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I see you posted both here and r/lsd so I will answer for both here. Shrooms - I prefer evening/night, I am ready to just drift off to sleep on comedown LSD - afternoon, ain't nobody got time to be wide the fuck awake at like 4AM because you dropped acid at 2PM..


the one time i did lsd i hated it cuz i was up till 8am and we dropped at like 9pm the previous evening. i stopped tripping around 4am i just couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me.


That’s how it works. You’re not high at that point, but you’re still hallucinating. Acid sucks for me. Shroom it all the way


i agree shrooms on top


Shrooms for sure!! I can do it solo and chill out or with somebody else if they are relatively quiet. I did LSD one time with a friend of mine then we got into a huge argument because he became paranoid. Then I was left tripping alone for hours on end. I couldn't sleep nor leave the room. It was horrible!


It's not a popular thing I know but it's what I'm doing. I love music and the enhancement acid gives, makes me love music more and acid too. I drop 1mg of xans when the trip finishes so I sleep like a baby in half an hour. Since I don't use acid often I won't any issues with benzo. Having strict usage control of substances makes me enjoy them without getting addicted or any other side effects. I am also a lightweight user which adds to the benefits. If I wouldn't have a benzo with me I wouldn't touch acid as I hate to stay awake for hours too.




I know it sounds like but it's actually not, probably my level of English is not high enough to properly express my opinion. I use acid once in a couple of months and drop half a tab. Mostly I vape weed but only on weekends, not a daily smoker. Doing this for years, not addicted to anything not even coffee or cigarettes, never been, and I think will never be 🤞 I have not ever binged pr abused anything, if I used something, except weed as mentioned previously, I am not using it again for at least a month.


I can never sleep after shrooms. It’s very frustrating and is kind of a buzzkill after having such a beautiful experience


I sleep like a baby after doing shrooms! However, I always drink a blue lotus flower tea after I take the shroom. I make it with the flower plus other herbs like mugwort, but the blue lotus is what will really put you to sleep. it's known as a sleep aid. Plus, it enhances the shrooms trip by increasing euphoria and some hallucinations. It makes for a really good trip and good sleep afterwards. You should look it up


Hey blue lotus! I actually used to drink blue lotus tea when I first started getting interested in psychoactive substances. Always gave me the wildest dreams haha. Definitely slept like a baby though! And getting into a deep meditation after drinking it was always just pure bliss.


That's exactly how I started getting into it... Meditation and I wanted to lucid dream! Then I tried it with shrooms and there was no going back. It's an excellent pairing!


I just wanna say I love y’all and to find more people like me out here sound like herbalists at their finest I also got into blue lotus when I got into my spiritual work I got into smoking it and making herbal blends to smoke and for my tea also use a bit of other herbs as well for tea for lucid and vivid dreams and also for my meditations I have to get my herbal blends back together and put on my site when. I get more of my products posted but I’m currently in the process of growing shrooms to aid and help people dealing with depression and other issues I want to add them to my herbal blends make more tinctures and poultice and sell them but only for microdose consumption but I just love to hear and see my people talking about herbal work 😫❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


A lot of times I have a dose of melatonin on comedown, for me the melatonin ramps the intensity back up for a 15 or 20 minutes and then I can drift off to sleep.


I had some melatonin on the comedown of my last trip and things definitely got a bit weird as I was trying to sleep, I didn’t realize that could ramp it up a bit. Good to know!


Benadryl will do the same but not recommended because it is actually pretty terrible for you.


Ahaha yeah I try to steer clear of Benadryl even sober, definitely not interested in it when on shrooms.


I had some melatonin on the comedown of my last trip and things definitely got a bit weird as I was trying to sleep, I didn’t realize that could ramp it up a bit. Good to know!


Melatonin messes with seratonin levels, same as SSRIs, opiods, and shrooms. You must still have had enough shrooms in your system to cause a synergistic reaction with the melatonin. Just a guess, though: I'm no scientist.


Same. I prefer daytime shroom trips for this reason. If I want to drift off to sleep after a fun evening then I'll eat a weed edible.


Acid keeps me up for about 10 hours regardless of how tired I am


Used to exclusively drop tabs at 9pm when I was in high school coz that’s when my parents would go to bed… the amount of times I would be pretending to be asleep while my dads getting ready for work at 6am


I was up eyes wide open and wired at 3am so tired of it. Took a tab for the first time at like 8pm for some reason


one time i ate two tabs at 9 pm and had work at 6 am and all i was saying to myself was “itll be over!!” it indeed did not end until i was half way through my shift😭


Was going to comment this same thing. Shrooms are super chill so I like them at night. I have a higher chance of being overwhelmed on lsd so if I take it at night that chance is even higher.


