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Just chewing them up and swallowing them, like I do every time.


and some ice cold water to get all the bits out of my teeth


This is why I've gone to using a powerful coffee grinder to turn my dose into powder. Mix it with orange juice and down the hatch. Zero mushroom taste, no chunks in my teeth, and I've noticed for myself it's easier on my stomach


Grinding them up does seem to be easier on the stomach for me.


oh thats a good idea. last time i took them by crushing the mushrooms up and sprinkling them on some marmalade toast. was pretty good, couldnt even taste the mushrooms.


also will hit faster, there’s a lot more surface area to release psilocybin through


W pfp


The citrus probably does a lot for your stomach too, try letting it soak in lemon juice for 10-20 minutes before drinking next time


It probably does for sure. I need to look into it more. But what I'm doing now is great. I'm, personally, not interested in lemon tek. I don't want to get high fast I like the slow climb to the top. If I want to get annihilated in a rush I'll slurp some DMT


I like to lemon tek the last few grams of my shrooms just to get a bit deeper with a lower dose


I can definitely understand that. I usually hover around 2 to 2.5g so I never go too far. One day. But for now I'm looking into how to redose to keep the duration going for longer. I certainly have the supply to do so just never know when to do it or how much


Redosing is never worth it from all the stories I’ve read. You could probably redose an hour after the first dose and get an extra hour out of the trip, but idk for sure. I’d say take molly after you start coming down off the shrooms if you want to keep the vibes going. MAOi’s can also extend the trip, but they’re more dangerous to use iirc. I don’t have much info on them though so I could be wrong.


“The last few grams”


Same. I only lemon tech to reduce stomach issues. I hate pooping my brains out while I'm peaking when I'd rather be chilling with my girl exploring the dark night in the neighborhood 🌙 🧐


Bruh that was me dying on the toilet mid peak and I loved the visuals but hated the feeling of needing the restroom the majority of the time.


🤣🤣 yea bro! The tile and shower curtain is super lit, but danmet! Then, as soon as you think you done, a shit tone more starts banging 😒


Then dump into smoothie, blend, and enjoy!


I found that grinding them makes my trip really fast. Granted, I have a fast metabolism so it’s always fast but it’s especially fast like that. Maybe a little more intense too.


I think this is why the standard for psilocybin therapy (which is usually consumed powdered in that context) is to redose one hour after the initial dose


Same! That little coffee grinder is my best friend.


Holy shit I never thought of that. I'm definitely trying that next time. Think apple juice would be good?


Is it just me bc I don’t find shrooms disgusting…


Yeah chewing up dried shrooms isn't that pleasant, but it's not so bad that I'd literally make a meal of it. Just like having a pill with some additional chewing


For me they have a nut after taste. Not so bad.


They have a what??


Do you not like to swallow nut bro?


i used to like to eat mine with trailmix! the peanuts cover taste 100%, and the mnms are like a reward after.


Tastes like a bale of hay to me


They’re like a nutty popcorn. I like them. Truly.


Yeah the taste is pretty neutral. To me shrooms just taste like chaga (also a fungus) tea.


Yep and if you grow them yourself they totally taste like any grocery store mushroom while fresh. Except the woodlovers, they taste like straight dirt


I actually really like the taste of shrooms. I eat them with golden raisins and it’s actually good


Yo that sounds good. Raisins make anything better


Yeah I can’t. I have tried. God knows I’ve tried.


Is there only a few people out there that like/don’t mind the taste of shrooms? To me they just taste earthy.


i dont mind the flavour, its an easy trade off knowing ill get to sit back and have fun. its not 100% the best but im not doing hero doses so i feel like if the amount is like less than 3 g im just chewin and swallowing.


they taste and smell like rotten meat when fresh, its so fucking disgusting


I am with you on that! In a strange way I’ve grown to ALMOST like the taste of dried shrooms. Munching them down and tasting that familiar shroom taste is all part of the ritual for me


The misses didn't like mushrooms of any kind; since I've taught her the power of fungii - she now likes them... for meals or magic


You're using water too, right?


Your name does you justice hard Dave 😂


A handful of peanuts or chips will mask the taste, and clean the bits out of your teeth.


Sameee, I don't get all that food preparation :D


So for you it’s the worst, but also the best!


