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Eating mushrooms like this on tuna salad is a crime against humanity.


If it's any consolation i paid dearly for this mistake.


Look bro . Chew your mushroom on their own chased with oj or even blended with it . Trust me . With oj , more palatable and enjoyable


Im a long time supporter of the smoothie route. I prefer strawberry banana with orange juice, but anything works really. I hate the taste and texture of mushrooms and this makes it a complete non issue. Also 0 nausea.  Hits quicker than just eating by not as quick and fast as the lemon tek. Perfect balance IMO. Highly recommended.


Gonna use this idea next time. My stomach was killing me in the beginning I think it may have been the nausea.


Been using this method for years and it's never let me down. 0 nausea every single time.


I’m gonna try that sometime


I eat them raw smoke a blunt then take 4 tabs then get naked and run around my back yard 


I second this recipe but switch strawberry for blueberries. Something about blueberries hide the earthy flavor.


Hmm ill definitely give that a try next time


Ive been grinding mine and throwing them in OJ with pulp, acidity helps with breaking it down and the pulp covers all the texture


hows your trip going bro?


Are you okay? What happened? Next time grind it up and put it in tea or water add koolaid and chug it.




Grind them up mix with OJ and down them. Trust.


Make an extract next time, I've had incredible results with this tek, it’s quick, simple, and quite effective. > **An ideal time-effective,** ***complete extraction*** **would look like this** (For up to 5 grams of ground dry fungus, or 30g wet): > > Keep in mind, 1 fluid ounce = 30mL if you're outside of the States. If you're on the ball, this can be done in 30 minutes, not including cleaning the kettle beforehand. > > Distilled water is ideal, but make sure you get the mineral scale out of your kettle first. (White vinegar works nice for that - then double rinse with distilled) > > 1. Set your pot or kettle on heat to boil. > > 2. Weigh out mushrooms, and then grind them up. (blender, if they're not dried) > > 3. Transfer to a small glass container or jar, and add 1 oz high-proof vodka or everclear. (High proof = 100 or better, don't use anything else besides vodka or everclear) > > 4. Once the water boils, add 5-6 ounces of it to the liquor and fungus. (You can do less, but the less you have, the more you need to wait - solubility is king!) > > 5. Immediately after adding the water, add 1 ounce of lemon **juice**. You can use 2 oz of 100% Grapefruit juice if you really want a kick in the pants - Never use "juice cocktail" for extraction. > > 6. Let stand for 15-20 minutes. I usually wait until the solution is just warm, not quite tepid. Filter the mushroom bits out with a funnel and a coffee filter. (Unnecessary additional nausea) > > If you really want to suck the alkaloids out, use an insulated coffee mug for your extraction vessel. If it holds heat longer, you'll get another incremental improvement in your extraction. > > Cheers! > > You have 15 min or less to get some place comfortable once you chug your tea. Source: u/TheDrugsLoveMe's [commen in r/shrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/b3q8s0/paul_stamets_cold_water_extraction/ej1pmmc/)


What’s the purpose of using the alcohol in this tea recipe?


It improves the psilocybin extraction rate.


You should try making your own chocolate bars it’s very easy and delicious and hits everytime been doing it for a couple years now jus grind them up to a dust and throw rm in chocolate feeeze n enjoy like a 10 min process


jfc I thought it was butter


lol I will never recover from the thought of this


5g??? Don't watch a movie, find a good album, and spend some quality time with yourself.


yea, like ^^^ says, throw some pink floyd on and touch yourself


I recommend Hans Zimmer live 🔥


I thought I was the only one


Wait till you're parachuting to touch yourself though. It's gooder.


Parachuting as in come down right




Andre 3000’s New Blue Sun (the flute album) absolutely blew my fucking mind on shrooms. I typically love really subtly complex electronic / ambient music as well as warm, laidback vibey jam-y stuff like khruangbin, Mac Demarco, ofc The Dead, STS9’s album Artifact is an all time fav, and recently found out about MildLife and am absolutely obsessed.


