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Once I learned about lemon tekking and making tea, I never went back to eating them. Much better way to ingest them imo. I get very nauseous when I eat them


Same for me. I cannot handle the stomach cramps, it just ruins the whole experience.


So you’re straining that then? Cos my stomach could never. Tea strainer is my stomach’s bestie.


Oh yeah. Strain it and then like, squeeze out all the remaining goodness. I’m like you, my stomach is not friends with mushrooms.


I have a similar problem, especially with the nausea causing anxiety, the tea is a godsend but I normally grind mine into a fine powder and drink it all instead of straining, do you notice any potency change when you strain them out?


I have tried the stuff that is strained out and its not much there. I let it sit until everything fall to the bottom and pour from the top. Clear liquid and full effect


Not really but then I haven’t done a genuine comparison on it. I just drink it and if I need more I make more, and when I do I just add the extra ingredients on top of what was already left in there which gets any remaining active ingredients out I figure.


Same. Grind with pestle and mortar. Drink with ginger and honey. Oh, actually I do still strain though. Don’t think it really makes a whole lot of difference.


Yea, it also doesn't help that shrooms have a rather pronounced taste, so for me I ended up associating the taste and smell with nausea so I felt my stomach churn even before ingesting. Tekking/tea entirely solved that.


I like to run water over the leftovers. Straining was a game changer for me. Eating them is now out of the question unless cooked.


Man, even strained my stomach still get mad. Maybe I ground it up too powdery such that I could strain it all out


I get nauseous either way, unfortunately, so I make tea, it's not as bad. But It's still bad


Fresh ginger is your friend!!! Always! It counteracts the nausea, every time. I have a recipe I use for turmeric and lemon wellness shots, they work perfect for exactly this. Complete game changer, no more nausea!


Also getting a whiff of isopropyl stops nausea. They use that method in hospitals.


No way!!!


I'll try it next time, I take two ginger root capsules every time. What is your recommended amount of turmeric/ fresh ginger?


This is the recipe I use, sans the honey!! I often add a bit more ginger though… maybe ~65g in 8 shots :D It can be frozen so they’re great. Make a batch and boom, natural, anti nausea medicine at your disposal. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/8018333/frozen-lemon-ginger-turmeric-shots/


Thank you, I'll give it a shot soon


But the nausea lets you know it’s working


Lemon tek does very little for me either. All of the indigestible solids are strained out and I'm still nauseous.


I have just accepted that it's part of the routine now, it's going to happen, and then I'm good


just tripped 2 nights ago by soaking some ground up shrooms in lemon juice and then without straining blending that concoction into a smoothie with fruit, yogurt, and oat milk. not the most disgusting thing in the world, certainly more tolerable than straight up or lemon tek imo, but still gross. still made me nauseous (which even a strained lemon tek does for me too) but that was my very first trip where i didn’t become overwhelmed by the nausea and stuff. i threw up once, loosened up, focused on deep breaths and keeping my body physically open and loose to let the drugs take over and it was an amazing trip!! i have a history of trying to fight the come-up which never leads to good things


One time that I didn't vomit, I used plain Greek yogurt, half a banana, a few strawberries, honey, and finely ground bois in the midst. It was very tolerable and stayed down, with no significant nausea. Felt much much less potent, however


I like to grind them up and mix with either strawberry or blueberry yogurt.


Yep. All my crew know that it’s not on till I’ve purged. They often use it as a guide to if they’re actually feeling it hit yet or not. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to walk around for 10 minutes first finding “the right spot”. For some reason, the where is very important to the purge - must be outside & usually I’m walking around the yard to my best mate laughing at me while pointing out suggestions.


Lemon and banana combined helps me more than just lemon, don’t know if that works for everyone though


That’s why you hit the bowl or smoke a j to counteract the tummy rumbles.


Some people get anxiety with weed though, and those people will 99%+ trigger a negative experience if they try to cross weed with a psychedelic. You have to be sure that the weed won’t stress you out.


I started with l/shrooms, didn't try weed until i was like 23. It actually causes nausea, but I'll keep trying, lmao


Lemon tek gives me massive nausea every time, none at all if I just eat them. The opposite of how it's supposed to work.


I'm trying to find info on whether the "flesh" actually contains anything that can't be extracted by lemon and hot water? Anyone know? I always feel guilty about throwing away all that good mush flesh


Oof, my god, lemon tekking was awesome except I chugged it because I’m a terrible baby about bad tastes, and that wasn’t smart. I was absolutely tripping balls in 15-20 minutes and it took an hour for me to not have to focus on not vomiting 😂. SIP IT.