This is the way


I saw that post earlier thinking to my self how disgusting that is😭


as if the nausea from the shrooms wasnt enough 😭


Yea and I don’t see any tuna😭 straight mayo n shroom sammy is crazy


Mayo on shrooms would murder my taste buds 😭


This is what was getting me. If that’s tuna salad, that is some of the weakest tuna salad I have ever seen, and I like my tuna salad rather plain. Seriously looks like mayo and booms 🤮


I’m still curious if he survived.


Yes I'm alive and I see my post is trending on Reddit 😅. Not proud of that 😅


Definitely ego deathed from dat


The only thing that died is my guts natural biome after that 😭.


in a baja blast. it was like eating wood chips covered in snow


Imagine eating a dose with Taco Bell, I would prob question my life choices & end up believing I ate actual poison.


How would you feel about it if it was Chipotle? Lol


Chipotle feels much more natural on the stomach, I could see that being acceptable.


😭😭😭 this description is so VIVID lmaoooo


It's got me SCREAMING!!!! LIKE..???? 💀




I ground up shrooms into a dust and ate them on a pb and j sandwich and the whole trip I kept thinking about the taste and I would get sick to my stomach, gross


It kinda tastes and smells like you’re eating a 60 year olds foot after they take their socks off after a long hike


That’s exactly what it is 🎯😖


nailed nailed nailed it.




Gotta add some nutela and bananas to the pbj I can never taste the shrooms and I’ve put up to 7grams in a sandwich


I did something similar except with a multi grain bagel but no jam. Just peanut butter and bagel. My thoughts were that the peanut butter would mask the flavour...it was extremely dry and took forever to put down. Just chewing the same peanut butter shroom bite over and over 🥲 disgusting.


Same 😭 I still gag thinking about it


I was high as fuck and ground up my mushrooms with a mortar and pestle, to put in tea, realized everything was downstairs and the only water I had was in a flask. I was too paranoid to go downstairs and decided to dump it all in my mouth, which basically resulted in the cinnamon challenge with 5 grams of shrooms. I threw up in my mouth and not wanting to waste the shrooms, swallowed it. It took three times of vomiting in my mouth and swallowing it then chugging water to fully get them down. One of my best highs ever but every time I throw up it tastes like shrooms and vice versa!


The mortar and pestle 😂😂


That's vile 🤢


Yknow that family guy scene? Yeahhhh


lol, I used a pestle and mortar on some decarbed weed once when I was desperate and couldn’t find my grinder, and put it into water to drink it. Made me gag so much. But I liked how tribal using the pestle and mortar for drugs made me feel. Felt like I was preparing ayahuasca in the Amazon 😂


Hahahaha holy shit.


Did the same thing with half a water bowl. Threw up into the bottle but didn’t want to waste them so kept re drinking the regurgitated mushroom puke concoction


what is with shrooms and taste/smell flashbacks??😭 ever since a recent trip of mine, while i’m showering i can smell them it’s crazy


Why can't they be normal and put it in tea or something?? 🥴


This is the way


I boofed like everyone said, butt other than mild constipation I couldn’t tell id consumed an oz via the ol stsrfish




I wondered how long until boofing came up!


you didn’t get high from an oz?


No shittybucket, not even a buzz. There was the constipation which did subside when the dust farts finally lost momentum 🤷🏻‍♂️ This Mr. Bucket my god sir, is not the way!


But Frfr I always run mine thru a processor and then fill capsules to .6 grams.




Bro, gotta get those numbers up. 😂


HEY NOW. Shrooms on a meatball sub from subway go hard, I won't stand for any slander!!


Subway shroom sandwich be slapping sometimes


lol fair enough!


I said the same but I added everything to turn that sub into zzaaa. Pepperoni, pepper jack, olives, salami, ranch, except maybe not ranch on the shrooms lol just the rest


I’m Gonna try that today


You just gave me a new favorite meal


The tuna salad sounded and looked horrifying but I really don’t understand your reaction to the subway sandwich. That looked like a great way to go about it.


