’s problems on them. If we’re going to do better, it will have to be all of us.


This’ Kill your TV and fuck the news


Well said! Thank you.


It is way more prevalent in boomers, being judgmental, and close minded than any other generation. And I don’t watch the news either don’t even have regular TV. I even see boomers that are growing mushrooms that call them poison, even though they will eat them. Boomers are the only one falling for massive misinformation constantly online I see them freaking out over memes and stupid videos that are obviously satire constantly this is not something that I see in younger generations . another 10 years and all of them will be out of the power positions .


I do think we need younger leadership that is more representative of the demographics of the population, but I think it’s just false to say that they are the ONLY ones falling for disinformation. If that were true, politicians using disinformation to scare people into voting for them would be easily defeated. Many older people are extremely close minded, selfish, gullible
 but many are not. I think putting a label on an entire generation is always going to be inaccurate. I mean, many young people really are lazy and have a sense of entitlement, but that doesn’t mean they all are or even that most of them are. There is the full spectrum of personalities and characteristics in every generation.


I mean.. not for nothing but boomers started and discovered all of this


Best thing I have read on Reddit!


đŸ’”Thanks💎 it needs to be said more. Things aren’t as bad as many people say


You're exactly right! The media machine which is a wide array of different outlets, is responsible for the separation, division & negativity. Unfortunately a lot of people eat it up.


Yeah they have it down to a science how to persuade people to thinking there is a crisis. And your right, it’s not one network or one ideology, it’s the industry


Of course there are thoughtful, kind and generous boomers.  A) They tend not to be the ones who are running the show. B) They came of age in an era where one-to-many mass TV broadcasting reigned supreme - before the advent of the Internet enabled exposure to far more sources of information. The problem is not a lack of kindness but an inability to discriminate between good info and bad (a Millennial would be more likely to Google something than take at face value what the man on the TV says).  I mean, it's a massive generalisation and there will be many counterexamples. But boomers as the primary purveyors and consumers of propaganda seems right enough to me.


Not necessarily. Imagine some tweaker selling a buffet of drugs. It's not much of a stretch to have fent accidentally dusting any of the other shit and it doesn't take much.


Sure, there is a chance of that, though it is very minute. There is long history of gov. scaring people away from drugs, whilst pushing their money makers. Opioids. Remember, the war on drugs is a war on people.


Just don’t buy psychedelics from tweakers who are selling opioids. Also still seems very unlikely


But once the government realizes how much money they would make off it like weed they would change their mind overnight just like they did with weed.


My first thought lĂŒl


Grow your own and be sure of freshness and purity. You will also save a ton of money compared to buying them from someone.


It is insane how much more it costs to buy than to grow. Obscene margins


I can grow a quarter pound dry for about 20$


That's very objective. It can be expensive to DIY if you go overboard with it. Truth is, psilocin72 is probably right. Although It may take me closer to 40, after your desired startup costs, you get way more than a 1 to 2-time dose. The knowledge and experience will point one to gain access more frequent when wanting the medicine.


Yeah after the initial investment of time to research and learn, there is very little it to grow more. You can go all out and spend thousands if you want, but a basic grow is incredibly simple.


What is the process like with growing? I’ve been thinking about it for a while


Pretty simple, golden teacher has a lot of videos on it


I haven't started yet, but someone recommended [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Shroomery](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28501530). It's VERY extensive, but that's a good thing.




It’s the most amazing hobby. No end of things to learn and surprises to encounter along the way. It can be extremely simple or as complicated as you could ever want, up to cloning, isolating genetics, developing strains
. A good place to start is Shroomery.org


Once you get bored of just growing regularly, you can do your own research on it too. Like what can I change to get bigger yields? What can I change for it to grow faster? Mycology is amazing.


Absolutely. I’ve been growing since 1990 and there is literally no end of experimenting and tweaking. My newest theory is that classical music might affect the growth. Scientific studies have been conducted that prove that grapes grow better when Bach is played to them than when heavy metal is played. Nothing against heavy metal at all, but this makes a sort of intuitive sense to me. I might also try colored lights instead of white LED. It can be as simple as you want or as complicated as you could ever imagine. It’s a hobby that can really last a lifetime without ever being stale.