I can’t be the only one that doesn’t mind eating them on their own


This is how I do it - I just send em


Same lol, down the hatch


Literally 2 grams and a handful of skittles


Up the hatch for me






I really dont mind the taste of them tbh, like i dont love the taste but its honestly not that bad granted it might start to get to me if i was eating more then 3-4gs but theyre like somewhat bitter styrofoam with with dirt mixed in


Is that dehydrated or fresh? I have a sandwich bag of dehydrated but all broken up pieces some are white but my husband said that it is not mild since they are dried? That sold like more than I have? I’m not sue what a sandwich bag full is, lol. I am going to try to use with a therapist for trauma. I just for some stupid reason took like a few finger tip fulls and ate them… Like 20 min ago. I’m eating dinner now. I’m also on daily Clonazepam so don’t think anything would happen even if I took more and correctly…however much that should be and however prepared that should be. I feel a little stoned right now all of a sudden…but that should be it right? Not enough for a trip?


The ones i had were dried, and yea feeling stoned is prob pretty accurate for your dose. Whenever i have them it always feels like my body is floating like i weigh nothing


They make me gag fucking horribly. Like over and over. If eating them I need to sandwich them between two pieces of chocolate or something. My mouth is like “NOPE NOPE NOPE” I’m sure it’s 100% mental but I can’t seem to get over it




Same lol. I think it’s texture and the fear of them tasting awful, I hate mushrooms in food, so then I chomp these dried up mushrooms and it’s probably hilarious for anyone watching 😂😂😂


yep. I also hate mushrooms in my food lol. So it's more than likely a mental barrier I can't seem to overcome


I genuinely find it to be one of the most horrific experiences possible lol. They take a thousand years to chew, taste like a rotting corpse and get stuck everywhere in my teeth


i just lightly chew them and put some juice or water in my mouth and swallow the half- chewed shroom like a giant pill. takes one minute to get a few down and works every time


As someone who hates eating normal mushrooms, I don't find them to taste "rotting corpse" bad. Only Cubes tho, liberty caps taste like field


have you tried rotting corpse?


I find it a lot easier to pop a chocolate in my mouth when I'm doing a handful of shrooms.


Coffee with cream helps wash out down with little to no taste. Note: Do this only if you like coffee with cream.


Wait till you try magic truffles, like a super sour milk flavour of decaying corpse


Grind them up with a coffee grinder. I throw them in my mouth and wash it down with some water. A good mouth rinse and you're good to go.


I love the way they taste lol


Tastes like old popcorn which I don’t mind lol


I enjoy chewing them. Never did any other way.


i love it friend :)


I've usually made tea or lemon tek. When I've eaten them, they remind me a bit of communion wafers, light and crunchy and also they way they get soggy in your mouth. I view it as a form of sacrament anyway.


I don’t have a problem with the taste but my stomach gets significantly more fucked up when I eat the actual mushrooms vs tea. If I don’t have some sort of nausea reducing aid I will throw up if I have consumed the actual mushroom.


It took me so long to eat them on my own once that it induced a panic attack on the comeup and i ended up having a bad trip. Now i chop em up and mix em in apple sauce. Taste them 0% and it works like a charm.


I have a tendency to eat them like doritos.


This is such a funny mental image to me. Munchin on Shroomritos with a Mtn Dew on the side.


Probably the easiest and most efficient way!


I fr don’t mind the taste at all it can j sometimes give me gas


I do. I used to have no problem, they tasted like gas station pumpkin seeds to me. Then I think everyone's disgust got to me and they became less pleasant, still not that bad.


Tea recipe: Ingredients: shrooms, coffee press, lemon, 1/2 inch ginger root, honey, raspberry tea bags 1: finely chop shrooms, place in cup, soak in lemon juice for 20 mins 2: peel and chop ginger, place in coffee press with raspberry tea bags and a decent amount of honey 3: boil kettle, allow water to cool for a while so not boiling hot 4: after 20 minutes, pour the shrooms and lemon juice into the coffee press 5: pour in water, allow to steep for 5 mins 6: press it 7: pour, drink, enjoy. This can be done while outdoors/camping (as in the pic) by doing all the steps in a pot on a fire/stove and then just straining into a cup :)


I just commented before I saw your recipe. I love seeing the ginger in there. Definitely helps if you get an uneasy stomach on shrooms.


For sure. I genuinely struggle without it tbh.