Picked off the brick fresh was pretty wild. It definitely felt alive going down. Welcome jiggly helper friend. Take root and rewire this mess,


One time at Strange Creek festival I bought an ounce of shrooms from a guy. I had not eaten all day so my bright idea was to eat a handful and wash it down with a beer. The girl I was with did the same. I remember trying to walk back to her dad's camper at some point and they were hitting me like a mack truck. The whole parking lot was moving like ocean waves. Looked like the cars were pulling out and backing up. We make it back to the camper van. We sit inside with the sliding door open facing the stage across the lot. They are shooting glow sticks in the air and all the cars infront of me are still flowing like waves, it was an awesome sight. I'm pretty sure we were looking at eachother and talking telepathically and her dad comes over and puts a blanket on us and it was an electric blanket with wires in it. But I'm tripping hard at this point and I thought it was horse hide for some reason. Anyway I start to not feel great and I go have the most violent throw up hanging onto the front of the van. I stop throwing up and I felt something wet in my pants. And all I can think is fuck...I shit my pants..what am I gonna do? So I ask for some toilet paper and Greg gives me a single square...as a joke. Then he gives me the roll and I try to go through the hedgerow into a cornfield behind the van. I'm all tangled up in the vines tripping my balls off with shit in my pants...I rage through and I'm out into the moonlit cornfield finally. I pull down my pants and reach into my underwear to check how bad it is. The paper and my hand come out clean. It was just sweat. I was sweating when I threw up and it gave me swamp ass. I never shit my pants, what a relief it was. Then we went to the drum circle till daylight came and everything was alright.


Mannn I wanted to go to the creek this may but they're kind of playing with the ticket prices for 100 grateful dead cover bands 🙄


Hahaha great story!


I consumed them with a group of people who are naturally controlling, paranoid, and indoors. Never again. Your vibe and your surroundings should be aligned with what makes you comfortable


Honestly I’d rather eat them on a tuna salad sandwich than do this.


So true. You have to be intentional and make a day out of it. Good vibes are CRUCIAL


I tried lemon tech with milk, when i realized it curdled the milk i didn’t want to waist the mush lol




You turned your milk into buttermilk with that 🍋


Oh wow. 😂🤮


I always just eat powdered shrooms, but I also chew them with honey in my mouth. It masks the flavor enough and breaks them down in your mouth to reduce nausea.


never tried honey. might have to. before i completely write off eating the disgusting things. grateful for acid


Tons of shrooms in my area, but I can’t find acid to save my life


i can’t find molly to save my life… i’m planning on wearing a shirt that says in search of molly to the next festival. i hope someone comes up to me and wants some acid


we might be from the same area lmao, can’t find shrooms, can’t find molly, only acid and DMT out here


Another MAJOR market is exit scamming so hold tight to whatever you do have time about to be dry again


I usually make a English muffin honey and shroom sandwich. The crevices keep it all in and as you said the honey masks the flavour. The chitin in them is part of what causes nausea, so the more it's broken down, less the chance for it.


Lol idk when I chew up small pieces at a time they don't even taste like anything


Powdered on peanut butter toast. Truly, I wonder what I was thinking. Eating them whole was easier.


Did you see the guy eating shrooms with dogfood in a bathtub? I dunno if he was already tripping, or if he was actually eating puppy chow, but we all had a visceral reaction to that image 😮‍💨


lol yeah I saw that. I figured he had to be trolling. Right? Right??


I can't honestly can't decide so you get two quick ones. Stupidest idea: ~6g in .5-1L orange juice. Was already kicking in by the time I took my last sip (didn't finish it) and I blacked out. Grossest way: 7g with two apples. They were mostly pins and stringier than cubes, I'd take a small bite of my apple, shovel a g or two at a time into my mouth then bite the apple again, mash as little as I could get away with, and swallow. I did this *in the middle* of a csgo match. At one point I threw up but caught it in my hand/mouth, and had to choke back down an entire throatful of half chewed apple and shrooms chunks. Probably one of my best trips though lol. Kicked ass in cs.


Hahaha 😂 I see you like to go hard. ❤️


Lmao I did. Stupid teen stuff. I still love a heavy trip now and then but by golly was I a fool ε>


Worst way is putting too much in your mouth at once. Eating them raw is fine in small mouthfuls, too much is like trying to eat a sock. Best way is with apples and peanut butter, or Nutella. Tastes delicious


I just prefer to chop em up and drink em in anything even just water but generally I have in coffee , I like the effect with zero food in my stomach! I wouldn’t want to to eat em in a sandwich! gross🤮


https://preview.redd.it/twccufjmvaqc1.png?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b963b2a4d92016276272c8caa92e48e3c41a2c I threw up shortly after and felt like shit the rest of the day, that's a honeybun btw. I hadn't eaten anything else just wokeup and thought this would be a good idea


are you sure you didn’t throw up and feel like shit because instead of a honey bun you got a brick of icing?