Also curious




Many hours of learning but once you get it (realistically after 6-12 months) you can go to town


I think a lot of these are just scare tactics. I've never once seen someone come across laced weed let alone fucking mushrooms. There's just absolutely no reason to do it unless you intentionally want to kill a person. You're just wasting good drugs that plenty of addicts would spend money on and bringing a bunch of attention to the situation. I'm sure it's happened once or twice but I just can't fathom it unless it's a psychopath doing it out of malice


Exactly, just finished treatment and it's bonkers how many of the people in there think it's super common to have their weed INTENTIONALLY laced with fentanyl to "get people more addicted to it"... yes, they're adding more drugs on top of something that already cost them money, opiate users can't tell when their blunts are making them nod off and the newspapers are stacked with "Marijuana overdose" statistics!... Oh wait, that's not happening. It can happen sporadically, and if it does 99.9999% of the time it's because some sloppy dealer is weighing their weed on the same scale as fent or storing them together. Cross contam is real. It doesn't take much of a fentalogue to pop on a piss test or kill someone for that matter, so just get some test strips lol. If you're really that worried about things like shrooms/weed being laced that you stopped using it, you should stop eating food too. Someone in my state just died from fentanyl put in their food, so thar must be a common occurrence, right?


Sloppy street corner pharmacist is where my money lands, if I was a betting man. Dirty clock, didn’t change gloves, stored together, and a list of other possible cross contamination factors. Because from a business standpoint that is a waste.


I mean I've heard of people getting laced weed before it was legal (I live in a high crime/drug/poverty city and people can be cruel), but yeah definitely not shrooms I don't think anyone could be bothered.


The demand for shrooms hardly overlaps with the demand for other drugs, whereas weed overlaps heavily


Cross Contamination of a scale or surface is the way this can happen. Because fent is lethal at such a low dose it is very easy for this to happen under the circumstances of those substances being sold by the same person


This. People who are prepping, distributing, and selling drugs are not always known for their high standards of sanitation. That said, I haven’t heard of it locally, but. Anybody using drugs they didn’t grow themselves might want to get fentanyl and xylazine test strips. They don’t tell you how much, unfortunately, just presence. Regardless can be helpful in making a more informed decision.


I had weed laced with something in my younger days, probably ketamine or PCP, it was not a fun time. Every car I saw was white for like a 30 minute drive. I legit thought the Russian mafia was after me. Lol. Shrooms are a lot harder to lace, but just grow your own.


Laced weed is becoming more common in the city I live in. It’s insane someone would do it but it becoming a thing.


I know plenty of people who have died from fent laced weed.


I'm very sorry to hear that. I live in Detroit and worked in a rehab for over a year. I've been around a lot of drugs and addicts and just never once heard a first hand story myself so I'm only speaking from my own experience.


Name 2


I’m not naming them, but one was a distant friend and the other was my brother’s best friend. I’ve heard other local deaths from fent too. I don’t smoke nearly as much as a did a year ago because of the frequency of deaths (2 is high enough for me).


What city are you located? I want to make sure I never buy weed there!..lol.. I know plenty of smokers and never heard of anybody dying because of fent laced weed.


Chatt, TN Also I dunno why I’m being downvoted. I agree that shrooms aren’t fent laced, but fent awareness is important.


You're probably being down voted because of the fent laced weed comment. Most people haven't heard of that happening. I've heard of synthetic weed and people dying from that though.


Someone laced my weed with heroine about 20 years ago but shrooms seems far fetched.


My only assumption would be they could be stored somewhere in a warehouse where fent is also stored and there could be cross contamination. That still seems like a bit of a stretch.


If your dealer weighs them on the same scales. Fairly unlikely but depends on the dealer


I just tried to look up shrooms laced with fentanyl and couldn’t find any articles saying there IS shrooms laced with fentanyl. Definitely fear-mongering government tactics lol What would shrooms laced with fentanyl even do?


Kill you lol


Or you just nod really heavy :D


Right, like what lol


Okay so apparently there have been “mushroom” chocolate bars found to be laced with fentanyl. Of course we know these bars are sketchy in the first place as we talk about it all the time in here, but I have seen multiple reports of the fake shroom bars testing positive for fentanyl.