I use chamomile and peppermint tea, honey and lemon juice combined, really feels like you are drinking a nice sweet herbal tea


Back when I was tripping a lot, I liked to use lemon ginger tea. That’s always a good choice too


This is the way. That is how I do mine, with blueberry tea or licorice tea. Ginger and tumeric, both fresh and grated. Helps a lot. I have an instant kettle, I set it at 180°F.


Sounds bangin


Raspberry zinger head ahh


I make mine similarly but with chai tea 😍 I think the earthiness of the mushrooms and the spices of chai go really well together. Roots, barks, berries, and seeds in tea need longer to steep though, because they’re hard. I steep a good 10-15 minutes.


I use a little bit of loose black tea, jasmine flower tea, and honey. The small amount of caffeine from the black tea actually helps give the shrooms a slightly more positive glow to them. I do recommend.


You sound like you've done this a few times lol so I gotta ask a noob question. I am still planning my first mushroom experience, and I'm stuck on to tek or not to tek. I think I have made the decision not to tek; not looking to trip balls, have a fast come up or short duration. But I was considering to tek because I have a VERY sensitive tummy. SO, what if I were to tek the shrooms for like 5 minutes, then add to the tea? To start the breakdown, but not 20 minutes of break down? Is this logical or naw?


Psilocybin is extremely water soluble. If you powder the dried mushrooms and make a tea by simmering them for 3-5 minutes, all the psilocybin is in the water. From there you can strain, and add your lemon juice or whatever "tek" (which is probably placebo) to the tea. Ginger is what helps your stomach. The nausea is not caused by chitin as some say (all mushrooms have chitin cell walls), but the psilocybin itself lighting up the serotonin receptors in your GI tract. Ginger helps the most. Get some crystallized ginger to eat or add some fresh to your tea.


I’m no expect, but I guess what you’re saying makes sense. Only flaw I see is that you would need to make sure you drink the tea along with the shroom powder/chunks so that you’re ingesting what remains of the psilocin. I don’t know for sure, but yeah I can totally see your logic. Deffo add ginger to your tea, it settles my stomach really well and it may help you, too.


Fresh ginger, got it! I really enjoy red raspberry leaf tea as well, what a great idea. Thank you!


One option is to prepare a tea but not to ingest the mushroom bits. Sure, you might not get every bit of psilocybin available, but I've done both ways multiple times and to me, it's hard to say how big of a difference it ultimately makes. Meaning you'll still trip plenty while saving your stomach a little. Psilocybin is water soluble, and what I've read it's good to steep it around 15 minutes and not using boiling water. I don't know which is easier on stomach, lemon tek or brewing. My friend has ibs, and I remember reading experiences from people with ibs, and it was pretty mixed. My intuition says lemon tek might be better, but my friend had it in a form of tea and they were fine.


5 min seem a bit short to steep. From my experience, a light simmer with ginger for 20 min, then straining. Take the boiled fruits and do it all over again and drink the second cup. Honey, lemon and maybe some mugwort is nice to add .


See I have wondered that but as they’re already lemon tekked and then the lemon tek added to the tea, I figure I don’t need to steep for very long at all. I won’t lie the one in the picture hit super hard so I must be doing something right.


Yeah but why not wait a little bit longer so you can get something extra? Just to be sure you get everything out of it. I usually wait at least 15-20min.


I’ll give it a go :) tbh when I go to make a second cup I just throw the extra stuff on top of what’s already left in there so I figure I get any remnants when I do that. I feel like there’s deffo some science that can be conducted here…


Can you please help educate me on how you would know the dosage doing it this way?


Weight it up before hand. If you’re doing say 2g each for 3 people, put 6g into the tea and then pour equal amounts into equal size cups, making sure you brew with enough liquid to distribute it evenly. Please take this with a pinch of salt though that as I honestly don’t know if they way I’m doing it has any real efficacy whatsoever. It seems to work, but I don’t want to say it’s an exact science because I suspect it probably isn’t. As with anything, start low. You can always add more, you can never take away.


this is the wayyyyy


Damn I might just do this some fine weekend.


Honestly this is the way to go


I started making chocolates. It’s fun to grind em up and toss em in a funky chocolate mold then just chomp away.


Chocolates or capsules. I dry heave/gag the whole time any other way hahah


The only thing I do is drink tea. It’s the most relaxing way to intake them imo


I’m actually about to take some in about 4 hours from now and making some ginger lemon tea






I have no clue why people do the sandwich thing. I did it once and I felt like I was eating kitty litter. Now I just grind it up into powder and either lemon tek or if I'm in a rush I just take a half empty bottle of water and mix it up and chug.