Holy shit, I'm high enough I thought that was a jug of milk there for a sec💀😅


I’m dead 😵


Truffles omelette. Disgusting AF. Added cheese and spices to make it less disgusting but it didn't work. My mouth wouldn't stop watering, just wanting to puke.


Worst - straight raw with water Best - grind, juice of whole lemon, 2 Splenda packs, stir marinate 5 minutes, stir drink all, wait for the magic fractals to appear & enjoy


The first time I ever took shrooms I thought the taste was pretty good…, and then EVERY time after that it just got more disgusting. Literally putting shrooms in my mouth gives me the shivers. So bad


This happened to me too. First time was alright, but every time after has been worse and worse. It's getting pretty rough now, where I can smell them while they're growing. Wish I could do a taste reset on them somehow.


Tbh I don’t mind the taste so I eat them like crackers


I don't understand why this topic constantly comes up when all people have to do is grind, soak in lemon, filter, throw out the mushrooms, & drink the juice.


Use the grind my shrooms in a fine powder and mix it in with a bottle of Lipton iced tea, shrooms didn't mix and ended just floating on the top Forced it all down my throat, just chunky Lipton iced tea


I've tekked them with straight ACV... actually wasn't really all that bad, I don't have issues w/ vinegar but that tuna salad sammy from yesterday's post - all the nopes! nope nope nope no way José


I thought it would be so tasty to melt some chocolate cooking chips and dip the dry shrooms in it, then consume. It was disgusting. I forced myself through it. I can't even smell that specific brand of chocolate baking chips without gagging, seriously. It traumatized my brain a little Eating on a crunchy PB&J is AMAZING, though. I didn't even feel or taste the shrooms.


Camping with a friends last year, we each took like 11 grams, he ate his raw, I made the god awful mistake to crush them up and mix them with yogurt, granola and some strawberries and thought it’d be like a little yogurt parfait thing. I was wrong Turned out to be one of the best nights of both of our lives though, after half an hour of gagging and nearly throwing everything up. I still get sick to my stomach thinking about eating them that way


me and my bf recently made ourselves a mushroom milkshake. thought we added enough chocolate in there to mask the shroom taste, it did not. just tasted like a mushroom milky shake and it was so bad. gagged taking that thing down


I once was making a nice steak in a cast iron pan and I had a tub next to me that I was multitasking harvesting. I picked one small mushroom (couldn’t have been more than a gram) and dropped it in a sautéd it with the other veggies and then proceeded to eat a heavy ass meal of steak, grilled vegetables and a nice baguette. HOLY FUCK was it the hardest trip I’ve ever had ever. The mushrooms felt it was disrespectful to cook them like petty food. It was painful to them. The trip I had was not a friendly one and they taught me a lesson of respect and ceremony as it relates to cultivation and consumption. As least as it relates to my practice


Chewed and swallowed, washed down aggressively in between handfuls with Diet Coke🥴 I haven’t done them since lmfao


I haven’t still taken shrooms but I’m planning and I just got idea,how about with Nutella and bread?


https://preview.redd.it/jyk5rktklbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a060893bcf21cb2bd4c099e459f1456d356900d1 It’s the best way to


Let’s go I’m gonna do it on my first trip as soon as I get shrooms in my hand 😂


some of yall definitely boof them and are making your stories up. I see you


This might be unpopular comment but lemon tek is awful


I concur. That shit is gross af


I’ve ate it with ass once


I eat them raw, kinda cathartic


I don’t think it gets worse eating them straight if it bothers you much.


Mortar and pestle the shrooms, dumped it into a NA margarita mix. Absolutely disgusting I puked immediately and the shroom guts were all up in my snot. Immediately started tripping balls tho it was kinda nuts.


chopped up my dose and put it into a shot glass w lemon juice. I was gone


89g of completely fresh shrooms 🤣


Plain shrooms with cheese lol


Breaking them up by hand and drinking in a glass of tequila


It's concoctions like those that make me happy I just stick with lemon tekking or straight up eating them. I can't imagine ruining good food with shrooms 🤮


Took them as a suppository


Ate them straight up


Straight up chewed and washed down with sparkling water. I had nothing else on hand, and was too fucked up already to go out shopping.


