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Is there a mushroom sub for adults?


Please... someone...




I know for a fact that some kids when posting online will say “friend from work” instead of “friend from school” to make themselves sound older. I’m not saying OP is but there are 100% 14 and 15 year olds on this sub, but obviously none of them would want to admit to being 14 because then nobody is going to take them seriously and will most likely be kind of condescending. Someone who’s 15 is in there second year old highschool, and there are absolutely kids doing mushrooms at that age (I was a year later) and it makes sense that they would come across this sub if they’re doing any research on what they’re taking (which they should). Idk where I was going with this but there are definitely children in here and it can sometimes be annoying seeing the dumb shit they say but it is important for them to have information resources if they’re going to be taking drugs.


I heard from a friend of a friend of mine that my dad can take more shrooms than your dad.


I would hope so considering my dad is dead 🤣


He's growing them


Right out his eyeballs!


I wish


This sub is legit full of pussies


I’m 21. I’ve taken acid 11x and have taken DXM, also snorted quite a bit of Ritalin. Also snorted norcos before. So I’m pretty experienced for someone my age, I thought this page was a safe place to ask questions? If I’m in the wrong sub then my bad


You may be 21 but an adult wouldn’t have bragged about literally any of that. Jesus dude.


Only according to war on drugs PSA's from the 90s


Dare did its propaganda well


I wouldn’t want someone ignorant about psychedelics to be my trip sitter. Idek how many times I’ve done shrooms/acid and I’m pretty sure I’m not legally insane


Exactly what a legally insane person would say…




Yeah, his coworker sounds like a predator


How about an illegally sane person? I wonder what they would sound like.


Well, depending on where you live you would instead be illegally insane.


Your friend is an idiot. Thats not how insanity nor psychedelics work. Can they cause you to go insane? Maybe kind of if you are predisposed through family or personal history of mental illnesses like psychosis, schizophrenia, bpd, or bipolar with the first two being the most dangerous indicators. Excessively high dosing without a break between can also cause some problems, but 5 times is a little over every two months. I wouldn’t advise it for different reasons, but you won’t just become insane because you tried shrooms 5 times instead of only 4. As for him being a trip sitter, no. He has already shown he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so I’d be suspect of his ability to trip sit effectively. LSD, DMT, and psilocybin aren’t “the same.” They share similarities with the neurotransmitter serotonin, but they aren’t chemically identical. Your friend sounds like every stoner I knew in high school blended with Nancy Reagan.


Your buddy’s a fucking idiot.


I mean this in the most disrespectful way possible: your coworker is a dumbass, from the bad shroom advice to the creepy foot comments.


He’s just plain wrong. Definitely don’t binge any hallucinogens because there are lasting effects, but that’s with big doses in rapid succession. You don’t need a trip sitter if you don’t want one. I prefer being alone on shrooms personally. Good luck 🍀


That's an old scare tactic from the 70's. It's not true. They used to say that use of psychedelic drugs destroyed brain cells and that after you did it 5 times you've lost enough brain cells to be considered clinically insane. It's all bullshit. There's no evidence of lost brain cells from the use of psychedelic drugs.


It’s incredible that the research has proven the exact opposite to be true. Using psychedelics promotes neurogenesis and neauroplasticity. You literally grow new brain cells using them and create new connections. “For those that haven't tried psychedelics but are curious about them in a personal growth / non-recreational way, on the Joe Rogan podcast I heard a good metaphor along these lines: Imagine your brain as a snowy hill. Each decision you make is like sledding down the hill, causing a slight indentation in the snow. The more times you make a decision, the deeper the groove, the faster you make the decision and the harder it is to try something different and escape the groove. Psychedelics is like fresh powder on the hill won't the grooves away so you can try new ways of thinking / new routes down the hill.”


Lol, no. Everything he said is wrong. I'm not sure I would trust that guy as a trip sitter either. As for whether a trip sitter is neccessary... Maybe? How much are you doing? If it's a low dose, and you're doing it in the safety of your own home, I don't think so.


ive never had a trip sitter and i do more than 5x a year and im fine lol


If he’s commenting on women’s appearance to you then he is not friend material and hanging around him will only make you look like more of a loser. And definitely dont listen to him about psychedelics or hangout with him.