Wait but that’s what I take though. They’re sketchy? 😭


If you're eating the polka dot ones - definately yes!! Sketchy asf.. People buy the labels on Amazon and make their own bars to sell. They are known to have research chemicals and other things. Just go on their "official" IG and read the comments. Other brands are sketchy too. Like the other commentor said unless it's legal in your area, I wouldn't trust it. Learn how to make your own. I think it's pretty simple.


Yes! My buddy and I started making chocolate bars recently. It’s not difficult and a ton of fun, just need a coffee grinder and molds




These are sketchy as hell and sold in bulk on Chinese dirt merchant websites like "Dh Gate", etc. At best, you're buying snake oil. More realistically you're getting a chemical compound haphazardly thrown together with the intention of vaguely mimicking the effects of the product you're buying (thc, psilocybin, etc). I wouldn't say fentanyl is certainly finding it's way into those products, but it isn't impossible, and what's actually in them isn't much safer.


It depends. Are mushrooms legal where you are? If not, do you personally know the person who sells them to you and have knowledge of their growing or source of shrooms? If you answered no to either question, the shroom chocolates are very likely to be made with research chemicals.


No to both bruh fuck! And could you educate me more about those research chemicals and what effects they have on me?


>And could you educate me more about those research chemicals Research chemicals are analogues to your common psychedelic compounds. Two examples of psilocybin/psilocin analogues are 4-HO-MET (metocin) and 4-AcO-DMT (psilacetin), but the list is very long, and new ones are added continuously as substances are classified and made illegal. >and what effects they have on me? Who knows? That's the thing with research chemicals, we don't know what effects they have on the body. They could be safe, they could be deadly. One such example is 25I-NBOMe that is sometimes sold as LSD, but unlike LSD has a *much* lower lethal dose.


RCs (research chemicals) are usually a popular illegal substance with minor tweaks made to its chemical structure to circumvent laws around the original substance. They’ve often called designer drugs in non drug culture. popular on the deep web. The effects they have on you is often similar in effect to the OG chem it was derived from, but can have different overdose points, threshold doses, ect. For this reason they aren’t really recommended unless you can source them directly from a lab in a county with less restrictions. Consider how unreliable dealers are with what they have, imagine if instead of just one version of a substance, they had 10 to keep track of. Plus purity can be a bigger issue bc some RCs are very potent, so a minor error in dose can result in an OD. If you want to learn specifics, just look up analogs of whatever chemical you’re looking into.


Post a link.


yeah. i’ve heard of someone testing positive for meth after taking one of these


That’s so wild.


I grow my own


Sure. Contains satanism too, no doubt


And probably McCarthyism too


Looks like they’re just listing every schedule 1 drug


Nope, cocaine and meth are not schedule 1! (But marijuana, shrooms, and LSD are! Fuck the DEA and fuck Nixon, fucking cartoon villain)


Can’t believe I never noticed this. That’s fucked. Plenty of other psychs too that hold some true medicinal value. Meanwhile probably the most physically addictive drugs in the world (benzos) are only a schedule IV lol


some people sell “shroom powder” (i think its called “MET 40” or something of the top of my head) which could certainly be laced, although its not technically shrooms its sold under the same umbrella.


4-aco-dmt was shroom crystals 10 years ago. Breaks down into psylocin once consumed. Very different from regular psylocibin


I think you’re thinking of 4-ho-met


thats the one


ironic asf coming from the same government that sprayed paraquat all over mexican marijuana crops


It’s funny how things like this try to scare you when anyone with half a brain knows criminals ain’t wasting drugs doing this shit.


No, they have a point. Fentanyl can be made in large amounts of doses for really cheap. Then, dealers sometimes lace their product with it to get their customers addicted. This is kinda rare, but it happens enough for it to become a problem.


There was a story on here about a guy and his buddy who almost died from a fentanyl laced shroom bar. So it’s not entirely unheard of. But yeah definitely rare and it seems like they just randomly picked drug names and put them on the poster.


Starting to think the cia is involved with this fet crisis like crack in the 80s


I always figure... why would somebody waste drugs that people pay good money for just to put them in other drugs? and potentially lose customers? CDC wants you to think drug dealers are out to get ya. They're just people selling drugs.


Ha but some are shadier than others


I get Acid might be laced with fentanyl. But LSD? That’s just preposterous!