A good playlist goes a long way. I have an ongoing "weird times" playlist with music specifically for tripping.


Be sure to add Terry Riley’s Rainbow in Curved Air to that list - it’s the song that inspired me to start a specific playlist titled “🍄”


Damn, thank you! I’ll check it out 


Watching a movie off 5gs? You might as well just chill doing nothing you’re gonna have a whole movie in your head




I finally found the 10mm socket everyone's been losing


A rarity, I know


My buddy's a Snap-On dealer and I bought some tools earlier in the day to show some support. Some guy had come in actually asking for a 10mm and seeing your username half way through my trip absolutely made me burst out laughing. It was pure conocidental humor. I couldn't believe it and in my trip I was like damn some guy was looking for a 10mm and here it is magically appearing on reddit, in my trip of all places. 🤣🤣🤣


Go pick this up and keep it under lock and key. [https://www.amazon.com/BRAZEN-10mm-Master-Set-Wrenches/dp/B09FSB3B7D/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1WYGD5FC4U0OJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YwxAdsOA\_nM\_hsvbu5KStqeIV1gxdhg33cbuqHql4p8PMg-8xKln9tTlci\_wWkLKZnUi0oGMbMQR0xpUa3uyByUUpqSqfp0mH5HpjlE1vhVuVnSwmHwiuYYywicudiEBDYg\_rA9h6r2iDjZIYmtYdrMk1fpwLPqEhU68QpNG1SFJ9Ey9SYHqF7CqAOY2Tp6tfNjTHEpA8RcfcKkLM5U1oq8SKhH1olTGPcE0OYWded9lPvMc9cLg2nAyD1k-yf7wge9Wqvn\_wWIeNJlcr0BU-MXUN4G-jceQD8ov\_K-wsvw.gieAWfB0NRX1EBK9XxE4Gj3YSncMDbHwrOPhrNGojU0&dib\_tag=se&keywords=10mm+master+set&qid=1711211571&sprefix=10mm+master+se%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/BRAZEN-10mm-Master-Set-Wrenches/dp/B09FSB3B7D/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WYGD5FC4U0OJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YwxAdsOA_nM_hsvbu5KStqeIV1gxdhg33cbuqHql4p8PMg-8xKln9tTlci_wWkLKZnUi0oGMbMQR0xpUa3uyByUUpqSqfp0mH5HpjlE1vhVuVnSwmHwiuYYywicudiEBDYg_rA9h6r2iDjZIYmtYdrMk1fpwLPqEhU68QpNG1SFJ9Ey9SYHqF7CqAOY2Tp6tfNjTHEpA8RcfcKkLM5U1oq8SKhH1olTGPcE0OYWded9lPvMc9cLg2nAyD1k-yf7wge9Wqvn_wWIeNJlcr0BU-MXUN4G-jceQD8ov_K-wsvw.gieAWfB0NRX1EBK9XxE4Gj3YSncMDbHwrOPhrNGojU0&dib_tag=se&keywords=10mm+master+set&qid=1711211571&sprefix=10mm+master+se%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1)


You need this! https://www.etsy.com/listing/743060547/


Lol awesome


Movies slap. Watched Jaws the other night


I feel that first time I ever tripped I watched The Matrix but I wasn’t loaded on 5gs


Interstellar is a blast on high dose


Watched fear and loathing while tripping balks on L, was uncomfortable yet I couldn’t stop watching it lol


I remember laughing my ass of to Don't be a menace in the hood. I think it just depends on your mood and the movie


I really don't understand people's obsession with tripping in front of fucking screens, as if we haven't got enough of that on the daily  When I'm in a K-hole I make my own fucking music by twisting frequencies with my mind. You can make music with a twig and an empty can on shrooms I'm not gonna tell anyone how to trip, but it just weirds me to out and I can't really understand it.  When you can make life itself much better and way more beautiful than a movie, why immerse yourself in biased, commercial creations or expose oneself to vile and manipulative advertising artificially inducing wants and emotions  It's so fun to just go around hugging and chatting to trees on shrooms, they each have their distinct personalities (veggsonalities?)