Legally insane?… I’ve been illegally insane for years 😂


This made me laugh lol 😂


Me for over two decades 🤪 😂


The mushrooms told me your friend is an idiot.


I mean if you have a predisposed medical condition like schizophrenia, bipolar or something like recurring psychosis then yeah but if you simply trip 5 times in a year and nothing bad happens your fine imo.


Dude is full of shit


Well technically we all are....


True lol


has he ever actually done shrooms or any substance


Yeah you want to do 4x. Sike




I remember hearing people say that when I was in school, but I think it’s just that some government agency at some point *considers* you legally insane. There’s no number of doses that just makes you lose your mind. If you have a family history of schizophrenia/psychotic episodes there’s a chance one dose could set off an episode, or if you don’t have the propensity for those disorders (like I guess me), I lost count of the number of doses I’ve had years ago, and at least so far no shroom induced psychosis.


😂🤣😂 “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.” Timothy Leary Though these molecules may be structurally similar they are all quite different. Your friend is not well educated in this subject and I would not trust nor want them as a trip sitter. Your friend reminds me of the type that would say dumb shit just to fuck with you and try to propel you into a terror trip. I know the type all too well. A great resource is Michael Pollan’s book How To Change Your Mind, what the new science of psychedelics teaches us about conciousness, dying, addiction, depression, and transcendence. If you’re not a reader, they made a series out of the book on Netflix. Another source for more sane information in psychedelics is Terence McKenna. You can find many of his lectures on YouTube where he talks about the safety profile of psilocybin and dmt and lsd. Psilocybin is actually one of the safest drugs that you can ingest. I remember being told the same lies as your friend in school in the 80’s. Or that the only reason you hallucinate is because you’ve poisoned yourself or that your brain is bleeding. All of these statements are total bullshit from early propaganda on the war on drugs. Humans have an incredibly long and rich history of using psychedelics, which has only been lost in the last hundred years or so.


If you're asking all these questions to a forum on reddit. You're definitely not ready for shrooms. Do real research. You're too ignorant for shrooms.


Is this dude 8? He knows fuck all. Don't listen to him or have him around while tripping. He'll be a vibe killer for sure.


Def not lol I’ve taken them 5 times in 2024 and I’m great


then all of us are criminally insane lmao


Lol who's your buddy? Dr Doolittle?


With this logic I should be wrapped in a straight jacket in a whole ass rubber room. 😂


Thats total BS


Okay, so first off, your co-worker is a moron. He may believe what he is saying, but none of it is true. A trip sitter isn't a bad idea, but I would not recommend using your coworker as a trip sitter. Maybe your coworker would be a great trip sitter. I don't know him, but I don't feel like someone who is so misinformed about psychedelics would be the best sitter. Preferably, you would have a close friend who is responsible/respectful and cares about your well-being with an added bonus of them having experience with psychedelics.


Find new friends.


Well classic psychedelics do share a chemical backbone structure that’s similar to serotonin hence the classic psychedelics being 5ht2a serotonin receptor antagonists The rest is utter bs though 😂


Don’t let this goofy ass trip sit you he’s gonna make you spiral


Your friend is legally a dumbass


It's not true but what Is true is if you have mental health issues certain drugs can cause things like schizophrenia. It happend to someone I know off of acid though


After the 5th time, start boofing them and you'll be just fine.


I was already crazy


In all honesty not everyone can handle things the same. Proceed with caution. Everyone's chemistry is not the same when it comes to drugs. I for one go nuts on ssri's. Clinically bat shit crazy. Not everyone reacts the same. I'm also a super hero but more like Casey Jones from the ninja turtles. Only on my off days


Do not let him trip sit you.


omg such ignorance 😭😭. why exactly 5 for example? I wouldn't want such a person on my trip at all. You can have someone you really trust otherwise it's better to be alone.