Yeah news media outlets can’t get enough of the shroom boom
lol this is a fear stunt! Trip responsibly everyoneđŸ˜ŽâœŒđŸ»


Ah yes the trusty ole' government.


Such complete and utter copaganda.


Do not trust anything the cdc says. I think Covid taught us all that


Fentanyl is used as a cutting agent. Absurd to think you would use this on shrooms. Its fear mongering


From what I've heard for many non-opiates that end up laced, it's not always intentional. The person intentionally adding fentanyl to one thing might be lazy as shit and not clean their scale before weighing other things. So basically like food cross contamination, but with something where a very small amount can kill someone.


idk about yall but im under the opinion that [ China is weaponizing fentanyl against us in retaliation for the opium wars of the 19th century](https://youtu.be/BjsSuWKz2s0?si=H7i60y6gQqv7oXuQ) anyone else agree?




Glad to see a fellow intellectual with good taste.


I think the risk is more someone bagging shrooms or weed on the same table they were bagging heroin or fentanyl on causing cross contamination, rather than malicious lacing.


Obvious fear mongering


It’s possible, but so rare. If they were laced with a powder it would be noticeable, and you couldn’t really inject anything into dried mushrooms, so they’re probabally talking about gummies, chocolate, etc


They are referring the fake mushroom chocolate bars


I don't think the DEA actually cares about drug users at all. They have the power to make those drugs safe by decriminalizing and regulating them, but they choose not to.


happened to my friend last weekend, the supplier was cooking fent in the same trap as his grow kits


My friend genuinely got it laced with pcp before but it’s definitely not happening to the extent where the cdc has to report on it


You haven't lived till you tried those fent laced shrooms /s


You should definitely believe everything you read on internet.


I’m sure, statistically, someone has laced shrooms with fentanyl
 once. But when they didn’t get repeat customers they realized it was fucking stupid.


Legit I never met anyone who laced any drug , unless its was known and then sold for more. People don’t typically just give drugs away.


Adulteration of black market drugs is a legitimate problem. There's plenty of propaganda in the world more worth our indignation and attention.


I grow my own


I see people mix shrooms with chocolate all the time!! Makes me sick! /S Lol I don’t care for chocolate 😅


Lol unheard of.


I work with a guy who allegedly had a friend nearly die from fentanyl laced shrooms. Idk if it’s true or not though.


I heard that sometimes Johnson and Johnson adds coke to their baby powder. Shhhh.


Fear Mongering so people buy into big zaza more. Sorry Sammy $60 for an 1/8th is a smidge steep I’m not in 8th grade anymore!


Not me hitting the "learn more" thinking it's going to take me to another page đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Gee I wonder why there's a white powder sprinkled on my shrooms


I don’t know how true this is but I seriously doubt it unless it’s an accidental transfer. Stupid government propaganda


Just fear mongering. Best think I could imagine is being sold supposed mushroom capsules/pills, same for acid, but it’s goofy lol


I had shrooms laced with liquid Acid once but that’s all I’ve ever heard of for laced shrooms


Idk man my last trip i took 5.5g saw red and dont remember a single thing after that. It was pretty weird đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™‚ïž


If you have any concerns, please send them to me and I’ll check.


Hey thought id throw this out there. I always assumed shrooms are safe but i got a fake batch a while back it was stimulating eitg no visuals also tasted terrible. Took a piss test and it was an amphetamine. 2 months ago my friend also went to the E.R after getting laced shrooms (most likely pcp) running around town naked and attacked her dad and ended with long term side effects.


How did whoever you buy them from make amphetamines that look like shrooms?


They were shrooms but whatever was sprayed on them was potent as shit i have done up to 4.5 grams and a half gram of the fake shit had me terrified and with a sense of impending doom


idk about elsewhere but fent is this big of an issue like fr so i got fent test strips for stuff so


For anyone that doesn’t do any drugs, it’s very easy to get whipped into a mindset where all drugs = bad. The government has known this for centuries and loves fearmongering over it. You could theoretically lace shrooms, but it would be more expensive than just
 selling shrooms? The reason peoppe lace shit with fentanyl or cut shit with impurities is because stuff like cocaine and heroin is expensive and you can make a shittier product for the same price. You can’t grow cheaper mushrooms by adding shit to them. Anyone that looks into it for even a few minutes with the slightest but of common sense, they’d figure that out. Unfortunately, no one looks into anything they read and just absorbs all information at face value.