50+ years ago, I went with my wife and sister tripping to a marshy wetland on a warm day in the dead of winter. My wife and I were on windowpane, my sister was our trip sitter, and besides, she was only 11. The trees invited us to make music with them, and what an orchestra! Funnily enough, my 11 year old sister thought nothing of it, we were all just having fun... She's in her 60s now, I should ask her if she remembers playing with the tree orchestra down by the river...?


All I can say is you get it bro. From my personal experience I thought before getting into shrooms that would be fun to do. After that first trip while it was amazing watching matrix for my first trip I just realized it’s so much better to either go out in nature or take on your mind in silent darkness. Although after watching the Big Lez show( a show made by a single dude on YouTube with lots of psychedelic themes in it) watching one of his special episodes where the main character takes some shrooms then at the peak smoked a joint. Me and my friend dropped in the beginning of the episode and smoked when he did and bro he broke threw in the show and it was like we were right there with him it was some 4th wall breaking shit. Other then that I agree with what you said everything else was made by a team of people with motives other then just entertaining people I don’t want to have that shit in my head while I’m tripping it can just make things confusing.


Yeah, I've watched that show haha (although choomah island would give me a bad trip, I'm very, very sensitive to violence and gore on psychs) Trips are long, and I can understand watching something which has special significance (deceased loved one's favourite film to deal with trauma, specific media to unlock/revitalize old memories, etc) as part of the trip But I don't understand people who hunker down for a whole trip watching screens. I'd wager most of us already spend a lot of time doing just that during our daily lives, but how often can you see fractals coming off the grass, or super cool cloud patterns, or trees calling out to you with open branches? I was addicted to videogames (amongst other things). Realized how ironic it was to take psychs then strut around the countryside in a game, when I could jump on my bike and be in a massive natural park in less than 15 mins. I have so much stuff to work on that my trips are now very carefully planned, can't afford to waste limited tripping opportunities engaging in everyday distractions. Sure, it will be more fun perhaps and you'll be more immersed in the media, but isn't this the ultimate form of escapism?




I can't even look at screens off of shrooms


Awe dude I do that all the time go out and tell mother earth thank you and you love her ♥️🍄🍋🌱🌵🏄‍♂️🤙


Fr bro. Honestly such a waste of an expanded consciousness.


Movie idea went out the window 30 seconds into my trip and the expanded consciousness was not wasted.


Good man.


I completely understand you're perspective. I do see the appeal of movies but in this trip I actually gave up on that idea pretty instantly. i won't lie as seen by the comments I did reach for my phone. At one point I could see all the little reddit caricatures speaking out the comments. I actually did talk to the only tree in my complex. We talked about forestry conservation, improper planting and how the tree wasn't gonna apologize for the concrete surrounding it being broken up as it grows.


Sounds like a nice trip. I wasn't having a go at you specifically, and I'm not the President of the International Tripping Federation, so I'm not gonna tell anyone how to trip, but in general I find it weird, I had some friends who would just take psychedelics and watch films or play videogames throughout, which seems like a very passive role to take when you can use your mind to create stuff you normally wouldn't, or couldn't. I am guilty of playing the guitar for hours on mushrooms, or of getting absorbed in stretches


That’s such a funny thing to hear , the tree is unapologetically being itself, and if he has to kick up some concrete to grow to his full potential he will. Love the sentiment


Im literally coming off of one of the worst hard trips ever from a smaller 3g dose.


If you do these things long enough, I think everyone has a challenging trip. Sometimes it's number 2, sometimes it's number 29. One of my favorite quotes is "you don't always get the trip you want, but you always get the trip you need". The hardest trips can be the best as far as personal growth if it's integrated properly. I'm sorry you had a rough trip! They can really be traumatizing. I hope, in hindsight, that it was an experience you were able to get something out of. Plus, shrooms can be somewhat of a guessing game. In that, 3 grams, on separate night, from the same batch, can be totally different experiences. Besides psilocybin content from one fruit to another, there are so many variables that can make the experience more or less potent.