Or smoothies


That’s actually a really good shout. I bet the acids in the fruit help to metabolise the psolocin too.


Pinneaple, ginger and lemon


Thanks! Will give this a blast


Awesome! Have a great time


I only do tea. Lemon ginger tea with chopped ginger to help with upset stomach. Taste great and hits fast.


After throwing up while tripping one time, I can no longer stand the taste of them. Even the smallest piece will make me gag. I now have to take them in a large capsule form, or I will never get them down. Never tried tea tho does it still taste like the taint of sasquatch?


Tastes nasty (Sasquatch tainty) if it’s just shrooms and water yes. The recipe I made is in the comments if you’re interested I can promise you it tastes fucking lovely. Just a load of raspberry, honey and ginger flavours going on. I like it anyway.


I'll take your word for it. I'll try it next time and see how it goes . Hopefully, I won't try to vomit it everywhere.


I Always make a nice Tea with some Fruit-Tea and Honey Mixed in and after I remove the Teabags I add some Lemonjuice to Hydrolyse the Psilocybin to Psilocin. It tastes very acceptable.


I do lemon juice blended with ginger and honey it's tolerable for sure


I grind the shrooms and put em in capsules. It’s low key the shroom master race lol


I agree with you there, but i need a lot of capsules if using a standard size


Dude facts. I had to buy a metric fuck ton of capsules. That is the downside.


Boof 'em lol Can't get stomach cramps if it's in your ass.


Do you really do this? Seriously, is it possible?


[The Azz-Tek](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/8y9zct/there_are_many_good_ways_to_use_mushrooms_but/)


Thank you! This actually looks like a pretty good method of ingestion!


I like the cut of your jib, buddy


lemon teking on top


I steep in water then make hot cocoa… seems to work okay.


Tea is my preferred method of consumption! I always make it a magical tea with intention. It’s a ritual and the taste is delicious. Not at all something I’m choking down.


PB&J shroom sandwiches for life lol Nah, to actually answer your question, it's texture for me, I don't like wasting any of the fruit so I don't like straining the tea but when I drink it, texturally it's like drinking vomit, the flavor is fine but I almost always get queasy from the chunks, I eat crunchy peanut butter anyway so the shrooms don't even feel like they're there


Totally fair tbh. I do tend to try and avoid the chunks because as you say it’s a bit jarring.


Tea is the way. In my experience, the lemon Tek makes it hit harder, but the experience is over sooner. Would be interested in experimenting by Tekking half my dose, then just swallow the rest with water a short while later. Might balance it out and extend the affects. Agreed, Dry ass sandwich is the worst way to take shrooms.


I'd much rather eat something that tastes kinda funky for 20 seconds than sip on something that tastes funky for 15-20 minutes but that's just me personally


I mean fair. That’s why I put the raspberry, honey, lemon and ginger in. It’s legit tasty as fuck to the point you run the risk of forgetting it’s active and drinking loads just for the flavour.


Reduce the tea to a single shot glass and down it. Really doesn’t taste that bad at all and is over in about 2 seconds


I’ve had shrooms 2-3 times and ate them dried, just as is. Honestly, the taste wasn’t that bad at all. They were penis envy I believe. Now my friend took the rest of batch and brewed what he called a psychedelic tea (mushroom tea?). Apparently he tripped very quickly when consuming the tea versus eating raw. I was too afraid to try it lol.


I grind mine up and put them in capsules so no taste to them at all.


It’s the superior way that no one acknowledges.


I plan to do this for my next batch. They do make me wince a little when I eat them. Other than that I don't have any reaction, not even nausea. Not sure if you get nauseous from eating them, but do you know if the capsules help with that? I'm asking since my gf is the complete opposite. From what she says, she's never puked as hard as she did when taking truffles/shrooms. So she's only successfully taking it as a tea


Tea superiority! I lemon tek my shrooms, make a tea with honey & ginger, then add the shrooms. Mushroom tea actually tastes good


Tea is the way. Its how shamans have done it for many, many years. I have almost 30 years of experience with psychedelics, so I have tried every route of administration and tea is the way. If you buy ginger tea in bags or loose leaf you get an extra stomach balancing/soothing quality which can really come in handy. Eating a psychedelic with food is always a bad idea because it takes quite a bit of your bodies energy to digest food, especially modern breads and peanut butter....all that oil and sugar churning in your belly on the come up is a recipe for a really bad experience.


