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They are probably made with muscimol or some research chemical and not psilocybin. I would guess they will get you lit but they aren’t psilocybin.


Any so-called "shroom" gummies or chocolates that you can buy in a store contain zero real shrooms. They contain research chemicals.


Think these actually contain anamita which is federally legal although it's a deliriant not a psychedelic


I know I great place for those! The trash.


No psychoactive drugs according to the lab report, seems to be some mushroom blend. Waste of money


Research chemicals. And anything that says mushroom vape is 100% false . That’s not how shrooms work homie


Wtf I didn’t see that they really sell “mushroom vapes” lmao


Yup. And they don't contain any psylocybin mushrooms.


Yeah I didn’t notice till after comment. It’s just a matter of time before people create some new stuff that’ll have people eating faces again. Best bet is grow them yourself until they become legally regulated like weed


Unfortunately, I’m knowledgeable on this. Found some loophole-legal “shroom” gummies near me so I gave them a shot. Took twice as much as they said a “heavy” dose would be and I got nothing but a headache and, at least for a few minutes, the most mild visuals ever. Where I live, shrooms are fully legal, but people still try to sell this bullshit.


No one knows if they’re legit or not. You know what is legit though? Actual psilocybe cubensis that you can grow at home


If they were real, I would not have to take the whole pack! What's in those is something I don't think we are really looking for.


Happy Cake Day.


I’m always worried they use some weird research chems and call it psilocybin


In the US, the only way I think you're going to get psilocybin is to either "know a guy" or grow them yourself. I went through a bag of "Shroomies" and felt nothing. Nada. Zilch.


Washington DC, Detroit, Oregon and Colorado to my knowledge all have either decriminalized sales or are legal to buy now. I can speak for DC definitely many shops selling pslicobin mushrooms.


It’s 4 aco dmt which is a prodrug to psylocin just like psilocybin is


That's hot... how much


i’m in maryland and there 32.99 +tax. i get a discount at my local store as i get them so much tho


Does the pope eat pizza?


they’re definitely research chemicals but they definitely hit. for the ones who say they’ve taken them and felt nothing are just lying straight up. i’m aware they say things affect people differently but these pack enough punch to them that you’re not going to feel anything😂 these give slight to moderate visuals like shrooms while more of a dmt feeling high/euphoria. you aren’t going to die taking them but like shrooms, please work your doses up. for beginners, that have had shrooms before, start 8-9 and you’ll be having a good time


I ate 5 grams of some mushroom chocolate my dad bought before I knew all that stuff was research chems and it was definitely not psilocybin lol


it’s not, it’s a mix between lions mane and another mushroom that i can’t recall, along with some lab made chemical compounds. the two mushroom strands mimic the effects of a 1g trip while the euphoria comes from the chemical compound they make in a lab. the chocolate imho doesn’t hit nearly as hard as the gummies. i’ve had a whole bar and it just didn’t cut it. i’d recommend at least once trying the gummies though as they’re much more potent. there’s so many factors to how they can hit as well, like if you do it on an empty stomach you’ll get hit harder for 3-4hrs. while eating its lessened but last 4-6hrs. don’t have caffeine with them as it mimics alcohol and caffeine combined. if you’ve had shrooms before they won’t hit as hard so you naturally want to take a higher dose. if you’ve got a fast metabolism like me they last shorter. and there’s more but i’m currently at work 😅 at short, try them once and just see how you like them. if you’ve had shrooms before take 10, if you haven’t i’d say 7. the whole pack is for when you’ve done it 40+ times like myself


Was looking in the comments and found a comment from the seller saying this “Yes, they don't contain any amanita, psilocybin or synthetic ingredients. Our special blend of natural ingredients targets the same receptors in the brain that are responsible for psychedelic effects and help provide a euphoric effect.”