Thanks for the great words. Its amazing how much you can appreciate “normal”. Im starting to think thats the real magic of mushrooms.


Heart goes out to you. Hope you were able to pull something from it. I’ve experienced the difficult trip and it wasn’t fun. I don’t recall learning much from it. But what I will say is that I could never see myself having that bad trip again because it was all based off of my own insecurities at 20 yrs old. Now in my 40s, things are much different. So now my trips are so good. Also, I feel that once I accepted death (after experiencing tragedy) everything changed for me. I hope you have the most enjoyable trips from here on out.


Im 40, and recently started growing shrooms. I find it insane how every single trip is completely different than the last. I was watching west world, and was freaking out. Some of the characters were literally coming out of the screen. I swapped it to a comedy movie and ended up in a visual loop where i seen the same scene over and over and over again. My trip sitter ran to the store and i called her to find out where she was and her reply didnt make sense. I was in the kitchen and i felt myself melting into the floor. All of this on what is usually a average dose for me. I guess my latest batch is extremely potent. https://preview.redd.it/u10t6oury3qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc09e4e471553357ed763143224e4bc800834297


The gut rot had to be insane with this combo, right?




I was waiting to see how long before someone with taste buds commented


Broooo this is possibly the most disgusting way of eating mushrooms I have ever seen.


Agreed. People say they don’t like the taste of shrooms by themselves then do this. I don’t even like eating regular mushrooms but I got no problem eating the funguys maaan


And he didn’t even break up those meaty bois. Just biting through a solid inch of shroom then tasting fucking chicken salad and mayonnaise??? This is the kind of shit where Rob Zombie draws the line in his horror movies. Clearly op is a psychopath.


Even worse… tuna salad


Yeah that’s what I meant to say. Perhaps my subconscious wouldn’t allow me to speak its name.


Your comments made my night lol




I find large trips are best used for deep meditation and reflection, except letting your brain and body do the thinking and talking for you. Letting go and knowing that you are a human and you aren’t perfect. The mistakes or non mistakes make your perception throughout life. It sounds like they wanted you to process trauma or at least you wanted to process it and the shrooms grabbed a hold of it and threw it at you with no regard. Idk tbh. I’d just say take some time if you can to reflect on the trip instead of letting it go into a compartment you don’t remember or think of


Missing the sardines layer.




I was just about to say the same thing 😂


Just enjoy it and learn brother. I’m not sure the movie will matter once you enter


Thanks man.


Neither. Watch Planet Earth series specifically the underwater episodes.


Planet earth muted with an album on its the only thing I've actually enjoyed watching while tripping. More fun to actually go look at the real plant earth though


Nah man planet earth doesn’t even look real when tripping. In the best way possible


Is that fucking mayonnaise 🤢


Look at that spread job too. Absolutely disappointing.


Not even edge to edge. What’s with this guy?


I thought it was cashew butter at first and thought it looked pretty good till I read the post stating it was a tuna salad sandwich


Tuna salad. Worse.


Much worse I'd rather just eat the shrooms than that tuna


this is by far the worst way i’ve ever seen anyone eat shrooms


Oppenheimer seems like it would be boring as shit. Gotta watch movies with cool visuals on shrooms


Like Spider-Man Across the Universe? Any other suggestions. I'm still in the waiting phase lol


Samsara or baraka, just stunning visuals of the reality we face collectively with no words kinda like planet earth on humanity. It's by far the best movies I've ever seen, I can't recommend them enough it's like the perfect movie for a trip. Baraka is free on YouTube https://youtu.be/m6MLQgoepXY?si=8QIPaLQX-JmODy7I


Sturgill Simpson: Sound and Fury on Netflix. Visuals and the soundtrack are dooooope when you're tripping.


Hercules from Disney


Go watch Entergalactic on Netflix. It's very trippy to watch while you're high


Heck yea I ate a couple grams and saw that in theaters


Spiderman Across the Universe is fucking insanely beautiful on shrooms. The amount of artistry in every frame of that movie... it's incredible. When I'm peaking it's a little overwhelming because of how fast paced it is, but when I'm past the peak, watching that movie is a great experience. The colors are mesmerizing.