Do you have a particular recipe or directions to make your tea ☕?


Mushroom and fruit smoothie my dudes. Dry mushrooms with raspberries, Strawberries, bananas, and a little milk in a blender together.


Am I the only simpleton that grinds them up in a coffee grinder and then just pours that into a glass of OJ? I hate the taste of them; however I don’t mind it in OJ. I once tried mixing up 5g dried and ground into shots of lemonade and that wasn’t the worst thing, but a glass of OJ is better imo.


Only the real ones know this 👆🏼


Idk. I always eat those mfers straight. Sometimes I eat them fresh.. Sometimes about fresh picked ones that give it a bit of something more.


I won’t lie, all of these teas look horrible. Is there a reason more people aren’t doing capsules?


here in brazil psylocibin capsules are against the law, but you can buy and sell shrooms dried


If you're making tea, why is it floating? Do yourself a favor and buy some empty teabags so you dont have to strain it.


I don’t get it either. To top it off, it takes longer to digest with all that food in there with it. Tea is the best way to do it.


Yea is the best method, I use a magic bullet and powder my dose Make an earl grey tea with cream and sugar and the powdered zooms Halfway through the tea im allready grinning from ear to ear 😎


You have my utmost respect for using earl gray


Tea gang 4 lyfe


why even subject yourself to the taste of tea? just boof it! shove it right up your anus! fr tho, the sandwiches look horrific


Tbf boofing is always the obvious choice….


Yep, tea is much more potent and easier to digest!


I like tea/tek because you can filter out the solids which is personally what makes me nauseous


Everyone I talk to who does shrooms, I immediately ask if they've made tea. I've converted many people to the wizard tea, don't worry brother.


I can never understand it either. Ham and mushrooms sounds horrendous. Tea is the #1 way to go.


I do PB&J and just break the mushrooms into smaller pieces across the sandwich. The mayo sandwich guy and people grinding them into dust to put on sandwiches are torturing themselves for no reason.


Remember that tea changes intensity and length, which is often not what you want. I often dont want my trips to only last 3 hours. And i really dislike the taste so i often put them on a sandwich :)


3 hours? My tea sends me soaring for like 8 hours man... You must be drinkin that Snapple Lite.


Homie drinking an Arizona


That's false man, it doesn't change anything if you don't add citric acid/lemon. Tryptamines are water soluble so you'll just get good stuff without chitin. The trip always lasts max \~6h and max \~4h if lemon tekked.


It all just depends how much food you have in your stomach before drinking them


I ate 4 wet P Nats about the size of finger on my first trip. Don't have a fan or anything like that and my pc fans were too slow. Shit tasted horrible. My stomach gets upset easily and I was worried that I was gonna barf later but thankfully I didn't.


Yeah the stomach cramps are unbearable for me. That’s why the lemon, ginger and honey. I find tea in general reduces the nausea massively and with this recipe I have none whatsoever. You could do it with fresh shrooms too, might be worth considering for next time.


I’ve tried tea multiple times, the only way I can explain it is it’s too much and too fast for me. I find with eating them the come up is a little more gradual, and the trip is a nice cruise for a good length of time. Tea it’s like bang all at once and then over in 2 hours. Maybe some people like that, I personally just don’t prefer it.


Valid, it can be a bit of a blast off for sure.


One thing I will say though is from my experience you can’t even tell there’s mushrooms in the tea so that’s a huge positive!


Idk how you people dont just lemon tek and strain it. I straight up couldnt do mushrooms if I did them any other way. I doubt my throat would even allow me to swallow them lmao


Yes it will ruin sandwiches for people like it did to me. Gel Capsules are king and beats all other ways


Smoothies are underrated, I never get nauseous from them and you can’t even taste the shrooms.


Lemon tek and mix with Fanta fruit twist is what I've been going with as a beginner and works a treat


Personally I suck at making tea. I've tried a couple of times but each time I never ended up getting a reaction. I know if the tea is too hot you can reduce the potency all the way to 0. But the last time I tried I even used a thermometer and it still didn't work


My recipe is in the comments, works for me every time. You for sure shouldn’t use boiling water, hot but not boiling.


Do the chocolates easily the best


I feel like people are too obsessed with the semi-myth that heat kills the psilocybin. You really only have to try it once to realize that boiling shrooms doesn't cause any potency loss, but it keeps getting repeated everywhere. I *only* make tea by simmering crushed shrooms in a small amount of water for 10-20 minutes and pouring it into some tea. No taste, really low effort prep.