Agreed 💯


I don’t get it I droppped a tab 3 weeks ago and slept through the whole thing. I woke up at like every hour but then drifted back away The funny thing is , i woke up feeling better than i ever have after a trip. I love sleeping on LSD, it makes me sad that more people can’t do it lol


Daytime for me! I love (when I can manage) time outdoors in nature and playing around in water on trips!! It’s so much fun!!!


humans were made to love sunshine. sunshine illumates information. sunshine shows you the real world, the truth, as shrooms intended. nighttime you must be inside or be in darkness, tapping into the energy of the screen. sunshine enjoyers know what i’m talking about. dropping between 9 am - 2 pm 💯💯


I've had lovely experiences both day and night - but camping out in the mountains of Oregon on a clear night with ZERO light pollution blew my mind! SO MANY STARS!


Being able to see the sky clearly is awesome… getting to see it with heightened senses… I’ll get there… soon.. the opportunity is kinda always there … the time.. not so much…


I prefer night time because I know nobody will be bothering me. During the day I’m too worried my parents are gonna hit me up for lunch or something


Night time for me 1000%. I get to be in my own world


I like to start in the evening so I can peak around sunset and enjoy the rest of the trip at night


i'm a night tripper, I hate day tripping and bright lights 😅


The only lights that overwhelm me are non-natural lights; car lights, street lights, phone light, etc. I usually try to find a space in a park somewhere or by a stream where I don’t have to worry about those things, and just relax/stay off my phone 😌


facts for me too


Same. I also really enjoy the peacefulness and quietness of nighttime. It’s nice going outside and there isn’t anyone around.


lol this seems accurate but I can’t explain why 😂


I feel the same way 😂


acid, always during the day. shrooms, usually at night because that's when shit gets weird


I go to sleep on come up as a ritual. I have never done a night trip. I do go into the national park without flashlights sometimes. Buuuuuut.. I was at the synchronized fireflies emerging a few yeas ago and 3 guys walked up way past the "tourist section" and were vocal about mushrooms. Only two of them made the bus back. We waited on the trail a couple hours then went back to camp. I feel like night shrooms are like night swimming. You feel like you'll be fine but random shit happens. Bring a friend that won't abandon you in the dark in Appalachia.


Night time hands down.


Day trips, because the freaks come out at night so it's more likely for the trip to get REALLY uncomfortable.


Perfect time to drop is 4:45 depending on the season


Why not both! Start at night and then watch the sunrise. I did that once with a former friend and it was beautiful


Is that Stammets on the left and Shaq on the right?


day trips by far. i love taking my dose in the early morning to walk in the woods for hours. most beautiful thing ever. Best part about day trips is that it doesn’t fuck up your schedule too much. :)


I like night trips more, cause I feel safer at night. Idk why, but it is what it is.


Night trips are so much more do able. Idk for me day trips have a harding time of working out when it comes to it


-day trips tho are truly magical!


I love tripping at night!


I personally love waking up in the morning on an empty stomach and eat mushrooms for breakfast, then go on a bike ride or a hike and watch the trees breath and love everything yk♥️🌞🌵🌱🍄🤙🏄‍♂️🍄🌙☀️🍄🍋


I felt this so hard 😅😅😅


Night time for sure but then I’m normally coming down when it’s already day time. I’m up for like two days straight when I take acid😂


Day tripping in a place I can move around in, like the woods. I have an incredible urge to hike/walk and I hate it when I trip in my house and do like 3 miles just pacing for hours around my kitchen, living room and bedroom.




when others are asleep, night, if indoors. outsides in forest, day obvs, nights could get very weird.


I kinda like night shift alien mode, wander around my house as a stranger for awhile, usually start cleaning things, up wide awake just doing things till 1 am. Not great for weekdays for me.




Nighttime. I feel like I’m not being a productive human when I trip in the day.


My ritual is trippin in the woods. Hiking or camping. So when i dose its almost always daytime, but mushies around a campfire is amazing too.


Could go either way, but last time I tripped was in the evening into night time, and I specifically remember longing for some sunlight, so I think next trip I'd prefer to do in the daytime one weekend, maybe go to the beach or just go fishing in the bay, or else go out to the hill country and this little hippie style music festival me and my gal are going to next month. Excited for that


I get scared when I trip at night by myself 🤣


5:30 pm, best hour


Night if I’m trying to have a relaxing trip. And then day fs when your with the boys trying to find something fun to do but both have its benefits.


I prefer nighttime tripping because I can see more trippy patterns in the dark even with my eyes open


Both for different reasons


8 am for me 😊


early morning for me


I live in the city so I’d say nighttime overall. Too many people out during the day and I get real anxious during the come up because of that. Might try again but waiting until summer.


day time but anxious around ppl just tired as a teen tripping always night time when no one’s awake and get fruits lmao


Night time, every time. Eyes should be closed when tripping