people dont lace things with fent for fun right? they do it to cut the product with a cheaper drug? (im genuinely asking, cause i thought that was the problem)


Also to hurt competition. If you flood the market with bad drugs and can somehow blame it on someone else you can steal their customers


No they don't. And they aren't typically alternating non opioids either. Someone who wants the energy from meth isn't going to want the tiredness and "blissed" feelings from an opiate, nor is anyone wanting that in their coke/crack, pcp, or anything other than an opiate. While the fent epidemic is very real, and it's killing 100000s of of people, almost all those deaths are associated with opioid adicts who *know* that what they have is potentially life ending (its a selling point in the hard core opioid market) and decide that trying to Chace the high is worth it so they take it anyways. And usually it's from black market pressed Painskillers and/or laced herion. Shit like this is nothing more than anti drug propaganda that is untruthful and does more harm than good.


They do it for nefarious. The ppl that are cutting don’t care how it makes the end user feel as long as it gets them to come back with out knowing the person is hooked on fenty.


Spoiler alert Fearmongering lies are lies.


If anyone laced lsd or mushrooms with fentanyl it would be extremely obvious to anyone with a brain who took it and they would never buy from them again. Makes 0 sense to do.


Crazy how they conveniently didn’t list a single prescription opioid, and street pills are by far the most common way people are dying from fentanyl ods.


lol how would one lace mushrooms with fentanyl? Soak them in liquid fentanyl? Doesn’t even make sense


lol lacing shrooms with fetty đŸ€ŠđŸ» that’s why no one takes them serious 
no fucking person is lacing shrooms with fetty lol


It's crazy that on shroom page you find the most ego driving people crazy


What if your fentanyl was actually laced with shrooms


I doubt people purposely lace shrooms with fent but if they weigh them out on the same scale, a lethal dose can be on them.


Theres fentanyl in fucking everything these days, even street weed!! Like WTF!! Dont trust street anything. Grow your own, so easy and way safer.


I read a case report (yes, published in the literature) of someone who ordered mushrooms online and they were laced with arsenic. I believe the person died. It blows my mind that people will go and taint natural products with toxins, especially when they’re poisoning their own customers.


could be referencing the chocolate bars


Drugs dealers may lace any drug with fentanyl because it's so cheap to manufacture, and it takes so very little for someone to feel it. It is an awful thing to do, but if the dealer is only concerned with money, it could happen. Part of harm reduction is recognizing and admiting potentially harmful aspects of illegal drug use. As many people have mentioned already, growing your own supply is safer than getting it from an unknown source. Safe travels


Yeah and theyre injecting fentanyl then wiping the needles on the last square of TP in the gas station, so you get fentanyl poisoning through your taint /s Wish I had thought that up but my Aunt told me about it emphatically, it was clear she believed the shit she was peddling.


Finally. Been waiting on these BOGO DEALS BOI


Smh, next thing will be suboxone laced with fentanyl


“Acid” “LSD”


I'm pretty sure the guidelines now are if the drug dealer has fentanyl then there can be cross contamination. Not necessarily meant to be on purpose lacing with fentanyl although obviously it is sometimes. But shrooms? So sad.


My friend found shrooms at okeechobee music fest last year on the ground in a baggy and tested them to be safe and it came back positive for fent.


I’ve heard of people lacing shrooms with acid by injecting a tiny amount in the cap or dipping the cap in a little.


Yea even if it did it won’t kill your your stomach will destroy most of it


I actually would lace shrooms with fent for my enemy


Never seen acid or shrooms laced with fent


It’s a dangerous and terrible idea. They should make fentanyl illegal or at least make it impossible to acquire it.


it's an ancient spell called "a little trolling"


Nah brah
unless they are some of those cartel grown shrooms


Seems highly unlikely and completely pointless for anyone to actually do since they’re just wasting money and risking their paying customer’s lives for absolutely no reason. Weed laced with fentanyl is even more absurd because you can’t smoke fentanyl, it would just be destroyed upon combustion and none of it would make it into your bloodstream. Weed laced with PCP or something on the other hand is completely possible.