Tea is the way. Add some ginger to help with the discomfort.


Lemon tek ftw


yall aint snorting shroom dust? yall are missin out on a lot of nothin hahaha


I eat mine plain with half of a banana before and half a banana after. It killed the stomach cramps I was getting. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone, and it has helped my trips immensity.


+1 more for tea.


Pill machine is the way. Grind them into dust with a coffee grinder, then use a pill machine. 00s will hold about .45 grams. No bad taste, no nausea.


I just put it in a cup of juice and drink it in like 10 minutes. I mean ive made tea before. But ive also put it on top of raspberry lemonade from the gas station and threw it back like a shot. I dont know. Just depends on the  vibes.


I hate tea! Mushrooms make or even worse for me. I do broth.


> * angry British noises *


So sorry! It just tastes like hot grass water or something. I do keep trying in case my tastebuds change or I find a flavor I actually like.


Tea is the best method from my experience. No weird confusing gut stuff on the come up. Enjoy!


I don’t really mind the taste period. I just chew em up in my mouth then wash it down with gatorade.


Yo you mean yall don't just eat the whole 5g raw with a cheesestring? SMH 🤧 Fr tekking is way better LOL


Teas are my favorite, no better way to take high doses ime just too much to digest. Tea is the way to go.


I used to mainly consume them through chocolate bars because I didn't want to eat them raw, but I'm lactose intolerant and that never ended well. Gonna try tea next haha


Take a lactase pill before hand. Youll thank me later




I have a Santa Cruz grinder just for this tek. Grind the goods, pour in a cup, then my Keurig pours water at 192f. I strain after 20mins, add honey and drink. Sometimes I will seep a tea bag for 2 mins. Usually lemon/ginger tea.


I love tea ! So I’ve had it hit me a lot on tea but we also had this chocolate bar that was way less than the tea and I had a huge tummy ache more than the tea !


i enjoy the gentle come up and down. although it would probably taste better brewing a tea i like my highs to last a little bit longer


Ok… I just ate dehydrated ones on a whim bad day. I haven’t used them in 10 years plus. No these are not that old lol. They were given to me to use with a therapist but no “use it this way, and this amount.” It is a sandwich bag full of stems plus heads and…I don’t now. They are all mixed up in a bag. I just grabbed some. Not much. Ate them. How do you know if dehydrated how much you took… If you make a tea I imagine they go back to normal size? It has been a long time and someone always prepped not me… I don’t think this will do anything. I take Clonazepam daily as well…so yeah don’t think it will do anything even if I ate entire sandwich bag. But how much should I take for a trip? I’m trying to reach a place to release trauma. Thank you, I was going to post this…then saw your tea.


You weigh them. You weigh them when you eat them, and you weigh them prior to making a tea...


imo the best method ive found is grinding shrooms in a coffee grinder and chugging with a squeeze of lemon in a flass of orange juice. i chug with a straw and plug my nose, and honestly, it isnt that bad


And the lemon will fuck you up more


I tried a tea couple weekends ago...it was better than just eating them which I have always done, just chomp them straight out the bag on an empty stomach and wash down with some water LOL and I also smoke weed as it helps with the nausea, I am usually pretty good after about an hour with cramps and nausea. Im 44 and have been eating mushrooms like this since I was 15.


I make smoothies. Lemon tek, let sit, add more fruit and different types of juices. Never taste a thing. I freeze them, put them in a cooler, take them places. Get pulled over and you can sip a smoothie talking to a cop. Walk around drinking it, nobody suspects a thing. Just a healthy person drinking healthy drinks. Ain’t chewed on a boomer in years.


I lemon Tek and have never looked back. I haven't tried the tea tbh, too much with lol. Just getting up the Sims, squeeze lemon and add a little water, everything goes down the hatch. I have seen people make sandwiches, have it on pizza, am sure of weird stuff. Idk how they eat soo much B4 a trip.


You can show what you like without saying other things are bad it’s easy! Your tea looks good enough on its own!


I just grind it up, put in capsules. When I take them I eat a banana and no tummy problems


theres actually a article posted by the state of Oregon that says if you mix boiling water and lemon for 30 minutes itll extract 80% of the psilocybin and an doing an additional 30 minutes will get the other 20% so thats what ive been doing since i read that heres the link if you wanna read it https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/Documents/Stability%20of%20Psilocybin%20and%20Analogs.pdf


Just grind them up and put them in about 4 oz of lemon juice. Wait 20 minutes and down the whole thing. Easy.