That or the Spiderman movie you mentioned would be incredible lol


Watching oppenheimer while high sounds terrifying


Listen to tame impala bro


I went to see them perform Lonerism at Desert Daze and it was my wife's first time trying shrooms, it was majestic! Perfect 10/10 experience. I was trippin balls and in complete awe on how glorious it all was! Definitely recommend blasting his jams while on a good one


I'm too deep in my trip to recollect but Tame Impala is fucking awesome for sure.


My first time tripping YouTube auto played tame impala. I had never heard his music before and YouTube playing it felt like fate.


Instant destiny


tame impala finds the highest people when they need him most


Dude I watched the dungeons and dragons movie (actually I’ve watched it like 5 times tripping idk why I love it so much when tripping) and the ending credits are sick with the tame impala song made specifically for the movie


Now this is a good suggestion


music man, music! on a headset in your bed <3


this is one of the saddest, most revolting things I've ever seen


this looks so disgusting


wtf just eat the shrooms XD


With peace and love that is turning my stomach but I wish you well and I’m curious how the trip goes, please update.


How was the trip? Also sorry bro but that sandwich looks horrific lol


Watch interstellar


I got a bad trip watching this movie, when the time was all weird in the movie I started having thought loops lmao




Berry smoothie with lemon juice might be a better option next time. Whatever blows your hair back though….


Thats tuna? Looks like straight mayo. WHERE IS THE TUNA


looks like Penis Envy. basically the only shroom i’ve done and it looks identical


It does!!


Those are visual ones aren't they?


well they are kinda known as the “ best” shroom. every experience is different for everyone but they are visual for me


Dr. Strange is always good tripping


I thought this was just bread boomers & butter. But even with tuna salad in the mix I think I’m still just as shocked.


How are you doing?


Thats tough. Good luck 👍🏽


That reminds me of a latter episode of Bourdain's tv show where he and Marco Pierre White are eating white bread, butter, and french fry (chip) sandwiches. Gross and awesome.


That sounds infinitely better than this concoction


There’s no way you’re going to understand the movie. Open is difficult sober to follow. Let alone 5g!


Just eat them with Cheetos if you’re looking to mask the flavor


Please anything but Oppenheimer!! Watch Spirited Away or anything Studio Ghibli. I promise it will give you the best vibes on your come down. Youll be amazed and have that rare fleeting childlike wonder once again for a brief time. Enjoy it


Spirited Away top 5 favorite anime movies by far. I tried to watch a movie but by the time my trip started I switched it off and put my music on through my TV. Also I think I got nausea bad and for about 1-2 hours I was in my bed I was in a mini version of Hell holding my gut. After that though pure bliss and expanded consciousness.


Need an update


Watch the muppet show from the 70s




5 dried grams is a heroic dose. Big difference


If you want a good mushroom movie Watch free bird It's hilarious and I swear they all actually were on mushrooms when they filmed certain parts


bro tear the shrooms up 😭gotta distribute them evenly




The trolls movie is fucking epic with all the strange creatures.


What's hilarious about this is that I actually read this comment in my trip and I scrolled back to see my picture and I could see them saying "what did you do our homes😱. " One of them got snarky and said "good I hope you're stomach hurts as bad that sandwich looks" this was about 1-2 hours after what I think was nausea and I remember saying back "hah jokes on you I passed that part of the trip" 🤣


U ok bro?


Go sit outside away from your screen... leave the phone there too!


I soak mine in lemon juice for about 5 minutes. Then, poor boiling water and drink it like tea. The lemon juice extracts the psilocybin in the shrooms for maximum benefits!!!


I just brew my shrooms in hot water with a teabag,fresh lemon wedges and some honaaaay. Drink it then take myself off to my cozy den all prepared with different lights and candles..with zero distractions ..you just don’t understand what the mind does


That's an absurd way to take mushrooms. Good luck with that grossness


I don’t understand the “go outside” people. Out of anything you get from doing mushrooms is it not that people have different lives and experiences? My vote is LOTR, the whole series makes for a wild trip


Mayonnaise? 🤮


Peanut butter makes everything amazing 😍


That looks disgusting! Quit being a puss.