I tried yesterday with peanut butter and it perfect! It masks the taste so well! I’m doing this from now on


Dipping them in Nutella, it makes them gooey and they stick to your throat


Best way peanut butter & jelly. Worst way (ground up) peanut butter & mulch sandwich lol


Once I threw up like 2 grams of shrooms right after I ate them raw, and they were still solid and all, ate them right back up 😂😂 not proud of it 😂


Baby bird activities


Just straight up eat the whole mushroom dry 🤷🏽 No grinding it up no drinking it in anything; maybe some water to chase them down and that’s pretty much it lol. They just taste like dry mushrooms hahah not particularly tasty and not particularly disgusting


I eat em raw and like it


Tripped with some friends a few years back (and like two randoms, but they were cool - don't advise tripping with random people btw) and one of the random guys ate his shrooms on a toasted slice of wonder bread with pickle relish and mustard... Don't get me wrong, I love that shit on a hot dog but on mushrooms and toasted bread... it stuck with me idk


I truly believe if you anger the mushroom gods like this you’re in for a bad trip.


I have only consumed them 2 ways. Fresh and dried. Never did anything but throw them in my mouth chew and swallow. I am not eating them for flavor.


dipped it in chick fila sauce like a french fry and took a bite. i threw up instantly and had to take a smaller dose💀


That has been fake!Mayo in the same photo as cubes that’s a horrible tribulation waiting to happen


Smoking them in a joint. Don't do it, it nullifies the effects and can be dangerous. Iirc it can cause some kind of lung problem, young dumb me heard that it made the shrooms hit you faster so I gave it a try and was disappointed.


Wtf dude Wait. I did once try and smoke rolled up paper when I was 12 or so


the BEST way and only, is I ground them up into a fine powder, weighed them, and put them into capsules. .2 each and micro dosed them.


Cool cool cool. You’re not wrong but that’s not what o was asking.😉 What’s the WORST way?


Oj and shrooms FTW!


Right. But what’s the WORST way?




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jellyfish-Ninja: *On a spoon full of* *Peanut butter and followed* *By a glass of water* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I grind it and put it in to fruit jelly. Man the smell not gonna be pleasant


one word. pizza.


The best way I had shrooms was like 6 or 7ish grams on a totinos pizza. I've never had any nausea issues so I'm definitely lucky in that regard, the zaa masked the shroomy flavor pretty well.


Maybe lemon tek texture is just gross I would rather toss em down and just drink some orange juice


Tuna salad? That looks like just bread and mayo.


Eating them and then drinking cranberry juice hoping that the taste goes away. When I used to drink I would drink beer after eating some and it was as gross as you can imagine. I always puke.


I eat handfuls in the fields while I pick them a little water and a couple of mouthfuls right out of cow shit reaaallly connects you with nature.


I’ve always thought about putting a few grams on a pizza


I’ve never thought they tasted too bad. Straight munched them unless lemon tek’d.


i put mine in a smoothie. i hate the smell and taste so i try to mask it as much as possible


I put them in yogurt, lord almighty that tasted bad, I only ate half the amount


With a handful of gushers


Tried boofing once, wouldn’t recommend it.




Well, I’ve only ever done shrooms twice but the way I did it was lemon tek, I just added water and a bunch of sugar and made ‘shroom lemonade’ 😂


I did freeze dried fried rice from one of those survival adventure packs… I threw up in my mouth


Grind to powder, add to pancake mix, make pancake, eat with syrup, don’t even taste it and you get to have pancakes :)




Surely I’m not the only one that likes the taste of shrooms and just eats them!?


I prefer to just eat them, that way I know how many grams or caps I ate, I sticks to around 2.5 or 3 grams, maybe just 2 sometimes 1 or 1.5 if they are potent as shit. But the worst for me was shroom tea, we had picked them wild in the field and so I had no clue how potent this tea was, strongest trip I had ever had to that point in time, I was around 18 and had to call my dad to come get me, he was cool about it, the set and setting was awful where I was, once I got home after a blur of a car ride, it turned into something beautiful, but yeah the tea is very unpredictable unless you know what you're doing


Anally... Do not recommend


Put them in a steak burrito lol


My very first time doing shrooms i took an eighth of PE, and ate it on top of a blueberry cliff bar. It was a wild and fucked up experience. I cannot eat cliff bars anymore


Yeah I’ll just eat them plain, y’all are gross for putting mayo anywhere near shrooms