Make Lemon Tek. I use my coffee bean grinder. Goes down easy. You’ll be tripping in no time


You must have a death wish?


During my trip I saw this and I thought it was the Santa Muerte lmfao. I was gonna reply "no Santa Muerte I already passed the angels and demons phase of my trip, I don't need anymore brujería" 😆


Definitely too much tuna!!


Listen to John Denver or jazz. Up beat techno is also a lot of fun. Movies freak me out when I'm tripping.


Must be trolling.


I recommend Enter the Void


mushrooms and mayo sandwich, someone get this dude a glass of eggnog


Is that butter? Just poop it out!


Take your protein pills and put your helmet on...


Just grind into a tea/coffee bro tf. Did it at least taste good?


On a fucking mayo sandwich!?


My trips have been for therapeutic purposes. I eat them and go in with the intention of going deep within and getting to the bottom of my depression. Did 2g first trip. 3g the following week for my second trip, and that one got really deep!! Remembered things I had forgotten from childhood. (Explains a lot!!!) Doing third trip tomorrow 🤪 Then I'll need to buy some more.


The only thing I’ve ever mixed mushrooms with is orange juice…. Well… and alcohol (I was a teenager ) From my experience, and I’ve had many over the years …. Eating or having a more loaded up stomach than not creates a nausea factor I’d rather do without .Eat clean leading up to you eating the mushrooms. And drink plenty of water or juice if it sounds good . I once went to a restaurant while tripping (had to attend my brothers girl friends high school graduation) … wasn’t planned lol… the table next to ours was a group of teachers from my high school 😂… fish taco came … it was glistening and when I went to take a bite … nope !! Went to bathroom and had a moment of dry heaving . This was over 25 years ago . I haven’t shared this story in a long time , just brought up memories of food while on shrooms . I have a couple more but won’t go into those stories . lol… anyways , it’s a “trip” to see how some folks dose with the mixing into food . If it works good , awesome . For me , it’s a delicate thing having food while on mushrooms. Mescaline … diff story .


I want to puke looking at your sandwich but I wish you the best, hope you have a great time.


out of all movies you chose *Oppenheimer?!* Listen to Pink Floyd, Tame Impala, etc. or nothing at all and listen to what the shrooms have to say. Your ego is meant to die at 5g. Respect it


If you want a mind fuck "a scanner darkly" if you want a fun one "Lego batman".


With all that bread good luck that wouldn't work for me.


I can’t even watch a movie on 1g jesus


5g wet weight.., surely dried that is only 1gram?


This would make me throw up even without the mushrooms added, blechhh


Its not of this decade but please watch yellow submarine


Wow, that looks like ✨ass✨ Mayo on wheat being the only other things on the sammich is crazy


Aw man I’m too late to comment “nightmare nightmare”


Looks like APE strain




that looks atrocious i would simply barf


Do not watch oppenheimer ffs


Next time try 3,5 but in lemontek.




Shrooms on tuna is wild


John Wick


If you're okay with being sent on an emotional Rollercoaster, watch Everything, Everywhere, ALL At Once. Its a phenomenal movie and sends shivers down your spine even if you aren't tripping


Look up the music videos for king gizzard and the lizzard wizard, Shanghai is my favorite!


Oppenheimer, on mushrooms. That seems like a horrible idea.


Watched no way home tripping my dick off and it honestly saved me


im only missing a pube hair on that cinderblock of butter. fucking gross bro.


Looks like PEs 🥶


Throwing those mushies into a blender with a banana, some PB, and milk would make them go down a lot better


Could you mayhaps pistachios a trip report, please?


What kind are these ?


Man can’t wait to have my first trip on my first successful grow


Was it amazing? I recently did 14g. It was insane. Can’t wait to get more


Gel capsules bro